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Whether or not sex is appropriate only within a married or committed relation according to a natural law perspective will depend on whether this is the most fitting or only fitting context for sex given what we are like.
a. True
b. False
Couples who cohabitate before getting married are more likely to divorce for this reason alone.
a. True
b. False
Given the nature of morality as a function of benefits and harms and of treating persons with respect and disrespect, still sex is too personal to be a moral matter.
a. True
b. False
A consequentialist approach to judging sexual morality will ask whether one is using anyone or whether the sexual relation is an open one.
a. True
b. False
All moral theories will pose moral questions about sexual morality in the same way.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Which of the following in not an example of utilitarian reasoning?
a. One has an obligation to be true to one's own sexual identity so we can move toward a society that is not so homophobic.
b. The effect on the family should be considered when making choices about sex.
c. What people do privately is their business.
d. Sexual immorality will get a person sent to hell.
The ratio of boys to girls in some sections of China today is
a. 96:100
b. 115:100
c. 124:100
d. 120:100
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Your text indicates five distinct criteria that the so-called Method II arguments may use to determine the moral status of a being (such as a fetus): 1. Being Human, 2. Being Like Human, 3. Potentiality, 4. Evolving Value, or 5. Actuality. For the following Method II claims, determine which of these five criteria is being employed.
"Taking the life of an innocent human being is morally impermissible. Therefore, abortion is morally wrong." Which Method II is assumed by this claim?
a. Potentiality.
b. Being like humans.
c. Being human.
d. Actuality.
e. Evolving value.
"Because dolphin species can think and communicate, they have the same full moral status as members of the human species." Which Method II is assumed by this claim?
a. Potentiality.
b. Being like humans.
c. Being human.
d. Actuality.
e. Evolving value.
According to Thomson's argument, based on the analogy of the violinist, if a fetus is a human being, then its abortion cannot be morally permissible.
a. True
b. False
According to Thomson, if one has a right to life one has a right to whatever is necessary to sustain that life.
a. True
b. False
According to utilitarian reasoning, abortion is morally unjustified if it will lead to more unhappiness than happiness.
a. True
b. False
According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, the right to privacy is absolute.
a. True
b. False
If some action is immoral, then it follows from this alone that it ought also to be illegal.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
To base the justification for legalized abortion on the fact that there were thousands of women dying as a result of illegal abortions, is to make an argument based on
a. Utilitarianism.
b. Virtue ethics.
c. Categorical Imperative.
d. Relativism.
People who argue that abortions are wrong because they lead to a lack of adoptable babies are basing their argument on
a. Utilitarian concerns.
b. Natural law.
c. Kant's categorical imperative.
d. Egoistic concerns.
A blastocyst is a
a. Ball of cells.
b. Type of abortion procedure.
c. Concept the pro-life camp uses to scare women.
d. Ovum.
RU486 induces abortion by
a. preventing the blastocyte from embedding in the uterine wall.
b. replacing the amnioitic fluid with saline.
c. inducing uterine contractions.
d. inducing early labor.
According to statistics from the Guttmacher Institute, cited in your text, the women least likely to have abortions are
a. Black.
b. Hispanic.
c. White.
d. Poor.
MacKinnon listed all the following as stages of fetal development except
a. Fertilization.
b. Viability.
c. Sensory awareness.
d. Quickening.
If a woman bases her right to an abortion on her right to control her own body, she is arguing from the perspective of
a. Egoism.
b. Natural law.
c. Categorical Imperative.
d. Virtue ethics.
Sex-selective abortion is legal in
a. the United Kingdom
b. Canada
c. Germany
d. the United States
The Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling on abortion asserts that a woman should always have a right to abortion if she so chooses.
a. True
b. False
Your text distinguishes "Method I" approaches to questions about the moral status of a fetus as focused on determining the stage of development at which a fetus should count as a person.
a. True
b. False
According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, there is a fundamental right to privacy.
a. True
b. False
Parents of a newborn who is dying no matter what is done ask that doctors not do anything else to prolong its life.
A person who has terminal cancer takes an overdose of sleeping pills so that he will be able to die when and how he wishes.
A person who has serious lung problems and has been temporarily placed on a respirator asks that she be removed from a respirator that is causing her great discomfort.
Give a deontological argument for legalizing active euthanasia and a deontological argument against it.
James Rachels employs a thought experiment involving two men, Smith and Jones, who Rachels suggests demonstrate that killing someone is not necessarily morally worse than letting someone die. Describe Rachels' thought experiment and explain how it is supposed to relate to the morality of passive and active euthanasia. What conclusions does Rachels draw about the moral significance of the distinction between active and passive euthanasia?
Give a consequentialist argument for legalizing active euthanasia and a consequentialist argument against it.
Your text distinguishes "Method II" approaches to questions about the moral status of a fetus as focused on determining what it is that gives human beings moral status.
a. True
b. False
All arguments regarding abortion depend on decisions regarding the moral status of the fetus.
a. True
b. False
According to the Roe v. Wade 1971 Supreme Court ruling, abortion is not permissible beyond the 12th week of fetal development.
a. True
b. False
What is the condition the American Medical Association has defined as dead?
a. The spirit leaves the body.
b. Heart has stopped beating.
c. Whole brain death has occurred.
d. Person has lost all mental function.
Terri Schiavo's medical condition in 2005 can best be described as
a. Brain dead.
b. Unconscious.
c. Permanent vegetative state.
d. Coma.
Which of the following is a nonconsequentialist consideration for active voluntary euthanasia.
a. Effect on family
b. Autonomy
c. Family finances
d. Shortage of medical facilities
According to Rachels, if the motive is morally appropriate,
a. passive euthanasia is not morally worse than active euthanasia.
b. active euthanasia is not morally worse than passive euthanasia.
c. the action itself is inconsequential.
d. physician-assisted suicide is ethical.
