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During the 1950s
a. agricultural production rose.
b. the farm population increased.
c. the number of factory workers increased slightly.
d. the South failed to modernize its agricultural techniques.
e. the center of agricultural production moved away from California.
ANS: A TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full pp. 939940 | Seagull pp. 943944
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
Why did auto manufacturers and oil companies vault to the top ranks of corporate America in 1950s?
a. Profits in both industries rose steeply, due to the vast majority of auto manufacturing and oil Refinery jobs being shipped overseas.
b. Lucrative government defense contracts continued, due to a need for military vehicles.
c. The consumer demand for the automobile boomed in this decade.
d. Most members of Congress had business backgrounds.
e. More Americans lived in the suburbs and used public transportation to commute to work.
ANS: C TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 935 | Seagull p. 947 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
Between 1950 and 1973 there was a reduction in income inequality. This was in part due to the federal governments progressive income tax policy. In practice, how did this policy work?
a. Income tax was paid depending on the age of the person.
b. Voters paid higher taxes than nonvoters.
c. All citizens paid an equal sum.
d. Wealthy Americans paid higher taxes than others.
e. Immigrants paid higher taxes than citizens.
ANS: D TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 936 | Seagull p. 945 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
14 Which statement about industry is correct?
a. The West did not benefit from the industries that sprang up from the Cold War.
b. By the mid-1950s, blue-collar workers outnumbered white-collar factory and manual laborers.
c. The unions success in raising wages inspired employers to mechanize more and more elements of manufacturing in order to reduce labor costs.
d. Since the 1950s, the American economy has shifted toward manufacturing.
e. The Midwest benefited from the growth in the construction of aircraft engines and submarines.
ANS: C TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 937 | Seagull p. 943 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
In his Wheeling, West Virginia, speech of 1950, who did Joseph McCarthy claim had been infiltrated by communists?
a. Hollywood
b. the State Department
c. Broadway
d. unions
e. the Department of Defense
ANS: B TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 924 | Seagull p. 936
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Which of the following is true about the growth of the postwar West?
a. Unlike in previous migrations, people flowed into the region exclusively from the Northeast.
b. Washington and Oregon eclipsed Californias population, due to unprecedented employment opportunities in the defense industry.
c. Most western growth took place in rural rather than urban areas.
d. Steel production led to explosive population growth in Dallas and Houston.
e. California was the most popular destination and surpassed New York as the most populated state in 1963.
ANS: E TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 933 | Seagull p. 945 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of communists working for the U.S. State Department. Why did the Republican Party initially support McCarthys actions?
a. because his list was accurate and curated by CIA insiders
b. because he was an effective weapon against the Truman administration
c. because McCarthy was an ex-communist himself
d. because of McCarthys status as a famous and trusted senator
e. because McCarthy swore on the Bible that his information was accurate
ANS: B TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 924 | Seagull p. 936 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Why did Margaret Chase Smith disagree with Joseph McCarthys anticommunist agenda?
a. The United States was winning the Cold War.
b. She showed that he actually downplayed the communist threat.
c. The Republican Party did not need political victories.
d. McCarthy was promoting hate and character assassination.
e. The Democrats needed to regain control of the Senate.
ANS: D TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 925 | Seagull pp. 936937 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Test 1
___ 1. Alger Hiss
___ 2. Walter Lippmann
___ 3. Joseph McCarthy
___ 4. Douglas MacArthur
___ 5. George Kennan
___ 6. Harry Truman
___ 7. Jackie Robinson
___ 8. Henry Wallace
___ 9. Rosenbergs
___ 10. Henry Steele Commager
___ 11. Whittaker Chambers
___ 12. Eleanor Roosevelt
a. accused Alger Hiss of being a spy
b. Korean War commander
c. 1948 Progressive Party candidate
d. critic of the Cold War
e. prosecuted by HUAC
f. Who Is Loyal to America?
g. author of containment doctrine
h. black baseball star
i. Fair Deal
j. senator from Wisconsin
k. chaired committee on human rights
l. convicted of spying
Operation Wetback
a. was the code name for a CIA operation conducted on the border between Texas and Mexico.
b. was how leftist news organizations described the McCarran-Walter Act.
c. was a military operation that rounded up illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods for deportation.
d. was opposed by President Truman.
e. deported very few illegal aliens.
