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Artists can create a sense of luminous materiality in oil painting (p. 231) by brushing thin films of transparent color onto the surface, a process called:
a) buon fresco.
b) glazing.
c) trompe loeil.
d) staining.
Titians Assumption and Consecration of the Virgin demonstrates the power of:
a) stained glass.
b) color.
c) gender associations with line.
d) lines of sight.
How would you characterize Byzantine architectural exteriors?
a) they were incredibly ornate
b) they utilized mosaic murals to relate stories from the Bible
c) complex in elevation, they were plain and unadorned
d) they were soaring structures which utilized flying buttresses for support
Which of these is not a component of painting?
a) pigment
b) ground
c) binder
d) investment
One of the superior aspects of oil paint (pp. 231-232) is that the artist can:
a) continue to work on the same painting for weeks without it drying.
b) work with big, bold, energetic brushstrokes.
c) blend hues and tones seamlessly.
d) All of the above.
When, and by whom, was Islam founded?
a) In 610, by Mohammed
b) In the 2nd century BCE by Shih Huang-Ti
c) In the 6th century by Justinian
d) In the 5th century BCE by Darius the Great
Mixed media artists (p. 243) have achieved what important innovation in art?
a) the incorporation of new materials into traditional work
b) the combination of plastic-based and oil-based paints
c) the extension of a paintings space from two dimensions to three
d) the representation of the real world in two dimensions
Gothic architecture was different from its Romanesque predecessors in that it prioritized______.
a) the height of its interiors
b) barrel vaults
c) the experience of light, seen through stained-glass in the interior of the cathedrals
d) overall size
In European fresco painting from the early-Renaissance to the late Baroque, the goal of artists was to:
a) create the illusion of real space and realistic figures.
b) flatten the picture plane.
c) educate the illiterate masses and create a sense of awe.
d) tell the story of the life of the Buddha.
Compared to Romanesque sculpture, Gothic sculpture was ____________.
a) much bigger
b) much more naturalistic
c) proportionally less accurate
d) sculpted out of stone
Painting was largely considered a craft, lesser than other arts like poetry and music, until:
a) the Renaissance.
b) the Enlightenment.
c) the Classical period in Greece.
d) the Middle Ages.
The Kandariya Temple, modeled on a mountain landscape and covered in sculpture and mosaics, inside and out, is an example of __________ architecture. a) Hindu b) Buddhist c) Islamic d) Christian
Illusionism in fresco painting reaches its apogee in________, perhaps the most famous fresco painting ever produced.
a) Pozzos The Glorification of Saint Ignatius
b) the cave paintings in Ajanta, India
c) Michelangelos Sistine Chapel ceiling
d) Raphaels School of Athens
As Christianity affected culture in the West after antiquity, so too did ____________affect culture in the East, effectively spreading from India, across all of Asia, to Japan.
a) Islam
b) Hinduism
c) Taoism
d) Buddhism
Which of these painting techniques utilize multiple, thin layers of transparent paint to create a sense of luminous materiality?
a) impasto
b) chiaroscuro
c) glazing
d) tenebrism
Maya Ying Lins Vietnam Memorial:
a) commemorates those who died fighting in WWII.
b) honors soldiers who died during the war in the Persian Gulf.
c) was controversial at first because of its non-traditional style.
d) is located in Beijing.
The Starry Night, by Vincent van Gogh, indicates the power of the artists _______ line.
a) expressive
b) analytical
c) classical
d) contour
Michelangelos painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel was executed in a process called:
a) gouache.
b) fresco secco.
c) buon fresco.
d) encaustic.
How did Xu Wei, with paintings like Grapes, change traditional Chinese watercolor painting?
a) he introduced a more free-forma and expressive style
b) he began making meticulous portraits of powerful leaders
c) he abandoned all identifiable subject matter and made purely non-representational paintings
d) he only painted pretty landscapes
A traditional ground for tempera paintings (p. 227) is ______, a mixture of glue and plaster of Paris or chalk.
a) sinopie
b) gesso
c) gouache
d) encaustic
In Romanesque architecture (p. 442), flat ceilings were replaced with:
a) a new truss system.
b) flying buttresses.
c) pendentive arch ceilings.
d) vaulted ceilings.
