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Danger for journalists around the world is on the decline.
The only way government in the United States can limit press is through prior restraint.
Journalists' reliance on officials as sources is one effective manner of information control.
The American public is highly cognizant of First Amendment rights and enthusiastically defend them.
Digital media are more tightly controlled by the U.S. government than broadcast television.
The most profound effect of the new media on the news media business springs from the multiplication of outlets that distribute news. Outline the financial and organizational consequences traditional outlets face as a result of new medias entry into the media marketplace.
The arrival and proliferation of the Internet has unequivocally given more voice to groups and individuals in society who, historically, have been less heard.
How successful have citizen lobby groups been in shaping media policy and content? Describe their efforts and record of success over time.
Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden share of the distinction of being viewed as heroic by some and villainous by others.
The Supreme Court case of Miami Herald Publishing Company v. Tornillo (1974) dealt with which of the following?
A. print press rights
B. the constitutionality of a Florida statue
C. the right to immediate reply when attacked by a newspaper
D. all of these
How to curb online hate speech is an emerging and complex challenge facing governments, nonprofits and corporations around the world.
The doctrine of executive privilege refers to ______.
A. chief executives ability to make and enforce restrictions on press access
B. chief executives right to conceal information they consider sensitive
C. chief executives power to take action against staff members who leak information
D. all of these
What are the three environments that are critical to press freedom?
In what case did the Supreme Court find that defendants had not had a fair trial because of widespread media publicity? A. Shepherd v. Florida (1951) B. Sheppard v. Maxwell (1966) C. all of these D. none of these
Compare and contrast controlled versus uncontrolled media.
Only about a third of the worlds countries have full press freedom.
The Supreme Court has denied that the press has a constitutional right of special access to nonpublic information. Discuss some examples of restrictions on media access.
Nearly 70% of countries are only partly free or are not free at all, according to Freedom House.
Name three hurdles limiting the usefulness of the Freedom of Information Act for news personnel.
The United States is generally considered to have press freedom, but its rating is far from perfect.
What are shield laws and why are they important for journalists?
Press freedom ratings are based only on legal, regulatory, and political controls on media content.
What makes the Sullivan rule challenging for public officials?
Why is there a discrepancy between common perceptions of media influence and social science appraisals of media influence?
Why do some critics have concerns about conglomerates owning media enterprises?
Compare and contrast media roles under authoritarian regimes and democratic regimes.
What are the three additional factors (beyond ownership) that need to be considered when evaluating media influence?
Compare and contrast social responsibility journalism and totalitarian journalism.
What are the four forms of FCC control?
List at least four of the five models of news making.
What are the major issues of debate regarding media ownership and regulation? Lay out the arguments for both sides (including the information trends media critics and scholars are concerned about) and discuss the implications for democracy.
Explain the evolution of social science appraisals of media effects from the era of minimal effects to current appraisals of media effects.
What is the role of the media in democracies? What should it be? How well do the media in the United States fulfill that role? Is our media all that it should be in democratic terms? Why or why not?
What are the five models of news making? Describe and define each. Discuss how or whether these models reflect reality.
Outline the various important consequences of a commercially oriented media system such as ours. In doing so, explain how commercial pressures often shape political news content and how or why it matters.
What are the two key factors that influence media performance?
A. the FEC and regulation
B. investigative reporting and the availability of information
C. regulatory policy and market forces
D. the lack of government funding and donations
E. none of these
What are the advantages and disadvantages of big business control over substantial portions of the publics news supply?
Where does most public broadcasting revenue come from in the United States?
A. federal government
B. business
C. subscribers
D. other
Which of the following audience age groups is most prized for news organizations?
A. 2535
B. 3649
C. 50+
D. 1824
To what types of demographic characteristics do advertisers pay most attention to as indicators of programming preferences?
A. gender
B. age
C. education and income
D. primarily a and b
E. all of these
Usual ratings giant _____ was beaten by debates during the 2016 primary elections.
