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Which statement about the American Federation of Labor in the early twentieth century is correct?
a. The AFL represented unskilled workers only.
b. AFL membership tripled between 1920 and 1929.
c. The AFL forged closer ties with the Socialist Party.
d. The AFL established pension plans for long-term workers.
e. The AFL proposed an overthrow of the capitalist system.
ANS: D TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 693 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
What did Progressives see as the chief restriction on liberty?
a. European powers
b. social pressure
c. segregation
d. lack of privacy
e. economics
ANS: E TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 690 | Seagull p. 704
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
Why did Samuel Gompers seek to forge closer ties with forward-looking corporate leaders?
a. He wanted to establish employer-financed health care.
b. He wanted to work his way into circles of political influence.
c. He wanted to stabilize employer-employee relations.
d. He hoped to win their support for the nationalization of large industries.
e. He wanted to explore his own new personal business opportunities.
ANS: C TOP: Varieties of Progressivism
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 693 | Seagull p. 707
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom.
At what site did most immigrants from Mexico enter the United States in the early twentieth century?
a. El Paso, Texas
b. Ellis Island
c. Alcatraz Island
d. Los Angeles
e. Angel Island
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 685 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
During the Progressive era,
a. growing numbers of native-born white women worked as domestics.
b. most African-American women worked in factories.
c. most eastern European immigrant women worked as telephone operators.
d. growing numbers of native-born white women worked in offices.
e. the number of married women working declined.
ANS: D TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 686 | Seagull p. 700
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Most new immigrants who arrived during the early years of the twentieth century
a. learned English immediately.
b. planned to remain in the United States temporarily.
c. generally earned lower wages in America than in their former homelands.
d. dominated skilled and supervisory jobs.
e. lived in close-knit communities.
ANS: E TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 685 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman claimed that the road to womans freedom lay in
a. higher education.
b. holding political office.
c. the workplace.
d. access to birth control.
e. being a wife and mother.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 687 | Seagull p. 700
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Where is Ellis Island located?
a. New York
b. Texas
c. Washington, D.C.
d. Boston
e. California
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 685 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
In regard to labor, what did Ford do for his workers?
a. He invited labor leaders to set up unions at Ford.
b. He paid more than double the wages paid by other factory owners.
c. He improved work conditions, making the jobs more interesting.
d. He made it more difficult for them to be consumers.
e. He paid more, with compensation that included stock options.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 687 | Seagull p. 702
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
A typical Mexican immigrant in the early twentieth century might hold what occupation?
a. a garment worker in a sweatshop
b. a supervisor in a factory
c. store clerk in a retail shop
d. a banker
e. a railroad laborer
ANS: E TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full 685 | Seagull p. 699
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
The term Fordism
a. refers to Henry Fords invention of the automobile.
b. was used by labor unions, who hailed Fords innovative approach.
c. describes an economic system based on limited production of high-end goods.
d. refers to Henry Fords effort to organize workers into a union.
e. describes an economic system based on mass production and mass consumption.
ANS: E TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 688 | Seagull p. 702
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Which of the following statements about mass consumption in the early twentieth century is true?
a. Southerners fully participated in the mass-consumption society.
b. The promise of mass consumption became the foundation for a new understanding of freedom.
c. Rural dwellers purchased goods in department stores and chain stores.
d. City people purchased goods through mail-order catalogs.
e. The new advertising industry often linked services with ethnic identities.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 685 | Seagull p. 699
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
As the consumer age started, what buzzwords did many companies use to sell their products?
a. cheap and inexpensive
b. honest and trustworthy
c. freedom and liberty
d. dependable and secure
e. rich and elegant
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 688 | Seagull p. 702
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
During the Progressive era,
a. agricultural production stagnated.
b. the United States stopped receiving immigrants.
c. the gap between economic classes got smaller.
d. corporations were considered the engine of progress.
e. the United States received a large number of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe.
