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The Three Gorges Dam has been constructed on which river in China?
A) Yangtze
B) Huang He
C) Xi
D) Mekong
E) Irawaddy
What is(are) the reason(s) that China built the Three Gorges Dam?
A) to control river flooding
B) to create a resort area
C) to produce hydroelectricity
D) to control river flooding and create a resort area
E) to control river flooding and produce hydroelectricity
Problems associated with the construction of the Three Gorges Dam include all the following, EXCEPT
A) the displacement of more than one million people.
B) the diversion of two other major rivers to fill the Three Gorges reservoir.
C) the flooding of a major scenic attraction.
D) the jeopardizing of several endangered species.
E) building what is the largest hydroelectric dam in the world.
What country in East Asia has resorted to "pollution exporting" where dirtier factories are moved overseas as a way to improve its environment?
A) Japan
B) China
C) North Korea
D) Singapore
E) All of the choices are correct.
Not including the small areas in East Asia where the climate is tropical, where would you find the mildest climate of East Asia? A) the Japanese islands that lie closest to Russia
B) the northern portion of the Korean peninsula
C) southeastern China, the southern portion of the Korean peninsula, and the southern portion of Japan
D) southwestern China
E) central China
What is the most mountainous region of China?
A) north
B) east
C) west
D) central
E) south
Describe the current state of the economies of Central Asian countries and explain why these countries are generally so underdeveloped.
What is the overall status of women in Central Asia? Why have women in Afghanistan been so strictly controlled, and what is the nature of that control?
Write an essay in which you discuss the Russian war in Afghanistan, and the subsequent rise of the Taliban. In your discussion, please consider the primary causes of the war, the key players involved, and the Taliban's effect on the country's cultural landscape.
Why are ethnic Russians leaving Central Asia?
Describe the distribution of human population in the Tibetan Plateau, other highland areas of Central Asia, Central Asia desert regions, and lowlands. Discuss the ways humans settlement patterns illustrate adaption to often-harsh physical surroundings.
Discuss the major environmental issues in Central Asia.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, ethnic conflicts have troubled Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan.
During Soviet rule, immigration of ethnic Russians to Central Asia was encouraged.
Although soccer is seen as the most popular sport in most Central Asian countries, Central Asian countries have been slower to embrace the globalization of sports than other regions.
Emigration from of Central Asian countries is often to Russia.
The only feasible way of life on the Tibetan plateau seen so far is nomadic pastoralism based on the yak.
Currently desiccation is a more serious threat to the Caspian Sea than pollution.
The Pamir Knot is a complex tangle of east-west and north-south trending mountain ranges on the borders of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, and China.
What transportation technology is needed to take advantage economically of the oil wealth of Central Asia?
A) waterways
B) highways
C) pipelines
D) railroads
E) specialized oil tankers
How do social conditions in the Central Asian countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union compare with social conditions in the other countries in the region?
A) Levels of health and education are relatively low in Central Asian republics that were formerly part of the USSR, and are continuing to decline since the demise of the Soviet Union.
B) Levels of health and education are relatively high in Central Asian republics that were formerly part of the USSR, and continue to rise since the demise of the Soviet Union.
C) Levels of health and education are relatively low in Central Asian republics that were formerly part of the USSR, but are rising since the demise of the Soviet Union.
D) Levels of health and education are relatively high in Central Asian republics that were formerly part of the USSR, but are declining since the demise of the Soviet Union.
E) Levels of health and education in Central Asia are in the middle range, and the demise of the Soviet Union is causing a decline in these levels.
In what former Soviet republic did war break out immediately after 1991 between Islamist groups, smaller ethnic groups, and the government?
A) Uzbekistan
B) Tajikistan
C) Armenia
D) Azerbaijan
E) Kyrgyzstan
Which of the following was not a strategy of the Soviet Union in Central Asia?
A) nurture local nationalisms
B) replace local leaders with Communist Party officials
C) define a series of union republics based on ethnicity
D) creation of complex borders for new republics
What group replaced Turkish control on the eastern steppes of Central Asia?
A) Pashtun
B) Tibetan
C) Mongol
D) Persian
What development led to the emergence of nomadic pastoralism in Central Asia?
A) domestication of the apple
B) a climate change that made the region dryer
C) domestication of the horse
D) domestication of wheat
Which of the following is(are) NOT one of the distinctive traditional forms of sport in Central Asia?
A) horse racing
B) wrestling
C) archery
D) cricket
E) cricket and wrestling
What is the common language of the former Soviet union republics of Central Asia?
A) Arabic
B) Tajik
C) Persian
D) Pashtun
E) Russian
Which of the following religions are found among the peoples of Central Asia?
