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A strong press plays the role of both a detached, independent observer and an impassioned adversarial watchdog.
(A) True
(B) False
Walter Lippman argued that democracy is more about conversation than it is about information.
(A) True
(B) False
What are the two areas to watch for the future?
What is the main difference between AR and VR?
What are two questions would you like to ask when it comes to new tools and technologies?
Snapchat lenses is one example of ______ technology, which allows a user to create both real and visual elements to interact with.
You have graduated from the program and you have a family member state You are a social media guru! Discuss how you would respond to this point and provide clear rationale.
There are no experts in social media since social media is constantly changing and evolving.
Virtual tours and advertisements, and integration into personal branding like a 3-D Bitmoji are examples of ______ technology.
As you are entering a job interview, you get the question What is one trend that we need to be aware of? Discuss what trend would you state as being one that would need further exploration in.
Kristin is working with a start up in Iowa, and she realizes that not everyone has opportunities to get access to technologies due to limited time and resources. What is Kristin seeing?
A. She is experiencing a virtual digital technology desert.
B. She is experiencing a future detachment of technology with this community.
C. She is experiencing a digital detox in this community.
D. She is experiencing a community that does not want social media in their community because it is a fad.
You have been paired as a mentor at a local middle school, and this student is interested in the field. What would be some points of advice you would give the student about the field?
The focus on relationship management and the currency that is exchanged in this relationship is called ______.
A. human interaction management
B. human interaction marketing
C. holistic interaction marketing
D. holistic interaction management
A professor invites you back to be a guest speaker to your class and share what you have learned about the field of social media. Discuss what you feel is the current state of social media, and your tips for how to keep engaged with the field.
Mario Armstrong is an example of a professional who has ______.
A. never settled
B. embraced influencer marketing
C. did a ton of internships
D. none of these
You have been asked to propose ideas for a social media strategic plan for Voice Search and AR for Taco Bell. Discuss how you would integrate these two trends into a campaign for the brand in a new and innovative way.
Reviewing all of the chapters and giving yourself the title of social media guru means you are able to take on the social media world.
Name two ways to take your skills to the next level.
Learning does not stop after building a strong foundation of social media strategy.
Brand protection is not necessarily a focus for the future for social media professionals.
Treating your work in social media like a professional sport is one way to continue to stay relevant in the field.
Individuals who want to be part of the community, but they are also willing to put for their name and reputation to endorse brands is referred to as ______. A. influencer marketing B. advocacy marketing C. engagement marketing D. human interaction marketing
Learning from failures and embracing Plan B is another perspective to keep motivated in growing in social media.
There are some things that still have not changed, like being authentic, on social media.
Twitter chats are one way to engage in conversations and be an active participant in the industry.
What are the two best practices to stay relevant?
Crowdsourcing is the process of providing insights to solve a program and crowdfunding is focused on coming together to raise funds.
Content that is short lived, like Snapchat and Instagram stories, are an example of what rising trend?
A. voice search
B. advocacy marketing
C. ephemeral content
D. human interaction marketing
Allowing people to share their stories is one of the best practices to keep in mind when using social media for nonprofits.
______ is defined as being three dimensional and puts the user in the environment.
Hospitals are the only ones that are incorporating social media into their practices.
How can VR be used by social media professionals?
A. experiential storytelling
B. education
C. cause-related marketing
D. all of these
Being aware of new platforms emerging around the world is a key strategy for social media professionals today.
Discuss two best practices for international social media practices.
What was the lesson from the #TakeAction campaign?
What does the role reviews play to health care and social media professionals?
Discuss what it means to be engaged on channels where your audiences are located.
You have been asked to create a social care plan for a local festival. They are just promoting content, but there is little to no engagement. Outline the steps you will want to take in order to proactively set up a social care program.
At a conference, you hear a speaker share this point the only social media platforms you need to be aware of are ones here in the U.S. Discuss your perspective on this point, and what are some campaigns and platforms that need to be explored at the global level.