ANS: E TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 684 | Seagull p. 696
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
How did mass consumption in the Progressive era result in new consumer freedoms?
a. Farmers in the heartland had more time and money to attend nickelodeon shows.
b. Department stores provided city residents with access to electric washing machines.
c. Mass-produced radios were able to advertise the availability of new factory products.
d. Mass-produced appliances established a high standard of living in all households.
e. Cheap television sets broadcast middle-class values across the nation.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 685686 | Seagull p. 699
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Most immigrants who arrived in America sought freedom because
a. they wanted to vote for political representatives.
b. they wanted to exchange poverty for economic opportunity.
c. they wanted to live on farms.
d. they wanted to spread their culture in a new country.
e. they wanted a free press.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 684| Seagull p. 698
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Birds of passage were
a. immigrants from Europe.
b. single women who decided to immigrate to the United States.
c. immigrants who worked in factories.
d. immigrants who only lived in the United States temporarily.
e. immigrants who moved to the United States to work as servants.
ANS: D TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 686 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Mexican immigrants in the early twentieth century
a. moved to the West.
b. populated the South.
c. populated the East Coast.
d. moved to big cities.
e. worked for wages.
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 685 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
How did nickelodeons reflect a mass-consumption society in the Progressive era?
a. Amusement parks and dance halls had lost considerable popularity by this time.
b. Nickelodeons offered elite theatergoers a highbrow alternative to vaudeville shows.
c. Nickelodeons offered a popular and less expensive leisure activity for urban residents.
d. Nickelodeon shows quickly became widely available, thus providing entertainment to small-town residents.
e. Nickelodeons were popular in rural communities where people could not attend vaudeville shows.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and Consumer Society
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 686 | Seagull p. 699
MSC: Applying OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Compare and contrast the democratic and antidemocratic impulses in Progressivism. Why did millions of American farm families migrate westward from 1900 to 1910?
a. The demand for skilled labor declined in twenty-one of the nations largest cities.
b. Solar technology was successfully implemented in the American Southwest.
c. The availability of free land meant more opportunities for commercial farming in the West.
d. Population growth on the Atlantic Seaboard made eastern farmland increasingly scarce.
e. They looked for states with low property taxes and less union power.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 681 | Seagull p. 694
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Examine the ways in which the Progressive presidents facilitated the rise of the nation-state.
Multiple Choice The Progressive era was a period of explosive growth. Which of the following fueled this process?
a. decline in population
b. decline in consumption
c. expansion of the consumer market
d. ban on immigration
e. womens activists
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 691
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Where was the focus of Progressive politics?
a. in the cities
b. in the West
c. in rural areas
d. inside the factories
e. in the South
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 683 | Seagull p. 694
MSC: Applying OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
The word Progressivism came into common use around 1910
a. and was used within intellectual circles.
b. to show that progress was not always positive.
c. was used to refer to the period when Americans enjoyed racial equality for the first time.
d. to refer to a group of people who wanted to bring change to America.
e. to represent those hoping to maintain the status quo.
ANS: D TOP: Introduction DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 692 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Progressive-era immigration was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by which of the following forces?
a. the annexation of the Philippines
b. industrial contraction
c. the decline of modern agriculture
d. massive droughts in rural southern and eastern Europe and parts of Asia
e. political turmoil
ANS: E TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 683 | Seagull p. 696
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
The Progressive movement drew its strength from
a. plantation owners.
b. reformers and social scientists.
c. the lower classes.
d. business leaders.
e. union leaders.
ANS: B TOP: Introduction DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 692 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Labor agents
a. negotiated on behalf of immigrants for fair labor contracts.
b. recruited Chinese, Mexican, and Italian immigrants to work in Angel Islands fruit and vegetable fields.
c. provided American employers with workers who signed long-term labor contracts.
d. were seen as champions of free labor.
e. focused on short-term labor contracts.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 683 | Seagull p. 697
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as
a. muckrakers.
b. activists.
c. progressives.
d. dreamers.
e. yellow press.
