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______ allows you to have a distinguishable voice and community on social media.
A. Brand voice
B. Brand presence
C. Personal brand
D. Personality
Listing yourself as a social media guru means you will gain the respect as a leader in the field.
You have to determine what you can bring to the table either as a ______ (covers a broad overview of social media at a macro level) or a ______ (focusing on one or more areas in particular in social media at the micro level). A. generalist; specialist B. specialist; generalist C. collaborator; creative D. creative; collaborator
Those who are successful in establishing their presence on social media also have strong ______, which are groups of individuals who come together based on similar interests and experiences.
A. communities
B. influencers
C. brands
D. ambassadors
Reputations are important to note for social media professionals. Reputations are all EXCEPT ______.
A. evolving
B. fragile
C. formed through personal interactions
D. stable
E. influenced by word-of-mouth
______ is uniquely memorable and a key attribute others look to for a social media presence.
A. Personality
B. Brand voice
C. Tone
D. Appearance
Tyrion is striving to distinguish himself in the Targaryen Agency as a social media strategist. He wants to make sure all of his profiles are the same and hes sharing content that reflects his expertise in the field. What is Tyrion trying to do?
A. Hes trying to interject his personality into his social media presence.
B. Hes trying to embrace consistency in his social media presence.
C. Hes trying to interject his brand voice into his social media presence.
D. Hes trying to interject his family roots into his social media presence.
Diana Prince is considered to be a leading voice in team leadership for Instagram. Her experiences in working with teams over the years has allowed her to develop this reputation for herself in the social media industry. What has Diana built for herself?
A. Shes demonstrated her level of advocacy in the field.
B. Shes demonstrated her level of intelligence in the field.
C. Shes demonstrated her level of expertise in the field.
D. Shes demonstrated her level of consistency in the field.
There are a lot of fake professionals out there who are trying to present themselves as experts in the social media space. How can social media professionals identify them?
A. No one calls themselves an expert on social media because the field is constantly changing.
B. They have a ton of engagement on social media.
C. They have quality followers and no bots attached to them.
D. They are endorsed and recognized for their automated communication with others.
Individuals, like @TheRock, who are committed to helping others in the community is what type of persona type?
A. careerist
B. hipster
C. altruist
D. connector
Deidre Breakenridge, a prominent public relations practitioner and author, make sure she is active on Twitter and helps making virtual connections with others, including students and fellow professionals. She is highly engaged and makes sure everyone knows each other in her network. What type of personal brand is Deirdre?
A. altruist
B. careerist
C. connector
D. selective
The overall tone you present in your updates and communication online is called a ______.
A. brand personality
B. brand voice
C. brand position
D. brand image
______ are the direct associations you want to have for your own personal brand you want people to remember and recall about you, and how these attributes are different from the other associations that are being made by others who are like yourself.
A. Personal brand associations
B. Personal brand attributes
C. Personal brand characteristics
D. Personal brand metrics
Benedict Sherlock is a new member of London society wants to establish himself in the field. He wants to create content that resonates with his community of detectives that is shared out consistently across his various platforms and his audiences. What is Benedict trying to do?
A. He is implementing a content strategy.
B. He is trying to copy the strategies that have worked for his competitor, Moriarity.
C. He is trying to establish his brand voice.
D. He is implementing a community-based strategy.
The agreement you sign up for when creating a social media account is called a ______.
A. parody account
B. alternative account
C. terms of services agreement
D. access to platform agreement
What is automation and how does this tie to ethical practices on social media?
In 2014, Facebook got into trouble when they disclosed they ran an experiment that shared certain pieces of content to their users without their knowledge. This was an issue of ______.
A. not providing consent to participate in the study
B. not providing an adoption to their terms of services agreement
C. not acknowledging their role in the process
D. not acknowledging how the data was going to be used
E. none of these
Outline the key deadly sins Parker mentioned in the chapter. What are some of the main takeaways here?
What are two legal implications for influencers NOT disclosing their sponsorship on social media?
The case involving Anthony Elonis focused on ______.
