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What country controlled Panama before the canal was built?
a. Colombia
b. Canada
c. Russia
d. Brazil
e. Great Britain
ANS: A TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 723 | Seagull p. 738
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Why did World War I transform Western civilization so profoundly?
a. The bitter war between the anti-militaristic neighbors of Germany, France, and Britain shook the popular conceptions of politics deeply.
b. Because a vast majority of the victims were civilians, the war forever changed public perception of the acceptability of military conflict.
c. As a global conflict between socialist nations and monarchies, the war signaled the ideological divisions of the twentieth century.
d. The war generated an economic boom in Europe and the United States that marked the beginning of the so-called Roaring Twenties.
e. The mass slaughter of World War I was hard to reconcile with the claim that Western civilization was the triumph of reason and progress.
ANS: E TOP: America and the Great War
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 726 | Seagull p. 742
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the United States got involved in World War I.
Which of the following statements is accurate about William Howard Taft?
a. Like his predecessor, Theodore Roosevelt, Taft emphasized military intervention to achieve American strategic goals in the Western Hemisphere.
b. Taft discouraged the United Fruit Company from establishing banana plantations in Honduras.
c. Taft believed the best way to promote American interests in the Caribbean and Central America was through economic investment.
d. Taft coined the term Dollar Diplomacy in describing the foreign policy approach of Theodore Roosevelt.
e. He allowed an American-friendly government in Nicaragua to fall to a coup d tat.
ANS: C TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 723 | Seagull p. 739
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Why were Americans divided over the outbreak of the Great War?
a. The American public wanted to join the conflict, but Congress remained opposed to any intervention.
b. Irish-Americans and Russian Jews resented Allied powers Great Britain and Russia.
c. Some Americans welcomed the military buildup that would accompany American involvement; others worried about large tax increases.
d. Democrats hoped to shore up support for Wilsons reelection as a war president, while Republicans objected to foreign entanglements.
e. Republicans hoped to gain new territory in eastern Europe while Democrats wanted to focus energies at home.
ANS: B TOP: America and the Great War
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 726 | Seagull p. 743
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the United States got involved in World War I.
Dollar Diplomacy
a. characterizes the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt.
b. was put in place by Woodrow Wilson regarding Mexico.
c. was used by William H. Taft instead of military intervention.
d. was seldom used and never successfully.
e. was applied only in Asia.
ANS: C TOP: An Era of Intervention DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 723 | Seagull p. 739 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
What ideology had the greatest impact on incentivizing fighting during World War I?
a. socialism
b. colonialism
c. nationalism
d. republicanism
e. humanism
ANS: C TOP: America and the Great War
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 726 | Seagull p. 743
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the United States got involved in World War I.
The completion of the Panama Canal in 1914
a. ended U.S. interest in the area.
b. facilitated negotiations between Panama and Colombia.
c. promoted a violent U.S. military intervention.
d. reduced the length of the voyage between the two coasts of the United States.
e. led to a coup d tat in Panama.
ANS: D TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 723724 | Seagull p. 738
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Who was Venustiano Carranza?
a. a good friend to Pancho Villa
b. a Mexican dictator
c. a Mexican leader who promoted modernization
d. a Mexican revolutionary leader
e. a leader of the Mexican Immigration Commission in the United States
ANS: C TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 727 | Seagull pp. 741742
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Which of the following assessments of the Roosevelt Corollary is accurate?
a. It translated into an alliance with France to defend the hemisphere.
b. Stipulated that private investment in Latin America and the Caribbean should not be greater than that of the United States.
c. It showed the United States would not intervene in other countries local affairs.
d. It showed Roosevelt was prepared to do whatever possible to prevent U.S. corporations from investing in Latin America and the Caribbean.
e. It proposed the United States could function as an international police power within the Western Hemisphere.
ANS: E TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 724 | Seagull p. 739
MSC: Applying OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
U.S. intervention in Mexico
a. stimulated domestic economic development there.
b. was the result of a negotiation with the Mexican resistance.
c. was Wilsons greatest success.
d. demonstrated Wilsons strategic command and U.S. military power.
e. demonstrated that it would be harder than Wilson expected to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries.