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Easy REF: Full pp. 683684 | Seagull p. 695
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
What term best describes the status of blacks brought about by a segregated South?
a. symbiotic
b. subservient
c. hopeful
d. totally isolated
e. free
ANS: B TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 653 | Seagull pp. 665666
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Artists captured the transformation of urban landscapes in the Progressive era through which of the following?
a. photographs of suburbs
b. paintings of containers in ports
c. photographs of electric lights and skyscrapers
d. the Hudson River school
e. paintings of backyard life
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 695
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
About which of the following did Ida Tarbell write an investigative journalistic story?
a. industrial workers in Ohio
b. Fordism.
c. Standard Oil
d. Shirtwaist Company
e. the mining industry
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 684 | Seagull p. 695
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Apart from the racial identity of victims, what typically triggered the lynch violence of southern white mobs?
a. the victims lack of education
b. the victims parenting style
c. the victims lack of employment
d. the victims alleged sexual conduct
e. the victims northern accent
ANS: D TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 654 | Seagull p. 667
MSC: Evaluating OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
What is true of McClures Magazine?
a. It published stories pushing the United States toward war with Spain.
b. It ran stories by muckraking journalists.
c. It was the leading magazine for women to read about duties as a wife and mother.
d. It espoused socialist ideas.
e. It examined international culture by printing letters from immigrants to the United States.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 695
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the Meat Inspection Act was
a. Henry George.
b. Theodore Dreiser.
c. Upton Sinclair.
d. Ida Tarbell.
e. Lincoln Steffens.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 682 | Seagull p. 696
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States. The Triangle Shirtwaist fire
a. led to legislation aimed at improving factory safety standards.
b. changed the way clothes were manufactured in the United States.
c. resulted in the death of hundreds of Chinese and Mexican immigrants.
d. destroyed an entire factory in Boston.
e. led to labor legislation protecting the rights of working women.
ANS: A TOP: Introduction DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 681 | Seagull p. 692 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
During the Progressive era, urban areas expanded rapidly. What happened in rural areas?
a. They lived a Golden Age due to the increased demand for farm goods.
b. Their populations decreased because people moved to the cities.
c. Their production stagnated.
d. High rates of crime made these areas almost unlivable for families.
e. They became the only space where children of poor families could get an education.
ANS: A TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 683 | Seagull 692
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Assess the ways in which the labor and womens movements challenged nineteenth-century notions of American freedom. In the first decade of the twentieth century, American farm communities
a. did not experience the economic growth seen in cities.
b. had not yet recovered from the effects of falling prices in the previous century.
c. entered a golden age because of rising urban demand for farm goods.
d. did not benefit from the new mass-consumer society.
e. experienced limited economic growth.
ANS: C TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 681 | Seagull p. 694
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
Life in the urban areas was characterized by
a. consistent and homogeneous economic betterment.
b. sharp inequalities.
c. gender equality.
d. social equality in terms of economic opportunities.
e. less income inequality.
ANS: B TOP: An Urban Age and a Consumer Society
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 683 | Seagull 692
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Explain why the city was so central a place for the Progressive movement in the United States.
The Kansas Exodus meant which of the following?
a. hope for blacks to escape racial violence in the South
b. the migration of 40,000 to 60,000 African-Americans out of Kansas
c. the eventual return of most black migrants to the South
d. Political equality was a childs fantasy as unreal as The Wizard of Oz.
e. Many African-Americans stayed in Arkansas because they had found what they were looking for.
ANS: A TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 650 | Seagull p. 661
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Which statement about Albion W. Tourg e is accurate?
a. He was the leading Supreme Court voice pushing to uphold segregation of the races in the South.
b. He helped to start the Ku Klux Klan in North Carolina.
c. As a North Carolina judge, Tourg e insisted that segregation violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
d. He opposed all Reconstruction policies in North Carolina as an obstructionist judge.
e. He was the lone dissenting voice on the Supreme Court condemning segregation.
ANS: C TOP: The Segregated South DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 652 | Seagull p. 665 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
The term exodus in regard to the Kansas Exodus was derived from what?
a. slaves escaping through the Underground Railroad before the Civil War
b. immigrants leaving war-torn Europe
c. Russian refugees escaping the tsars pogroms
d. slaves escaping the Roman Empire
e. an Old Testament story in the Bible
ANS: E TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 650 | Seagull p. 661
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Who was the lone dissenting justice in the Plessy v. Ferguson case?
a. Albion W. Tourg e
b. Tom Watson
c. Sam Hose
d. Albert Beveridge
e. John Marshall Harlan
ANS: E TOP: The Segregated South DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 652 | Seagull p. 665 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Most female activists brought together by the National Association of Colored Women came from
a. poverty.
b. northern cities.
c. plantations.
d. the urban black middle class.
e. white aristocracy.
