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Students go through the following stages in which order as they acquire proficiency in learning?
A) Entry, acquisition, proficiency, maintenance, generalization, application
B) Entry, maintenance, acquisition, application, generalization, proficiency
C) Entry, application, maintenance, proficiency, generalization, acquisition
D) Acquisition, entry, application, generalization, maintenance, proficiency
E) Acquisition, entry, generalization, proficiency, maintenance, application
Within the Common Core State Standards pertaining to fluency and comprehension, there are four strands weaved in throughout. Which of the following choices is NOT one of them?
A) Key ideas and details
B) Craft and structure
C) Self-monitoring ability
D) Range of reading and level of text
All of the following are true about time-outs EXCEPT:
A) It involves removing a student from the opportunity to receive any reinforcement.
B) It is frequently used inappropriately.
C) Secluded time-out areas or contingent restraints have legal implications.
D) The environment the student is leaving should not be reinforcing.
According to the Common Core State Standards, by fourth grade, what percentage of student reading should be expository or informational text?
A) 10%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
Which of the following choices is a procedure in which a specified amount of a reinforcer is removed after each occurrence of the target behavior?
A) Response cost
B) Contingency plan
C) Group contingencies
D) Negative reinforcement
Fluency is most frequently measured by the:
A) Number of words read correctly per minute (WCPM).
B) Mean length of utterance (MLU).
C) Type token ratio (TTR).
D) Number of complex sentences.
Mr. Nicoletti has made a written agreement with one student in his class who has difficulty with reading. If the student completes additional reading homework three days a week with his parents, the student can get an hour extra of computer time every Friday. They each agree on the terms of the agreement and sign a written form. This is an example of:
A) A contingency contract.
B) Extinction.
C) A secondary reinforcement.
D) A group contingency.
Which of the following choices correctly lists the components of reading fluency?
A) Rate of reading, comprehension, and accuracy of word reading.
B) Rate of reading, rhythm, and pitch.
C) Rate of reading, accuracy of word reading, and prosody.
D) Accuracy of word reading, phonological awareness, and phonics.
Sheila frequently laughs out loud at inappropriate times during class discussion. She likes the reaction of her students and her teacher when they look at her and scold her to be quiet. Her teacher ignores these outbursts and also advises the students to ignore those who interrupt discussion. To eliminate Sheila's behavior, her teacher is using:
A) Extinction.
B) Peer confrontation.
C) Peer interaction.
D) Punishment.
What is multisensory structured language instruction? Describe its main features.
Nicole enjoys math but hates reading. Her teacher tells her that she can do her math problems only after she finishes her reading assignment. This example illustrates the use of:
A) Negative reinforcement.
B) The Premack Principle.
C) Secondary reinforcement.
D) Group contingencies.
What are some key features of explicit code instruction? Describe why these features are important for children with reading disabilities.
Mr. Galuska wants his first-grade student to add numbers quickly and automatically. However, the student can only add numbers when using fingers or manipulatives. Using concepts of applied behavior analysis, what must Mr. Galuska do?
A) Use a positive reinforcer to encourage the student to try harder.
B) Use shaping and reinforce responses that more closely approximate the target.
C) Use punishment when the student uses manipulatives.
D) Use an antecedent to encourage correct adding behavior.
Why is it important to teach a student a variety of strategies to use when decoding?
According to Axelrod (1998), group contingencies include which of the following steps?
A) Extinguish the behavior.
B) Let only one member of the group know they are behaving appropriately.
C) Select only one behavior to change.
D) Reinforce and shape all behaviors.
Sheila is in first grade and is behind her peers in her decoding ability. When she reads words, she often gets stuck on an individual letters and looks to her teacher for help. Describe how her teacher can assist her within the RTI model of instruction.
Mr. Ketten's class has 10 minutes of silent reading each day. For each minute that the whole class is silent during this reading period, Mr. Ketten adds 1 minute to their recess time. This practice is best described by which of the following choices?
A) Group contingencies
B) Negative reinforcement
C) Primary reinforcement
D) Secondary reinforcement
What are the two overarching concepts that guide reading instruction and how do they relate to each other?
Louis loves working on the computer and is given extra computer time if he finishes all of his math problems during math class. During his computer time, another child, Brent, often uses the computer next to him. Louis becomes friends with Brent and they enjoy working together. For Louis, social time with Brent becomes:
A) An antecedent.
B) A secondary reinforcer.
C) A primary reinforcer.
D) A negative reinforcer.
"Consonant Bingo" is a game in which the teacher calls out a sound and the students mark on the pictures that begin with the same sound. This game can give children practice with which of the following skills?
