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(p. 425) Unsafe physical conditions include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. poor lighting.
B. improper dress.
C. poor housekeeping.
D. inexperienced workers.
(p. 424) In which of the following locations do accidents occur MOST frequently?
A. Where hand tools (i.e., hammers, pliers, etc.) are used
B. Around smooth materials with few sharp edges
C. Where heavy, awkward material is handled with equipment
D. Where electricity is used other than as a lighting source
(p. 424) Experts attribute the vast majority of organizational accidents to unsafe environments and:
A. low employee morale.
B. employee ignorance.
C. poor supervision.
D. unsafe personal acts.
(p. 423) Normally, what is the waiting period required following a disability before an employee becomes eligible for benefits?
A. One- to six-months
B. Two weeks
C. One- to three-years
D. Three days
(p. 423) Which of the following covers such things as normal hospitalization and outpatient doctor bills?
A. Disability insurance
B. Health insurance
C. Workers' compensation
D. Life insurance
(p. 423 Fig 20.1) Which of the following is NOT a feature that is common to virtually all workers' compensation programs?
A. The compensation is normally paid through an insurance program financed through premiums paid by employers.
B. Workers' compensation insurance premiums are based on the accident and illness record of the organization.
C. The employee has to sue the employer to get compensation.
D. An element of coinsurance exists in the workers' compensation coverage.
(p. 422) Workers' compensation:
A. usually covers all hospitalization and doctor bills.
B. provides protection for the loss of income for injured workers.
C. is not mandatory for most employers.
D. is only required in a few states.
(p. 421) In order for a safety program to be successful, it must start at the:
A. operative level.
B. supervisory level.
C. middle level of management.
D. top level of management.
(p. 435) Employers using specific hazardous chemicals are not responsible for meeting hazard communications requirements.
(p. 435) The responsibility for identifying hazards posed by a specific chemical rests with the manufacturer of the product or the importer that brings it into the United States if it is manufactured abroad.
(p. 434) The Hazard Communications Standard is also known as the "right to work" rule.
(p. 434) Form 301 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act was designed to make it easier to post and calculate incident rates.
(p. 431) The Occupational Safety and Health Act is applicable to self-employed individuals.
(p. 430) When discipline is called for, its purpose should be to teach, not to punish.
(p. 430) Organizations should adopt a "zero tolerance" policy to deter workplace violence.
(p. 428) The way the supervisor views safety often sets the tone for the way employees view safety.
(p. 428) Supervisors should see to it that new employees know how to do their jobs properly, but they need not be concerned with experienced employees.
(p. 427) Publicizing safety statistics and using bulletin boards can promote safety attitudes within the organization.
(p. 427) Major objectives of ergonomics are to reduce fatigue and accidents due to human error.
(p. 426) Disabling injuries are also known as lost-time injuries.
(p. 425) A frequency rate refers to the severity of accidents in the workplace.
(p. 425) Since accident-proneness is a result of inborn traits, it can be used to justify accidents.
(p. 425) Accident-proneness is simply due to the careless attitude of the employees.
(p. 425) Poor ventilation is considered to be an unsafe physical working condition.
(p. 424) Unsafe personal acts cause the bulk of workplace accidents.
(p. 423) Health insurance protects the employee during a permanent disability.
(p. 422) Workers' compensation is pretty much standardized from state to state.
(p. 421) Even in an organization that has a safety director, the supervisor is still responsible for carrying out specific safety directives.
(p. 434) What is the Hazard Communications Standard?
(p. 434) According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, when are employers required to record work-related injuries or illnesses?
(p. 431) List any three things the Occupational Safety and Health Administration do under OSHA.
(p. 431) What does OSHA stand for and what is its purpose?
(p. 428) List any three ways the supervisor can prevent accidents.
(p. 427) Discuss ergonomics and its major objectives.
(p. 425) Discuss accident-proneness.
(p. 424) List potential reasons for employees committing unsafe personal acts.
(p. 423) Define disability insurance.
(p. 422) Describe any three costs associated with work-related accidents.
(p. 435) Identify the incorrect statement about the Hazard Communication Standards.
A. The responsibility for identifying hazards posed by a specific chemical rests with the manufacturer of the product.
B. It is mandatory for all manufacturers and importers of the hazardous material to maintain handwritten and updated Material Safety Data Sheets.
C. Employers using specific hazardous chemicals are responsible for meeting hazard communications requirements and for training employees on the proper procedures for dealing with the chemicals.
D. Material Safety Data Sheets provide information on the nature of hazards, including appropriate handling and remedies for unexpected exposure.
(p. 434) The goal of the "right to know" rule is to:
A. make employers aware of the penalties for violating safety rules.
B. make the employees aware of safety violations.
C. give employees access to their personnel files.
D. reduce the incidence of illness and injuries caused by chemicals.
(p. 434) Which of the following statements is true about the forms of the Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA)?
A. As of January 2002, OSHA requires Form 200, Log and Summary of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, be maintained by all employers.
B. OSHA Form 301 requires that each occupational injury and illness be recorded within six working days from the time the employer learns of the accident or illness.
C. Form 200 must be retained for five years by the organization and must be available for inspection.
D. OSHA Form 300, OSHA Form 300A, and OSHA Form 301, are maintained on a calendar-year basis.
(p. 433) Identify the correct statement about Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
A. State plans are OSHA-approved job safety and health programs operated by individual states instead of federal OSHA.
B. Under OSHA, employers of 3 to 5 persons must maintain records of occupational injuries and illnesses as they occur.
C. Businesses classified as a specific low-hazard retail, service, or real estate industry should regularly maintain injury and illness records.