ANS: D TOP: The Segregated South DIF: Moderate
REF: Full pp. 650651 | Seagull p. 661 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
The Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson
a. argued that segregated facilities did not discriminate.
b. was divided.
c. argued against the dominant race.
d. argued that segregated facilities violated the Fourteenth Amendment.
e. stated the constitution was color-blind.
ANS: A TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 653 | Seagull p. 664
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
How did black women challenge the racial ideology of the Jim Crow South?
a. They formed their own secret militant organization.
b. They used their positions in domestic service for sabotage, pilfering, and revenge.
c. They insisted on the equal respectability of black women by working for racial uplift.
d. They stressed the supremacy of their men to counter claims that black families lacked patriarchal order.
e. African-American womens organizations established gun clubs and shooting ranges to improve their skills at self-defense.
ANS: C TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 651 | Seagull pp. 662663
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
An all-encompassing system of white domination in the South was achieved through
a. barring blacks from ever entering whites only railroad cars.
b. an exodus of over 90 percent of African-Americans northward.
c. businesses serving whites before blacks.
d. a growing number of white immigrants from Europe.
e. refusing business to black customers.
ANS: C TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 653 | Seagull pp. 665666
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
With the Redeemers in power in the South,
a. Louisiana became the only state in the Union where white illiteracy rates decreased.
b. convict labor became a profitable venture for lumber companies.
c. taxes on white landowners increased in most southern states.
d. African-Americans gained representation in local and state offices.
e. state budgets ballooned to cover increasing expenses on military forces.
ANS: B TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 648 | Seagull pp. 659660
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
By the end of the nineteenth century, African-American men in the South
a. were limited to holding local offices.
b. were forced out of politics.
c. continued to hold elective office with no restrictions.
d. joined the Democratic Party.
e. supported the redrawing of congressional district lines.
ANS: B TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 651 | Seagull pp. 662663
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Henry Grady promoted the idea of a New South based on
a. cotton factories.
b. racial equality.
c. increased commercial activities with the North.
d. industrial expansion and agricultural diversification.
e. unionized workers.
ANS: D TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 648 | Seagull p. 660
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Which statement about the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South is correct?
a. White leaders presented disenfranchisement as a good government measure.
b. Between 1890 and 1906, all states enacted laws or constitutional provisions meant to eliminate the black vote.
c. In passing various laws to restrict blacks from voting, southern elites were careful not to victimize poor whites.
d. The elimination of black and many white voters was accomplished without the North being aware.
e. The Supreme Court upheld the grandfather clause.
ANS: A TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 652 | Seagull p. 663
MSC: Evaluating OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
The black middle class in southern cities
a. mainly occupied supervisory positions in factories.
b. socialized with the white middle class.
c. worked as clerks and secretaries in offices.
d. worked as teachers and physicians and owned businesses serving the black community.
e. was formed overwhelmingly by women.
ANS: D TOP: The Segregated South DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 649 | Seagull p. 659 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Which of the following statements measures the effectiveness of the plan to disenfranchise blacks?
a. Republicans won the 1896 presidential election.
b. Not until the mid-twentieth century did black women gain voting rights.
c. As late as 1940, a very low percentage (3 percent) of adult black southerners were registered to vote.
d. During the Progressive era, black people were barred from participating in political debates
e. By 1920, more blacks lived in cities than in rural areas.
ANS: C TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 652 | Seagull p. 663
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
Why did the South fail to attract significant economic development in the wake of Reconstruction?
a. Northern investors stayed away, appalled by southern race relations.
b. Northerners considered a South without African-Americans in chains too risky for investment.
c. Investors looked for cheap labor and low taxes, but made few capital investments in the region.
d. Southern white supremacists tended to scare off northern capital industries.
e. Southern Klansmen scared away many interested investors.