ANS: C TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 920 | Seagull p. 934
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s. What did Nixon recognize as even more globally influential than military might?
a. capitalist rhetoric
b. Americas relationship with Cuba
c. American goods and popular culture
d. propaganda disguised as art
e. American cuisine
ANS: C TOP: Economic Development | Cultural History | Introduction: The Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen Debate DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 929 |
Seagull pp. 941942 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
Organized labor emerged as
a. a vocal critic of McCarthyism.
b. a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.
c. a radical wing of the Communist Party.
d. a militant group willing to fight the Red Scare.
e. the best informants for the FBI and HUAC.
ANS: B TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 920 | Seagull p. 934
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Explain the ways in which the 1950s were a period of consensus both in domestic and foreign affairs. During the Kitchen Debate, what prediction made by Nikita Khrushchev would never become a reality?
a. The Soviet Union would be the first to land on the moon.
b. The United States would win the Vietnam War.
c. The United States would keep public schools segregated.
d. The Soviet Union would outproduce Americans in consumer goods.
e. The Soviet Unions communist government would outlast the United States as a republic.
ANS: D TOP: Economic Development | Cultural History | Introduction: The Nixon-Khrushchev Kitchen Debate DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 929930 | Seagull p. 942 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement
a. was quite limited at the time.
b. was beneficial because the Urban League accepted communists into its ranks.
c. included government action against black leaders.
d. caused the NAACP to enlist the aid of the Soviets.
e. brought wider support for civil rights from southern Democrats who wanted to fight communism.
ANS: C TOP: Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 920 | Seagull pp. 934935 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
How did black organizations employ the language of the Cold War?
a. Most black activists shied away from any nod to Cold War language for fear of government reprisals.
b. Organizations such as the NAACP used phrases such as freedom versus slavery to rally support for desegregation.
c. They noted how the Russians could use racism to damage Americas image abroad, given its hypocrisy about the meaning of freedom at home.
d. The NAACP in particular copied the tactics of communist strategists in labor organizations such as the Southern Conference for Human Welfare.
e. The NAACP adopted and translated slogans from the Soviet Union.
ANS: C TOP: Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 921 | Seagull p. 935
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Examine the major thrusts of the civil rights movement in this period. Between 1946 and 1960, the American gross national product
a. more than doubled, and wages increased.
b. declined as wages stagnated.
c. stayed about the same.
d. returned to prewar levels.
e. increased so dramatically that poverty was completely eliminated.
ANS: A TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 930 | Seagull p. 942 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
What was so ironic about Dean Achesons speech to the Delta Council in 1947?
a. Acheson praised the presidents defense of democratic institutions in a place that did not know democracy.
b. Acheson was urging the gathering of cotton planters to automate production, while the Democrats were pushing for fair wages for black farmworkers.
c. Acheson was delivering a speech meant for new African-American Democrats in Mississippi to a gathering of white supremacists.
d. The Under Secretary of State was warning the same audience against the Cold War that had already heard Churchills Iron Curtain speech a month prior.
e. Acheson had delivered the same speech to the council the year before.
ANS: A TOP: Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 921 | Seagull p. 935
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Discuss the significance of the presidential election of 1960.
Multiple Choice What about the golden age of capitalism between 1946 and 1960 was most beneficial for Americans?
a. The American GNP more than doubled.
b. The United States maintained a trade surplus.
c. Prices remained stable.
d. Most monetary gains reached ordinary citizens through rising wages.
e. The economy operated on the gold standard, which made it safe from recessions.
ANS: D TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 930 | Seagull p. 942 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
Civil rights initiatives after 1948
a. waned, given widespread American sentiment that any criticism of American society smacked of disloyalty.
b. continued in the same vein as those achieved during the Truman administration.
c. included enforcement of bans on discrimination in employment and housing.
d. remained a strong priority for the Democratic Party.
e. became more important after the Soviets pointed out American hypocrisy.
ANS: A TOP: Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 921 | Seagull p. 935
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Why did orange juice become more prevalent in the 1950s?
a. The Orange Bowl football game was televised nationally.
b. People discovered the positive effects of vitamin C.
c. The amount of large corporate farms in California increased.
d. Inexpensive oranges were imported from Asia.
e. The juicer was invented.
ANS: C TOP: The Golden Age DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 932 | Seagull p. 944
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the main characteristics of the affluent society of the 1950s.
