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(p. 243-244) List three actions which are prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(p. 242-243) List at least five antidiscrimination laws that affect organizations.
(p. 254) Which of the following cases is a significant case concerning religious discrimination?
A. TWA v. Hardison
B. Bragdon v. Abbott
C. Bakke v. University of California
D. Martin v. Wilks
(p. 253) To prevent sexual harassment in the workplace, the supervisor should do all of the following EXCEPT:
A. take appropriate disciplinary action when it occurs.
B. express approval if the harassment is justified.
C. inform employees of their rights to raise a claim.
D. affirmatively raise the subject in employee meetings.
(p. 252) An advantage of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action is that:
A. it offers employers a new reservoir of talent from which qualified candidates are chosen.
B. employers must hire women who are qualified even if they are unable to perform a few of the job functions.
C. there are fewer opportunities for fully employing women.
D. employers must hire religious and national origin minorities even if they are unqualified.
(p. 251) Which of the following charges results when a woman or a member of a minority group is not discharged for an offense warranting discharge?
A. Employment parity
B. Occupational parity
C. Reverse discrimination
D. Affirmative action
(p. 250) Which of the following refers to the reproducibility of results with a predictor?
A. Accuracy
B. Validation
C. Timeliness
D. Reliability
(p. 249) Which of the following programs focuses on providing opportunities to members of protected groups who were previously denied access to employment and continued training and development programs?
A. Affirmative action
B. Equal employment opportunity
C. Disciplinary action
D. Federal contract compliance
(p. 248) The two methods used by the EEOC to determine whether discrimination against a protected group has occurred are ________________ and _______________.
A. affirmative action; equal employment opportunity
B. discrimination; reverse discrimination
C. employment parity; occupational parity
D. hiring; firing
(p. 248) ________________ refers to an organization's attempt to balance its workforce with respect to sex and race so that it reflects the same proportions as those of its general labor market.
A. Equal employment opportunity
B. Affirmative action
C. Reverse discrimination
D. Employment parity
(p. 248) Which of the following parities exists when the proportion of protected employees employed by an organization equals the proportion in the organization's relevant labor market?
A. Employment parity
B. Occupation parity
C. Systematic parity
D. Labor force parity
(p. 248) Discrimination is permitted under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 only when there are issues of:
A. past discrimination.
B. safety, efficiency, and operation of the business.
C. managerial or supervisory preferences.
D. race or color as a BFOQ.
(p. 246 Fig 12.1) Which of the following laws prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, or national origin and requires affirmative action regarding these factors?
A. The Rehabilitation Act
B. The Family and Medical Leave Act
C. Executive Order 11246
D. Immigration Reform and Control Act
(p. 245) The two major federal enforcement agencies for equal employment opportunity are the:
A. Labor Department and Office of Federal Contract Compliance.
B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Justice Department.
C. Federal Bureau of Investigation and Secret Service.
D. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Office of Federal Contract Compliance.
(p. 244) Punitive damages are permitted to victims of racial discrimination in hiring as a result of the:
A. Civil Rights Act of 1991.
B. affirmative action executive orders.
C. Equal Pay Act.
D. 1964 Civil Rights Act (Title VI).
(p. 243) The Age Discrimination in Employment Act:
A. uses tests or job requirements to screen out disabled applicants.
B. requires federal contractors and subcontractors to have affirmative action programs.
C. established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
D. applies to employers of 20 or more people.
(p. 243) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
A. inquires whether an applicant has a disability.
B. uses tests or job requirements to screen out disabled applicants.
C. prohibits employers from denying jobs to individuals merely because of a handicap.
D. requires employers to treat pregnancy like any other medical condition with regard to fringe benefits and leave policies.
(p. 242) The Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires employers to provide equal pay for men and women who:
A. have the same years of seniority and experience.
B. perform work that is similar in skill, effort, and responsibility.
C. work in the same position.
D. work the same amount of overtime.
(p. 242) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave the EEOC the power to do all of the following EXCEPT:
A. mediate agreements between parties involved in discrimination complaints.
B. take court action when necessary to enforce the laws.
C. investigate job discrimination complaints.
D. reinstate employees with back pay if discrimination is proven.
(p. 242) Which of the following laws has been the source of the greatest number of complaints concerning discrimination?
A. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
B. Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972
C. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act
D. The Rehabilitation Act
(p. 242) Women are primarily employed in:
A. the public service sector.
B. supervision and top management.
C. jobs with authority.
D. transportation.
(p. 241) All levels of management are affected by antidiscrimination laws. Which of the following people has the greatest potential for violating these laws?
A. Supervisor
B. Human resources director
C. Vice president
D. President
(p. 255) The EEOC and the courts have uniformly held that Title VII does not prohibit employment discrimination against homosexuals.
(p. 255) Individuals who are diagnosed as HIV-positive, even if they haven't developed symptoms, are considered to be disabled and entitled to the protection of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
(p. 253) The most frequent accommodation issue under Title VII's religious discrimination provisions arises from the conflict between religious practices and work schedules.
(p. 252) If an employer has been made aware of sexual harassment acts that have been occurring at the workplace and no immediate and appropriate corrective actions were taken, then the employer becomes responsible for the acts.
(p. 252) Supervisors have no impact on the achievement of EEO and affirmative action goals.
(p. 252) Affirmative action laws require employers to hire unqualified employees in order to compensate for past discrimination practices.
(p. 251) It is illegal to threaten, pressure, or harass an employee into resigning, simply because the employee has filed a Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 complaint.
(p. 250) In order to avoid discrimination, an interviewer should concentrate on evaluating an applicant on ability and potential, and not on characteristics like appearance and age.
(p. 249) Under affirmative action plan, quotas for hiring women and other minorities are required by law.
(p. 248) Occupational parity exists when the proportion of protected employees employed in various jobs in the organization is equal to their proportion in the organization's relevant labor market.
(p. 248) If an employer can prove that discrimination is essential to the safety, efficiency, and operation of a business, then that employer can legally discriminate as long as no alternatives exist.
(p. 248) An exception to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is discrimination based on a bona fide seniority or merit system.
(p. 245) Executive orders are issued by the Supreme Court to give direction to governmental agencies.
(p. 244) The Civil Rights Act of 1991 requires that companies must provide evidence that the business practice that led to the discrimination was not discriminatory but was job-related for the position in question and consistent with business necessity.
(p. 243) The Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits employers from asking about an individual's ability to perform a job.
(p. 243) The Veterans Readjustment Act was passed primarily to protect the handicapped and disabled individuals.
(p. 242) According to the Equal pay Act, offering and paying higher wages to women and minorities in order to attract these groups are considered illegal.
(p. 242) Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits sex discrimination in all programs or activities that receive federal financial aid in order to provide employment.
(p. 241) It is legal to use non-job-related factors for making decisions affecting people in organizations.
(p. 241) The assignment of jobs must be determined by ability to do or learn to do the job and must not be influenced by sex, race, or any other non-job-related factor.
(p. 233-234) List the steps to be used in training an employee in physical skills.
(p. 232-233) List and describe the methods of training employees in an organization.
(p. 232) List the three common pitfalls that supervisors must avoid when training a new employee.
(p. 226) What is the information that a past employer should provide to an inquiring company about the employment history of a former employee?
(p. 223) What is the purpose of the selection process?
(p. 222) What are the advantages of using employment agencies for recruitment?
(p. 221) Define job posting and job bidding.
(p. 220) Define human resource forecasting.
(p. 218) Define a skills inventory.
(p. 217) Define job analysis, job description, and job specification.
(p. 233-234) The first step in training an employee in job skills is to:
A. break down the work into components.
B. identify the key points.
C. demonstrate the proper way the work is to be done.
D. get the trainee ready to learn.
(p. 233) ________________ involves supervised training and testing for a minimum time period and until a minimum skill level has been reached.
A. Vestibule training
B. Apprenticeship training
C. Programmed instruction
D. Computer-assisted instruction
(p. 233) When ________________ training is used, the trainee uses equipment and procedures similar to those of the actual job, but located in a special area.
A. vestibule
B. classroom
C. programmed instruction
D. computer-assisted instruction
(p. 232) Which of the following is NOT one of the pitfalls to avoid when training a new employee?