ANS: C TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 649 | Seagull p. 660
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
How did the North aid in the disenfranchisement of blacks in the South?
a. The North pushed not to include the South in the womens suffrage amendment.
b. Northern senators acquiesced when Congress defeated a voting rights bill.
c. Northern politicians wanted to send troops to ensure that only poor whites could vote.
d. Northerners asked for the Fourteenth Amendment to be rescinded.
e. Northern politicians told blacks to move to the North if they wanted to vote.
ANS: B TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 652 | Seagull p. 664
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
What political office did William McKinley occupy prior to the election of 1896?
a. Nebraska congressman
b. Georgia senator
c. New York governor
d. Ohio governor
e. vice president
ANS: D TOP: The Populist Challenge DIF: Easy
REF: Full pp. 646647 | Seagull p. 658
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Which statement about Coxeys Army is accurate?
a. They helped Cuban rebels in the Spanish-American War.
b. They broke up the Great Railroad Strike of 1877.
c. They marched on Washington demanding economic relief.
d. They occupied a railroad center in Chicago during the Pullman Strike.
e. They defended missions in China from the Boxer Rebellion.
ANS: C TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 644645 | Seagull p. 656
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Republican presidential candidate William McKinley
a. lost the 1896 election.
b. promoted an inflationary process.
c. was popular in the rural areas.
d. won the 1896 election.
e. denounced corporate arrogance.
ANS: D TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 647 | Seagull p. 658
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
The 1894 Pullman Strike
a. ended with the arrival of Coxeys Army, a private security agency hired by George Pullman.
b. crippled national rail service and triggered the arrest of union president Eugene V. Debs.
c. resulted in a rare compromise between the American Railway Union and Pullman Sleeping Cars.
d. received unexpected support from Attorney General Richard Olney, who believed in the rights of railroad workers to a fair wage.
e. led to public disapproval of union president Eugene V. Debs.
ANS: B TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 644645 | Seagull p. 656
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
The Redeemers were formed by a coalition of
a. union workers and supervisors.
b. merchants, planters, and business entrepreneurs.
c. northern activists and new politicians.
d. factory female workers.
e. West Coast farmers.
ANS: B TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Easy REF: Full p. 648 | Seagull p. 658
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
William Jennings Bryan was the presidential candidate for which of the following groups?
a. Anti-Imperialist League
b. Populists and Democrats
c. Republicans and Democrats
d. Free Soil Party
e. Redeemers
ANS: B TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 646 | Seagull p. 656
MSC: Remembering OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Which institution was hardest hit by the Redeemers when they assumed power in the South?
a. womens associations
b. hospitals and asylums
c. religious associations
d. prisons
e. public schools
ANS: E TOP: The Segregated South
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 648 | Seagull p. 659
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 2. Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South.
William Jennings Bryan
a. called for the unrestricted minting of silver money.
b. angered Populists after giving a fiery convention speech denouncing the free coinage of silver.
c. failed to win enough support from the Democratic Party as the nominee for president in 1896.
d. entered politics late in life, after a successful career as a Methodist minister.
e. had a weak presidential campaign after he refused numerous speaking engagements.
ANS: A TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 646 | Seagull p. 657
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Which of the following movements most influenced William Jennings Bryan?
a. Social Gospel
b. communism
c. Social Darwinism
d. Share Our Wealth program
e. Utopianism
ANS: A TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 646 | Seagull p. 657
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Why were Populists initially cool toward Bryan?
a. He was a former Republican.
b. He had strong connections to eastern industrialists.
c. He was a weak speaker.
d. His many political ideas were too broad.
e. He was a Democrat.
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 646 | Seagull pp. 657658 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
The severe depression of 1893
a. was quickly over, and the economy was soon booming.
b. caused little, if any, hardship.
c. affected only factory workers.
d. was a period in which labor and capital looked for compromise.
e. led to increased conflict between capital and labor.
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 644 | Seagull p. 656
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Which statement about the 1896 election is correct?
a. William McKinleys victory ushered in a political stalemate that persisted until 1920.
b. The Populist Party emerged after the election.
c. The election is considered the first modern presidential campaign.
d. Bryans campaign raised millions of dollars compared to McKinleys.
e. William Jennings Bryan lost because he supported the gold standard.