What did the McCarren-Walter Act of 1952 permit?
a. the holding of political prisoners
b. the barring of Jews from working at the State Department
c. the revocation of U.S. citizenship if deemed necessary
d. the president to decide who could enter the country
e. unlimited immigration
ANS: C TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 917 | Seagull p. 930
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Which of the following describes Oscar Handlins denunciation?
a. He believed immigrants should pay higher taxes before having the possibility of becoming U.S. citizens.
b. He believed all immigrants needed to be more American if they wanted to become U.S. citizens.
c. He believed the McCarren-Walter Act assumed there were different degrees of American citizenship.
d. He believed the government was not making as big an effort as it should to eliminate communism.
e. He believed all Russian descendants should be deported.
ANS: C TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 919 | Seagull p. 931
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture
Which of the following accurately depicts one of the uses of anticommunism?
a. Businesses resisted government regulatory efforts as socialism.
b. Conservative Catholic congregations were investigated for enforcing principles of communist conformity among parishioners.
c. New Deal Democrats accused Republicans of subversion.
d. Progressives supported the implementation of tough anticommunist measures as a defense against Democratic charges of disloyalty.
e. The McCarran-Walter Act abolished immigration quotas but authorized the execution of immigrants identified as communists.
ANS: A TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 917 | Seagull p. 932
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
What type of faith did Oscar Handlin believe Americans should reaffirm?
a. in believing that the free market would provide for the betterment of all American citizens
b. in the greatness of the United States
c. in the U.S. military
d. in democracy
e. in believing that all men could become Americans
ANS: E TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 919 | Seagull p. 931
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Why did Harry Trumans loyalty review system target homosexuals working for the government?
a. The president was an outspoken homophobe.
b. Joseph McCarthys announcement that there were over fifty homosexuals in the State Department had forced Trumans hand.
c. Homosexuals were legally prohibited from working for the government.
d. Homosexuals were considered susceptible to blackmail and thought to be lacking the manly qualities necessary to fight communism.
e. Truman was alleged to be gay himself and sought to deflect any suspicions.
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 913914 | Seagull p. 929 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Why did anticommunist Harry Truman veto the McCarran-Walter Act?
a. The anticommunist measures targeting immigrants did not go far enough for Truman.
b. The McCarran-Walter Act closely mirrored the Committee on Immigrations report, Whom Shall We Welcome, an investigation commissioned by Trumans political enemies.
c. Truman had become alarmed at the excesses of the anticommunist crusade.
d. Truman did not actually veto the act, preferring to propose an alternative bill.
e. The bill did not adequately address how to respond to illegal aliens.
ANS: C TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 917 | Seagull p. 933
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Who made a name for himself with the Alger Hiss spy case?
a. John Kennedy
b. Henry Kissinger
c. Daniel Ellsberg
d. Lyndon Johnson
e. Richard Nixon
ANS: E TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 914 | Seagull p. 929
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
74 What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?
a. They were all communists and did want to indict themselves.
b. Ronald Reagan had threatened that they would lose their jobs if they cooperated.
c. They were all busy making movies and did not have time to attend the hearings.
d. They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.
e. As Republicans, they were insulted that their loyalty was being questioned.
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 914 | Seagull p. 929
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
How did white supremacists take advantage of anticommunist rhetoric?
a. They pointed to the interracial society of the Soviet Union as a warning sign.
b. They stressed the fact that African-Americans were twenty times more likely to be communist than whites.
c. They pointed out that the United States only reliable ally against the Soviet Union was the apartheid regime of South Africa.
d. They charged African-American civil rights leaders with a communist agenda.
e. They proposed deputizing the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as an anticommunist paramilitary unit.
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 917 | Seagull p. 933
MSC: Applying OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Joseph McCarthy
a. had the full support of the Senate during his anticommunist crusade.
b. successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the federal government.
c. successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the U.S. Army.
d. was hailed as an American hero for his fight against communism.
e. was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.
ANS: E TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 915916 | Seagull p. 931 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
The McCarran-Walter Act
a. removed immigration quotas based on nationality.
b. made immigration law much more flexible for Asians and Latinos.
c. recognized the need for political asylum for refugees from South Africa.
d. authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.
e. was supported by President Truman.
