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Three types of organizational sabotage targets exist. They include all of the following except:
A) People
B) Equipment
C) Data
D) The work setting
Sabotage is usually the method of choice of person who _______________.
A) is bored
B) believes that something in their work history was unfair to them
C) wants to gain an advantage over a colleague
D) All of the choices are correct.
Sabotage involves damaging or destroying an organization's or colleague's _______________.
A) equipment
B) workspace
C) data
D) Any or All of the choices are correct.
________ is a significant risk factor that drives employees to drink.
A) Work overload
B) Abusive supervisors
C) Working with alcoholic coworkers
D) A permissive workplace culture
_______________ is a combination of motive and opportunity.
A) Envy
B) Bullying
C) Incivility
D) Fraud
_______________ encourages some CEOs to engage in fraudulent behaviors.
A) Perceived inequity
B) A preponderance of "inside" board members
C) Perceived ambiguity of the law
D) All of the choices are correct.
Full-time workers who are illicit drug users are more likely than non-drug users to have done all of the following except:
A) Worked for three or more employers in the past year
B) Had past military service
C) Taken unexcused absences from work
D) Voluntarily left an employer or been terminated within the last year
A study of over 12,000 employees found that _______________ had engaged in such workplace misbehaviors as goldbricking, sick time abuses, and/or fraud at least once.
A) 10 percent
B) 25 percent
C) 57 percent
D) 90 percent
Researchers found, based on interviews with 200 incarcerated embezzlers, that most of them committed fraud to _______________.
A) cover other crimes
B) increase the stock price of the organization
C) meet their financial obligations
D) buy things their salaries didn't cover
All of the following are recommended ways to stop incivility except:
A) Implementing a zero-tolerance policy
B) Proactively managing the climate of the organization
C) Punishing those who engage in uncivil behaviors
D) not rewarding the behavior by acknowledging it in anyway
An intentional act of deceiving or misrepresenting in order to induce another individual or group to give up something of value is called _______________.
A) intimidation
B) goldbricking
C) harassment
D) fraud
According to recent research, employees who are the recipients of uncivil behavior experience all of the following except:
A) Increased job stress and dissatisfaction
B) Lower levels of creativity
C) Higher commitment to the organization
D) Higher turnover
All of the following are forms of incivility except:
A) Being disruptive in meetings
B) Promising disciplinary action if goals are not met
C) Giving negative eye contact
D) Making condescending remarks
Victims who can't tolerate bullying often leave the organization through _______________.
A) retirement
B) illness
C) choice
D) All of the choices are correct.
All of the following have been identified as providing a social context in which bullying can occur except:
A) Allowing jobs to be done in isolation
B) A department with low employee morale
C) An over-abundance of supervision
D) Social inequities in the workplace
_______________ is defined as repeated actions that are directed to another worker that are unwanted and that clearly cause humiliation and distress and create an unpleasant work setting.
A) Incivility
B) Bullying
C) Crime
D) Discipline
Bullying differs from "normal" conflict with peers in that bullying is characterized by:
A) An imbalance of power
B) Strong emotional reactions from the victim
C) No effort to resolve the conflict
D) All of the choices are correct.
Many victims perceive _______________ as the reason that bullies directed their behavior toward them.
A) anger
B) envy
C) low intelligence
D) revenge
The majority of workplace homicides are the result of __________.
A) management pressure
B) frustration and anxiety
C) robberies and related crime
D) intentional sabotage of safety equipment
The increase in nonfatal violence and acts of aggression may be the result of _______________.
A) downsizing
B) increased management observation
C) more unstructured time at work
D) All of the choices are correct.
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; there were more than __________ charges of sexual harassment filed in 2015.
A) 1,200
B) 2,500
C) 6,800
D) 15,700
Researchers have attempted to find a link between individual differences, such as _______________ and aggression.
A) anger
B) Type A behavior
C) gender
D) All of the choices are correct.
An example of behavior that may be considered as "aggressive" is _______________.
A) pushing
B) gossip
C) withholding of something desired
D) All of the choices are correct.
_______________ at work is the effort of an individual to inflict harm on others with whom the person works, or has worked, or on the organization itself.
A) Sabotage
B) Aggression
C) Harassment
D) Assault
In which of the following work settings or activities is one the least likely to be a victim of workplace violence?
A) Fire fighting
B) Exchanging money
C) Making deliveries
D) Working late nights
Workplace violence accounts for about _______________ of the all workplace fatalities in 2014.
A) 90 percent
B) 75 percent
C) 16 percent
D) 2 percent
If an employer offered a promotion in exchange for a sexual favor it would be considered ________ harassment.
A) Quid pro quo
B) Physiological
C) Hostile work environment
D) Psychological
This type of sexual harassment occurs when an employee "feels harassed" regardless of whether or not the sex-related behavior is illegal.
A) Quid pro quo
B) Physiological
C) Hostile work environment
D) Psychological
From a legal perspective, which of the following is not one of the types of sexual harassment?
