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Removal of the __________ would be more harmful to a one-year-old child than an adult.
A. spleen
B. lymph node
C. thymus
D. appendix
E. palatine tonsil
Which of the following does(do) not belong to the second line of defense?
A. The macrophage system
B. Natural killer cells
C. Inflammation
D. The gastric juices
E. Interferon and the complement system
__________ lacks the capacity to remember a pathogen or react differently to it in the future, whereas __________ utilizes memory cells to adapt to a given pathogen and ward it off more easily in the future.
A. Nonspecific resistance; cytotoxicity
B. Adaptive immunity; nonspecific resistance
C. A natural killer cell; a cytoxic T cell
D. Nonspecific resistance; adaptive immunity
E. Adaptive immunity; specific immunity
Lymph is similar to blood plasma, but very low in __________.
A. protein
B. carbon dioxide
C. metabolic waste
D. electrolytes
E. sodium and potassium
Special lymphatic vessels, called lacteals, absorb dietary __________ that are not absorbed by the blood capillaries.
A. water
B. glucose
C. vitamins
D. amino acids
E. lipids
The __________ tonsils are the largest, and their surgical removal (tonsillectomy) used to be one of the most common surgical procedures performed in children.
A. adenoid
B. lingual
C. palatine
D. pharyngeal
E. nasopharyngeal
Interferons are secreted in response to bacterial infections.
Pus is made of dead neutrophils, macrophages, and other tissue debris from a damaged tissue.
Pyrogens act by increasing the set point for body temperature in the thalamus.
The antigenicity of a molecule is due to specific regions of it called haptens.
Interleukins are chemical signals by which immune cells communicate with each other.
Helper T cells respond only to epitopes attached to MHC proteins.
Cytotoxic T cells respond only to antigens bound to MHC-I proteins.
Clonal selection of T cells happens in the thymus.
Naive T cells can synthesize antibodies.
Humoral immunity takes care of intracellular viruses, whereas cellular immunity takes care of extracellular viruses.
Most Memory B cells are found circulating in the lymph.
Some antibodies against foreign antigens can react to similar self-antigens, causing an autoimmune disease.
Lymphatic vessels recover about __________ of the fluid filtered by capillaries.
A. 5%
B. 15%
C. 25%
D. 50%
E. 85%
Mucous membranes prevent most pathogens from entering the body because of the stickiness of the mucus and the presence of lysozymes.
Why does our blood pressure generally go up as we age?
A. Our veins get 'hard' and absorb less systolic force
B. Our veins get 'hard' and absorb less diastolic force
C. Our arteries get 'hard' and absorb less systolic force
D. Our arteries get 'hard' and absorb less diastolic force
A nurse takes your blood pressure and tells you the numbers are 110/70. What are your blood pressures?
A. Systolic = 110 mmHg, Diastolic = 70 mmHg, Pulse Pressure = 40 mmHg, MAP = 107 mmMg
B. Systolic = 110 mmHg, Diastolic = 70 mmHg, Pulse Pressure = 40 mmHg, MAP = 90 mmMg
C. Diastolic = 110 mmHg, Systolic = 70 mmHg, Pulse Pressure = 40 mmHg, MAP = 107 mmMg
D. Diastolic = 110 mmHg, Systolic = 70 mmHg, Pulse Pressure = 40 mmHg, MAP = 90 mmMg
What might account for a soldier experiencing syncope after standing at attention for a long period of time?
A. Increased respiratory rate
B. Vasoconstriction
C. Increased heart rate
D. Venous pooling
How is venous return to your heart affected when you go for an easy jog?
A. It is increased due to increased skeletal muscular pump activity
B. It is decreased due to decreased skeletal muscular pump activity
C. It is decreased due to increased skeletal muscular pump activity
D. It is increased due to decreased skeletal muscular pump activity
While out hiking, a friend of yours falls and suffers a trauma. You notice they start to go into shock. What do you do to help?
A. Lie them down and elevate their head
B. Hold them upright in a standing position
C. Encourage them to sit up
D. Lie them down and elevate their legs
Which of the following statements about TIAs and CVAs is true?
A. TIAs are often early warning signs of an impending stroke.
B. TIAs are the result of brain tissue death caused by ischemia.
C. A CVA usually results from spasms of diseased cerebral arteries.
D. TIAs often result in blindness and paralysis.
Your grandmother is experiencing temporary dizziness, blurred vision, paralysis on her left side, and mild aphasia. What do you think might be happening?
