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Sigma Theta Tau International completed a landmark EBP study in 2006. Which of the following was included in the findings?
1. Nurses are comfortable seeking information to provide EBP patient care and had sufficient access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
2. Nurses who entered practice less than two years earlier were least comfortable with providing EBP patient care.
3. Nurses who entered practice five or more years earlier were most comfortable with providing EBP patient care.
4. Nurses lacked access to appropriate materials to personally engage in EBP.
Clinical researchers have experienced barriers due to HIPPA. These researchers need to be aware of HIPAA's Privacy Rule because it establishes the conditions under which covered entities can use or disclose PHI. Which of the following statements about HIPPA covered entities is accurate?
1. Researchers are not covered entities unless they are also health care providers or employed by a covered entity or engage in any of the electronic transactions covered under HIPAA.
2. Researchers are always considered to be covered entities for transactions covered under HIPAA so long as they are conducting a valid study.
3. When difficulties arise with small sample size, covered entities are not allowed to disclose PHI to researchers to aid in study recruitment.
4. Covered entities do not include providers that transmit health information electronically for HIPAA transactions, health plans, and clearinghouses unless they are certified via a national examination.
Standardized languages provide a mechanism to ensure common meanings to terms, facilitate data collection, and aid research. Which of the following languages includes all nursing specialties and demonstrates the ability to encompass other standardized nursing languages?
3. NIC
4. NOC
Which of the following best supports the need for translational research in health care?
1. More emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary translation of research in the coming decade.
2. Nurses are the only health care provider capable of understanding best practice models.
3. There is not as much demand for translational research today as there was five years ago.
4. Translational research is a new concept in health care.
Which of the following provides an effective means of researching primary research in a logical and systematic manner, providing a more efficient and effective means to find credible scientific information than if one were doing a general Web search?
1. Wikis
2. Systematic literature searches
3. Blogging
4. Telehealth
Which type of research is best suited for using nurmetrics?
1. The compilation of unified medical language systems into a universal language
2. The collapsing of databases into one large data set for research purposes
3. The generation and testing of new models of health care delivery using computers
4. The collection of data to create a uniform data set for nursing care and outcomes
Data collection via the Internet can offer special advantages. Which of the following tools also facilitates research?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Electronic databases
2. Online group discussions
3. Privacy standards
4. Cookies
5. Digital libraries
The _________________________ website has a wealth of information for nurses through fact sheets as well as a series of scenario-based workshops that are free of charge and can be completed online on topics related to nursing care and management during a crisis.
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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have begun national initiatives to link public health electronic health records (EHRs) with an immunization tracking system (CDC, 2011). This tracking system is focused on allowing EHRs of state and local health departments to share data with immunization information systems and integrate these records with the CDC's vaccine tracking system. The initiative focuses on communication and which of the following?
1. The ability to provide reminders, extend resources, and track records
2. The ability to combine data with global initiatives
3. The ability to work in tandem with governmental databases
4. The ability to design public health resources in case of an pandemic
The Homeland Security website has fact sheets and a series of scenario-based workshops that are free and can be completed online. Which of the following types of terrorist attacks have concomitant fact sheets on this website?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Chemical
2. Biological
3. Radiological
4. Nuclear
5. Improvised Explosive Attack
Public health care is responsible for the protecting the health care needs of the public through a variety of ways. With the increase in technology, which of the following statements is true about information technology and public health protection?
1. Information technology provides the ability to access Center for Disease Control (CDC) updates on outbreaks of communicable disease.
2. Information technology diminishes the ability to make rapid decisions during crisis management.
3. Information technology controls communication during a crisis.
4. Information technology is unnecessary during a crisis.
The use of the Internet for health information has grown exponentially in the past few years. There are a multitude of reasons for individuals to check online before contacting their health care provider. Which of the following statements is a major reason why people turn to the Internet and websites for health related information?