A. NFL Sunday Night Football
B. Greys Anatomy
C. Homeland
D. Big Bang Theory
Civic journalism refers to the fact that this kind of journalism is best for teaching civic facts.
Which of the following platform is seeing the most growth for news use? A. online news B. TV C. newspapers D. social media
The Chinese government has developed sophisticated methods for monitoring information on the Internet.
Normally, private sector ownership means that entertainment beats public affairs.
Government influence is the primary determinant of what and how things get covered in the U.S. media system.
As cable channel providers and the number of television channels per household has increased, audience shares for the three major broadcast networks have decreased.
It is said that media images are especially potent when they involve aspects of life that people experience only through the media. Why?
More than 60% of the public now get their news on social networking sites such as Facebook.
Name three of the four major societal functions performed by the mass media.
Name and briefly describe at least two business configurations of private media ownership.
Which of the following statements reflects an assumption of democratic regimes? A. Governments know and serve peoples best interests. B. News should support major policies. C. News should stimulate critical thinking about major policies. D. All of these
Why is the mass media politically important?
A. News stories take millions of Americans, in all walks of life, to the political and military battlefields of the world.
B. They allow the public to share political experiences, such as watching political debates or congressional investigations.
C. Media experiences undergird public opinions and political actions.
D. all of these
What type of media has the largest news audience?
A. the Internet
B. newspapers
C. television news
D. radio
What does it mean to muckrake? Muckraking refers to ______.
A. politicians engaging in reform efforts
B. news organizations scooping of other news organizations on a story
C. journalists investigation of corruption
D. All of these
________ is when journalists expose misconduct in government and produce reforms A. Feeding frenzy B. Muckraking C. Agenda setting D. All of these
Even though it is on the decline, television news is still the platform most people rely on primarily for news.
Socialization refers to the process where one learns the values and orientations that help them fit in their social environment.
Interpretation is one of the major functions of the mass media.
The electronic health record (EHR) provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice. Which of the following best depicts the use of the EHR in the collection of data?
1. Only experienced clinicians understand the usage of EHR data.
2. Incorporation of evidence-based guidelines into the EHR can improve the quality of care.
3. Extrapolating data from an EHR can be a lengthy process and counterproductive.
4. The EHR can be a reservoir for research studies.
_______________________ provide up-to-date information from peer-reviewed data-based research.
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It is important for nurses to bridge the gap between practice and research to promote safe, evidence-based nursing care. One of the best ways to close this gap is by which of the following?
1. Extrapolate data from the electronic health record (EHR).
2. Write all patient data in the nurse's station notebook.
3. Analyze singular pieces of data and note its relevance to all patients.
4. Keep data that seem irrelevant from the research committee.
Which of the following methods is not useful in the facilitation of both evidence-based practice and research through the identification of questions, location of literature, systematic reviews, and resources?
1. Electronic literature searches
2. Online discussion groups
3. Comparative effectiveness research (CER)
4. Digital libraries
A busy, inner city CCU has had a record number of nosocomial infections during the month of December. The head nurse held a meeting with the department to begin a systematic review process of all of the infected patients. In order to facilitate the collection of relevant data, she can eliminate a barrier to the collection of data by the point of care staff through which of the following?
1. Allowing nurses who are comfortable with the research process to collect data
2. Hiring a consultant to create the research process and collect data
3. Providing workshops and preceptors to guide the nurses
4. Asking the staff to work an extra hour per week to facilitate collection
Which of the following technologies does collaborative computing not use to achieve its goals?
1. E-mail and desktop videoconferencing
2. Digital libraries
3. Handheld devices
4. Shared databases
Which of the following activities are involved in producing a thorough and comprehensive review of research databases?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Understanding the process of comprehensive and systematic search of databases
2. Selecting and appraising relevant studies
3. Extracting relevant information from the research articles that have been found to be scientifically rigorous and meritorious
4. Developing competency and skills in extracting relevant information
5. Structuring the results of the systematic review in a clear and succinct manner
Which form of technology has recently been designated as useful at the point of care?