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 917 | Seagull pp. 933934
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Which of the following became an incentive for reconsidering what it meant to be American?
a. totalitarianism
b. segregation
c. labor rights
d. the economic market
e. communism
ANS: E TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 916 | Seagull 929
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Starting in the 1950s, the government asked federal employees to demonstrate their patriotism. This was especially true for those who were suspected of being disloyal. Along with this group, what other minority was specifically targeted by the government?
a. gays and lesbians
b. Chinese immigrants
c. artists
d. women
e. Catholics
ANS: A TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 918 | Seagull p. 930
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954?
a. the Defense Department
b. the Voice of America
c. the State Department
d. the army
e. the Communist Party
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 916 | Seagull p. 931
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
The McCarren-Walter Act
a. adopted a nuanced immigration policy.
b. converted the quota-based immigration system into a system based on labor needs.
c. gave continuity to the quota-based immigration system.
d. declared that no foreign-born Americans could ever be deported.
e. decided to maintain the quota-based immigration system only in regard to European countries.
ANS: C TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 918 | Seagull p. 930
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
During the Cold War, Americans
a. formed anticommunist groups who pressured public libraries to remove un-American books from their shelves.
b. were united in their outrage over the jailing of Communist Party leaders.
c. fired teachers who refused to sign loyalty oaths.
d. remained generally unconcerned over the prospect of communists living in America.
e. made a concerted effort to better understand Soviet ideologies.
ANS: A TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 916 | Seagull p. 932
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
Which of the following describes Operation Wetback?
a. a program put in place to deport Asian-American citizens
b. a program launched by the government with the objective of finding illegal Mexican immigrants and deporting them
c. a program sponsoring the creation of an alternative navy to patrol American waters
d. a program set in motion specifically to deport communists
e. a program that penalized factories and enterprises hiring illegal immigrants
ANS: B TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 918 | Seagull p. 930
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
a. established an enforcing mechanism.
b. protected people against arbitrary governments.
c. failed to include freedom of religion.
d. was drafted by Delano Roosevelt.
e. failed to include economic rights.
ANS: B TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 920 MSC: Analyzing
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Operation Dixie was
a. a military operation in Berlin.
b. a propaganda campaign led by the national government.
c. an effort to stop segregation in the northern states.
d. a campaign hoping to eliminate anti-labor conservatives from the South.
e. an initiative to reeducate GIs.
ANS: D TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 913 | Seagull p. 922
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
On what topic did Henry A. Wallace significantly differ from Truman?
a. segregation
b. voting rights
c. waging the Cold War
d. creating jobs
e. improving the social safety net
ANS: C TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 926
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
The Taft-Hartley Act
a. was drafted by President Truman.
b. was vetoed by President Truman.
c. empowered workers and unions.
d. was opposed by the large majority of women.
e. promoted workers rights.
ANS: B TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 914 | Seagull p. 923
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
In 1948, the Progressive Party
a. advocated expanded social welfare programs.
b. supported segregation.
c. supported Trumans civil rights proposals.
d. agreed with Trumans Cold War policies.
e. did not allow socialists or communists to join.
ANS: A TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 926
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
In addition to despising racism, what motivated President Truman to push for civil rights?
a. He hoped to gain reparations for African-Americans who had descendants that had been slaves.
b. He wanted to increase the number of black voters in the Republican Party.
c. It was part of his strategy to win reelection.
d. He thought it would silence Joe McCarthy in his attempt to weed out communism.
e. He wanted to protect jobs for women.
ANS: C TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 910 | Seagull p. 925
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
What helped Harry Truman win reelection?
a. He toned down his attacks on segregation.
b. He revived New Deal rhetoric.
c. He talked about easing tensions with the Soviet Union.
d. He avoided commitment on controversial issues.
e. The Republican candidate faced an embezzlement scandal.
ANS: B TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 927
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
The 1948 presidential race
a. was a three-way race.
b. was the last to occur before television forever changed campaigning.
c. ended the movement of southern Democrats into the Republican Party.
d. highlighted gender as a campaign issue for the Republican Party.
e. had Strom Thurmond as a close second to Harry Truman.
