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How many days were in the Mayan's seasonal maize-crop year?
a. 120
b. 260
c. 365
d. 380
According to the Mayan conceptual system, the sky dome had how many compartments?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 11
d. 13
The ancient Mayans focused sharply on the sacred significance of __________.
a. fruit
b. light
c. time
d. water
Which of the following was NOT a primary concern of the Teutonic peoples?
a. death
b. fertility
c. sickness
d. the end of the world
There were three hereditary orders among the Celts of Gaul and of Ireland. What is the term used to identify the priests?
a. Druides
b. Equites
c. Numena
d. Plebs
What was the origin of the Sibylline books consulted by Roman priests?
a. Etruscan
b. Greek
c. Iranian
d. Roman
In the Roman conceptual system, Jupiter's most exalted title was _________.
a. Jupiter Optimus
b. Maximus Pater
c. Optimus Maximus
d. Pater Olympus
How many days per year did the Roman state prescribe for ceremonies and sacrifices to the Roman deities?
a. 44
b. 84
c. 104
d. 124
Which of the following is NOT a deity to whom early Roman farmers turned when they desired success in farming?
a. Ceres
b. Consus
c. Minerva
d. Saturnus
Where were the chief holy places of early Rome located?
a. in a cluster in the heart of Rome
b. in temples hidden in the countryside
c. outside the territory of Rome
d. throughout Rome
Plato believed that the Greek gods were dependent in function on _________.
a. a higher power
b. fear of the rath of Zeus
c. the immorality of humankind
d. truth, beauty, and goodnesss
To what did the tragic poets attribute all disasters and doom?
a. human frailty
b. immoral behavior by humans
c. the cosmos
d. the gods
Why did Persephone have to make an annual visit to the underworld?
a. she had eaten food while captive in the underworld
b. she had married while captive in the underworld
c. to retain her powers
d. to purify herself in the fires
How did Hesiod attempt to bring the gods ito some semblance of order?
a. by acknowledging moira
b. by combining the minor gods into one
c. through theogony
d. by using mysterium tremendium
Where did Homer depict the gods living?
a. at Delphi
b. in the deep of the sea
c. in the underworld
d. on high Olympus
As a result of his exploits at Delphi, _________ became the god of revelation.
a. Apollo
b. Aesculapius
c. Dionysus
d. Zeus
Hera may have originally been _________.
a. a cow goddess
b. a fertitlity goddess
c. the goddess of the lakes
d. the goddess of wild things
Which of the following was a duty of Zeus?
a. to bring fish from the sea
b. to bring rain
c. to protect the earth
d. to protect the hearth
The Gilgamesh Epic tells of a _________ visited upon the earth by angry gods.
a. earthquake
b. famine
c. flood
d. plague
The Sumerians believed that heaven and earth arose from _________.
a. air
b. the stars in the heavens
c. the primordial sea
d. the vast cosmos
The rise of Babylon brought this Sumero-Akkadian to prominenece.
a. Hammurabi
b. Marduk
c. Ninurta
d. Nabu
The Sumero-Akkadian pantheon numbered nearly
a. 1000
b. 1200
c. 2000
d. 2200
Which of the following is a prominent deity in the Sumero-Akkadian religion?
a. Dionysus
b. Hesiod
c. Hunab Ku
d. Ishtar
It is believed that Mayan peasants worked on temple building during the times of the year when they were not________.
Teutonic tradition comnes to us chiefly through two Icelandic works, the _________ and _________.
The Romans attempted to suppress the Celts practice of __________.
According to the Commentaries of Julius Caesar, the Celts mostly worshipped a god Caesar identifies as _________/
During the last century of the Roman Republic Rome itself was a considered a deity as reflected in the term _________.
_________ and __________ were the two Roman gods of war.
In what four activities were early Romans primarily engaged? _________,__________,___________, and __________.
Modern physicians look back on _________, a 4th B.C.E. priest of Asclepius, as a model of dedication to healing.
The origin of the god Zeus was _________.
When Ishtar returned after descending to the land of the dead, she returned with _________.
Henri Frankfort suggested that _________ is/are distinguishable from legend, saga, fable, and fairy tale.
a. magic
b. religion
c. spirit stories
d. true myth
The Cherokee believed that eating the new corn without first completing the proper rites would result in what illness or problem?
a. dementia
b. intestinal worms
c. loss of fertility
d. rheumatism
In the Cherokee conceptual system, why would a man attempting to win the affections of a potential lover appeal to the moon?
a. The moon was considered to be male.
b. The moon was thought to influence women.
c. The moon was thought to help with lost causes.
d. The moon would cast a romantic light on the man.
In the Cherokee conceptual system, animals are subdivided into various groups. Which of the following is NOT one of those groups?
a. four footed animals
b. hoofed animals
c. those that fly
d. verminous animals
The Cherokee stories begin with stories having this theme.
a. categories of living things
b. creation of the world
c. kinship with living things
d. shaping of the world
The use of a chisel-shaped piece of wood to knock out a Dieri boy's two front teeth was part of what ritual?
a. burial ritual
b. cleansing ritual
c. marriage rite
d. puberty rite
It was believed that the Dieri medicane man could surreptiously abstract an individual's _________ to be used as a magical infusion.
a. blood
b. body fat
c. bone marrow
d. breath
Among the Dieri, __________ plays a powerful role in establishing lines of relatedness crossing and crisscrossing the tribal barriers.
a. fetishism
b. murduism
c. kutchism
d. totemism
The Pantheon of the Neolithic Age reflects a society dominated by the _________.