1. Fewer people have health care insurance.
2. The long lines and waiting time in healthcare providers' offices prevent individuals from making appointments.
3. People refuse to pay the co-pay when they can find out about their illness for free.
4. People are reluctant to bother their primary healthcare provider.
There is a global concern that not all populations or subpopulations have the resources and capabilities to utilize or benefit from communication using technology and Internet. This phenomenon is called _____________.
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The ability to improve health outcomes and make data-driven decisions within a new or existing health information infrastructure is critical. This can be accomplished through which of the following?
1. Reliable databases
2. A cogent plan of action
3. Systems implementation
4. Public health informatics
Research has suggested that there is a positive correlation between an individual's health literacy and which of the following?
1. Knowledge of illness
2. Managed care
3. Computer skills
4. Health outcomes
The relationship between information technology and the collection and analysis of data is part of the development of evidence-based practice and improved patient outcomes. Which of the following are essential elements that need to be considered to have a comprehensive, robust health information system to promote public health informatics?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Data definitions
2. Coding classification systems
3. Data transmission capability
4. Health information exchange (HIE)
5. Data storage
A qualitative researcher studying lived experiences of congestive heart failure clients wishes to analyze data obtained from client interviews. Which of the following software programs are best suited for this researcher's purpose?
2. NUD*IST and Nvivo
3. BMDP and DataDesk
4. SAS and SPSS
An ethnographer selects Ethnograph, a software program to analyze data obtained from client interviews. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of using software for qualitative research?
1. Data must be sorted manually into subsets for future analysis.
2. Research may be molded to fit the software program.
3. The researcher must input data separately for the best analysis.
4. There is less available time for data analysis.
Which statement is true regarding the realization of a universal electronic health record (EHR)?
1. Security and confidentiality issues have been resolved.
2. The EHR exists only in private, for-profit acute-care institutions.
3. Health care providers are unified in the standardization of the EHR.
4. The lack of common language prevents the EHR from becoming a reality.
Which of the following is considered a major challenge with public health informatics (PHI)?
1. Need to have additional terminals in neutral locations
2. Need to have stronger linkages and interface between and among providers and systems
3. Need to convince health care providers of PHI benefits
4. Need for additional research on PHI effectiveness
Which statement regarding data collection via the Internet is accurate?
1. Ethical issues are minimized because complete privacy of client response is assured.
2. E-mails cannot be used because there may be errors in interpretation and transcription.
3. Selection bias is eliminated because the Internet allows participation from all over the world.
4. Data collection is automated, allowing the data to be exported to other programs more easily.
Public Health Informatics (PHI) is distinguished from other information systems and technology by its emphasis on ____________________ in populations
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For which type of research is knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) least appropriate?
1. To cross-link risk factors for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
2. To identify the efficacy of a treatment for children with the rare and fatal Batten disease.
3. To test the hypothesis that polycystic kidney disease is best treated with antihypertensive
4. To determine the most significant risk factors for congestive heart failure
There are four major principles of public health informatics that are distinguishable from other types of informatics. Which of the following responses is not considered a principle?
1. Promote the health of populations as opposed to health of individuals.
2. Prevent disease and injury by altering the conditions or the environment putting populations at risk.
3. Should not reflect the governmental context in which public health is practiced.
4. Should explore the potential for prevention of all vulnerable points.
A nursing student wishes to initiate a search for interesting research topics. The student decides to peruse client positioning during pulmonary artery catheter readings. Among the following, which are suitable for this topic?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. PsychINFO
3. Google
5. PubMed
Which national organization has begun to link public health electronic health records (EHRs) with an immunization tracking system?
1. NIH
2. CDC
3. ANA
Current or future trends in home health care include which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Helper robots
2. Biometric measurements monitored at another site
3. E-house calls
4. Sensors to detect when a frail elderly client falls down
5. Smart homes
For over 40 years, the U.S. government played a major role in the development and promotion of telehealth through various agencies. Which of the following was the first telehealth service provided?
