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International Business
Computer-integrated manufacturing reduces the economic batch quantity to one and facilitates the potential for mass customizaton.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding private ownership?
A. It reduces a nation's dynamism and its investments in innovation and creativity.
B. It is most commonly found in command economies.
C. It eliminates competitors and reduces pressure to lower production costs.
D. It gives entrepreneurs an incentive to search for better ways of serving consumer needs.
E. It is based on the philosophy that "the good of society is more important than the interests of an individual."
Generally, it is easier for international firms to standardize the concepts of total quality management and synchronous manufacturing in their foreign plants than it is to standardize the actual production facilities.
A _____ economy is an economic system in which the interaction of supply and demand determines the quantity in which goods and services are produced.
A. barter
B. command
C. market
D. regulated
E. centrally planned
When production equipment is similar, home office control of quality in foreign affiliates is more difficult because management must ensure that all plants adhere to the same standard.
In which countries are we likely to find free market economies?
A. Countries where the good of the society has precedence over private profit
B. Countries where individual goals are given primacy over collective goals
C. Countries where state-owned enterprises have monopoly in certain industries
D. Countries that have adopted communism as their political system
E. Countries where the government plans the goods and services produced
Manufacturing rationalization is a division of production among a number of production units, thus enabling each to produce only a limited number of components for all of a firm's assembly plants.
A common feature of many right-wing dictatorships is:
A. total restriction on individual economic freedom.
B. strong commitment to socialist or communist ideas.
C. governments that are made up of military officers.
D. politicians from a particular tribe dominating the political system.
E. the direct involvement of the citizens in decision making.
The standardization of processes and machinery provides a reasonable guarantee that parts manufactured in the firm's various plants will be interchangeable.
The fascist regimes that ruled Germany and Italy in the 1930s and 1940s had adopted:
A. right-wing totalitarianism.
B. theocratic totalitarianism.
C. representative democracy.
D. pure democracy.
E. totalitarian democracy.
Worldwide uniformity or standardization in manufacturing methods hinders headquarters' effectiveness in keeping production specifications current.
_____ generally permits individual economic freedom, but restricts individual political freedom on the grounds that it would lead to the rise of communism.
A. Pure democracy
B. Right-wing totalitarianism
C. Free market capitalism
D. Representative democracy
E. Communist totalitarianism
Some of the reasons for the global standardization of a firm's manufacturing system are the effects on organization and staffing.
A totalitarian political system in which a party, group, or individual that represents the interests of a particular ethnic group monopolizes political power is referred to as:
A. theocratic totalitarianism.
B. communist totalitarianism.
C. right-wing totalitarianism.
D. tribal totalitarianism.
E. democratic totalitarianism.
Unless a product or service is purchased from a company that is registered to the appropriate ISO 9000 standard, a buyer cannot be assured that the quality of what was received will be what was expected.
States that limit the freedom of religious expression with laws based on religious principles, most likely follow the political system of:
A. theocratic totalitarianism.
B. communist totalitarianism.
C. right-wing totalitarianism.
D. pure democracy.
E. representative democracy.
Standards are documented agreements containing general guidelines, rules, or definitions of the characteristics of a product, process, or service.
_____ is a form of totalitarianism which advocates that socialism can be achieved only through a totalitarian dictatorship.
A. Tribal totalitarianism
B. Democratic totalitarianism
C. Communist totalitarianism
D. Theocratic totalitarianism
E. Right-wing totalitarianism
In most totalitarian states:
A. free and fair elections are not denied to the citizens.
B. there is free access to state information.
C. all the basic civil liberties are granted to the citizens.
D. the right to freedom of expression and organization is not curbed.
E. media are heavily censored.
Packaging and transportation requirements for a product can significantly influence logistics costs, and these factors should be addressed during the postdesign steps in a company's value chain.
Which of the following is a feature of representative democracy?
A. Restrictions on an individuals right to freedom of expression, opinion, and organization
B. Inability of the citizens to vote out elected representatives who fail to perform their job adequately at the next election
C. An unlimited term for elected representatives
D. A court system that is linked to the political system
E. A nonpolitical police force and armed service
The effectiveness of supply chain management efforts is strongly influenced by how a company manages the interface of logistics with sourcing and manufacturing.
A(n) _____ is built upon the ideals of an individual's right to freedom of expression and organization, a free media, and regular elections.
A. autocracy
B. representative democracy
C. theocracy
D. aristocracy
E. monocracy
Logistics refers to managerial functions associated with the movement of raw materials and work in progress, but not finished goods.