a. female
b. male
c. mother
d. mystical
Which of the following developments did not occur during the Neolithic Age?
a. active tilling of the soil
b. advances in the art of pottery
c. domestication of animals
d. use of fish hooks and nets to catch fish
During the Middle Stone Age the power of new inventions is shown by the use of axes and spears as _________?
a. currency
b. fetishes
c. taboos
d. weapons
What do the relics of the Middle Stone Age suggest?
a. a shift to patriarchy
b. an awe of nature
c. ritualistic cannibalism
d. the shift from village to nomadic life
The Cro-Magnon burial sites were quite similar to the burial sites of _________.
a. BaVenda
b. Dieri
c. mesolithic nomadic hunters
d. Neaderthals
Studies of the Neanderthal found that not all bodies were buried intact and some long bones were split open to the marrow. What does this suggest?
a. Bodies were dismembered and buried in more than one grave.
b. Bodies were dug up and eaten by wild animals.
c. Certain body parts were kept and used in ancestor worship.
d. Human cadavers were a source of food.
To the BaVenda, any thunderous noise was thought to be whose voice?
a. Muloi
b. Mungoma
c. Ngana
d. Raluvhimba
The BaVenda believed in a monothesitic diety associated with the _________.
a. creation of the world
b. power of the shaman
c. preservation of the soul
d. rise of the sun each day
The BaVenda believed that the soul was a combination of ________ and _________.
a. breath, shadow
b. light, dark
c. male, female
d. sun, moon
In the Dieri culture, the __________ are the highly regarded spirits of the legendary heroes.
a. kutchi
b. medicine men
c. Mura-muras
d. pinya
In what way are myths a necessity in primal cultures?
a. They allow individuals to develop an identity outside the group.
b. They are vital for the maintenance of the patterns of group life.
c. They provide a factual record of the daily life of a tribe.
d. They provide instructions for hunting.
Which of the following was not a source of food during the Middle Stone Age?
a. berries
b. fish
c. grains
d. kiln baked bread
In what way did the Cro-Magnons make use of the horse?
a. as food
b. as a pack animal
c. as transportation
d. to show wealth
Which of the following statements correctly characterizes the relationship of the Neanderthals to the species Homo sapiens?
a. Homo sapiens was a separate species that replaced the Neanderthals.
b. The Neanderthals blended into the species Homo sapiens.
c. The Neanderthals were a separate species that replaced Homo sapiens.
d. The Neanderthals were Homo sapiens.
What animal did the Neanderthals revere?
a. the cave bear
b. the domesticated dog
c. the eagle
d. the mammoth
How did the myth of the Mother Goddess change during the Neolithic Age?
a. expanded to include birthing
b. expanded to include protection of vegetation
c. expanded to include regeneration
d. expanded to include protection of animals
Which of the following would be found in a Neanderthal grave?
a. copper tools
b. food offerings
c. medicines
d. written records
The BaVenda believed that all deaths, except those of very old people, were due to _________.
The two Dieri murdus are _________ and __________.
Two possible motives for engaging in purification rituals are _________ and _________.
An amulet worn to ward off evil is an example of a _________.
A "rite of passage" is an example of a ritual that is _________ in character.
A mural in the cavern of Les Trois shows a masked man, with a long beard and human feet, who is arrayed in reindeer antlers, the ears of a stag, the paw of a bear, and the tail of a horse. This figure most likely represents the __________.
According to the Cherokee conceptual system, _________ upset the harmony among living things.
__________ refers to an endeavor to control or bend the powers of the world to one's will.
Upper Paleolithic burial customs included covering the bones of the deceased in red ochre. The red ochre may have symbolized the _________.
In the context of religion, _________refers to religion in an original state.
A common narrative device in the films of Mexican directors in the 2000s has been
a. journey motif
b. rites of passage
c. savior
d. none of the above
Of Francis Ford Coppola, it is true that he
a. said "caution doesn"t make for good show business"
b. failed with Finnian's Rainbow
c. made Godfather II"an epic vision of the corruption of America"
d. all of the above
Who of the following often built movies around an "innocent man on the run" theme?
a. Michael Powell
b. Alexander Korda
c. John Grierson
d. Alfred Hitchcock
Guillermo del Toro is known to divide his energies between
a. art and commerce
b. Mexico and the U.S.
c. Hollywood and personal movies
d. all of the above
All of the following are true of a Robert Altman film except
a. overlapping dialogue
b. optimistic view of the human condition
c. de-emphasis of plot
d. subversion of genre expectations
Charles Laughton, the actor, perhaps gave his fines performance in the movie
a. The Private Life of Henry VIII
b. Spartacus
c. The Hunchback of Norte Dame
d. Night of the Hunter
The principal characteristic of Latin American movies is
a. right-wing politics
b. consciously intellectual
c. pro-American
d. serious and sexless
What was the source of new American film directors in the 1970s?
a. universities with film programs
b. actors themselves
c. Europe, especially England
d. all of the above
Britain's cinema was stunted for many years by which of the following:
a. country's lack of a strong economy
b. dreary conservatism
c. snobbish, theater-oriented tradition
d. all of the above
The best Japanese movie of the 2000s, set in World War II, was directed by
a. John Woo
b. Clint Eastwood
c. Ang Lee
d. Ken Watanabe
Traditionally women's status in the American film industry was tied to
a. writing scripts.
b. directing.
c. the star system.
d. costume designs.
The Blue Angel is characterized by which of the following:
a. woman as devourer
b. man as avenger
c. love as redemption
d. all of the above