1. Telephone consultations
2. Robotics telesurgery
3. Prison inmate care
4. Telepsychiatric treatment
Telehealth has become an attractive tool to improve the quality of health care and save money. Savings may be realized via which of the following measures?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Follow-up care is more convenient.
2. Access to care improves.
3. Physician services are provided.
4. Clients may be treated in their own community.
5. Quality of care improves.
Which of the following statements about telenursing is true?
1. Telenursing has been in existence for decades, using available technology to serve its purposes.
2. The American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing was founded to promote nursing in telehealth.
3. Telehealth nursing practice is not yet considered to be a subspecialty of nursing.
4. Basic telehealth nursing principles have been widely integrated into basic nursing curricula.
Which of the following statements is true about telehealth?
1. Telehealth can be used to treat prisoners.
2. Telehealth should not be used to offer mental health services.
3. Telehealth is not useful in treating rural patients.
4. There are not enough funds to support telehealth.
Telenursing is defined as which of the following?
1. The synthesis of nursing and information systems
2. The synthesis of nursing and telecommunications and information technology
3. The synthesis of health care and telecommunications
4. The synthesis of nursing and communication technology
Telehealth has caused officials concern about the privacy of information as it crosses state lines. Which of the following statements can be considered a resolution by health care professionals?
1. Experts have called for the discontinuation of telehealth.
2. Experts have called for the creation of standards for e-health, particularly for security and identity management.
3. Experts have enacted a number of bills stopping the growth of telehealth.
4. Experts have called for a limit in the number of telehealth patient encounters.
Which of the following technological advances are telehealth applications?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Videoconferencing between client and physician
2. Transmission of diagnostic images
3. Electronic prescriptions
4. Support for caregivers
5. Voice recognition for dictation
Which of these home health clients is least suited for telehealth services?
1. A 63-year-old man with a large pressure ulcer who requires daily wound assessments and dressing
2. A 54-year-old client with congestive heart failure who is developing new onset chest pain
3. A 77-year-old client who requires glucose monitoring and daily foot ulcer assessment
4. A 49-year-old woman who is pregnant for the first time and requires fetal heart rate monitoring
Which of the following is not considered an issue pertaining to the practice of telenursing?
1. Nurses must be certified in telehealth nursing.
2. Reimbursement has been limited in several states.
3. Liability issues
4. State board of nursing regulations
Which statement related to telehealth technology is correct?
1. A DTV system may be used to transmit diagnostic images for third-party consultation.
2. Because international audio and visual standards are inconsistent, there is little international communication.
3. A frame-per-second rate of 10 provides acceptable diagnostic imagery for consultation.
4. Broad bandwidth of 384 kilobits and 30 frames per second is needed for diagnostic image interpretation.
A new paradigm of care called _______________________ promises to reduce costs and improve quality by working with clients proactively
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Telenursing is the use of telecommunications and computer technology for the delivery of nursing care. The National Council of State Boards identified advantages of authority to practice telenursing across state lines (1996). These advantages include which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Establishes legitimacy and availability to practice telenursing
2. Protects the nurse from liability when practicing across state lines without a license in the client's state
3. Establishes the nurse's responsibility and accountability to the board of nursing
4. Provides jurisdictional authority over the discipline of telenursing in the event of unsafe delivery
5. Provides statutory authority permitting telenursing services across borders for all of the states
Which of the following statements about telenursing is accurate?
1. Since telenursing is a new subspecialty, standards of practice have yet to be developed.
2. Telenursing should be taught at a graduate school level.
3. The International TeleNurses Association (ITNA) published International Competencies for Telenursing in 2007.
4. The International TeleNurses Association (ITNA) was founded in 1995 to promote and support nursing involvement in telehealth and serve as a resource for nurses.