A. She has arteriosclerosis.
B. She is having a myocardial infarction.
C. She has an aortic aneurism.
D. She is having a TIA.
Which of the following activities would fatigue your hand muscles the fastest?
A. Squeezing a ball as hard as you can without stopping
B. Alternately squeezing a ball then relaxing
C. Bouncing a ball on the floor as many times as you can
D. Throwing a ball in the air and catching it as many times as you can
During exercise, arterioles to the skeletal muscles __________.
A. dilate in response to increased muscle metabolites
B. constrict in response to increased muscle metabolites
C. dilate in response to increased O2 and decreased CO2
D. constrict in response to increased O2 and decreased CO2
What is the path of blood flow from the heart to the lung tissues and back to the heart?
A. Left ventricle aorta brachiocephalic artery lung tissues bronchial veins brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava right atrium
B. Right ventricle pulmonary trunk pulmonary arteries lung tissues pulmonary veins left atrium
C. Right ventricle brachiocephalic arteries lung tissues brachiocephalic veins inferior vena cava left atrium
D. Left ventricle aorta bronchial arteries lung tissues bronchial veins azygos vein superior vena cava right atrium
What is the path of blood from the heart, to the left zygomaticus muscles, and back to the heart?
A. Aorta left brachiocephalic artery left common carotid artery left internal carotid artery left occipital artery zygomatic tissues left maxillary vein left internal jugular vein left subclavian vein left brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava
B. Aorta left common carotid artery left internal carotid artery left maxillary artery zygomatic tissues left facial vein left external jugular vein left subclavian vein left brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava
C. Aorta left common carotid artery left external carotid artery left facial artery zygomatic tissues left facial vein left internal jugular vein Left subclavian vein Left brachiocephalic vein Superior vena cava
D. Aorta left brachiocephalic artery left common carotid artery left external carotid artery left facial artery zygomatic tissues left facial vein left internal jugular vein left subclavian vein superior vena cava
What is the path of blood from the heart to the right little finger (pinky) and back to the heart?
A. Aorta brachiocephalic trunk right subclavian artery right axillary artery right brachial artery right ulnar artery palmar arches venous palmar arches right ulnar vein right brachial vein right axillary vein right subclavian vein right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava
B. Aorta right subclavian artery right axillary artery right brachial artery right radial artery palmar arches venous palmar arches right radial vein right brachial vein right axillary vein right subclavian vein superior vena cava
C. Aorta brachiocephalic trunk right subclavian artery right axillary artery right brachial artery right ulnar artery palmar arches venous palmar arches right basilic vein right cephalic vein right axillary vein right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava
D. Aorta right subclavian artery right axillary artery right brachial artery right basilic artery palmar arches venous palmar arches right basilic vein right cephalic vein right subclavian vein right brachiocephalic vein superior vena cava
What is one possible path of blood from the heart to the left hallux and back to the heart?
A. Aorta left common iliac artery left internal iliac artery left femoral artery left popliteal artery left posterior tibial artery dorsal pedal artery arcuate arteries dorsal venous arch left fibular vein left popliteal vein left internal iliac vein left common iliac vein inferior vena cava
B. Aorta left common iliac artery left external iliac artery left femoral artery left popliteal artery left anterior tibial artery dorsal pedal artery arcuate arteries dorsal venous arch left great saphenous vein left femoral vein left external iliac vein left common iliac vein inferior vena cava
C. Aorta left common iliac artery lleft external iliac artery left great saphenous artery left anterior tibial artery dorsal pedal artery arcuate arteries dorsal venous arch left small saphenous vein left femoral vein left internal iliac vein left common iliac vein inferior vena cava
D. Aorta left common iliac artery left internal iliac artery left small saphenous artery left popliteal artery left posterior tibial artery dorsal pedal artery arcuate arteries dorsal venous arch left femoral vein left internal iliac vein left common iliac vein inferior vena cava
Lymph originates in blood capillaries that pick up tissue fluid.
Red bone marrow is the point of origin of all immune cells of the lymphatic system.
Which of the following is a portal system?
A. Heart artery vein heart
B. Heart artery arteriole capillary bed arteriole capillary bed venule vein heart
C. Heart artery artery arteriole capillary bed venule vein heart
D. Heart artery arteriole capillary bed venule vein vein heart
Blood flow to the __________ remains quite stable even when mean arterial pressure (MAP) fluctuates from 60 to 140 mm Hg.