As part of a practicum, you are asked to help out a local health clinic in your city. You realize they do not have a social media plan, and are not aware of the benefits as well as the challenges facing their clinic on what they should be aware of.
Name three KPIs for social care.
Entering a new place to work could be challenging, especially if it is in another country. You have been asked to be part of the social media team for Samsung in Seoul. What would be some steps you will want to take to be prepared for this new role?
Nonprofits have to raise funds, like Blessings in a Backpack, and utilizing social media can help. You have been brought in by the team to propose new ideas and ways they could raise funds about their upcoming partnership with Unbridled Eve, one of the official Kentucky Derby galas.
Social media professionals are actively changing the field as we speak, but we have to ______.
A. be fluid and adapt to the changes in the field, and better understand them
B. embrace every new shiny new tool to be the first in the industry
C. create a brand campaign to market ourselves as gurus in the field
D. focus on the new strategies since the foundation doesnt change
What are some of the issues we have to be aware of for the future of social media?
A. the pay to play game for paid media on social
B. Which platforms will continue to change and evolve?
C. the algorithm changes from FB
D. all of these
To be the best in social care, you need to invest only 50% of your time and energy to it.
______ is one of the fastest growing areas of the future of social media, which connects to devices like Alexa and Siri.
A. Ephemeral content
B. Advocacy marketing
C. Human interaction marketing
D. Voice search
You are applying for a local news position and will be working in social media. You come to your first day of work and realize there are no policies related to ethical protocols on social media. Discuss your plan to implement one of these plans, and outline the components that will be in this plan.
Two platforms that are popular in China include ______. A. Twitter and Facebook B. Facebook and WeChat C. WeChat and Weibo D. Twitter and Weibo
Social care is focused on primarily doing ______ on social media.
A. fundraising
B. customer service
C. crisis management
D. advertising
Keith Quesenberry states that social care should be ______.
A. in the PR department
B. in the Marketing department
C. in the Advertising department
D. be in their own department
CRM stands for ______.
A. Coffee Relations Management
B. Customer Relationship Management
C. Creative Relations Marketing
D. Customer Relations Marketing
Having a social care program can help brands especially when ______.
A. a crisis hits
B. a customer needs to get a question or inquiry solved in a timely manner
C. Godzilla comes into your city and creates chaos
D. a campaign needs to be launched
Benedict is looking to propose a new artificial intelligence program for Sherlock, which will be programed to respond appropriately to certain responses like When will the show be back on BBC? or Can Benedict and Martin take a break to film Season 5? through Facebook Messenger. What does Benedict want to create?
A. Chatbot
B. iRobot
C. predictive bot
D. Sherlock bot
Social media can help nonprofits in a variety of different ways, like ______.
A. community engagement and education
B. brand building
C. program recruitment
D. all of these
Chloe Decker is focused on raising funds for her friend, Lars Morningstar, so he can get some help with a campaign he wants to do to bring students to the Cannes Lions Festival for the summer to get experienced. She posts on Facebook a link to GoFundMe, and is looking for her friends to help contribute. What is Chloe trying to do?
A. She is trying to crowdfund resources and raise funds.
B. She is trying to crowdsource ideas for how to get the group to Cannes.
C. She is trying to create a strategic campaign.
D. She is trying to create great customer service for her friend Lars.
The campaign with REI called #OptOutside focused on ______.
A. social care
B. nonprofit and cause-related marketing
C. business engagement
D. international social media
______ is the field that has to deal with government regulations for what they share and post on social media.
A. Social care
B. Health care
C. Nonprofit
D. International social media
Name two things entertainment professionals can use social media and evaluate how it has impacted their work?
What is the primary focus for many health-care professionals when it comes to social media?
A. privacy
B. data marketing
C. fundraising
D. social care
What are two things to note for best practices in crisis communication?
Humana developed a program, first started by Jason Spencer, that would empower internal audiences (staff, employees, etc.) to share their content on their different social media platforms. This practice is often referred to as ______.