ANS: E TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 727 | Seagull pp. 741742
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Woodrow Wilsons moral imperialism in Latin America produced
a. eight years of unprecedented stability in the region.
b. more military interventions than any president before or since.
c. economic growth and diversity for the region.
d. very little to show for the policy, as his attention was mostly on Europe.
e. strong allies for the United States in World War I, especially Mexico.
ANS: B TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 724 | Seagull p. 740
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Theodore Roosevelts taking of the Panama Canal Zone is an example of
a. his ability to speak softly in diplomatic situations when he knew he was outgunned.
b. international Progressivismthe United States was intervening with the sole purpose of uplifting the peoples of Central America.
c. liberal internationalism, because he worked closely with the French to work out a deal favorable to Panama.
d. his belief that civilized nations had an obligation to establish order in an unruly world.
e. one of the many wars in which Roosevelt involved the United States.
ANS: D TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 721 | Seagull p. 737
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
President Woodrow Wilson
a. promoted racial equality.
b. promised to respect Latin Americas independence.
c. stopped U.S. investment in Latin America and the Caribbean.
d. aligned with Dollar Diplomacy.
e. designed a program to instill American values in Latin American schools.
ANS: B TOP: An Era of Intervention
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 725 | Seagull p. 740
MSC: Applying OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
In what way was William Howard Taft a Progressive president?
a. He pushed for womens suffrage.
b. He initiated the trust-busting of Standard Oil.
c. His secretary of interior added more land under federal protection.
d. He opposed the Sixteenth Amendment.
e. He asked Congress to create the Federal Trade Commission.
ANS: B TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 711712 | Seagull pp. 728729 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
According to Theodore Roosevelt, which was the fundamental capacity people should have to participate in democracy?
a. morality
b. money and social status
c. self-control
d. a family
e. ambition
ANS: C TOP: The Progressive Presidents DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 715 | Seagull 729 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Which of the following natural resources did the Progressive conservationists believe should be regulated by the national state?
a. timber
b. water
c. natural gas
d. coal
e. oil
ANS: B TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 712 | Seagull p. 726
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Theodore Roosevelts New Nationalism
a. embraced womens suffrage.
b. included old and new immigrants to the nation.
c. argued that the government should not provide for the poor.
d. promoted the growth of large corporations.
e. counteracted antitrust laws.
ANS: A TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 715 | Seagull 729
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Test 1
___ 1. Jane Addams
___ 2. Henry Ford
___ 3. Eugene Debs
___ 4. Frederick W. Taylor
___ 5. John Muir
___ 6. Margaret Sanger
___ 7. William Big Bill Haywood
___ 8. Theodore Roosevelt
___ 9. Robert M. La Follette
___ 10. Louis Brandeis
___ 11. John Mitchell
___ 12. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
a. scientific management
b. birth-control movement
c. Industrial Workers of the World
d. Supreme Court justice
e. Hull House
f. United Mine Workers
g. moving assembly line
h. Wisconsin Progressive
i. socialist leader
j. Square Deal
k. Women and Economics
l. Sierra Club
The Sixteenth Amendment
a. called for the direct election of senators.
b. authorized a graduated income tax.
c. granted women the right to vote.
d. prohibited the use and sale of alcohol.
e. instituted the initiative, referendum, and recall.
ANS: B TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 712 | Seagull pp. 728729
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Why did President Taft fire Gifford Pinchot?
a. Pinchot refused to authorize federal protection of forest reserves in the West.
b. Pinchot criticized Theodore Roosevelt after he left the presidency.
c. Pinchot campaigned for Woodrow Wilson and claimed that Wilson would be the first environmental president.
d. Pinchot accused the Taft administration of colluding with corporations to hurt the environment.
e. Pinchot did not put enough land in the Rocky Mountains under the federal government.
ANS: D TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 712 | Seagull p. 729
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Explain how the United States got involved in World War I. What term do historians use to describe the foreign policy of the Wilson administration?
a. Progressivism
b. entangling alliances
c. containment
d. liberal internationalism
e. Dollar Diplomacy
ANS: D TOP: Global Awareness | Introduction
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 720 | Seagull p. 736
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Why were many Americans drawn to the Socialist Party in the election of 1912?
a. Its presidential candidate, Eugene Debs, was a southerner who could appeal to both blacks and whites.
b. A very large minority of Americans were willing to abolish the capitalist system altogether.
c. Americans looked with jealousy at the equality and prosperity that reigned in social democracies like Britain and Germany.
d. Eugene Debs had been a popular movie star and entertainer before he ran on the Socialist Party ticket.
e. The partys proposal to nationalize railroads and banks, and to provide unemployment relief, expressed popular Progressive thought.