A) Quid pro quo
B) Physiological
C) Hostile work environment
D) Psychological
Pryor and Stoller found that men who scored high on a characteristic designated "likelihood to sexually harass" were more likely to display all of the following behavior except:
A) They hold adversarial sexual beliefs
B) They are aggressive in their business dealings
C) They have difficulty understanding others' perspectives
D) The endorse traditional male sex stereotypes
A "consensual relationship agreement," also known as a "love contract," typically includes all of the following provisions except:
A) The relationship is consensual
B) What the dating employees will do if the relationship stops being consensual
C) A verification that both employees are aware of the company's policies on sexual harassment
D) Acknowledgement that the dating employees know they will be fired if they continue dating
Workplace relationships can have a host of negative ramifications, including:
A) Gossip
B) Decreased productivity
C) Accusations of favoritism
D) All of the choices are correct.
This type of sexual harassment occurs when sex-related behavior interferes with an employee's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
A) Quid pro quo
B) Physiological
C) Hostile work environment
D) Psychological
Sexual harassment occurs ________.
A) because of power differences
B) because of lust
C) across gender lines and across sexual orientations
D) All of the choices are correct.
_______________ of female employees report that they have been the object of sexually harassing behavior at work.
A) Up to 25 percent
B) Between 25 and 50 percent
C) Over 70 percent
D) Over 90 percent
The financial cost of the Enron scandal to employees, executives, the surrounding community, and society is estimated to exceed _______________.
A) $100 million
B) $10 billion
C) $100 billion
D) $900 billion
The intention to misbehave is posited to ________ the relationship between antecedents and the outcomes that are expressions of the misbehavior.
A) validate
B) moderate
C) mediate
D) surprisingly have no impact on
The most efficient misbehavior intervention point is _______________.
A) when the misbehavior is first noticed
B) after a warning has been issued
C) during the preemployment phase
D) during performance evaluation cycles
________________ is defined as the behavior exhibited by an individual or group that is purposeful (intentional) and can be harmful to the person and others, as well as financially and socially costly.
A) Incidental misbehavior
B) The intention to misbehave
C) Negative behavior
D) Bad citizenship
The impact of occupational structure on criminal workplace behaviors, such as embezzlement, vandalism, and sabotage, has been investigated by _______________.
A) anthropologists
B) occupational psychologists
C) criminologists
D) All of the choices are correct.
When an individual perceives that he or she is being mistreated by a manager, the preference for misbehaving _______________.
A) may increase
B) decreases
C) is unaffected
D) spreads to other employees
_______________ crime is conducted with the support of an organization.
A) White-collar
B) Occupational
C) Organizational
D) Gray
Crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the workplace is called _______________ crime.
A) high-society
B) social-strata
C) white-collar
D) royal
Do employees give up their civil liberties in exchange for work?
Is sexual harassment a form of violence?
How can a manager recognize a behavior as sexual harassment?
Should employees be barred from dating?
How does culture promote or inhibit employee misbehavior?
Describe the different types of sexual harassment.
Is employee misbehavior costly? Explain.
Explain what is meant by management interventions and the points at which these interventions may be made.
Describe Vardi and Weitz Model of Organizational Misbehavior and the categories of misbehavior in their framework.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), employers can require a medical test only after a contingent job offer is made.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Courts have generally reaffirmed that employers can read e-mails sent over their computer systems only if employees are informed of the policies.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Studies found that theft rates were significantly lower in organizations in which employee compensation was reduced.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Eliminating all opportunities for theft across the board increases perceptions of fairness.
⊚ true
⊚ false
A work group with deviant norms about theft, through its behaviors, can display what, when, and where to steal.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Theft is limited to tangible items, such as money and equipment.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Sabotage is a tangible expression of aggression or violence.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Multiple tests are now available that can accurately predict future substance abuse.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Researchers have concluded that workers' substance use and abuse has more to do with personal characteristics than with working conditions.
⊚ true
⊚ false
The concept of "wages in kind" suggests that the more dissatisfied the employee, the more motivated he or she will be to engage in incivility.
⊚ true
⊚ false
One reason that management should be concerned about incivility between colleagues is that can escalate to a more intense form of interaction, such as aggression or violence.
⊚ true
⊚ false
A recent study reported that males with high levels of the characteristic designated "likelihood to harass" tend to give attractive females higher scores on performance appraisals.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Experiencing repeated incidents of rudeness can cause some workers to become physically ill or suffer depression.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Psychological sexual harassment occurs when sex-related behavior interferes with an employee's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Researchers have found that overachievers are bullied less often than are average performers.
⊚ true
⊚ false
American employees now put in less time at work than they did 20 years ago.
⊚ true
⊚ false
O'Leary-Kelly, Griffin, and Glew suggest contend that demographic data may be the best predictors of violence, but it is prohibited by law from being collected.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Today's organizations commonly share information about worker aggression.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Women tend to classify a smaller range of behavior as sexually harassing than do men.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Passive aggression is accomplished through the withholding of something desired.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination, and harassed employees can file claims for battery and defamation.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Sexual harassment is a form of unethical behavior but is not considered aggression.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Misbehavior is not gender, industry, country, or date specific.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Within the Vardi and Weitz model, management interactions are the actions taken by managers to prevent, control, or respond to harmful misbehavior.
⊚ true
⊚ false
Within the Vardi and Weitz model, instrumental force represents an individual's personal interests and beliefs.
⊚ true
⊚ false
What arguments can be made in opposition to employer e-mail monitoring?
A medical practitioner has performed a medical test on an employee. What information may be shared with the employer?
Are privacy rights the same for public and private employees?