ANS: B TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 927
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
What was To Secure These Rights?
a. a World War II propaganda film that denounced fascism
b. an indictment of racial inequality in America issued by the Commission on Civil Rights
c. a government film on how the United States needed to stand up to the Soviet Union
d. a Major League baseball report recommending how to integrate blacks into the sport
e. a documentary about creating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
ANS: B TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 910 | Seagull p. 925
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Why did southern Democrats fear losing their position in the Democratic Party following its national convention of 1948?
a. Their numbers were ever shrinking in proportion to northern Democrats.
b. The migration westward had significantly reduced the southern Democratic constituency.
c. President Truman used the convention to bolster the position of his fellow Democrats from the northeastern establishment.
d. Party liberals under the leadership of Hubert Humphrey had added a strong civil rights plank to the party platform.
e. The success of Republicans in the South was eroding the constituency base for southern Democrats.
ANS: D TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 910911 | Seagull p. 926 MSC: Applying OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
In the aftermath of World War II
a. most women were able to retain their jobs.
b. the divorce rate plummeted.
c. the majority of soldiers went back to work.
d. the government managed to control prices.
e. Truman refused to go back to anything similar to the New Deal.
ANS: C TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 912 | Seagull p. 922
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Who were the Dixiecrats?
a. members of the national press corps who covered the story of Strom Thurmonds breakaway from the Democratic Party
b. southern Democrats who walked out of the 1948 convention to form the States Rights Democratic Party
c. southern labor organizers who campaigned against passage of the Taft-Hartley Act
d. Republicans who favored maintaining segregation in the South in support of the principle of states rights
e. members of the Commission on Civil Rights
ANS: B TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 910911 | Seagull p. 926 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Which of the following statements describes a sign that racial relations were changing after World War II?
a. Hoping to cast their votes, southern blacks started to emigrate to the North.
b. Jackie Robinson, the baseball player, came close to joining the Dodgers.
c. The number of interracial marriages grew considerably.
d. In several episodes of his radio show, Superman fought against the Ku Klux Klan.
e. Lynching practices considerably declined.
ANS: D TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 912 | Seagull p. 925
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Analyze the effects of Cold War anticommunism on American politics and culture.
The committee that drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was led by
a. President Truman.
b. Dwight Eisenhower.
c. Eleanor Roosevelt.
d. Franklin Roosevelt.
e. Winston Churchill.
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 911 | Seagull p. 920 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Which of the following statements about the Cold Wars impact on American life are true?
a. The Cold War froze old immigration policies.
b. The Cold War halted the expansion of higher education.
c. Cold War policy neglected scientific research in medicine and computers.
d. The Cold War contributed to the dismantling of segregation.
e. Cold War military spending weakened the economy.
ANS: D TOP: The Anticommunist Crusade
DIF: Easy REF: Full pp. 912913 | Seagull pp. 927928 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Before breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball, Jackie Robinson did what?
a. He served overseas in the navy during World War II.
b. He organized a march for voting rights in Selma, Alabama.
c. He dropped as a paratrooper in Normandy for D-Day.
d. He opposed segregated seating on a bus at Fort Hood, Texas.
e. He attempted to break the color barrier of the National Basketball Association.
ANS: D TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 909 | Seagull p. 924
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
In the 1950s, what did the term totalitarianism describe?
a. democratic governments in Latin America
b. states that left no room for individual rights or alternative values
c. Americas enemies in the Cold War
d. liberalism and the free market
e. the foreign policy of containment
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull pp. 919920 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
How had the political climate changed in the South during World War II and in the early Cold War years?
a. The mass exodus of African-Americans for the West Coast and Northeast left the region almost exclusively white.
b. The high concentration of prisoner-of-war camps in the region had made these southerners savvy in foreign affairs.
c. The number of African-Americans in the region that were registered to vote increased sevenfold.
d. In light of the fight against an enemy with a racial ideology, the states of the Upper South abolished segregation and Jim Crow rule.
e. The regions central role in the development of the atomic bomb made it the capital of militant Cold War politics.
ANS: C TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 909 | Seagull p. 924
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Along with freedom, which was the other concept the United States used to mobilize support at home and abroad?
a. a greater good
b. geopolitics
c. totalitarianism
d. liberalism
e. equality
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull p. 920 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
During the Cold War, the United States considered all anticommunist regimes as part of the free world even when the government was oppressive to its own people. Which of the following nations fit this description?
a. South Africa
b. France
c. Great Britain
d. Soviet Union
e. Argelia
ANS: A TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 906 | Seagull 918
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
How did President Truman react to the postwar strike wave of 1946?
a. He sent federal troops to the strike areas.
b. He did not actively get involved with any of the strikes.
c. He asked for union leaders to be removed from the Democratic Party.
d. He praised the strike leaders and asked for patience from the American public.
e. He used a court order to require coal miners to return to work.