ANS: C TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 646647 | Seagull p. 658
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
What role did the federal troops have in the Pullman Strike of 1894?
a. They represented the government and functioned as an overseer of the strike.
b. They worked as moderators between the strikers and the owners.
c. They were used as a backup plan in case the workers rioted.
d. They showed to support the strikers.
e. They stopped the strike by using force.
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 644 | Seagull p. 656
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Multiple Choice The Farmers Alliance hoped to improve farmers economic situation by
a. creating a farming cooperative.
b. creating a system in which the government would loan them money at low interest rates.
c. getting loans from international banks.
d. lowering the selling prices of crops and therefore increasing demand.
e. finding private investors to fund new machinery.
ANS: B TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 640641 | Seagull p. 652 MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
5 Which statement about the Peoples Party is correct?
a. It emerged from the Southern Citizens Councils in the 1890s and claimed to speak for all the native whites.
b. It embarked on a remarkable effort toward radical socialism.
c. Its platform of 1892 remains a classic document of American bigotry, advocating racist ideas of the day such as graduated income tax and increased democracy.
d. It emerged as an urban, middle-class vehicle for social, economic, and political reform.
e. It sought to rethink the relationship between freedom and government in order to address the crisis of the 1890s.
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full pp. 641642 | Seagull pp. 652653 MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
During the Age of Empire, American racial attitudes
a. had a global impact.
b. inspired Canada to grant Chinese immigrants equal rights.
c. inspired Australians to grant suffrage to native peoples.
d. influenced South Africans decision to abandon apartheid.
e. had a limited impact.
ANS: A TOP: Becoming a World Power
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 673 | Seagull pp. 686687
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
How did American racial attitudes shape South African politics?
a. The Union of South Africa followed the model of U.S. segregation with its own system of apartheid.
b. The excesses of U.S. Jim Crow rule inspired the countrys anti-apartheid movement.
c. The transfer of segregationist policies into American foreign affairs triggered a wave of reforms in the Union of South Africa.
d. The sense of shared purpose between the United States and the Union of South Africa led to a close military alliance aimed at the subjugation of sub-Saharan Africa.
e. As in the United States, South African racial attitudes brought about the rise of a successful civil rights movement.
ANS: A TOP: Becoming a World Power
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 673 | Seagull p. 687
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Populists intended to do which of the following?
a. create the foundations of a system based on communitarian cooperation
b. free America from foreign-born individuals
c. disfranchise blacks and women
d. restore economic opportunity
e. give back to Americans all the well-paying jobs occupied by immigrants
ANS: D TOP: The Populist Challenge DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 642 | Seagull p. 652 MSC: Understanding
OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Why did Populists call for public ownership of the railroads?
a. to convince the government to invest more money in a better road network
b. because they wanted to destroy the American Railway Union
c. because they distrusted large and powerful corporations like those owning the railroads
d. because they believed the state should own key institutions and corporations
e. because farmers would be able to transport their crops at a lower cost
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 642 | Seagull p. 653
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Supporters of the Anti-Imperialist League
a. wanted to civilize savage peoples.
b. argued in favor of benevolent imperialism.
c. maintained that Filipinos were entitled to U.S. citizenship.
d. argued that Puerto Ricans were entitled to U.S. citizenship.
e. believed that American energies should focus on domestic issues.
ANS: E TOP: Becoming a World Power DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 674 | Seagull p. 687 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Which of the following was an argument of anti-imperialists against American expansionism?
a. America did not have the manpower necessary to staff new foreign embassies.
b. The cost of maintaining overseas business outposts would be too high.
c. Empire was incompatible with segregation.
d. White people would leave the United States.
e. American energies should be directed at Europe.