A) Decoding
B) Site word recognition
C) Alphabet recognition
D) Phonemic awareness
Which of the following choices is a previously neutral behavior that is paired with a reinforcer and therefore takes on reinforcing properties of its own?
A) An antecedent
B) A negative reinforcer
C) A positive reinforcer
D) A secondary reinforcer
"Sight Word Bingo" is a game that can give children practice with which of the following skills?
A) Fluency
B) Phonics
C) Recognition of high frequency words
D) Phonological awareness
Mr. Hanson tells his class that if they work hard during math time and finish all of their problems, they do not have to have math homework for that day. To increase their on-task behavior during math, Mr. Hanson is using:
A) Extinction.
B) A secondary reinforcement.
C) An antecedent.
D) A negative reinforcement.
The Fernald (VAKT) method uses which type of approach?
A) Explicit code instruction
B) Multisensory approach
C) Onset-rime and word families approach
D) Implicit code instruction
A teacher scowls at a student until the student works. After the teacher stops scowling, the student continues to work successfully. Within the applied behavioral analysis framework, the removal of the scowl is considered:
A) Positive reinforcement.
B) Negative reinforcement.
C) Punishment.
D) Secondary reinforcement.
Which of the following statements is NOT one of the objectives of a modified language experience approach?
A) To teach the concept that text and talk are two separate entities
B) To teach the metalinguistic skills of sentence and word segmentation
C) To teach left-to-right progression
D) To teach use of semantic and syntactic clues
Brenda struggles with reading and dislikes language arts. During language arts, she frequently pokes the student in the seat next to her with her pencil and often gets up and wanders around the room. Her teacher puts her in time-out. Brenda likes to sit by herself and stare at the picture of the wall during time-out. Time-out is not effective for Brenda because it:
A) Positively reinforces her undesirable behavior.
B) Negatively reinforces her undesirable behavior.
C) Negatively reinforces her good behavior.
D) Punishes her good behavior.
Mrs. Janik uses an approach that facilitates the transfer from oral language to written language by capitalizing on her students' linguistic, cognitive, social, and cultural knowledge and abilities. Which method is Mrs. Janik using to teach reading?
B) The modified language experience approach
C) The linguistic approach
D) The Reading Mastery Program
Interviewing a student about the things that he/she likes and that would be reinforcing to them:
A) Is an example of a secondary reinforcer.
B) Helps a teacher decide which reinforcer to use.
C) Is a negative reinforcement.
D) Removes the stimulus.
Which of the following statements is NOT a feature of explicit code instruction?
A) Teaches letter-sound correspondences, but avoids phonological awareness, the alphabetic principle, and the use of phonic analysis to decode words.
B) Systematic instruction of letter-sound correspondences and teaching students to blend to sounds to make words and segment sounds to spell words.
C) Scaffolded instruction so that modeling, guidance, and positive and corrective feedback are integral features of instruction.
D) Multiple opportunities for practice and review in various contexts
Bobby has ADD and follows a schedule that lists all of the tasks that he needs to do during class time. If he completes the tasks, he gets five extra minutes on the computer at the end of the day. Using the computer is his favorite activity. Which of the following is used to increase Bobby's on-task behavior?
A) Negative reinforcement
B) Shaping
C) Extinction
D) Positive reinforcement
A book from a program has the following text; the pictures of the book reflect the meaning of the sentence. "I ate a cookie." "I ate a banana." "I ate a hamburger." This text structure most closely reflects which type of instructional approach?
A) Explicit code instruction programs
B) Multisensory structured language programs
C) Onset-rime and word families
D) Implicit code instruction programs
The following strategies may be used as antecedents to influence the frequency of desirable and undesirable behaviors EXCEPT:
A) Manipulating instructional content
B) Providing a limited number of classroom rules
C) Arranging the room in specific ways
D) Providing negative reinforcement
Language programs that combine the systematic explicit teaching of reading with activities that incorporate the visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic modalities are called:
A) Direct instruction programs.
B) Sensory awareness programs.
C) Multisensory structured language programs.
D) Implicit code instruction programs.
Parke is a first grader who struggles with math. When he gets frustrated, he provokes other children in class by hitting and biting. Before each in-class math assignment, the teacher calls Parke up to her desk and reminds him of how well he did on the previous assignment and shows him a graph of his improved grades. She provides him with a modified assignment and then has him sit with a math buddy. Parke's teacher reduces his undesired behavior by:
A) Providing positive reinforcement
B) Manipulating antecedents
C) Providing negative reinforcement
D) Using the Premack principle
Which of the following statements about Reading Mastery and Corrective Reading is true?
A) They incorporate student-led activities.
B) They are scripted for the teacher.
C) They are built on principles of implicit instruction.
D) They emphasize syntax and semantics as a way to decode text.
Which of the following best describes applied behavior analysis?