_____ is a form of government in which one person or political party exercises absolute control over all spheres of human life and prohibits opposing political parties.
A. Capitalism
B. Totalitarianism
C. Pure democracy
D. Republicanism
E. Representative democracy
Although international firms maintain manufacturing facilities in countries at various levels of development, manufacturing systems should not vary significantly within the same company.
In a _____, individuals periodically elected by citizens form a government to make decisions on behalf of the electorate.
A. pure democracy
B. communist totalitarianism
C. right-wing totalitarianism
D. representative democracy
E. theocratic totalitarianism
The traditional functions of purchasing, such as supplier determination, analysis, and selection, have to be accomplished before the actual purchasing via e-procurement.
Democracy, in its purest form, is based on the belief that:
A. citizens should be directly involved in decision making.
B. political freedom of the citizens should be limited.
C. citizens are responsible for their own economic health and thus need no government.
D. individual freedom in the economic sphere should be restricted.
E. one person should have an absolute control over all the citizens of a nation.
To avoid an increase in price because the U.S. dollar has lost value versus the euro, an American importer should require European exporters to quote their products in euros.
Which of the following terms refers to a political system in which government is by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives?
A. Despotism
B. Democracy
C. Totalitarianism
D. Theocracy
E. Communism
International freight, insurance, and packing can add as much as 8 to 10 percent to the quoted price, depending on the sales term used.
In practical terms, _____ translates into an advocacy for democratic political systems and free market economics, which in general creates the most favorable environment for international businesses to operate in.
A. collectivism
B. totalitarianism
C. individualism
D. communism
E. socialism
For purchases of capital goods such as manufacturing equipment, many U.S. buying organizations now use "business-cycle costing" to analyze purchasing decisions.
Which of the following is most likely to be advocated by individualism?
A. Communal property is more highly productive than private property.
B. Public good should be preferred over private profit.
C. State-owned companies should monopolize certain industries.
D. The welfare of society is best served by some collective body such as government.
E. Free market ideologies should be followed for achieving better standards of living.
Emerging industry-based B2B exchanges can help optimize the supply chain across an entire network of organizations, not merely within a single company.
In the context of individualism, which of the following is inconsistent with the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle?
A. Guaranteeing individual freedom
B. Government dictating what is in best interest of society
C. Guaranteeing self-expression
D. Committing to private ownership
E. Treating individual diversity as desirable
Indirect procurement includes such items as maintenance, repair, raw materials and components, office equipment, and other services and supplies.
_____ argued that private property is more highly productive than communal property and will thus stimulate progress.
A. Aristotle
B. Friedrich Engels
C. Plato
D. Karl Marx
E. Charles Darwin
While indirect production-oriented goods have been the focus of management attention for many years, the purchasing of goods and services that are part of finished goodstermed indirect procurementis also critical.
The Cedian government believes that its citizens should have complete freedom in their economic and political pursuits, and the Cedian ideology is "private profit over public good." In this context, it can be said that Cedia most likely follows the philosophy of:
A. totalitarianism.
B. socialism.
C. individualism.
D. communism.
E. Marxism.
In many companies, the purchasing function has been viewed as a prime candidate for outsourcing to other firms, a trend encouraged by rapid developments in e-procurement.
Which of the following can be traced to the ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle?
A. Collectivism
B. Individualism
C. Socialism
D. Totalitarianism
E. Communism
In U.S. industry, the proportion of purchased materials in the overall cost of goods sold has been rising for several decades.
The sale of state-owned enterprises to independent, nonpublic investors is referred to as:
A. privatization.
B. nationalization.
C. collectivism.
D. communalism.
E. public action.
In the case of the United States, intrafirm trade accounts for 30 to 40 percent of exports of goods.
Which of the following is true about communism?
A. Communism propagates the idea of private profit rather than public good."
B. By the mid-1990s communism started rising worldwide.
C. China has moved sharply away from strict adherence to communist ideology in the economic sphere.
D. Communists committed themselves to achieving socialism by turning their backs on violent revolution and dictatorship.
E. Communism stresses that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state.
In the Global Debate concerning Lady Gaga, we mentioned that it can be difficult to draw a line between a changed product and an unchanged one. Discuss this and other examples where it is difficult to define a "changed" or "unchanged" product.
Which of the following is inconsistent with the Marxist philosophy?
A. Concern over public good rather than private profit
B. Monopoly of state-owned companies in certain industries
C. Opposing the ideologies of capitalist societies
D. Substantial limits on individual political freedom
E. Selling state-owned enterprises to private investors
Discuss the programmed-management approach to advertising strategy.