A) Christianity
B) Islam
C) Buddhism
D) Judaism and other minor religions
E) All of the answer choices are correct
Which of the following statements about the Uyghur language is most accurate?
A) Uyghur is an Indo-European language, and the main native language of Russia's eastern provinces.
B) Uyghur is an Indo-European language, and the main native language of China's Xinjiang province.
C) Uyghur is a Turkic language of the Altaic language family, and the main native language of Russia's eastern provinces.
D) Uyghur is a Turkic language of the Altaic language family, and the main native language of China's Xinjiang province.
E) Uyghur is a Tibeto-Burman language, and the main native language of China's Xinjiang province.
Early urban development in Central Asia was located near
A) ports.
B) the coast.
C) in populated areas.
D) near the silk route.
E) near ports and rivers.
Because the Soviet regime converted most productive pastures into farmland in the mid-1900s to increase the country's supply of grain, northern Kazakhstan
A) has the lowest population density in the region.
B) has a large number of immigrants.
C) has the highest population density in the steppe belt.
D) has serious problems with acid rain.
The Caspian Sea
A) drains into the Mediterranean.
B) has doubled in size over the last few hundred years.
C) is threatened by oil-industry pollution.
D) is in much greater danger than is the Aral Sea is for desiccation due to excess water use.
E) is the smallest lake in Central Asia.
Which of the following parts of Central Asia remains relatively unspoiled compared to other areas of Central Asia?
A) southern Uzbekistan
B) northwestern Tibet
C) eastern Kazakhstan
D) Azerbaijan
E) central Kyrgyzstan
Virtually the entire area of the Tibetan Plateau is higher than ________ feet above sea level.
A) 24,000
B) 2,000
C) 118,000
D) 150,000
E) 12,000
Central Asia's international recognition as a region has increased since the 1990s due to
A) territorial expansion.
B) political participation in global organizations.
C) the discovery of large oil and gas reserves.
D) as a destination for manufacturing firms.
What do most climate change experts predict will happen to Central Asia?
A) It will be hit hard by climate change, leading to melting of glaciers and reduced river flows.
B) Because of the region's low density, the problems will be minimal.
C) This dry region will benefit from higher overall precipitation.
D) The region will move to the forefront of solar energy technology development.
E) This region will not be affected by climate change.
An increasingly centralized Soviet state was achieved through
A) perestroika.
B) glasnost.
C) state-controlled education.
D) Soviet-styled fashion.
E) Soviet-styled architecture and state-controlled agriculture and industry.
The origin of the Russian state is connected to
A) the early history of the Cossacks.
B) the Caucasus region.
C) the Slavic people from what is today Belarus.
D) the division of the Slavic people by Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
By the 19th Century, high-culture citizens of Russian emulated another world region. Which region?
A) East Asia
B) South Asia
C) North America
D) Northern Latin America
E) Western Europe
What was socialist realism of the Soviet era in the Russian Domain?
A) a type of theater that is similar to today's "reality TV"
B) a writing style in the Soviet domain
C) a musical style that emphasized traditional melodies, combined with classical instrumentation
D) an artistic style devoted to the realistic depiction of workers challenging nature or struggling against capitalism
E) a holistic approach to the arts in the former Soviet Union
Using the map below, in the Ukraine, Russian speakers are largely found in what part of the country? A) northern
B) southern
C) western
D) eastern
E) there are no Russian speakers in the Ukraine
What language group dominates in the Russian Domain? A) Slavic
B) Altaic
C) Eskimo-Aleut
D) Finno-Ugric
E) Tibetan
By 2050, the Russian population could decrease by ________ million people, due to low birth rates and a one-child family norm
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 45
E) 30
The region's unpredictable politics and poor economic conditions have led to this migration pattern.
A) eastward expansion into Siberia
B) movement into southern Russia for agricultural opportunities
C) young, well-educated populations leaving Russia for other countries
D) Jewish populations within Russia returning to Russian cities from Israel and the U.S.
80% of Russia's immigrants are from ___________ ; although a growing number of workers are from ____________.
A) Southwest Asia and North Africa; Eastern Europe
B) China; Central Asia
C) Former Soviet republics; Central Asia
D) Eastern Europe; Taiwan
E) China and the former Soviet republics; SubSaharan Africa
The highest population densities in the Russian Domain are found in which part of the region?
A) the southeastern part of the region
B) the eastern-most part of the region
C) Siberia
D) the western-most part of the region
E) the coastal areas around the Sea of Okhotsk
What is the approximate population of the Russian Domain?
A) 100 million
B) 150 million
C) 200 million
D) 350 million
E) 500 million
Urbanization in the Russian Domain
A) is far below that of Western Europe.
B) was often planned in detail during the Soviet period.