A. privacy
B. first amendment rights
C. cyberbullying and online threats
D. influencer advertisement
Like Chad Shanks and Justine Sacco, the lessons for both of these cases should be all EXCEPT______.
A. it is okay to post anything you want because there are no consequences
B. be aware of what you post on social media since it is public
C. others may perceive posts differently than you, and may not consider it to be humorous
D. you can get fired for posting on social media
______ is someone who writes reviewers and posts in the context of their friends.
A. Consumer
B. Brosumer
C. Prosumer
D. Influencer
The NFL went after Deadspin for their use of game coverage on their social media channels, specifically their GIFs. What was the claim the NFL had against Deadspin?
B. They were using original footage of their game without permission, which was a privacy act.
C. They were using original footage of their game with permission, but did not have the appropriate hashtags.
D. They were using original footage of their game with permission but did not include all of the branded names and hashtags.
E. none of these
Ans: A
Influencers, particularly DJ Khalid, have been a key focus of the ______ when it comes to endorsements.
How do employees disclose they work for a company on social media, according to what Humana has set up for their employees? A. They do not have to do anything and are not forced to post on social media. B. They are not allowed on social media. C. They have to use #HumanaEmployee to disclose they work for the company. D. They have to use #Employee only when mentioning the company, but not health-care-related items relevant for the brand.
What do influencers need to have in order to let others know their content has been sponsored?
A. Nothing. They do not have to let others know about this since this is their own business.
B. They have to disclose it has been sponsored with a hashtag #ad or #sponsored.
C. They have to let others know after the fact of the content has been paid for by someone else.
D. none of these
Bots are part of an ethical social media policy for most social media companies.
Abandonment is when brands and individuals build a community and leave it without proper notification or reasoning, which is considered to be one of the deadly sins of social media.
Buying followers is a common practice in social media, but is not ethical unless you want to get noticed and famous.
Automating your content on social media, like sending automated DMs on Twitter, are common practice for ethical social media professionals.
A social media policy is good to have to set the guidelines and standards for a brand and all employees on social media.
Dominos did not have a Twitter account before two employees went rogue in 2009, which then prompted them to create a social media policy.
Identify two main issues we are seeing in the legal and ethical landscape.
There are several new deadly sins of social media. Identify two that are most prevalent for todays social media landscape.
What are the risks associated with rogue social media accounts?
Branded content is more trustworthy than user-generated content.
Based on what was discussed in the textbook, social media is a science, not an art.
How would you define social media based on the textbook reading? What are three attributes that are considered to be part of social media?
What are the two things to note about storytelling for social media?
Discuss the differences between user-generated content and branded content.
Outline the main areas that are highlighted for social media professionals need to be aware of for social media.
Explain the current landscape of social media. What are the defining elements that need to be taken into consideration by social media professionals today?
Visual content that is considered to be snackable seems to live on most platforms like ______. A. Facebook and Twitter B. Twitter and Instagram C. Instagram and Snapchat D. LinkedIn and YouTube
Is social media a science or an art? Discuss your rationale for each and tie in current case studies discussed in the textbook.
Chewbacca Mom became one of the most successful Facebook Live videos ever. Discuss what made this video so successful, and what are two lessons to note for future social media campaigns.
You are entering the workplace and have been asked to discuss your thought leadership activities. Highlight three things you are doing to create your own thought leadership.
In 2017, Royal Caribbean created an Intern-Ship contest to find the perfect Instagram explorer to be part of the cruise experience and share content on behalf of the cruise line to drive travel destination sales and buzz. Discuss how Royal Caribbean could integrate both science and art in this campaign.
______ are the set of moral guidelines and principles that influence our behaviors and interactions
A. Values
B. Norms
C. Ethics
D. Personal brand
Social media is owned by the community, not by one person or platform.
Jumping onto a trend, similar to creating a popular meme like Crying Jordan or Running Man, is an example of what type of deadly social media sin?
A. misappropriation
B. manipulation
C. narcissism
D. uniformity
Gary Vee, or otherwise known as Gary Vaynerchuk, has created his presence in the industry due to his active and branded form of storytelling with videos through his videographer, DRock. This is called ______.