_____ attempt to achieve the same ideologies as that of the communists without violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship.
A. Pure capitalists
B. Social democrats
C. Individualists
D. Anarchists
E. Aristocrats
Identify the appealing factors of online advertising in the international sphere, as discussed in the text.
In the early twentieth century, the socialist ideology split into two broad camps and the people who believed that socialism could be achieved only through violent revolution and totalitarian dictatorship were referred to as:
A. communists.
B. capitalists.
C. democrats.
D. individualists.
E. anarchists.
Identify and briefly describe the six most commonly used promotional strategies.
Which of the following has been advocated by Karl Marx?
A. Capitalist Society
B. Individualism
C. Selling state-owned enterprises to private investors
D. Socialism
E. Private profit over public good
Why do industrial products or services generally require less modification for international sales than do consumer products?
Modern socialism traces its intellectual roots to:
A. Aristotle.
B. David Hume.
C. Karl Marx.
D. Adam Smith.
E. Milton Friedman.
A(n) _____ is a person who believes in public ownership of the means of production for the common good of nation.
A. socialist
B. capitalist
C. individualist
D. monarchist
E. feudalist
Why is it often impossible to standardize the marketing mix worldwide?
In the country of Normian Republic, an individuals right to own land is restricted to a large extent on the basis that it runs counter to the common good. In this context, which of the following is most likely to be the political system adopted by Normian Republic?
A. Individualism
B. Democracy
C. Collectivism
D. Capitalism
E. Protectionism
Why might international marketing managers wish to standardize the marketing mix?
When _____ is emphasized, the needs of society as a whole are generally viewed as being more important than individual freedoms.
A. democracy
B. collectivism
C. individualism
D. capitalism
E. privatization
Why is the international marketing manager's task complex?
Which of the following statements is true about political systems?
A. The political system of a country is independent of its economic and legal systems.
B. The political system of a country is of no importance to international business.
C. It is not possible to have democratic societies that emphasize a mix of collectivism and individualism.
D. it is possible to have totalitarian societies that are not collectivist.
E. The societal culture of a country does not influence its political system.
Why is the closer integration of functions important for new product development?
Which of the following terms best represents the system of government in a nation?
A. Common system
B. Political system
C. Environmental system
D. Command system
E. Social system
Setting prices of goods for export for both unrelated and related firms is known as:
A. foreign national pricing.
B. international pricing.
C. transfer pricing.
D. market pricing.
E. none of the above.
Which of the following systems is a part of the political economy?
A. Religious system
B. Value system
C. Demographic system
D. Legal system
E. Technological system
The various methods of communicating with the firm's publics to secure a favorable impression are:
A. advertising.
B. promotion.
C. public relations.
D. marketing.
E. none of the above.
Other things being equal, a nation with democratic political institutions, is clearly more attractive as a place in which to do business than a nation that lacks democratic institutions.
According to the text, recruitment of salespeople in foreign countries is at times more difficult than recruiting them at home because:
A. of the stigma attached to selling that exists in some areas.
B. the salaries and benefits are more expensive.
C. of the need to hire people who are culturally acceptable to customers and channel members.
D. all of the above.
E. two of A, B, and C.
The benefits, costs, and risks associated with doing business in a country are independent of that countrys political, economic, and legal systems.
Evidence suggests that:
A. the Internet can be an effective tool in personal selling, when used to build trust.
B. the Internet is more effective in personal selling than is face-to-face communication.
C. the Internet is an inappropriate choice for personal selling when trust building is important.
D. all of the above.
E. two of A, B, and C.
According to the text, manufacturers of ____________ rely more on personal selling than on advertising to communicate with their overseas markets.
A. industrial products
B. consumer products, especially in developed countries
C. consumer products, especially in developing countries
D. all of the above.
E. two of A, B, and C.
When product safety laws are tougher in a firms home country than in a foreign country, the ethical thing to do is to adhere to home-country standards.
The importance of personal selling compared with advertising depends to a great extent on:
A. the type of product sold.
B. media availability.
C. availability of funds.
D. all of the above.
E. two of A, B, and C.
Liability laws are typically least extensive in highly developed nations.
When intellectual property laws are lax, firms are at a greater risk of having their ideas stolen by local entrepreneurs.
A middle ground between an ad campaign that is standardized worldwide and an entirely local ad campaign is called a:
A. hybrid advertising campaign.
B. programmed-management approach.
C. computerized-management approach.
D. shared-management approach.
E. none of the above.
International businesses lobby their respective governments to push for international agreements to ensure that intellectual property rights are protected and that the law is enforced.