Etienne-Jules Marey and Edward Muybridge were pioneers in the burgeoning art of ____________, which was first explored by the Lumiere Bros in 1895.
a) assemblage
b) motion pictures
c) Abstract Expressionism
d) public art
In the fifteenth century, a painting process was developed that allowed for a continuous blending of tones and hues on the painting surface (p. 231). What was it?
a) buon fresco
b) oil painting
c) tempera painting
d) watercolor
Through the use of _______, the architecture of the Gothic church (p. 443) was able to reach an extraordinary height.
a) wooden trusses
b) flying buttresses
c) tympanum
d) tesserae
The goal of the NEAs Art in Public Places Program was___________.
a) to expose the general public to historical art pieces, like Renaissance painting and Baroque sculpture
b) to allow artists to place sculpture wherever they wanted
c) to expose the general public to contemporary art as a kind of mass audience art appreciation course
d) to create educational programs for underprivileged children
Watercolor painting is such a spontaneous process (p. 238) that many people think of it as:
a) a temporary form of expression.
b) suitable only for student work.
c) a form of drawing.
d) All of the above.
Constantine took power in Rome in 312 C.E. and signed the Edict of Milan in 313 C.E. How did this change the trajectory of western culture for the next 1000 years?
a) it legalized Christianity, which became the dominant cultural and political force in Europe
b) it outlawed Christianity, which forced it to go underground
c) it reaffirmed pantheism, which led to the fall of Rome
d) it declared war on the East, which led to the Crusades
What motivates artists like Sakarin Krue-On, Krzysztof Wodiczko, Guillermo Gmez-Pea, and Suzanne Lacy?
a) their love of traditional painting and sculpture
b) theoretical issues
c) socio-cultural issues
d) process
a) monetary and intrinsic b) monetary and investment c) intrinsic and unspoken d) monumental and monetary
When an artist paints with a mixture of watercolor pigment and Chinese white chalk, the process (p. 240) is called:
a) gouache.
b) fresco secco.
c) trompe loeil.
d) encaustic.
Marcia Gygli Kings Springs Upstate is different from traditional painting in that:
a) it is painted so loosely, so abstract.
b) its subject matter is unique.
c) there are no figures in the landscape.
d) it projects into three-dimensional space.
What was the preferred two-dimensional medium for didactic, Christian art during the Middle Ages, particularly in the Byzantine Empire?
a) oil paint
b) acrylic
c) mosaic
d) fresco
By the year 500 ce, most of the western empire had been overrun by barbarian tribes from the north (p. 432). What emperor attempted to restore the lost empire?
a) Constantine
b) Charlemagne
c) Justinian
d) Theodora
Considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art, Michelangelos David initially came under attack because of its:
a) irregular proportions and nudity.
b) religious symbolism and nudity.
c) religious and political symbolism.
d) political symbolism and nudity.
What is that motivates most collectors to buy contemporary art?
a) investment in a known commodity
b) nothing better to do with their money
c) the pleasure of owning art and the prestige it confers upon them
d) all of the above
Painter Helen Frankenthaler (p. 242) moved from staining her canvases with oil to using which painting medium?
a) tempera
b) pastel
c) watercolor
d) acrylic
Andrew Wyeths Braids (p. 231) illustrates the detail the artist is able to achieve using the medium of _______.
a) egg tempera
b) watercolor
c) gouache
d) encaustic
The tremendous dome of Hagia Sophia (p. 434) is supported by:
a) brick walls.
b) four lintels.
c) a wooden framework.
d) four pendentives.
What was the inspiration for Marcel Duchamps controversial Nude Descending a Staircase?
a) a visit to a shingle factory
b) Navajo blankets
c) the chronophotographs of Etienne-Jules Marey
d) a 17th century painting by Raphael
How is Maya Ying Lins Vietnam Memorial (p. 46) similar to works by Edouard Manet and Marcel Duchamp?
a) similar subject matter
b) avoidance of color
c) similar types of form
d) All were initially misunderstood by the public.