ANS: E TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 713 | Seagull p. 729
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Examine how the United States mobilized resources and public opinion for the war effort. Compared to Great Britain and France, American presence in the world was
a. very small.
b. overwhelmingly large.
c. about the same size.
d. much larger but very fragmented.
e. smaller but in key places.
ANS: A TOP: Introduction DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 721 | Seagull p. 735 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
What characteristic of Woodrow Wilson appeared to Theodore Roosevelts supporters to be a relic of the past?
a. In his speeches, Wilson spoke about waving the bloody shirt and invoked the divisions of the Civil War.
b. Wilson frequently reminded Americans of the noble goals of the Populist movement of the 1890s.
c. Wilson spoke too much about the mistakes he thought Republicans had made in the past, such as the annexation of the Philippines.
d. Wilson was committed to programs that aided small-business owners and that seemed to deny the inevitability of economic concentration.
e. Wilsons wife and many children made him look rural and unsophisticated, in contrast to Roosevelts urban-based supporters.
ANS: D TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 713 | Seagull p. 730
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Assess the way in which the war affected race relations in the United States. By 1914, Great Britain continued to dominate financial banking, but the U.S. emerged as
a. the world military leader.
b. the largest world empire.
c. the leading industrial power.
d. the economic world leader.
e. the largest and most powerful navy in the world.
ANS: C TOP: Introduction DIF: Moderate
REF: Full p. 721 | Seagull p. 735 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Why did the Wilson administration impose a graduated income tax in 1913?
a. Correctly predicting the coming of World War I, Wilson hoped to bolster the federal budget for defense.
b. Having imposed a ban on liquor sales, Wilson had to find a way to compensate for the lost excise tax.
c. Wilson was trying to fulfill his campaign promise of soaking the rich.
d. Wilson had promised Republicans a graduated income tax, but only if in return they supported his declaration of war.
e. The substantial reduction of duties on imports required Wilson to make up for lost revenue.
ANS: E TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 714 | Seagull p. 731
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Analyze the reasons why 1919 was a watershed year for the United States and the world.
Multiple Choice
1 At the beginning of the twentieth century, what was the major currency of international trade?
a. the American dollar
b. the German mark
c. the British pound
d. the Chinese renminbi
e. the Japanese yen
ANS: C TOP: Global Awareness | Introduction
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 719 | Seagull p. 736
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas. W. T. Stead
a. argued the United States had become a territorial empire.
b. predicted the United States would no longer get involved in international affairs.
c. criticized Americans lack of ambition.
d. predicted the United States would emerge as the greatest of world powers.
e. located the source of U.S. power in its military strength.
ANS: D TOP: Introduction DIF: Difficult
REF: Full p. 721 | Seagull p. 735 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Discuss the ways in which Progressive presidents promoted the expansion of American power overseas.
Theodore Roosevelt wanted immigrants to Americanize. How were they supposed to do it?
a. by paying high taxes
b. by marrying a U.S. citizen
c. Incorporating their own customs to the American ways
d. by joining Protestant churches
e. by abandoning the culture and customs of their home country
ANS: E TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 715 | Seagull p. 729
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Which of the following statements about the idea of economic citizenship in the Progressive era is correct?
a. It argued that the right to universal economic assistance derived from manhood itself.
b. It called for local authorities to dispense charity to the poor.
c. It ushered in a wave of federal workmens compensation laws by 1913.
d. It acted as a wedge to opening broader support for social insurance programs of the future.
e. It blended Catholicism with a romantic view of nature inspired by the Transcendentalists.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 708 | Seagull p. 724
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What statement best summarizes Herbert Crolys proposed solution to national economic problems?
a. The federal governments budget needed to be slashed.
b. Corporations should be granted the power to manipulate laws to their benefit.
c. States needed to take control of their own finances with minimal federal guidance.
d. Economic alliances with Europe needed to be avoided at all costs.
e. Government economic intervention was the path to individual freedom.