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Which of the following considerations determines whether a measure is ordinary or extraordinary?
a. whether the measure is likely to benefit the patient
b. whether the measure represents common medical practice
c. whether the treatment is voluntary
d. whether the treatment is legal
Critics of the distinction between ordinary versus extraordinary measures have complained that the idea of what counts as extraordinary is
a. immoral
b. heroic
c. vain
d. vague
Label as types of euthanasia: Voluntary Active (VA), Voluntary Passive withholding Ordinary Measures (VPO), Voluntary Passive withholding Extraordinary Measures (VPEx), or (using the same names with NV for non-voluntary) Non-voluntary Active (NVA), Non-voluntary Passive withholding Ordinary Measures (NVPO), Non-voluntary Passive withholding Extraordinary Measures (NVPEx).
A dying patient asks that no more chemotherapy be given because it is doing nothing but prolonging her death, which is inevitable in a short time anyway.
A "Durable Power of Attorney" is substantially the same as a living will, for they both are documents designed to enable one to write in advance what treatment one wants and what one doesn't want when dying and unable to speak.
a. True
b. False
Physician-assisted suicide is suicide that results from a physicians prescription of lethal medication.
a. True
b. False
Some laws in the United States allow for nonvoluntary passive euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
To give pain medication in order to relieve pain, knowing that there is also a chance that the patient might be so weakened as to die from the medication, is generally considered a case of active euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
All the following are recognized as legal grounds for withdrawing life support except
a. Living will.
b. Verbal request by adult patient.
c. Request of responsible family member.
d. Written request by minor patient.
Mercy Killing is the same as _____________ euthanasia.
a. Passive voluntary
b. Passive involuntary
c. Active voluntary
d. Active involuntary
Which of the following terms refers to the administering of medication with good intended effect but bad foreseen effect?
a. Active euthanasia
b. Double effect
c. Overdose
d. Physician error
Describe the evolution of feminist concerns through the so-called "three waves" of feminism. Cite at least one thinker from each of the "waves" and explain how their ideas reflect this evolution.
Compare and contrast the research findings of Kohlberg and Gilligan. In what ways do their findings and conclusions agree and disagree?
Describe some feminists' critiques of the idea of feminine ethics. How do such critiques distinguish the concerns of "feminist ethics" from the concerns of "feminine ethics?"
Relatively common or standard measures of life support are always to be considered ordinary means of life support.
a. True
b. False
Nonvoluntary euthanasia means causing death in violation of the patient's consent.
a. True
b. False
Removing a person from a respirator after he has been declared dead according to whole brain death criteria is a case of passive euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
According to a broad definition of euthanasia, only so-called active euthanasia or mercy killing should be called euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
If a person asks to be disconnected from certain life support equipment, and this is done, this would be a case of voluntary active euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
Administering a lethal dose to a person who requests it is termed voluntary active euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
Who argues that it is because women spend too much of their lives mothering that women develop a morality consistent with this experience?
a. Noddings
b. Ruddick
c. Whitbeck
d. Gilligan
Who thought that women were inferior to men morally?
a. Gilligan
b. Noddings
c. Greeno and Maccoby
d. Freud
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Which of the following terms is NOT listed in your text among those typically associated with a male ethical perspective?
a. Compassion
b. Impartiality
c. Solidarity
d. Feeling
According to data used by the White House in its campaign to reduce violence against women, one in _____________ women will be sexually assaulted in college.
a. six
b. five
c. four
d. three
In her book Gender Trouble, Butler elucidates the ways in which gender norms
a. are socially constructed.
b. involve category mistakes.
c. are rooted in biology.
d. are laws of nature.
Which of the following thinkers is associated with the so-called "second wave" of feminism?
a. Wollstonecraft
b. Butler
c. de Beauvoir
d. Nussbaum
Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai said that we all should be feminists because "feminism is another word for _____________."
a. equality
b. women's rights
c. fairness
d. freedom
The third wave of feminism addresses the problem of diversity in dealing with womens issues.
a. True
b. False
Carol Gilligans research supports the research and findings of Lawrence Kohlberg.
a. True
b. False
Ethics of care argues that there is a female moral perspective that contrasts sharply with the male moral perspective.
a. True
b. False
According to ethics of care, the female moral perspective takes a more universal and impartial standpoint in reasoning about what is morally good and bad.
a. True
b. False
One reason why male and female morality may differ from each other is biological differences between males and females.
a. True
b. False
Some questions have been raised about the ethics of care including the idea that not all mothers are caring and nurturing.
a. True
b. False
Ethics of care does not tell us how we are to determine what will help or harm particular individuals.
a. True
b. False
Psychologist Carol Gilligan interviewed both male and female subjects and found there was no difference in their moral reasoning.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
According to Noddings the language of ethics has primarily been the language of the
a. Mother.
b. Father.
c. Caregiver.
d. Children.
For Baier the tradition of rights has only worked against women and not for women.
a. True
b. False
For Baier the best moral theory must not be a cooperative product of women and men but must primarily focus on an ethics of care.
a. True
b. False
The two parties to the relation of caring for Noddings are the one-caring and the cared-for.
a. True
b. False
According to Philippa Foot a virtue is a perfection of
a. Mind.
b. Action.
c. Reasoning.
d. Will.
Which virtue does Philippa Foot identify as benefiting community rather than self?
a. Temperance
b. Charity
c. Wisdom
d. Courage
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Confucius' ethics is presented in a text known as
a. the Nicomachean Ethics
b. Summa Theologica
c. the "noble eightfold path"
d. the Analects
Which of the following is among the intellectual virtues included in Buddhism's "noble eightfold path?"
a. mindfulness
b. practical wisdom
c. right speech
d. faith