C) did not really increase significantly until the 1960s.
D) was helped by laws allowing unrestricted internal migration during the Soviet period.
E) was discouraged throughout the history of the Russian Domain.
What beneficial effects might Russia see from climate change?
A) Rising sea levels along the Black and Baltic Seas.
B) Navigation may last throughout the year in Russia's northern waterways.
C) Thawing of Siberian permafrost may cause mud flows and erosion.
D) Greater contact between wildlife and indigenous human populations in northern Russia as wildlife is forced to widen its search for food.
E) Warmer temperatures allowing production of bananas on large plantations.
Which of the following is NOT an agricultural product that thrives in the podzol soil region of the Russian Domain?
A) sugar beets
B) grain
C) potatoes
D) swine and other meat
E) dairying
What is the dominant climate type in the Russian Domain?A) dryB) mild midlatitudeC) polarD) continental midlatitudeE) Mediterranean
What divides European Russiafrom Siberia?
A) the Ural Mountains
B) the eastern border of Ukraine
C) the center of Siberia
D) a line running from the Baltic to the Adriatic
E) along the trans-Siberian railroad
What impact from global warming in the Russian Domain may actually increase carbon emissions?
A) Rising sea levels along the Black and Baltic seas.
B) Thawing of permafrost containing large amounts of organic material.
C) Ability to navigate Russia's northern waterways throughout the year.
D) Warmer temperatures in Arctic Ocean and Barents Sea leading to greater fishing potential.
What is (are) the most pressing environmental problem(s) facing the Russian Domain today?
A) air pollution
B) water pollution
C) sea level rise
D) air and water pollution
E) desertification
In an essay, discuss the important legacies of the Soviet economy for the economic and social infrastructure of the Russian Domain.
How did the Soviet Union deal with the various minority groups within its borders? How successful were these policies?
How does the linguistic and religious complexity of the Caucasus Region influence the politics of the region?
Briefly discuss how the Internet and popular music have encroached into Russian culture since the late 1990s. Have these changes been received equally well by all of the Russian people? If not, who is more resistant to change, and why?
Describe and explain the overall population distribution in the Russian Region.
In an essay, describe the impact of the Soviet era on urbanization in the Russian Domain. Next, discuss the changes in urban patterns since the end of the Soviet era for the Russian Domain.
What is the source of environmental problems in the Russian domain? What, if anything, is being done to address these problems?
Local industries, such as steel, have seen their productivity increase and profits soar as the Russian Domain became integrated into the global economy.
Glasnost called for greater political openness in the former Soviet Union.
The Chernobyl nuclear disaster left about 20% of the country of Ukraine unhealthy to live in.
Almost 2/3 of Russians live in an environment harmful to their health.
What countries are Russia's major trading partners, as measured by total foreign investment?
A) Great Britain and Germany
B) the United States and Canada
C) China and Vietnam
D) Japan and South Korea
E) Australia and New Zealand
After the dismantling of the Soviet Union, Russia maintains naval bases in
A) Armenia.
B) Ukraine.
C) Kazakhstan.
D) Belarus.
E) Tajikistan.
What is perestroika?
A) greater openness, a policy in the 1980s that encouraged several republics to demand independence
B) planned economic restructuring, an early move toward a freer market
C) a policy of education improvement, in the last days of the former Soviet Union
D) the Russian word for railroad
E) a type of permafrost found around Glasgow
What is glasnost?
A) a USSR policy of greater political openness during the 1980s that encouraged several Union Republics to demand independence
B) planned economic restructuring, an early move toward a freer market
C) a policy of education improvement, in the last days of the former Soviet Union
D) the Russian word for railroad
E) a type of permafrost found around Glasgow
Describe and analyze the growth of European economic cooperation from 1950 to the present.
Detail the evolution of industry in Europe.
Discuss the potential for geopolitical devolution in Europe today. What examples illustrate the possible changes brought by a decentralization of power away from a central authority?
Yugoslavia and its former republics have been a major area of tension and warfare in the 1990s. First discuss the historical, ethnic, linguistic, and religious background of Yugoslavia, and then examine the conflicts of the 1990s, including the reasons for their occurrence and what has been done to settle them.
Describe the major language families present in Europe. How do groups within these families use language to differentiate themselves culturally?
What are the current patterns and problems regarding migration to and within Europe today?
Describe the historical periods of change that European cities have experienced and their impacts on the structure and use of cities.
Discuss and analyze the various environmental problems affecting Europe, including how governments have dealt with these problems.
Discuss the characteristics and location of Europe's three major climates.
Describe the location and typical characteristics of the four major landform regions of Europe.
The beginnings of the European Union lay in a plan calling for the regional sharing of resources such as coal.