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International Business
Globalization increases the complexity of the external but not the internal context of the company.
Discuss the differences between ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric approaches to staffing for international businesses. What is the rationale behind each of these approaches?
Dynamism means that the leader must be dynamic.
Describe the significance of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CIGS) .
Multiplicity and interdependence are among the four dimensions of complexity identified by scholars.
Discuss why command economies tend to stagnate.
Global leaders confront more complex contexts than do domestic leaders.
What is expatriate failure? According to Tung's survey, what are the different reasons for expatriate failure in U.S. multinationals?
Leadership is synonymous with management.
Describe in brief the different forms of totalitarianism.
Leadership involves organizing a group of people in order to achieve a common purpose or goal.
What are the various safeguards that are typically enshrined in constitutional law of an ideal representative democracy?
A global mindset is built on a thorough knowledge of geography.
(p. 29) Discuss the arguments that are for and against globalization regarding jobs and income.
There are more global leaders than there is demand for them.
Discuss the concerns voiced by critics of globalization regarding labor policies and environment.
(p. 34) What are the various reasons for economic stagnation in many of the worlds poorest countries?
International companies need a new kind of leader for the international environment due to increased complexity.
Why are supranational organizations, such as the World Trade Organization and the United Nations, criticized?
(p. 287) What are the differences between traditional and global teams?
What are some of the challenges faced by managers of an international business?
With global leadership, global teams, and global change, the global context adds substantial complexity to the activity. Comment on this additional complexity.
How is managing an international business different from managing a purely domestic business?
"There is no difference between management and leadership." Agree or disagree with this assertion, explaining your reasoning.
Elaborate on why globalization is not inevitable.
What advice would you give to a friend who wants to develop global leadership skills and is an English major?
In the context of international trade and investment, describe how the former Communist nations of Europe and Asia have been changing.
Leading global change is:
A. just like leading domestic change.
B. like leading domestic change, but exponentially more complex due to globalization.
C. similar in every location on the globe.
D. a well-understood process with models and theories underpinning it.
E. C and D.
What is a multinational enterprise? What have been the two most notable trends in multinational enterprises since the 1960s?
Social loafing is:
A. unusual in virtual teams.
B. a danger in virtual teams.
C. discouraged through a mixture of individual and team-based rewards.
D. more common in face-to-face teams than global virtual teams.
E. B and C.
Why were high tariffs imposed on imports of manufactured goods?
Virtual teams that meet frequently to build trust are said to:
A. live in airport terminals.
B. have nomadic norms.
C. have high levels of consideration.
D. B and C.
E. create a regular heartbeat.
Briefly trace the history of the G20 and describe its current role in international business.
Virtual communication:
A. is more efficient than face-to-face communication.
B. allows a focus on tasks and less on social needs.
C. lacks the richness of face-to-face communication.
D. supports higher levels of trust than face-to-face communication.
E. allows for integrated global team development.
Explain the concepts of "globalization of markets" and "globalization of production."
In the process of bridging, team members:
A. discuss their similarities.
B. relate their personal histories.
C. decenter.
D. discuss their task-relevant skills.
E. A and E.
Describe human resource management.
Maznevski's map-bridge-integrate model helps global team members:
A. more fully understand each other and establish how the team will work.
B. avoid dealing with cultural differences.
C. establish ways to address planning issues.
D. focus more fully on the task.
E. B and D.
Culture plays a role in global team member expectations. For example:
A. Americans are likely to want strong group identity.
B. Japanese are likely to want hierarchical leadership.
C. Germans are likely to want high levels of task ambiguity.
D. Thais are likely to want group accountability.
E. B and D.
In terms of monetary policy autonomy, how does a floating exchange rate system differ from a fixed system?
The trend in diverse global teams is to:
A. treat everyone the same.
B. suppress differences and focus on commonalities.
C. focus on differences and suppress commonalities.
D. treat everyone as a unique individual.
E. avoid discussing politics, sex, and religion.
The rise in the value of the dollar between 1980 and 1985 occurred when the United States was running a large and growing trade deficit. Explain the factors that led to this rise.
Describe the Jamaica agreement of 1976. What were the main elements of this agreement?
Included in the differences between a traditional team and a global team is the difference between:
A. one economic condition and many dissimilar economic conditions.
B. virtual and actual relationships.
C. hierarchy and flat structures.
D. individual and group goals.
E. assertive and aggressive goal setting.
With regard to globalization's complexity, the condition of multiplicity means that:
A. many currencies may be used.
B. financial markets may have different rules.
C. there are many more players and many more relationships to maintain.
D. increased ambiguity can work in the global leader's favor.
E. B and D.
Briefly describe the tactics and strategies that organizations should use to minimize foreign exchange exposure.
Because of the context in which the global team leader is acting, he or she:
A. confronts the added complexities created by globalization.
B. needs to speak foreign languages and understand foreign cultures.
C. needs to be able to cope with jet lag and cultural adjustment.
D. is sheltered from most domestic political activity.
E. needs to be aware of the possibility of terrorism, including electronic hacking.
What are the two political factors that led to the creation of the European Union?