A) It explains how information is received, transformed, retrieved, and expressed.
B) It emphasizes the social nature of learning.
C) It focuses on identifying observable behaviors and manipulating the antecedents and consequences of behavior.
D) It deals with using strict classroom settings to improve student behavior.
Mr. Helmlinger teaches his students to read and spell several words that have common spelling patterns (e.g., tone, phone, cone, bone). What approach or technique is he using in his instruction?
A) The linguistic approach
B) The sight word approach
C) Emphasis on the word's context for decoding
D) Implicit instruction
Describe four features of designing and delivering effective instruction for students of different instructional needs.
What strategy would be best to use when readers want to cross-check their pronunciation and monitor their comprehension of text they are reading?
A) Phonics analysis
B) Onset-rime
C) Structural analysis
D) Syntax and semantics
IDEA requires that an IEP be developed for each student with special educational needs. Describe the role of the multidisciplinary team.
What syllable type is the first syllable in magnet?
A) Open (CV)
B) Vowel-consonant-e (CVCe)
C) Closed (CVC)
D) Vowel team (CVVC)
Briefly explain the components of RTI.
Mrs. Rutgers teachers her eighth-grade struggling readers to break apart words into their morphemes and try to identify specific affixes and root words. What decoding strategy is she teaching her students?
A) Onset-rime
B) Semantic analysis
C) Structural analysis
D) Automatic word recognition
What are some benefits of using RTI over the IQ-achievement discrepancy method as a way to identify and instruct children with learning difficulties?
Ms. Ruiz tells Mike to look at other words with the same ending to figure out a new word. What strategy does Ms. Ruiz want Mike to use?
A) Phonic analysis
B) Structural analysis
C) Syntax and context
D) Onset-rime
Describe four ways in which special education differs from regular education.
Floyd encounters an unfamiliar word in his eighth-grade social studies textbook. What would be a good first strategy for him to use in decoding the word?
A) Segment the word into individual sounds
B) Make use of context
C) Divide the word into morphemes (meaning parts)
D) Use onset-rime
All of the following choices are ways to increase opportunities for student response in the classroom EXCEPT:
A) Using choral responding
B) Using independent responding
C) Limiting teacher talk
D) Providing increased opportunities for independent seat work
Which of the following words would be best learned with a sight word strategy?
A) Have
B) Make
C) Crack
D) Made
Mr. Harris explains to the students how they should work in pairs. First, he models what he would like them to do and then explains four different activities in a row. Throughout his 30-minute explanation, he provides several examples. He prompts them to listen by saying, "Settle down, pay attention please. We have a lot to get through today." He becomes frustrated when his students fidget and lose attention. He could improve his instruction by:
A) Providing scaffolding and further modeling.
B) Limiting teacher talk and increasing opportunities for student response.
C) Writing the instructions on the board as he talks.
D) Prompting students to listen before each example.
Johnny tries to write the word bed but writes it incorrectly. Given the closeness of certain vowels in the vowel space, what would be the most likely mistake?
A) Bade
B) Bood
C) Bide
D) Bad
To what does the term "quick pacing" refer?
A) Increasing the amount of material covered and the speed of instruction to help struggling students catch up with their peers.
B) Instructing at a manageable pace for students while taking full advantage of every minute of instruction.
C) Increasing the amount of teacher instructional time while decreasing time for student response.
D) Providing students with sufficient practice so that they can respond to teacher prompts quickly and without hesitation.
Which of the following pairs of letters represents a single phoneme?
A) pr
B) ch
C) st
D) gr
Which of the following choices refers to the use of a variety of grouping practices that change depending on the goals and objectives for the lesson?
A) Scaffolding
B) Individualizing instruction
C) Curriculum-based measurement
D) Flexible grouping
Which of the following words has a consonant digraph?
A) Chin
B) Fin
C) Cram
D) Hot
Mrs. Jones is a new teacher who is introducing multiplication for the first time to her students. She begins by asking a couple of students what their favorite numbers are. One student says 2 and another says 12. Mrs. Jones shows them how to multiply numbers by 2 and then shows them how to multiply numbers by 12. Her students are confused because her teaching is not:
A) Systematic
B) Explicit
C) Concrete
D) Adapted
The sounds /sp/ and /st/ are examples of:
A) Consonant digraphs.
B) Continuant digraphs.
C) Consonant blends.
D) Phonemic segments.
Spencer is in the eighth grade and can read fourth-grade texts independently but struggles to understand more advanced level texts. The reading specialist works with Spencer in a small group to read sixth-grade level texts. When the teacher guides Spencer to read slowly, paraphrases after each paragraph and asks questions when he does not understand, Spencer can successfully answer sixth-grade comprehension questions. Based upon this information, what is Spencer's zone of proximal development for reading?