Telehealth is a tool that allows health care professionals to do which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Improve the overall quality of the client's record
2. Assess and monitor clients.
3. Tackle isolation and loneliness
4. Decrease hospital visits for clients with chronic conditions
5. Extend scarce health care resources
What is the systematic application of information and computer science and technology to public health practice, research, and learning?
1. Public health nursing
2. Public health practice
3. Public health informatics
4. Public health research
Which of the following are considered to be appropriate uses of telenursing?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Making follow-up calls
2. Obtaining test results
3. Checking biometric measurements
4. Advanced primary practice
5. Telephone triage
One major barrier to telehealth was removed with the passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. Which of the following was the outcome of removing this major barrier?
1. Telecommunications carriers were required to provide cost-free Internet access to those in rural areas.
2. Telecommunications carriers must offer services to urban health providers at rates higher than those charged in rural areas.
3. The act created the Agriculture Department's information Rural Development network.
4. Vendors of cable and telephone services were allowed to compete in each others' markets.
Which of the following definitions is accurate?
1. Telecare is the remote delivery of health care services into the person's home facilitated by communication technologies that include the use of person-centered reactive monitoring devices.
2. Teletherapy is the use of a psychology-based website to provide therapy and counseling.
3. Telesurgery is defined as the use of technology that allows surgeons to complete surgical procedures with electronic tools.
4. Teleprevention is defined as the use of electronic databases to analyze communicable diseases within the community.
Standards of care reflect best practices based on research findings. Which of the following is an example of how the incorporation of national standards of care and drug information helps health care institutions?
1. The incorporation of national standards of care and drug information helps to identify human errors.
2. The incorporation of national standards of care and drug information helps to eliminate wasteful spending.
3. The incorporation of national standards of care and drug information helps to eliminate co-pays.
4. The incorporation of national standards of care and drug information helps to decrease malpractice claims through adherence to standards of care.
Which statement is true regarding potential liability issues for telehealth?
1. Malpractice costs may be decreased because lawsuits may be filed in multiple locations, defraying costs.
2. Misinterpretation of advice provided over the telephone may cause the health care provider to be liable for poor outcomes.
3. Telehealth services may be used in the place of any face-to-face physical examination with the same results.
4. A nurse practitioner licensed in Wyoming may provide advice to a client in Montana without legal repercussions.
E-patients access and use health-related information in an attempt to do which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. "Search and rescue"consumers seek information related to symptoms of a newly diagnosed disease or disorder.
2. Understand the severity of their illness
3. Join with other online consumers to research their shared concerns
4. Interact with volunteer online health professionals
5. Engage in electronic conversations with their local clinicians
Which telehealth transmission service is best when eight MRI scans must be sent to the consultant in a tertiary facility?
1. Switched Multimegabit Data Services (T1 line)
2. Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
3. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
4. Digital subscriber line (DSL)
Consumers have access to a wide-range of resources that have the potential for informing their health care decisions and thus promoting a greater responsibility for which of the following?
1. Understanding how electronic health records work
2. Developing a cryptic password
3. Upgrading personal software
4. Self-care
Which situation best fits the use of a telehealth delivery system?
1. Chronic congestive heart failure clients are assessed in rural clinics using telecommunication technology, and are given instructions on how to best manage their care.
2. Clients may sign up with a telehealth provider, who provides the client with health promotion information and activities.
3. Continuing education courses for health care professionals are provided to the education department of acute-care institutions for continuing education credits.
4. A physician consultant receives an x-ray, CT scan, and EKG via the telecommunication network to manage the care of a client with congestive heart failure and diabetes.
Which of the following statements is correct about consumer informatics?
1. More than one-half of all American adults use online resources to locate personal health information.
2. The most trusted websites are not associated with the federal government.
3. Knowledge of technology is not essential in finding quality information.
4. Standards are unnecessary and unattainable in consumer informatics.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of desktop videoconferencing (DTV) for telehealth?