ANS: E TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 709 | Seagull p. 725
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
In his first term as president, what did Theodore Roosevelt use to challenge J. P. Morgans western railroads?
a. the Federal Trade Commission
b. the Muller v. Oregon decision
c. the Sherman Antitrust Act
d. New Nationalism
e. the Clayton Act
ANS: C TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 709 | Seagull p. 725
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Why did the womens suffrage movement increasingly focus its attention on a national amendment to the Constitution?
a. State campaigns were difficult and often unsuccessful.
b. Women were not going to be satisfied with local voting rights only, and they wanted a say in presidential elections.
c. Because suffrage organizations were predominantly national in scale, organizing state-level campaigns proved impossible.
d. Men were more likely to consent to womens right to vote if it was universal across the nation, not just in their state.
e. Constitutional amendments were a time-honored tradition in the United States.
ANS: A TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 706 | Seagull p. 722
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
President Theodore Roosevelt
a. believed that the president should side with employers during labor disputes.
b. believed that the president should be an honest broker in labor disputes.
c. opposed direct federal regulation of the economy.
d. opposed the creation of national parks.
e. proposed to weaken the Interstate Commerce Commission.
ANS: B TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 710 | Seagull p. 726
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
What were the two goals of maternalist reformers for women?
a. having good marriages and suffrage
b. achieving motherhood and economic independence
c. being married and having healthy children
d. gaining more factory jobs and having children after the age of 40
e. being able to divorce and put children up for adoption
ANS: B TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 707 | Seagull p. 722
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Why did businesses support the Pure Food and Drug Act?
a. They knew they were liable if they harmed the health of consumers with spoiled products.
b. They wanted to protect their workers from spoiled foods.
c. They saw their own market share dwindle as superior European foods grew more popular.
d. They understood that greater public confidence in the quality of their products helped sales.
e. They were concerned about the health and welfare of their workers.
ANS: D TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 710 | Seagull p. 726
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
In Muller v. Oregon, the Supreme Court
a. refused to limit work hours for male bakers.
b. argued that women were too weak to work long hours.
c. outlawed child labor for children younger than age sixteen.
d. gave labor the right to strike.
e. validated the liberty of contract doctrine.
ANS: B TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 707 | Seagull p. 723
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
John Muir did which of the following?
a. lamented the intrusions of the natural environment on civilization
b. called forests Gods first disappointments
c. alienated Americans with his message about the spirituality of nature
d. founded the Sierra Club to help preserve forests
e. fire-bombed lumber companies in the Pacific Northwest and in California
ANS: D TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 711 | Seagull pp. 726727
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
What piece of evidence might Louis D. Brandeis have used to support his argument in Muller v. Oregon?
a. a law proclaiming that immigrants were not allowed to vote
b. an employment log showing women and men receiving similar performance reviews in retail environments
c. a photograph of southern women picking cotton
d. a scientific study showing that women shovel coal at half the rate that men shovel
e. the personal diary of a worker in a textile mill
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 707708 | Seagull p. 723
MSC: Applying OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
To create national parks such as Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government
a. removed animals from the land.
b. set aside lands that had never been inhabited by humans.
c. removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands.
d. dismantled the Northern Pacific Railroad.
e. barred logging and timber companies west of the Mississippi River.
ANS: C TOP: The Progressive Presidents
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 711 | Seagull p. 727
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
In practice, laws providing for mothers pensions tended to benefit
a. single mothers.
b. black women.
c. white widows.
d. mothers from the middle classes.
e. activists.