ANS: E TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull pp. 922923 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
President Trumans civil rights plan called for which of the following?
a. a permanent federal civil rights commission
b. national laws regulating the poll tax
c. affirmative action in employment
d. reparations
e. separate and equal education
ANS: A TOP: Truman Presidency
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 910 | Seagull p. 925
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
How did the Soviet focus on social and economic rights in the Cold War human rights debate affect American attitudes?
a. It caused millions of Americans to be jealous of and become curious about the Soviet Union.
b. It inspired American politicians to invoke the example of the Soviet Union in order to push for bolder reincarnations of the New Deal.
c. In the climate of anticommunist hysteria, it prompted many Americans to condemn these rights as a first step to socialism.
d. It gave Americans comfort to know that their own emphasis on social and economic rights placed them far ahead of the Soviet Union.
e. It secured voting rights for women along with a quota system for political leadership positions.
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 906 | Seagull p. 921 MSC: Applying OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
What led to Republican control of both houses of Congress in 1946?
a. Large numbers of middle-class voters voted Republican, while workers stayed at home.
b. Martin Luther King led civil rights demonstrations, and Democrats were painted as a party for African-Americans.
c. Congress failed to pass the national health-care plan so Democrats lost support.
d. The additional New Deal programs were not extensive enough.
e. France lost control of its Vietnamese colony.
ANS: A TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull p. 923
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
What did the Soviet Union claim to provide to all its citizens?
a. democratic rights
b. civil liberties
c. free health care
d. social and economic rights
e. the right to vote
ANS: D TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 906 | Seagull p. 921 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Besides failing to unionize the South, what other intended goal did Operation Dixie not meet?
a. ending segregation in southern public schools
b. weakening the political control of conservative Democrats in the South
c. creating more military bases in the South
d. lessening the influence of the Communist Party in America
e. moving textile jobs from the South to the North
ANS: B TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull p. 923
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Which of the following statements is true of the Fair Deal?
a. The Fair Deal included a provision to reduce public housing.
b. Congress passed Trumans Fair Deal to raise the standard of living for Americans.
c. The Fair Deal included a provision to freeze the minimum wage.
d. The Fair Deal included a provision to create a national health insurance program.
e. The Fair Deal included a provision to cut Social Security coverage.
ANS: D TOP: The Truman Presidency
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 907 | Seagull p. 922
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Between 1945 and 1952, what was one way in which black Americans gained more rights?
a. The Voting Rights Act was passed.
b. No lynchings took place during these seven years.
c. Eleven states established fair employment practices commissions.
d. The first African-American senator was elected.
e. Jackie Robinson joined the New York Giants in 1947.
ANS: C TOP: Truman Presidency DIF: Difficult
REF: Full pp. 908909 | Seagull p. 924
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
Why did nearly 5 million workers walk off their jobs over the course of 1946?
a. Returning veterans had been given preferential treatment in hiring and promotion.
b. The millions of women who had worked in defense industries were refusing to leave their jobs.
c. The postwar wave of deflation was dramatically reducing the value of workers wages.
d. The removal of price controls resulted in a drop in workers real income.
e. American workers had accumulated months of vacation and overtime during the war years.
ANS: D TOP: Truman Presidency DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 907 | Seagull pp. 922923
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Explain the major initiatives of Trumans domestic policies.
During the Cold War, American culture
a. became virtually nonexistent as most wartime financial efforts were directed elsewhere.
b. witnessed how the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department emerged as patrons of the arts.
c. was absent from the daily lives of the common men and women.
d. faced no intervention from the national government.
e. was not politicized.
ANS: B TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 909 | Seagull p. 918 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Which long-held U.S. territory was granted independence in 1946?
a. Falkland Islands
b. Guantanamo
c. the Philippines
d. Hawaii
e. Puerto Rico
ANS: C TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 908 | Seagull p. 917
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
What artist had his work promoted by the CIA but at the same time had his paintings criticized as un-American?
a. Norman Rockwell
b. Mark Rothko
c. Willem de Kooning
d. Fred Busbey
e. Jackson Pollock
ANS: E TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 909 | Seagull pp. 918919 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Why did the United States back away from pressuring its European allies to grant self-government to colonies in Asia and Africa?
a. American diplomats valued nations like France more highly for their alliance in the European Cold War.
b. Since the United States was expanding its own empire, it was losing the moral high ground against European colonial powers.
c. American strategists reasoned that national independence in Asia and Africa was likely to benefit the Soviet Union more than the United States.
d. Southern Democrats in Congress did not want to inspire civil rights campaigns at home by supporting national independence in Asia or Africa.
e. The United States depended on European nations to wage war against communists in the developing world.