A. hypothalamus
B. adrenal gland
C. stomach
D. skeletal muscles
E. kidneys
Pulmonary arteries have __________ blood pressure compared to systemic arteries.
A. similar
B. a little lower
C. considerably lower
D. considerably higher
E. a little higher
How many pulmonary arteries empty into the right atrium of the heart?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
E. 8
The lungs receive a systemic blood supply by way of which vessel(s)?
A. Right pulmonary artery
B. Left pulmonary artery
C. Pulmonary veins
D. Bronchial arteries
E. Lobar arteries
Which of the following is absent in humans?
A. Right and left common carotid arteries
B. Right and left brachiocephalic arteries
C. Right and left brachiocephalic veins
D. Right and left subclavian veins
E. Right and left subclavian arteries
Which vessel supplies 80% of the cerebrum?
A. Superficial temporal artery
B. Occipital artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Anterior cerebral artery
E. Middle cerebral artery
Which of the following best describes the cerebral arterial circle (circle of Willis)?
A. An anastomosis surrounding the pituitary gland
B. A portal system connecting the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary
C. A short anastomosis found in the cerebellum
D. Formed by the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses
E. An anastomosis circling the entire cortex
What are the major branches of the abdominal aorta from superior to inferior?
A. Celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
B. Celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, gonadal arteries, renal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
C. Superior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, renal arteries, gonadal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
D. Superior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, gonadal arteries, renal arteries, inferior mesenteric artery, and common iliac arteries
E. Superior mesenteric artery, inferior mesenteric artery, celiac trunk, gonadal arteries, renal arteries, and common iliac arteries
Which of the following constitutes the principal venous drainage of the thoracic organs?
A. The branches of the celiac trunk
B. The azygos system
C. The mesenteric circulation
D. The hepatic portal system
E. The coronary and pulmonary veins
Which of the following are not tributaries of the inferior vena cava?
A. The hepatic veins
B. The internal and external iliac veins
C. The inferior phrenic veins
D. The vertebral veins
E. The lumbar veins
Which of the following is not a vein of the upper limb?
A. Cephalic vein
B. Great saphenous vein
C. Basilic vein
D. Median antebrachial vein
E. Ulnar vein
Which of the following is not a vein of the lower limb?
A. Popliteal vein
B. Posterior tibial artery
C. Medial plantar artery
D. Fibular vein
E. Anterior interosseous artery
What is the longest vein commonly used in grafts in coronary bypass surgery?
A. Inferior vena cava
B. Femoral vein
C. Deep femoral vein
D. Great saphenous vein
E. Common iliac vein
What are the afferent vessels that carry blood back to the heart?
A. Arteries
B. Arterioles
C. Veins
D. Capillaries
Which of the following routes of blood flow is correct?
A. Heart venule medium vein large vein capillary conducting artery distributing artery arteriole heart
B. Heart large vein medium vein venule capillary arteriole distributing artery conducting artery heart
C. Heart distributing artery conducting artery arteriole capillary venule large vein medium vein heart
D. Heart conducting artery distributing artery arteriole capillary venule medium vein large vein heart
What is the most important force in venous flow?
A. Cardiac suction
B. The pressure generated by the heart
C. The skeletal muscle pump
D. The thoracic (respiratory) pump
E. The one way flow due to valves
Which of the following are powerful vasoconstrictors?
A. Norepinephrine and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
B. Norepinephrine and atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
C. Epinephrine and angiotensin II
D. Epinephrine and aldosterone
E. Epinephrine and antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
Which of the following does not move substances across capillary walls?
A. Reabsorption
B. Filtration
C. Group transport
D. Transcytosis
E. Diffusion
What is the most important force driving filtration at the arterial end of a capillary?
A. Oncotic pressure
B. Tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure
C. Blood colloid osmotic pressure
D. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
E. Blood hydrostatic pressure
What is taken up by the capillaries at their venous end?
A. Waste products
B. Oxygen
C. Glucose
D. Amino acids
E. Organic nutrients
What is the most important force driving reabsorption at the venous end of a capillary?
A. Oncotic pressure
B. Tissue fluid colloid osmotic pressure
C. Blood colloid osmotic pressure
D. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
E. Blood hydrostatic pressure
Which of the following does not lead to edema?
A. Obstruction of lymphatic vessels
B. Liver disease
C. Famine
D. Hyperproteinemia
E. Hypertension
Which of the following would decrease capillary filtration?