D. Employers are generally not required to record work-related injuries or illnesses if they result in transfer to another job.
(p. 413) What are the three basic questions that must be answered when making inventory decisions?
(p. 412) List any three guidelines to be followed to establish a culture that discourages employee theft.
(p. 409) List four programs implemented by organizations that address work/life issues.
(p. 408) List any three things a supervisor should do if overtime becomes necessary.
(p. 406) List and discuss any two cost reduction strategies.
(p. 404-405) List any three categories of costs to be considered when preparing a budget.
(p. 403) List any three guidelines for establishing an environment conducive to continuous cost control and reduction.
(p. 401-402) List the four stages in a PDCA Cycle.
(p. 398) What are the benefits of methods improvement?
(p. 397) What are the determinants of productivity?
(p. 414) What is the basic objective of Just-in-time inventory control system?
A. Increase efficiency by eliminating unnecessary work.
B. Identify inefficient work and wasted motions.
C. Generate cost-reduction ideas.
D. Elimination of waste
(p. 413-414) Identify the incorrect statement about just-in-time (JIT) inventory controls.
A. JIT is a philosophy for production so that the right items arrive and leave as they are needed.
B. JIT depends on the elimination of setup time between the production of different batches of different products.
C. Incoming raw materials are ordered in relatively few large shipments and stored in warehouses until needed for production.
D. Organizations make smaller and more frequent orders of raw materials.
(p. 413) ________________ are used to buffer differences in the rates of flow through the various production processes.
A. Raw material inventories
B. MRO inventories
C. Finished goods inventories
D. In-process inventories
(p. 412) Which of the following guidelines should be followed to establish a corporate culture that supports an honest workforce?
A. Watch for warning signs of abuse.
B. Be overly aggressive.
C. Police the workplace.
D. Do not be overly trustful of employees.
(p. 410) Which of the following is an indirect cost of replacing an employee?
A. Advertising expenses
B. Overtime expenses
C. Management's time involved in recruitment
D. Headhunter fees
(p. 410) If a condition of employment is causing an employee to be tardy, the supervisor should:
A. discipline the employee.
B. explain the seriousness of the tardiness.
C. follow formal disciplinary procedures.
D. take steps to correct it.
(p. 410) Accidental tardiness involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A. hazardous weather conditions.
B. car problems.
C. personal emergencies.
D. the employee who is late on a regular basis.
(p. 409) Designated benefits programs:
A. combine all time off into a pool which employees can use as they wish.
B. are replacing traditional paid time-off plans in many organizations.
C. are incentives offered by some organizations to encourage employees to take fewer sick days.
D. define sick time, holidays, and vacation time as separate times away from work.
(p. 408) Hidden costs associated with excessive overtime include:
A. lower rejection rates.
B. cost of higher wages.
C. decreased employee efficiency.
D. reduced absenteeism.
(p. 407) An example of a cost reduction strategy would be to:
A. decrease output by using fewer resources.
B. maximize waste.
C. invest in employee training.
D. increase overhead.
(p. 406) Which of the following is one of the largest causes of downtime?
A. Misuse of office supplies
B. Inadequate storage space
C. Work on projects of little value
D. Obsolete and worn-out equipment
(p. 405) Human resource specialists and public relations specialists are examples of:
A. indirect labor costs.
B. overhead costs.
C. direct labor costs.
D. maintenance costs.
(p. 405) Which of the following is an example of operating supplies costs?
A. Brochures explaining a service
B. Expenditures for replacement parts
C. Items damaged during manufacture
D. Physical space
(p. 403) To be most effective, cost reduction should:
A. be greatly emphasized once a year.
B. be a brief and intensive campaign.
C. seldom be a part of the normal routine.
D. be a regular part of the normal routine.
(p. 403) Kaizen:
A. describes a process of sporadic and intermittent improvement.
B. is basically a system of taking on large steps to improve the workplace.
C. focuses on improving the methods and procedures used in the current situation.
D. is based on the belief that the system should be product driven.
(p. 402) The Kaizen philosophy is based on:
A. large technical leaps.
B. overhauling of existing processes.
C. incremental refining of existing processes.
D. obtaining newer and faster machines.
(p. 401) The study of the interface between people and the equipment and machines with which they work is:
A. Just-in-time.
B. ergonomics.
C. motion study.
D. work-methods improvement.
(p. 400) What is the primary use of a time study?
A. To identify inefficient work and wasted motions
B. To make improvements in the design of tools and equipment
C. To determine which of the suggested improvements are the best
D. To provide standards to which employee performance can be compared
(p. 399) Motion or methods study is concerned with:
A. determining how a task is being performed and if it can be performed in a more efficient manner.
B. the analysis of a task to determine the elements of work required to perform it.
C. determining how long it should take an average person to perform the task in question efficiently.
D. providing standards to which employee performance can be compared.
(p. 398) Work-methods improvement is also called:
A. methods study.
B. methods engineering.
C. time study.
D. works engineering.
(p. 414) Just-in-time inventory control can be viewed as an operating philosophy which has as its basic objective the elimination of waste.
(p. 413) Just-in-time systems are sometimes referred to as zero-defects systems.
(p. 412) Quality control systems determine when stock should be replaced and how large orders should be.
(p. 412) In manufacturing, the average cost of materials handling has been estimated to be as high as 60 to 70 percent.
(p. 410) As with absenteeism, all tardiness is controllable.
(p. 409) Designated benefits programs define sick time, holidays, and vacation time as separate times away from work.
(p. 408) If employees work excessive overtime, they may begin to expect it as a part of their regular wages.
(p. 408) By law, it is required that all hours over 45 worked in one week be paid at the rate of time and a quarter.