A. vlogging
B. blogging
C. content creation
D. research
Being consistent across social media platforms, whether it is look or even content, is important, but sharing exact same piece of content on all platforms is not appropriate. This is considered ______ of the deadly sins of social media.
A. uniformity
B. narcissism
C. misappropriation
D. abandonment
According to the textbook, Social media is not just a fad that can be addressed in a moments notice.
______ are a popular trend in striking a heated discussion with someone else on social media.
A. Bullying
B. Buying fake followers
C. Flame wars
D. Automation
All social media platforms are the same. They do not have any defining or unique features to them.
When accounts like AltNationalParkServices are created, they are not necessarily the real voice of the organization they represent and do not have permission to so. What new trend is this referring to?
A. They are starting a flame war.
B. They are going rogue.
C. They are being narcissistic.
D. They are misinforming audiences of who they are.
3 You have been asked by your boss to create an influencer sponsored guide package of a client but have been told not to include any mentions that the content will be sponsored. What points do you want to raise to make sure you practice ethically in this case?
______ is a wide range of online, word-of-mouth forums including blogs, company-sponsored discussion boards and chat rooms, consumer-to-consumer e-mail, consumer product or service ratings websites and forums, Internet discussion boards and forums, microblogs.
A. Traditional media
B. Social media
C. Digital media
D. Creative media
______ and ______ need to emerge for people to understand the importance of social media.
A. Engagement; interactions
B. Paid media; earned media
C. Conversations; relationships
D. Metrics; data
______ focuses on allowing users to share and create information, disseminate ideas in various forms, share content, and respond to these pieces of content to create a consistent image across the different platforms.
A. Online persona
B. Avatar
C. Profile
D. Personal brand
Chewbecca Mom became infamous when she filmed herself on Facebook Live wearing a Chewbecca mask from Kohls is an example of ______.
A. becoming famous
B. becoming a viral sensation
C. becoming a fan of Star Wars
D. becoming known for live video
User-generated content focuses on ______.
A. content that is branded and used by the corporation
B. content that is branded and used by the corporation and its audiences
C. content that is created by the user
D. content that is created by the brand
Livestreaming apps are one popular form of social media, and examples that fall into this category includes all EXCEPT ______.
A. Facebook Live
B. Periscope
C. LinkedIn
D. Instagram
The CEO of Snapchat is ______.
A. Mark Zuckerberg
B. Jack Dorsey
C. Susan Wojcicki
D. Evan Spiegel
Facebook developed their Timeline feature back in ______.
A. 2005
B. 2011
C. 2007
D. 2012
What is considered to be thought leadership?
A. Creating social media profiles and stating to the world you are a leader in the business with titles such as change evangelist, gurus, and social media expert.
B. Posting content that others have shared on your own account and for your audiences.
C. Disseminating only certain types of content on certain platforms that get the most traction and viewership.
D. Brands, individuals, and organizations can become experts in their area as they continue to produce, share, and create content where they become the go-to resource for innovative ideas, persuading people to take action in response for their created content.
The time and frequency of posts are one of the main categories to consider. This is classified as ______.
A. voice
B. analytics
C. audience
D. purpose
Ted Rubin coined the term RoR which stands for ______.
A. Return on Relationships
B. Return on Reruns
C. Rejuvenating old Relationships
D. Rejuvenating ongoing Reddits
______ focuses on taking insight into the account when evaluating data and analytics.
A. Creative decision making
B. Insight decision making
C. Human interaction marketing
D. Influencer marketing
Facebook often serves as a social media hub for Twitter posts, Instagram images, and live videos.
One way to avoid failing when connecting with your audience is to appropriate someone elses campaign.
Twitter began as an outgrowth of short message services (SMS), in which users could send basic text messages to one another via mobile devices.
Social media is valuable because it allows access on all devices.
Selective engagement means readers follow certain Twitter or Instagram accounts to get information from specific individuals.
How does social media work as a communications platform?
Why is social media valuable?
How does a tweet function?
How can you use Facebook to cultivate your audience?
What are the key elements for building your social media audience?
What are some of the characteristics of social media?