A. Increased permeability of lymphatic capillaries
B. Dehydration
C. Increased capillary permeability
D. Dietary protein deficiency
E. Obstructed venous return
A mean arterial pressure below 60 mmHg can cause which of the following?
A. Neurogenic shock
B. Cardiogenic shock
C. Compensated shock
D. Cerebral edema
E. Syncope
Which of the following does not contribute to venous return?
A. The difference of pressure between venules and the venae cavae
B. The expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity during ventilation
C. The suction created by the atria slightly expanding during ventricular systole
D. Widespread vasodilation
E. Contraction of skeletal muscles of the limbs
What type of shock can be produced by hemorrhage, severe burns, or dehydration?
A. Anaphylactic
B. Cardiogenic
C. Hypovolemic
D. Venous pooling
E. Neurogenic
What type of shock occurs when bacterial toxins trigger vasodilation and increase capillary permeability?
A. Compensated
B. Anaphylactic
C. Neurogenic
D. Cardiogenic
E. Septic
A bee sting can trigger a massive release of histamine, which causes __________ and a(n) __________ in arterial blood pressure.
A. vasodilation; decrease
B. vasodilation; increase
C. vasoconstriction; decrease
D. vasoconstriction; increase
E. vasoconstriction; oscillation
Myocardial infarction can lead to what type of shock?
A. Neurogenic
B. Cardiogenic
C. Obstructed venous return
D. Venous pooling (vascular)
E. Hypovolemic
Where is the vasomotor center located?
A. Hypothalamus
B. Medulla oblongata
C. Spinal cord
D. Cerebellum
E. Cerebral cortex
Hypertension is commonly considered to be a chronic resting blood pressure higher than __________.
A. 180/90
B. 130/60
C. 120/75
D. 140/90
E. 200/90
The outermost wall of an artery or vein is called the __________ and in large arteries and veins contains the __________.
A. tunica media; smooth muscle
B. tunica externa; vasa vasorum
C. tunica externa; valves
D. tunica intima; endothelium
E. tunica intima; basement membrane
Where is the greatest volume of blood found in the body?
A. Pulmonary circuit
B. Heart
C. Arteries
D. Veins
E. Capillaries
Alternative routes of blood supply are called __________.
A. metarterioles
B. capillary beds
C. preferred channels
D. thoroughfare channels
E. anastomoses
Which of the following is not a possible circulatory route from the heart?
A. Heart arteries capillary bed veins heart
B. Heart arteries capillary bed vein capillary bed veins heart
C. Heart arteries capillary bed vein capillary bed arteries heart
D. Heart arteries arterial anastomosis capillary bed veins heart
E. Heart arteries arterial anastomosis capillary bed venous anastomosis veins heart
Which of the following is associated with vasoreflexes?
A. Collagen and elastic tissue in the tunica media
B. Elastic tissue in the tunica externa
C. Endothelium in the tunica interna
D. Smooth muscle in the tunica media
E. Fenestrations in the tunica externa
In people who stand for long periods, blood tends to pool in the lower limbs and this may result in varicose veins. What causes the varicose veins?
A. An aneurysm or weak point in an artery
B. An aneurysm or weak point in a vein
C. Failure of the venous valves
D. Failure of the lymphatic valves
E. A ruptured aneurysm in a vein
What is the mean arterial pressure for a person with 110 and 65 mm Hg as systolic and diastolic pressure, respectively?
A. 45 mm Hg
B. 80 mm Hg
C. 87.5 mm Hg
D. 90 mm Hg
E. 175 mm Hg
Which of the following would decrease the velocity of blood flow?
A. Increased viscosity
B. Increased blood pressure
C. Increased vessel radius
D. Increased afterload
E. Decreased vasomotion
What does the medullary ischemic reflex result in?
A. Increased circulation to the brain
B. Reduced circulation to the brain
C. Ischemia of the medulla oblongata
D. Increased circulation to the adrenal medulla
E. Hormone secretion by the adrenal medulla when perfusion drops
Which of the following has the most important effect on blood velocity?
A. Blood viscosity
B. Vessel radius
C. Blood osmolarity
D. Hematocrit
E. Vessel length
What causes reactive hyperemia to increase tissue perfusion?
A. Urinary controls
B. Neural controls
C. Hormonal controls
D. Local controls
E. Respiratory controls
Which of the following decreases blood pressure?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Antidiuretic hormone
C. Angiotensin II
D. Aldosterone
E. Atrial natriuretic peptide
The brachial vein is the most common site of blood pressure measurement with the sphygmomanometer.