The sooner the team achieves high levels of trust, the sooner the team can:
A. relax and wait for deadlines.
B. rank its members by skills.
C. set up its norms.
D. move to a constructive focus on the task.
E. allocate power.
Define trade creation and trade diversion with respect to regional economic integration.
Cooperation as a global team norm:
A. is scarce and unlikely to develop.
B. helps to overcome the disadvantage of geographic dispersion.
C. is overrated according to research.
D. contributes to high levels of out-group feelings.
E. C and D.
How is a common market different from an economic union?
Global team leaders want to set specific team norms because:
A. leaving the norming process to team members will allow the predominant culture to dominate.
B. global teams work best with norms of accountability and independence.
C. without norms or with dysfunctional norms, global teams are likely to under perform.
D. norms that support consideration and cooperation lead to good team functioning.
E. only when norms are set can the global team leader go on to the next step in the team process.
Differentiate between a free trade area and a customs union. Provide an example of each form of economic integration.
Team coaching is critically important in global teams because:
A. with high levels of diversity, team members who don't know each other are likely to expect poor performance.
B. team members need coaching to cross cultural barriers.
C. global teams are challenged with diversity, which leads to innovation.
D. without coaching, each separately located member is likely to work independently.
What is franchising? With the help of a suitable example, explain how franchising can be a profitable alternative to FDI.
High levels of motivation in teams are likely when:
A. the rewards are substantial.
B. the team has low levels of diversity.
C. team members see one another as each member sees himself or herself.
D. the task is challenging.
E. A and B.
What are the different types of industries for which licensing is not a good option?
Describe the role of WTO in the liberalization of FDI.
In establishing the team, the leader wants to:
A. set boundaries for the team.
B. encourage strong member identification with the team and team norms.
C. direct activities so the team can meet its goals.
D. encourage team members to know one another.
E. A and B.
Team leadership has these main activities:
A. directing and evaluating.
B. directing and organizing.
C. establishing, coaching, and assessing.
D. establishing, coaching, and setting norms.
E. A and C.
Briefly describe the benefits of inward FDI for a host country that arise from employment effects and balance-of-payments effects.
Briefly describe the changes taking place in the attitudes toward FDI in countries across the globe.
Global teams are characterized by:
A. their virtuality and use of many media.
B. their geographic dispersion.
C. their diversity.
D. their differing member contexts.
E. all of the above.
The goal of global leadership development is to:
A. tick off the boxes so that management will recognize your skills.
B. build language fluency.
C. obtain the variety of transformational experiences that are needed to develop global leadership capability.
D. build allies and networks in the firm where your skills are recognized.
E. all of the above.
Describe Dunning's arguments regarding the location-specific advantages.
If a student wants to become a global leader, she or he might:
A. study abroad and live with host families.
B. build language and cultural fluency.
C. take international internships.
D. travel as much as possible.
E. all of the above.
Despite its advantages, FDI has been described as an "expensive" and "risky" international growth strategy. Other things being equal, why is FDI expensive and risky when compared to licensing and exporting?
Development of global leadership skills is:
A. a linear and exacting process.
B. well established and can be followed by anyone wanting to become a global leader.
C. a process that is not individualized.
D. A and C.
E. a nonlinear process that involves a set of diverse experiences.
A standardized global leadership development approach:
A. is under development by leading scholars.
B. has been available to firms for many years.
C. has reduced the complexity of global leadership development.
D. is unlikely, given the complexity of the process.
E. B and C.
How does the increasing integration of the world economy and internationalization of production affect the selection of a trade policy?
The Right Stuff model of global leadership development:
A. focuses on the needs of the firm and develops managers who bring some of the right stuff with them.
B. suggests that global leaders are born, not made.
C. looks to universities to train in global leadership.
D. relies on in-house candidates for global leadership positions.
E. assumes that the firm can provide what the global leadership candidate requires.
How do trade barriers constrain a firm s ability to disperse its productive activities?
The GLED model of global leadership development:
A. involves antecedents and a process to build higher levels of expertise.
B. applies to managers already belonging to the company.
C. involves extensive foreign training and language acquisition.
D. is used by the State Department.
E. C and D.
What are the issues that are at the forefront of the current agenda of the WTO?
GLED and Right Stuff are models for:
A. developing global leaders.
B. developing and assessing global assignees.
C. understanding global leadership situations.
D. evaluating global leadership performance.
E. understanding global leadership deficits.
Mercantilism viewed trade as a zero-sum game. Discuss Adam Smith's and David Ricardo's stand on this view. Also discuss the phenomenon of neo-mercantilism.
Assessment instruments can be used to:
A. determine job performance for global assignments.
B. measure cross-cultural adaptability and global leadership competencies.
C. train managers in global leadership.
D. train managers to assess global arena performance.
E. A and D.
Describe the five-step process involved in ethical decision-making.
"Women are inappropriate for global leadership positions." This statement is:
A. true, because of cultural differences.
B. true, because of experience gaps.
C. false, because women have characteristics aligned with global leadership traits.
D. false, because women understand oppression and victimization.
E. true, because if women could do the job, they would be doing it.