ANS: B TOP: Becoming a World Power
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 674 | Seagull p. 687
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Which was part of the Populist platform?
a. a flat income tax
b. proportionate representation in the U.S. Senate
c. privatization of railroads
d. higher tariffs
e. workers right to form unions
ANS: E TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 642 | Seagull p. 653
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Right after the Spanish-American War, what did proponents of American imperialism use to justify their arguments?
a. The United States had a natural curiosity in regard to world cultures.
b. America was a benevolent power that needed to spread liberty.
c. America needed to subjugate inferior cultures.
d. The United States needed to focus on gaining access to Europe since most of her immigrants came from this continent.
e. America needed to stop the communists from taking over Russia.
ANS: B TOP: Becoming a World Power
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 674 | Seagull p. 688
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Test 1
___ 1. Booker T. Washington
___ 2. Alfred T. Mahan
___ 3. Theodore Roosevelt
___ 4. Emilio Aguinaldo
___ 5. William Jennings Bryan
___ 6. James Weaver
___ 7. Eugene Debs
___ 8. John Marshall Harlan
___ 9. Frances Willard
___ 10. Samuel Gompers
___ 11. William McKinley
___ 12. Jos Mart
a. advocate of free silver
b. president of the American Railway Union
c. believed politics was the place for women
d. Populist Party presidential candidate
e. advocated vocational training for blacks
f. Supreme Court justice
g. pioneered business unionism
h. fought with the Rough Riders
i. led the Filipino insurrection
j. promoted American expansionism via a navy
k. fomented a revolution in Cuba
l. annexed the Philippines
How were the Populists forward-thinking?
a. They praised laissez-faire economics.
b. They supported the gold standard.
c. They opposed taxing the income of the wealthy.
d. They embraced new technologies, such as the telegraph.
e. They were against regulation.
ANS: D TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 642 | Seagull p. 653
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
Understand the origins and significance of Populism. Which of the following statements most accurately describes the significance of the 1892 strike in Homestead, Pennsylvania?
a. The strikers defeat spelled the end of future union organization by skilled industrial workers.
b. Press scrutiny of the strike sent stock prices up for Carnegie Steel Company, suggesting that all press is good press for corporate owners.
c. It reflected the belief of many working Americans that they were being denied economic independence and self-governance.
d. Public outcry over the involvement of the state militia in crushing the strike prompted the resignation of Pennsylvanias governor.
e. The outcome made Americans look more violent than their British counterparts.
ANS: C TOP: Economic Development | Social History | Introduction: Homestead Strike
DIF: Difficult REF: Full pp. 639640 | Seagull p. 650
MSC: Analyzing OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
How did Tom Watson interact with the Populist movement?
a. He told Populists not to question economic conditions.
b. He promoted an alliance between black and white farmers.
c. He gave a speech in Kansas that anticipated Martin Luther Kings I Have a Dream speech.
d. He helped lead Coxeys Army in Washington.
e. He encouraged segregation of the races in the South.
ANS: B TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Difficult REF: Full p. 643 | Seagull p. 654
MSC: Understanding OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.
What is the status of Puerto Rico today?
a. It is a commonwealth controlled by the United States.
b. It has been returned to Spain.
c. It is an independent nation.
d. It elects members to the U.S. Congress.
e. It has established full self-government.
ANS: A TOP: Becoming a World Power DIF: Easy
REF: Full p. 673 | Seagull p. 686 MSC: Remembering
OBJ: 4. Explain how the United States emerged as an imperial power in the 1890s.
Explain how the liberty of blacks after 1877 gave way to legal segregation across the South. How did economic development in Brazil during and after the American Civil War affect the lives of southern cotton farmers?
a. Brazilian demand for American cotton created new opportunities for southern cotton growers.
b. Poverty and crime in South America triggered a mass migration of cheap farm workers into the American South where they replaced former slaves.
c. The expansion of Brazilian cotton cultivation lowered global prices and led to indebtedness and loss of land for southern farmers.
d. The expansion of slavery in Brazil in the wake of American emancipation prompted southern farmers to give up cotton cultivation for good.
e. Cheap Egyptian cotton allowed southerners to become the consumers of imported textiles.
ANS: C TOP: The Populist Challenge
DIF: Moderate REF: Full p. 640 | Seagull pp. 651652
MSC: Evaluating OBJ: 1. Understand the origins and significance of Populism.