A. Pointing out mistakes only
B. Taking the attitude that all people can learn and want to learn
C. Expecting the new employee to do the job perfectly the first time
D. Lack of adequate feedback
(p. 231) In which of the following types of training, the supervisor shows the trainee how to do the job, and then the trainee actually does it under the supervisor's guidance?
A. Job-instruction training
B. On-the-job training
C. Cross-training
D. Apprenticeship training
(p. 229) ________________ cannot be a source for rejection of the candidate and is considered as an offence (discrimination).
A. Type of experience and education of an applicant
B. Whether job candidate is legally eligible to work in the United States
C. Whether candidate can meet the work schedule
D. Marital status of an applicant
(p. 228) In order to overcome some of the pitfalls in interviewing, the supervisor should first:
A. review all of the information that has been obtained in the previous steps of the selection process.
B. be sure to ask the applicant a lot of personal questions.
C. ask a question that is not on his or her list of interview questions.
D. make sure that women and other minorities are discriminated against in organizations.
(p. 227) The halo effect occurs when:
A. the supervisor feels that an employee is perfect.
B. the supervisor comes to different conclusions based on how data is presented.
C. there are moralistic employees working in an office.
D. the supervisor allows one prominent characteristic of a person to dominate judgment of all other characteristics.
(p. 227) In a(n) ________________ interview, the supervisor knows in advance what questions are going to be asked.
A. unstructured
B. structured
C. situational
D. behavioral
(p. 226) Which of the following sources is in the best position to supply the most objective information about job candidates?
A. Academic references from professors
B. Outside reporting services
C. Personal references
D. Previous employers
(p. 225) ________________ tests measure a person's strength, dexterity, and coordination.
A. Psychological
B. Psychomotor
C. Polygraph
D. Aptitude
(p. 225) ________________ tests measure how well the applicant can do a sample of the work that is to be performed.
A. Aptitude
B. Job knowledge
C. Proficiency
D. Psychological
(p. 225) ________________ measure a person's capacity or potential ability to learn and perform a job.
A. Psychomotor tests
B. Job knowledge tests
C. Proficiency tests
D. Aptitude tests
(p. 232-233) In most companies, the primary responsibility for conducting training for the new employees falls to:
A. top management.
B. the supervisor.
C. the human resource department.
D. a state employment agency.
(p. 221) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using external sources for human resource needs?
A. Longer adjustment or orientation time
B. Possible morale problems of those not promoted
C. Need strong management-development program
D. Inbreeding
(p. 221) Job bidding is usually associated with:
A. job posting.
B. job analysis.
C. job rotation.
D. job knowledge.
(p. 221) Identify the correct statement about the Peter Principle.
A. It states that the demand upon resources tends to expand to match the supply of the resources.
B. It states that in a hierarchy such as a modern organization, individuals tend to rise to their levels of incompetence.
C. It states that the individual on the top of a hierarchy, wishing to remain in power, chooses his or her associates who are not competent enough to remove him or her from power.
D. It states that management is making decisions without consulting the staff affected by those decisions.
(p. 221) Which of the following is an advantage of using internal sources for human resource needs?
A. No group of political supporters in organization already
B. Cheaper and faster than training professionals
C. Lower cost for some jobs
D. May bring industry insights
(p. 217) A ________________ is a written statement that identifies the tasks, duties, activities, and performance results required in a particular job.
A. job description
B. job clause
C. job design
D. job specification
(p. 217) ________________ involves seeking and attracting qualified candidates for job vacancies.
A. Selection
B. Recruiting
C. Training
D. Orienting
(p. 234) Work components and key points foster technical improvements in the way the work is accomplished.
(p. 233) Vestibule training involves supervised training and testing for a minimum time period and until a minimum skill level has been reached.
(p. 231) Cross training is another name for job rotation.
(p. 228) Orientation involves the acquisition of skills, concepts, rules, or attitudes by employees in order to increase their performance.
(p. 228) Orientation is concerned with introducing new employees to aspects of their jobs such as general job duties, working conditions, and pay.
(p. 228) Medical exams should be given before conditional offers of employment are made.
(p. 228) It is safe to assume that an applicant, if hired, will behave exactly the same way on the job as he or she does during the interview.
(p. 228) If a structured interview is to be used, the supervisor should write down all of the questions that are going to be asked.