A. employee advocacy program
B. brand ambassador program
C. social care program
D. influencer program
You are working in the sports field, and what to get your start in working in social media. Outline the current expectations that are happening in the field, and three steps you will be taking to accomplish these steps.
Several brands have utilized social media in many ways to create impact of visuals to generate social media awareness. Which campaign did this effectively?
A. Movember Campaign
B. Meet Graham
C. Marc Jacobs and his UK store launch
D. Amarulas influencer campaign
What could happen if an employee goes rogue?
You read the statement social media crises are the same as traditional crises. Justify your response and highlight a case study that supports your point.
The campaign that focused on partnering with WildlifeDirect to focus on raising the awareness of the decline in elephants with Amarula was innovate in their approach. What did the company do?
A. They created a global crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for elephant sanctuaries.
B. They create a local crowdsourcing campaign to generate ideas for future partnerships and messages for this crisis.
C. They partnered with influencers to document their journey in Kenya to raise awareness about the issue.
D. They created a gala supporting the initiative and livestreamed it for the world to see.
You are working for Elon Musk and Tesla, and you are seeing a trending hashtag emerge #TeslaBankrupt after a report has come out related to their financial standing in the industry. You suspect this is a fake news story, but its gaining traction in the media and among key influencers. Discuss how you would approach this situation, and what strategies you will take to address this in a proactive manner.
What did the KRONKIWONGI campaign focused on for LEGO?
A. It focused on personalization and opportunities for audiences to create and share these creations online via Facebook.
B. It focused on personalization of the LEGO logo in the KRONKIWONGI language through Instagram.
C. It focused on creating a video discussing the power of the KRONKIWONGI dance moves with LEGOs
D. none of these
After moving to Hollywood, you are able to get a meeting as a new social media manager for Justin Timberlake. Hes interested in talking his social media game to the next level for his new album release, but he wants your advice on what else he should be doing. Discuss two ideas you have in what he could do to engage with fans more on social media to generate buzz.
Volunteering at a local university for a sports team and explore future opportunities is a best practice for sports and social media. What best practice does this fall under?
A. It falls under personal branding.
B. It falls under networking offline.
C. It falls under investing in your influencer relations.
D. It falls under getting a job.
You are working with Sephora on a measurement strategy, and you want to make sure you are able to provide a strong rationale for the brand on why measurement is just as important as having great content. Discuss these reasons and benefits for measurement, and how this could help Sephora with their social media efforts.
Entertainment professionals have to create a lot of content for their work in social media. What are some examples of some of the content they have to create?
A. They have to create only press releases and media kits.
B. They have to do strategic briefs.
C. They have to do only graphic and social media assets.
D. They are responsible for social, visual, and traditional pieces of content.
You are presenting at a conference, and you are asked a question about the different metrics associated with CPC, CPE, and CPC. Discuss what each of these are and their significance to measurement and evaluation. Highlight a few examples of how these can be measured.
______ is the field that has to prepare statements, scenarios, and listening and monitoring reports before, during, and after a given situation. A. Sports B. Entertainment C. Crisis D. Journalism
You are in the final running for an internship with Tagboard in Seattle. They want you to create a campaign for them to attract local high schools with their services in the area. They give you a budget of $10,000 to do this. Outline the outcomes you would want to focus on, and discuss what would be the necessary tools you would want to invest in for this initiative.
Thuzio is focused on specializing in only the entertainment industry.
The ultimate purpose of using social media for the entertainment industry is to ______.
A. generate buzz and motivate others to take action
B. sell tickets
C. increase follower base
D. promote celebrities to gain influence online
The entertainment industry needs to understand social media on the celebrity side only.
What are some best practices for entertainment professionals when it comes to social media?
A. make sure to identify the platforms best served for the client
B. have a strategy in place
C. loyal fans and ambassadors are crucial for success on social media
D. all of these