ANS: C TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 708 | Seagull 721
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
What role did Hiram Johnson play as a Progressive?
a. As a statehouse member, he tried to stop Progressive initiatives in California.
b. In Wisconsin, Johnson pushed for political primaries.
c. He promoted the Oregon System and taxes on the wealthy.
d. As governor of California, he secured passage of the Public Utilities Act.
e. He was a railroad baron who gave to Progressive causes.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 702 | Seagull p. 717
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Which of the following was a female progressive reformer?
a. Gloria Steinem
b. Bella Abzug
c. Alice Paul
d. Jane Goodall
e. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
ANS: C TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 705 | Seagull p. 720
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Henry George introduced a slate of political changes known as the Oregon System. The system included which of the following?
a. social and economic equality
b. more power to large corporations
c. the concept of indirect democracy
d. initiative, referendum, and recall
e. the creation of a third political force
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 703 | Seagull 715
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
In the South, why did reformers argue for the end of child labor in textile mills?
a. To support white supremacy, these children needed to be in schools.
b. Children needed to be working on farms instead.
c. Factories were an evil northern institution.
d. Black children were being severely mistreated.
e. The conditions were dangerous.
ANS: A TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 705 | Seagull p. 720
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Electoral reform during the Progressive era
a. expanded the electorate significantly.
b. had little impact, especially in the cities.
c. enfranchised African-Americans.
d. actually limited many Americans right to vote.
e. did away with all residency requirements for voting.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 703 | Seagull p. 718
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
After 1900, the campaign for womens suffrage
a. maintained an increasingly elitist approach.
b. included both middle- and working-class women.
c. stagnated.
d. was most successful in the Northeast.
e. was fought only on the federal level.
ANS: B TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 705 | Seagull p. 721
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Which of the following contradictions plagued Progressive reformers ideas on the political process?
a. Progressive reformers rejected party labels but were themselves highly partisan politicians.
b. Progressive reformers took every opportunity to disclose scandals in muckraking magazines, but they also called for a restriction of free speech.
c. Progressive reformers recorded the votes of nativists but promised more liberal reforms on immigration.
d. Progressive reformers worked both to expand the electorate and to shrink its size through other measures.
e. Progressive reformers believed in the civil rights of children but refused to lower the voting age to sixteen.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 703 | Seagull p. 718
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What did passage of the Seventeenth Amendment entail?
a. It allowed for a federal income tax.
b. Women in every state could now legally vote.
c. The manufacturing and selling of alcohol was now illegal.
d. Presidents could only serve two terms
e. U.S. senators were now chosen by popular vote.
ANS: E TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 703 | Seagull p. 718
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
The Progressive governor of Wisconsin, Robert M. La Follette, instituted which of the following reforms?
a. appointing candidates to office without elections
b. an end to corporate wealth taxation
c. regulating railroads and utilities
d. using Republican university faculty
e. promising lower taxes and less government interference
ANS: C TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 703704 | Seagull pp. 717718 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What did Robert M. La Follette and Walter Lippmann emphasize in regard to Progressive government?
a. They wanted to increase direct participation of the populace.
b. The government should do no regulating of corporations.
c. Impartial experts such as college professors needed to play a role.
d. America should become a socialist country.
e. The experience of city bosses was key to making governmental decisions.
ANS: C TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 703704 | Seagull p. 719
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Which of the following statements about Jane Addams and Hull House is true?
a. Hull House and other settlement houses provided shelter for the new woman.
b. Addams built kindergartens for black children.
c. Hull House was modeled on a settlement house in New Orleans.
d. Addams established employment bureaus and health clinics.
e. Addams believed that immigrant women primarily needed union protection.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 704705 | Seagull pp. 719720 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What in Margaret Sangers early life likely motivated her activism as an adult?
a. Her family lived near silver mines.
b. Her first stop upon arriving in America was Ellis Island.
c. Her parents were feminists.
d. Her mother gave birth to eleven children.
e. Her parents often visited Greenwich Village.
ANS: D TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 699 | Seagull pp. 713714
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
What brought about a new wave of sympathy for the plight of women in the garment industry in Lawrence, Massachusetts?
a. The city had extended maximum working hours for garment workers.
b. The police of Lawrence had severely beaten striking women.
c. The AFL had negotiated a sham contract for Lawrences garment factories.
d. The police had forced the children of Lawrence to leave town.
e. The appearance of malnourished children who had been evacuated from Lawrence shocked the public.
ANS: E TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 696 | Seagull p. 708
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
The Progressive eras birth-control movement was characterized by
a. public lectures on sexual freedom and contraception by activists such as Emma Goldman.
b. free distributions of condoms to working girls
c. the distribution of birth-control devices by Margaret Sanger.
d. a belief in a womans right to an active sexual life, but only in conjunction with childbearing.
e. a legal campaign for the legalization of abortion.