1. Computer on wheels
2. Monitoring DVDs
3. Portable Dynamap
4. Personal digital assistant
The lack of a common language to facilitate data collection and decision making was recognized as a problem in health care and nursing several years ago. Which of the following are recognized nursing languages?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. CCC
3. NOC
Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) is a term used in other industries that is now seen in health care circles. Which of the following statements about KDD is accurate?
1. It is a powerful tool suitable for the analysis of large or small amounts of data.
2. It is not available commercially, but platforms can be custom built to suit the facility.
3. The confidentiality of individual records may be protected through the use of data perturbation.
4. The lack of bias is guaranteed by the vendor related to the complex patterns in collected data.
Sigma Theta Tau International completed a landmark EBP study in 2006. Which of the following was included in the findings?
1. Nurses are comfortable seeking information to provide EBP patient care and had sufficient access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
2. Nurses who entered practice less than two years earlier were least comfortable with providing EBP patient care.
3. Nurses who entered practice five or more years earlier were most comfortable with providing EBP patient care.
4. Nurses lacked access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
Clinical researchers have experienced barriers due to HIPPA. These researchers need to be aware of HIPAA's Privacy Rule because it establishes the conditions under which covered entities can use or disclose PHI. Which of the following statements about HIPPA covered entities is accurate?
1. Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
2. Researchers are always considered to be covered entities for transactions covered under HIPAA so long as they are conducting a valid study.
3. When difficulties arise with small sample size, covered entities are not allowed to disclose PHI to researchers to aid in study recruitment.
4. Covered entities do not include providers that transmit health information electronically for HIPAA transactions, health plans, and clearinghouses unless they are certified via a national examination.
Standardized languages provide a mechanism to ensure common meanings to terms, facilitate data collection, and aid research. Which of the following languages includes all nursing specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass other standardized nursing languages?
3. NIC
4. NOC
Which of the following best supports the need for translational research in health care?
1. More emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary translation of research in the coming decade.
2. Nurses are the only health care provider capable of understanding best practice models.
3. There is not as much demand for translational research today as there was five years ago.
4. Translational research is a new concept in health care.
Which of the following provides an effective means of researching primary research in a logical and systematic manner, providing a more efficient and effective means to find credible scientific information than if one were doing a general Web search?
1. Wikis
2. Systematic literature searches
3. Blogging
4. Telehealth
Which type of research is best suited for using nurmetrics?
1. The compilation of unified medical language systems into a universal language
2. The collapsing of databases into one large data set for research purposes
3. The generation and testing of new models of health care delivery using computers
4. The collection of data to create a uniform data set for nursing care and outcomes
Data collection via the Internet can offer special advantages. Which of the following tools also facilitates research?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Electronic databases
2. Online group discussions
3. Privacy standards
4. Cookies
5. Digital libraries
Which of the following is an advantage of uniform nursing languages, such as The Omaha System?
1. Standards for information systems are no longer needed.
2. Nursing data may be collected only in similar health care settings.
3. All contain the same type of data on nursing care and outcomes.
4. Studies using the same language may be replicated more easily.
____________________________________ have the capacity to locate a plethora of research, data, and information in a rapid period of time.
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Data mining supports sifting through large volumes of data at rapid speeds. In which instance would the use of data mining be inappropriate?
1. To provide information that may enhance the company's market share
2. To hide confidential information in databases using real values
3. To identify common factors relating to medication errors
4. To search databases to review trends in the health care arena
Which of the following is essential to provide the means to search the literature and apply clinical knowledge, improving practice and safety as well as meeting the standards of excellence required for regulatory and credentialing standards and Magnet status?
1. Information technology tools
2. Computerized databases
3. Technology websites
4. Online libraries