A) At the fourth-grade level
B) At the sixth-grade level
C) Between the fourth- and sixth-grade level
D) Between the fourth- and eighth-grade level
Which of the following words has a nasal sound?
A) Cat
B) Plan
C) Crazy
D) House
What are instructional and curricular adaptations?
A) Working with a variety of professionals to maximize student progress
B) A variety of grouping practices that change depending on the goals and objectives for the lesson
C) Accessing resources, collaborating with other professionals, and integrating technology
D) Making learning visible and explicit; using clear, simple language; breaking a task or activity into steps; and providing multiple ways of demonstrating learning
The sound /p/ is an example of a:
A) Voiceless stop.
B) Voiced stop.
C) Voiceless continuant.
D) Voiced continuant.
Designing instruction refers to:
A) Using effective, research-based instructional practices when teaching.
B) Ongoing assessment.
C) Using student data to plan for effective instruction.
D) Writing benchmarks and long-term goals on the IEP.
Which of the following sounds are voiced?
A) /s/
B) /f/
C) /p/
D) /d/
Which of the following techniques could be used to measure reading fluency?
A) Have students read a passage and time how long they go before making 5 errors.
B) Have students read a passage as fast as they can.
C) Have students read 100-word passages from the reading curriculum and graph fluency rates across time.
D) Have students score how they feel they performed while reading a particular passage.
Which of the following words has a continuant sound?
A) Fin
B) Pea
C) Weird
D) Wild
Which of the following choices is NOT a standard use for a progress graph?
A) Silent reading rate
B) Speed in completing math facts
C) Percentage of questions answer correctly for an assignment
D) Students' grades in core subjects
The ability to blend and segment sounds in words can be all of the following EXCEPT:
A) Phonemic awareness.
B) A phonological skill.
C) A metalinguistic skill.
D) Morphemic awareness.
Mr. Goodenough teaches an eighth-grade language arts class. He has collaborated with the special education teacher to measure the reading fluency of four students in his class who struggle with reading. Each week, they use 100-word passages from the reading curriculum and record fluency rates over time. This type of performance measure is called a:
A) Curriculum-based measurement.
B) Progress chart.
C) Learning log.
D) Weekly portfolio.
What kind of assessments compare a student's performance to other students of the same age or grade?
A) Curriculum-based measures
B) Informal assessments
C) Formal assessments
D) Norm-based assessments
An IEP is one example of a:
A) Progress chart.
B) Performance record.
C) Curriculum-based measurement.
D) Progress monitoring tool.
What kind of assessments are used to allow the teacher to regularly monitor the progress of students to determine whether their progress is on track or whether the teacher needs to make adjustments?
A) Standardized assessments
B) Diagnostic assessments
C) Norm-based assessments
D) Progress-monitoring assessments
Which is used to record student progress across a set of skills or knowledge and for a significant length of time?
A) Progress chart
B) Progress graph
C) Curriculum-based measurement
D) Performance record
What is the onset for the word split?
A) sp-
B) spl-
C) -it
D) -lit
Self-monitoring procedures have been used for students who have learning and behavior problems by providing all EXCEPT which of the following choices?
A) Prompts to remind the student to self-monitor
B) Lower expectations for students who self-monitor
C) Encouragement to self-monitor
D) Modeling for how to self-monitor
Which of the following accurately describes phonemic awareness?
A) Rhyming and alliteration
B) Sentence segmenting
C) Segmenting, blending and manipulation of phonemes
D) Segmenting, blending and manipulation of syllables
Which of the following choices is the most accurate statement regarding the instructional cycle?
A) The instructional cycle refers to the process of teaching a particular concept, and then asking questions to check for understanding.
B) The instructional cycle refers to the process of setting instructional goals, planning instruction, providing instruction, evaluating, and modifying instruction.
C) The instructional cycle should be used in an inflexible way; once a lesson has been planned, it is important not to make changes during the lesson.
D) The instructional cycle refers primarily to the beliefs and attitudes of the teacher, which should be considered when planning for instruction.
Which of the following refers to the way in which the sounds of our language map to print?
A) Onset-rime
B) Alphabetic principle
C) Phonological awareness
D) Syllable segmentation
Each week, Mrs. Komentski reviews Charlie's IEP objectives with him. They use a progress chart to record Charlie's progress with knowledge of math facts. By engaging Charlie in the monitoring of the progress towards his annual goals, Mrs. Komentski is hoping to improve Charlie's:
A) scaffolding.
B) zone of proximal development.
C) self-determination.
D) behavioral support.
Which word would be the easiest for a child to read by blending the sounds?
A) Clap
B) Hot
C) Tapped
D) Strike