ANS: A TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 699 | Seagull pp. 713714
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
The battle for free speech among workers in the early twentieth century
a. was led by the American Federation of Labor.
b. was led by the Industrial Workers of the World.
c. was not an issue of concern to most workers.
d. was insignificant because the courts consistently supported workers rights to assemble, organize, and spread their views.
e. was never successful on the local level.
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 697 | Seagull p. 709
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Why did Carlos Montezuma call for the abolition of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1916?
a. The bureau used heavy-handed tactics in collecting taxes.
b. The bureau was under the influence of a rival tribal leader.
c. The bureau had failed to secure Indian self-determination.
d. The bureau failed to offer Native Americans equal employment opportunities.
e. The bureau refused to enforce Prohibition on Indian reservations.
ANS: C TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 700 | Seagull p. 715
MSC: Applying OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
The Ludlow Massacre
a. was a confrontation between Plains Indians and the U.S. Army.
b. occurred in California.
c. was led by the AFL.
d. happened during a strike against Rockefeller-owned companies.
e. took place in the company housing.
ANS: D TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 698 | Seagull pp. 708709 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Why did Progressive reformers think they had much to learn from the Old World?
a. British legislators were far more advanced in their thoughts on racial diversity.
b. The French had built a strong reputation in the field of rehabilitative prison programs.
c. The Italians had introduced a series of laws securing equal rights for women.
d. Germans had pioneered several measures of social legislation.
e. Russian bureaucrats had innovated ecumenical churches that offered welfare programs.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 700 | Seagull p. 715
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What organization challenged the sexual norms of the early twentieth century?
a. Womens Christian Temperance Union
b. Heterodoxy
c. National American Woman Suffrage Association
d. General Federation of Womens Clubs
e. American Federation of Labor
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 698 | Seagull p. 712
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
a. promoted free and compulsory education.
b. insisted that institutions should be judged by concrete effects.
c. was a short-lived political movement.
d. was a group of feminist activists.
e. was aligned with the Catholic Church.
ANS: B TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 701 | Seagull p. 714
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What was one accomplishment of the Society of American Indians?
a. Indians of many tribal backgrounds were united.
b. It had most reservations closed.
c. Buffalo numbers were increased so that they could be released back into the wild.
d. Many family farms were created for Indians.
e. Indians received much more aid from the federal government.
ANS: A TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 699700 | Seagull p. 714
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
What was John Deweys philosophy?
a. Social Darwinism
b. New Imperialism
c. Americanism
d. pragmatism
e. mercantilism
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 701 | Seagull p. 714
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
What Progressive-era issue became a crossroads where the paths of labor radicals, cultural modernists, and feminists intersected?
a. trust-busting
b. the initiative and referendum
c. womens suffrage
d. unionism
e. birth control
ANS: E TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 699 | Seagull p. 711
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Which of the following statements about urban Progressives is true?
a. They worked to shrink the size of government.
b. They sought to establish private ownership of gasworks and waterworks.
c. They cut taxes to increase revenue for schools and parks.
d. They sought to improve public transportation.
e. They worked with political machines.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 701 | Seagull p. 716
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
a. did not discuss sexual behavior.
b. first entered the political vocabulary during the Progressive era.
c. only represented women fighting for the right to vote.
d. believed in traditional gender roles.
e. promoted the idea that women should not control property.
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 699 | Seagull p. 712
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Pragmatics intended to do which of the following?
a. scientifically evaluate public policy
b. promote a religious revival
c. continue focusing on ideals
d. test institutions on their longevity
e. focus on doctrines
ANS: A TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 701702 | Seagull p. 714
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Which of the following was an expression of personal freedom in the Progressive era?
a. the lifestyle of the inhabitants of Greenwich Village
b. sex outside of marriage for young men
c. selecting a husband for your daughter to marry
d. familiarity with Gloria Steinems writings on sexuality
e. attending a lecture by Phyllis Schlafly
ANS: A TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 699 | Seagull p. 713
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Which of the following statements about the Oregon System is correct?
a. It instituted the direct primary for electing union leaders.
b. It was developed by Oregon lawyer Robert La Follette.
c. It failed to pass womens suffrage legislation in Oregon.
d. It initiated the nations first and most long-lasting sales tax.
e. Oregon System is a misnomer; it was actually developed in Montana.