The Bodhisattva painting (p. 224), painted with the technique of fresco secco, which is often very fragile, is remarkable because:
a) it is so well-preserved since it was painted in such a dry environment.
b) it is hard to achieve this kind of detail with fresco secco.
c) it was painted in Europe and Buddhism was not popular in Europe at this time.
d) depicts the Bodhisattva with such an unusual hand gesture.
A master of perspective, _______ painted The Glorification of Saint Ignatius for the Church of Sant Ignazio in Rome.
a) Fra Angelico
b) Fra Andrea Pozzo
c) Michelangelo
d) Giotto
The first Christian churches were patterned after basilicas (p. 431) used by the Romans as:
a) temples.
b) baths.
c) palaces.
d) public buildings.
The Head of a King (Oni) comes from:
a) the Olmec culture in Mesoamerica.
b) the Ife culture in present-day Nigeria.
c) the Harappan culture of India.
d) the Hopewell culture of North America.
What specific component of the National Endowment for the Arts made works of art available to the general public?
a) the Helms amendment
b) the National Cooperative
c) the Arts in Public Places program
d) the National Gallery
The artists relation to the public often depends upon:
a) the amount charged for their work.
b) whether or not they make representational work.
c) the artists background and lifestyle.
d) what the artist is trying to say.
Where is the focal point in Giottos Lamentation?
a) the angel closest to the tree
b) the figure on the far right of the composition
c) the standing figure on the far left of the composition
d) Jesus head
Paintings that consist of three painted panels, such as The Annunciation [Mrode Altarpiece] by Robert Campin, are called:
a) diptychs.
b) reliquaries.
c) triptychs.
d) frescos.
The art of sculpture popular during ancient Roman times, reemerged during what period?
a) Romanesque
b) Egyptian
c) Carolingian
d) Greek
The tile mosaic, mihrab, is typical for Islamic art. Why?
a) it prioritizes naturalistic human figures and narrative
b) it is almost exclusively abstract designs and text from the Koran
c) it is made of mosaic tiles
d) b & c
Which sculptor eventually saw his controversial work destroyed?
a) Richard Serra
b) Carl Andre
c) Andy Warhol
d) Edouard Manet
Manets Djeuner sur lherbe (Luncheon on the Grass) was rejected from the annual salon exhibition in Paris in 1863. Where was it exhibited?
a) at the GrandePalace
b) at the Salon des Refuss
c) at the Louvre
d) It was never exhibited.
Antonio Lopez Garcias New Refrigerator may seem like odd subject matter for a painting, but it actually falls within a long line of which of these artistic traditions?
a) landscape
b) still-life
c) portraiture
d) abstraction
Winslow Homers A Wall, Nassau was made using:
a) watercolor washes.
b) synthetic media.
c) the computer.
d) oil paint.
One feature distinguishing Gothic architecture from Romanesque was the extensive use of (p. 445):
a) stained glass.
b) barrel vaulting.
c) curved arches.
d) domes.
The Djingareyber Mosque and the Mosque at Crdoba (figs. 595 and 596), while very different in style and building materials, are both typical of ____________architecture.
a) Christian
b) Islamic
c) Buddhist
d) Taoist
Which artwork was referred to as an explosion in a shingle factory?
a) Edouard Manets Djeuner sur lherbe
b) Marcel Duchamps Nude Descending a Staircase
c) Pablo Picassos Women of Avignon
d) Vincent van Goghs Starry Night
Mummy Portrait of a Man was created using _______, a combination of pigment and hot wax.
a) tempera
b) fresco
c) encaustic
d) gouache
Muslim architecture, like the Mosque at Crdoba, uses ____________to create a strong visual impression.
a) light through stained-glass
b) soaring interior spaces lit by high clerestory windows
c) repetition and rhythm
d) proportions based on the golden section
Historically, why do many people receive new and innovative work with reservation?
a) They are ill informed.
b) They have little context in which to view the work.
c) The work rarely sells to patrons.
d) They prefer representational art.