ANS: A TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 902 | Seagull p. 917
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
The principle of human rightsthe idea of basic rights belonging to all persons because they are humanwas introduced into international relations
a. after the Holocaust.
b. after the dropping of the atomic bomb.
c. when NATO was established.
d. in the revolutionary period of the late eighteenth century.
e. when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted.
ANS: D TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 905 | Seagull p. 920 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
How did Truman respond to Joseph Stalins blockade around Berlin?
a. He asked the United Nations to get involved.
b. He invaded East Berlin.
c. He ordered an airlift.
d. He started a long process of diplomatic negotiations.
e. He sent supplies by ship.
ANS: C TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 902903 | Seagull p. 912 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
What introduced the concept of human rights to the broader world?
a. the Russian Revolution
b. the United Nations
c. the Covenant of the League of Nations
d. the European Union
e. the American and French Revolutions
ANS: E TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 905 | Seagull p. 921 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
In 1949, Mao Zedong
a. was forced into exile.
b. was elected as Chinas representative in front of the United Nations.
c. invaded Taiwan.
d. won the Chinese Civil War and created the Peoples Republic of China.
e. invaded Japan.
ANS: D TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 903 | Seagull p. 914
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
Which statement accurately describes what NSC-68 called for?
a. more spending on scientific research
b. enforcement of the Marshall Plan
c. isolationism
d. an elimination of military arsenals
e. a permanent military buildup to fight communism
ANS: E TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 903 | Seagull p. 914
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
Militant Liberty was the code name for a national security agency that
a. patrolled the border in search of illegal aliens.
b. encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.
c. required labor unions to purge suspected communist leaders.
d. forced schools to fire teachers and professors suspected of teaching Marxist ideas.
e. encouraged artists to paint work in a Norman Rockwell style.
ANS: B TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 903 | Seagull p. 918 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
Japans constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history
a. immigration guidelines.
b. womens suffrage.
c. freedom of speech.
d. decision power to the lower classes.
e. labor rights.
ANS: B TOP: The Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 902 | Seagull p. 912
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department
a. promoted the work of artist Norman Rockwell.
b. censored the work of modern artists.
c. funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.
d. sought to censor the work of painter Jackson Pollock.
e. imposed artistic conformity.
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 903 | Seagull p. 918 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
After World War II, which country gained its independence from Great Britain?
a. Ireland
b. Germany
c. the Philippines
d. India
e. Vietnam
ANS: D TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 902 | Seagull p. 917
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
According to some critics, how did the casting of the Cold War as a worldwide struggle between freedom and slavery have unfortunate consequences?
a. It made it difficult to discern legitimate postwar struggles for economic and political freedom from those simply motivated by American interests.
b. It required Americans to sympathize with communism, which many were unwilling to do.
c. It prevented any long-term establishment of a diplomatic presence in Moscow.
d. It unfortunately positioned the United States as the leader in military aggression, rather than a beacon of peace.
e. It backfired on Americans whose ancestors had been slaveowners.
ANS: A TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 905 | Seagull p. 916
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
What countrys inclusion in the Free World does the textbook portray as hypocritical?
a. South Africa
b. France
c. Philippines
d. Canada
e. India
ANS: A TOP: Origins of the Cold War
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 902 | Seagull p. 917
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Identify the events and ideological conflicts that prompted the Cold War.
How was Trumans national health insurance plan defeated?
a. Doctors did not have enough support from patients.
b. It appeared to be something that Nazis would endorse.
c. It was painted as socialist.
d. Insurance companies endorsed the plan.
e. Too many doctors faced malpractice suits.
ANS: C TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 905 | Seagull p. 920 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.
According to Time magazines Henry Luce, what was the key word to explain the essence of the United States?
a. capitalism
b. money
c. liberty
d. freedom
e. opportunity
ANS: D TOP: The Cold War and the Idea of Freedom DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 902 | Seagull p. 917 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the Cold War reshaped the ideas of American freedom.