ANS: D TOP: The Politics of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 702 | Seagull p. 717
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 3. Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism.
Why did the Socialist Party gain significant political influence during the Progressive era?
a. Popular politicians, such as Theodore Roosevelt, spoke about socialisms merits.
b. Jewish and other immigrant laborers supported its fight against economic exploitation of workers.
c. Party leaders promised working-class Irish voters that the party would not supplant machine politics.
d. Socialist Party candidates promised to run exclusively for state and local offices.
e. Socialist Party politicians successfully manipulated machine politics.
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 691 | Seagull pp. 705706
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
The living wage and the American standard of living were an outgrowth of
a. a mature consumer economy.
b. the powerful influence of labor unions.
c. an increasingly diverse society.
d. the power of monopolistic corporations.
e. an effective nationwide advertising campaign.
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 689 | Seagull p. 703
MSC: Applying OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
What made Eugene Debs a successful leader?
a. He unified a diverse group of people for the socialist cause.
b. He was able to stay out of jail during strikes.
c. He wooed industrialists and gained sizeable donations.
d. The Socialist Partys numbers surpassed the total number of socialists in Europe.
e. He unified American socialists and capitalists.
ANS: A TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 691692 | Seagull p. 706
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Why did workers experience the introduction of scientific management as a loss of freedom?
a. Scientific management typically lowered wages.
b. Workers had to work longer hours under scientific management.
c. Safety conditions worsened when companies introduced scientific management.
d. Skilled workers under scientific management had to obey very detailed instructions.
e. Foremen tended to drive workers with more brute force under scientific management.
ANS: D TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 690 | Seagull p. 704
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Which statement about the American Federation of Labor in the early twentieth century is correct?
a. The AFL represented unskilled workers only.
b. AFL membership tripled between 1920 and 1929.
c. The AFL forged closer ties with the Socialist Party.
d. The AFL established pension plans for long-term workers.
e. The AFL proposed an overthrow of the capitalist system.
ANS: D TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 693 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
What did Progressives see as the chief restriction on liberty?
a. European powers
b. social pressure
c. segregation
d. lack of privacy
e. economics
ANS: E TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 690 | Seagull p. 704
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Why did Samuel Gompers seek to forge closer ties with forward-looking corporate leaders?
a. He wanted to establish employer-financed health care.
b. He wanted to work his way into circles of political influence.
c. He wanted to stabilize employer-employee relations.
d. He hoped to win their support for the nationalization of large industries.
e. He wanted to explore his own new personal business opportunities.
ANS: C TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 693 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Industrial freedom in the Progressive era meant in practice
a. a decline in union activism.
b. a loss of personal autonomy for skilled workers working under scientific management.
c. a push by corporations for greater worker input in locating factories and distributing profits.
d. access to health insurance and retirement benefits.
e. legal protections against groundless dismissals and workplace harassment.
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 690691 | Seagull p. 704
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
The Industrial Workers of the World
a. represented skilled workers only.
b. was led by Eugene Debs.
c. organized only women workers.
d. was a union within the American Federation of Labor.
e. advocated a workers revolution.
ANS: E TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 693 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
How did Louis Brandeis characterize labor unions?
a. Unions should be abolished.
b. Unions represented freedom for workers.
c. The organizing of workers took away their individual freedom.
d. He saw unions as a positive first step toward a communist society.
e. Unions should give workers the chance to air grievances, but should not make any managerial decisions.
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 691 | Seagull pp. 704705
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Striking working women in Lawrence, Massachusetts,
a. made immigrant women work in the factories after the strike.
b. went to work in rural areas.
c. sent their children out of town while they went on strike.
d. were treated kindly by the police because they were seen as the weaker sex.
e. advocated for the rights of skilled workers only.
ANS: C TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 694 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
In the early twentieth century, the Socialist Party advocated which of the following?
a. free rent
b. legislation to improve the condition of laborers
c. public ownership of radio stations
d. national health insurance
e. the dissolution of the White House
ANS: B TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 691 | Seagull p. 705
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.