With the technique of fresco secco, as illustrated in the Ajanta Buddhist caves, the artist:
a) applies the paint into fresh plaster making the painting very durable.
b) applies the paint on top of a dried ground, making it easier for the artist to get a high degree of detail.
c) applies the paint onto a canvas support.
d) paints onto a ceramic vessel before it is fired.
The manuscript page of St. Matthew from the Gospel Book of Charlemagne (p. 441) is an excellent example of:
a) Carolingian art.
b) Gothic art.
c) Islamic art.
d) Hindu art.
What was the earliest printmaking technique used in the West?
a) woodcut
b) silkscreen
c) lithography
d) monotype
The Emperor Justinian, from 532-37 C.E., used 10,000 workers and spent 132,000,000 lbs. of gold (almost bankrupting the Byzantine Empire) to build this structure that was later converted to a mosque in Constantinople.
a) Florence Cathedral
b) Pantheon
c) Taj Majal
d) Hagia Sophia
In 1863, Edouard Manets Djeuner sur lherbe was rejected by the public due to:
a) its depiction of a picnic.
b) the representation of a woman bathing in the background.
c) its modernity.
d) its size.
According to the National Endowment for the Arts what activist role should artists take?
a) They should educate the public about the value of art.
b) They should create art with a political agenda.
c) They should always break with past traditions.
d) They should incite people to vote for art in public spaces.
Multiple Choice Questions
Maya Ying Lins Memorial in Washington, D.C.:
a) was controversial at first because of its non-traditional style.
b) commemorates those who died during World War II.
c) honors soldiers who died during the war in the Persian Gulf.
d) is located in Beijing.
Built by Justinian in the first half of the sixth century, what church was probably conceived as a political and religious statement?
a) St. Apollinaire.
b) Santa Costanza.
c) San Vitale.
d) Hagia Sophia.
At the center of a scandal of the famous Armory Show of 1913 was Nude Descending a Staircase by Marcel Duchamp. The show was held in:
a) Paris.
b) Philadelphia.
c) New York.
d) London.
The medium for Theodora and her Attendants is:
a) fresco.
b) encaustic.
c) tempera.
d) mosaic.
Considered a masterpiece of Renaissance art, Michelangelos David came under attack upon first viewing due to its:
a) political symbolism.
b) religious symbolism.
c) irregular proportions.
d) subject matter.
Designed to capture the rhythms of the cosmos, Kandariya Mahadeva remains a:
a) major Hindu temple.
b) shrine to Buddha.
c) shrine to Shiva.
d) All of the above.
Chris Ofilis The Holy Virgin Mary displays two aspects of the artists lifehis African heritage and what else?
a) his abstract art training
b) his love of medieval and Renaissance art
c) his study of American popular culture
d) his Catholic upbringing
What is the church whose name means Holy Wisdom?
a) Hagia Sophia
b) Compostela
c) PisaCordoba
d) Pisano Vedas
What material did Sakarin Krue-On use in making Since 1958 (fig. 56, p. 51)?
a) oil paint
b) wood
c) bronze
d) human hair
The Hinged clasp from the Sutton Hoo burial ship illustrates a distinguishing characteristic of the art of migrating peoples of the Middle Ages, most notably the:
a) focus on religious subject matter.
b) animal style.
c) use of metal.
d) craft tradition.
In Le Djeuner sur lherbe (Luncheon on the Grass) (pp. 43-44), Manet intentionally rejects traditional painting techniques for what purpose?
a) to surpass the art of Raphael and the Renaissance
b) to call attention to his modernity and break with the past
c) to show how photography affected peoples vision
d) to retain a link with other artists at the Armory Show
In printmaking, what is an edition?
a) it is the substance that holds the medium together
b) the amount of pigment that is used in a print
c) the number of impressions authorized by the artists made from a single master image
d) all of the above
Minamoto no Yoritomo produced during the Kamakura period shows a Japanese ______.
a) kami
b) samurai
c) Shiva
d) All of the above