1. DTV may not support high-resolution, high-speed transmissions.
2. DTV requires a personal computer with a modem to function.
3. DTV uses real-time synchronous encounters for face-to-face meetings.
4. DTV is more expensive than most videoconferencing systems.
Technology has changed health care. Which of the following best depicts how technology has impacted the consumer?
1. The consumer is savvier about health and health care.
2. Technological advances are too expensive for the consumer to employ.
3. Technology has created information overload for all consumers.
4. Consumers are afraid of reading about their health online.
In which setting would telehealth be least likely to be supported by government funding?
1. A small community hospital in an urban setting in the Northeast
2. A battlefield in a third-world country for the treatment of casualties
3. A space shuttle voyage during orbit around the earth
4. A prison infirmary to care for state inmates
Technology tools have the capability to assist in the creation of consumer-centric health care information. Which of the following describe how health care information can be specifically customized or tailored for each individual patient?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Data are collected from individual consumers regarding their health care characteristics and behaviors and a health profile is created.
2. Health care information containing the best-evidence practices must be available in an electronically retrievable format.
3. Information technology allows the patients records to be viewed by anyone with a username and password.
4. A process is established for easily sending the message (practitioner) and receiving the message (consumer) in a way that is clear to each individual.
5. A set of decision-making rules created from the information collected from the consumer is used to craft tailored messages to fit the consumer's specific needs.
Which statement is true concerning telehealth?
1. Access to care may be delayed until the proper equipment can be delivered to the client's home.
2. Clients must travel to special on-site locations where equipment and telecommunication devices are available.
3. Nurse practitioner services may be reduced because physicians can assess and treat clients themselves.
4. Clients may stay within their own community to be assessed and treated, lowering potential costs.
Which of the following statements is correct about the evolving way that health advice and care is sought?
1. The World Wide Web has not had an impact on primary care.
2. The World Wide Web has revolutionized the way patients seek health care advice.
3. The World Wide Web will soon replace physicians.
4. To be competitive, all health care providers must upload websites.
Which type of client information is least suited for "store-and-forward" technology?
1. A client's biopsy sample is digitally photographed and transmitted electronically to the pathology lab.
2. A client with increasing symptoms of heart failure is instructed to come to the clinic for a state CXR (chest x-ray).
3. A client's EEG (electroencephalogram) and brain scan are transmitted to the consulting surgeon to follow up a craniotomy of two months ago.
4. A client with chronic asthma comes to the clinic for a routine CXR (chest x-ray).
There is an increased amount of health care information on the Internet. Not all of the websites are accurate or have updated information. Therefore, the health care consumer must do which of the following?
1. Discuss health care information found on the Internet with friends and neighbors.
2. Consider anything published online to be accurate.
3. Understand that any website published within the last five years to be up to date.
4. Evaluate the website's credibility through a careful analysis of the content's accuracy.
Which example of an online resource is inappropriate for telehealth professionals?
1. Critical pathways and client outcomes information
2. Electronic prescriptions and medication information
3. Client electronic medical records with progress and treatment
4. Abstracts, full-text literature, and research data access
To evaluate the accuracy and credibility of a website, which of the following skills should a consumer possess?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Visual literacy
2. Reading skills
3. Computer literacy
4. Cultural literacy
5. Information literacy
How can the nationwide "digital divide" be closed by health care professionals?
1. Provide online health care resources that are equally distributed.
2. Provide the technology needed to access the Internet.
3. Provide additional resources in regions that do not have access to technology.
4. Provide increased access to free health care clinics with computer terminals.
Which of the following are consumer health informatics applications?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Personal health records
2. Home telehealth monitoring
3. System software
4. Home telehealth monitoring
5. Smart phone
Social media networks, such as Facebook, offer the individual an online platform for support and data gathering. Facebook continues to grow in popularity, yet there are a number of concerns. Which of the following offer reason to be thoughtful before using social media networks?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Questionable scientific content
2. Minimization of anxiety
3. Sharing confidential issues with a network of "friends"
4. Research ethics issues when social networking sites are used to recruit research participants
5. Health care providers can 'friend' their patients
The term home telemedicine encompasses a number of different tools that can be utilized by consumers to self-monitor and self-manage health conditions. Which of the following information technology tools can be used by the consumer at home?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Technology that can take vital signs
2. Blood glucose technology
3. Web-based video conferencing
4. Online patient educational sessions
5. Chemotherapy infusion
The informatics specialist is in a unique position to promote the integration of consumer informatics into the mainstream of health care delivery. Which of the following statements is true about the nurse informatics clinical specialist?
1. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can be part of the life cycle process.
2. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can eliminate the need for a help desk.
3. The nurse informatics clinical specialist can spearhead all changes to the information system.
4. The nurse informatics clinical specialist's role is to collect outcomes data.
The informatics specialist in an educator role has the tools to design consumer-friendly information retrieval tools, by designing electronic education that is readable at a _________________________ level and by providing consumers with helpful hints about vocabulary translations.
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The role of the informaticist has broadened over the past several years. Which of the following are some of the specialty roles open to a nurse informaticist?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Educator
2. Advocate
3. Computer technician
4. Designer
5. Leader
The term Web 2.0 has yet to be defined; however, it has been described as consisting of a set of "core characteristics." Which of the following are considered core characteristics?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. User-centered design
2. Web as platform
3. Collaboration
4. Power decentralization
5. Dynamic content
With the growth of consumer informatics, concerns have emerged that have alarmed health care professionals. Which of the following is one of the issues associated with health information related websites?
1. Health care professionals are concerned with the abundance of websites.
2. Health care professionals are alarmed by the number of inaccurate websites.
3. Health care professionals are concerned with the increase in websites uploaded by nonprofit societies.
4. Health care professionals are not concerned with websites related to illness advice.
Which of the following answers is not an advantage of Web 2.0 technologies?
1. Minimizes communication
2. Manages information
3. Enriches health care professional collaboration
4. Can employ podcasts as a learning strategy
Which of the following is an accurate statement of YouTube's usefulness in the classroom setting?
1. Digital natives desire multimedia educational experiences.
2. Students are uncomfortable accessing videos on YouTube.
3. Most instructors do not see the usefulness of YouTube.
4. YouTube videos are not relevant for classroom learning activities.
Mobile technology can be found in health care organizations and useful in teaching nursing students. Which of the following devices are not currently used in the educational setting?
1. Moodle
2. PDA
3. Clicker
4. MP3 player
Distance education allows faculty and students connectivity to telecommunications via sophisticated phone systems. Which of the following is considered a component of distance learning?
1. Story board
2. Computer
3. Flash drive
4. Notebook
Which of the following statements best describes the use of a clicker?
1. A clicker is a handheld device that beams information showing the response to specific, real time questions projected overhead to a group of students to a receiver on the instructor's computer which transforms the data into a chart detailing the responses.
2. A clicker beams information to the class about a current event.
3. A clicker is not useful in measuring knowledge.
4. A clicker is not a valuable educational tool.
With the adoption of the electronic health record and importance of technology, there is a need for nurses with technology experience. What are the two ways nurses can specialize in informatics?
1. Complete a BSN
2. RN with experience as a super user
3. A nurse with a graduate degree in informatics
4. Operating room nurse who is on the technology committee
5. A BSN nurse who completes a certificate in web based design
Nurses with information technology experience are in greater demand as more organizations incorporate the use of the electronic health record and computerized order entry. Which of the following are considered skills and/or competencies for nurses to develop to prepare for the changes in health care?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Collaboration and communication
2. Organizational and interpersonal skills
3. Ability to review, critique, and evaluate evidence available through clinical practice guidelines and research
4. Aptitude for translating clinical practice recommendations into algorithms
5. Proficiency to disseminate research findings
Distance education incorporates more than the World Wide Web (WWW) to connect educator and students who are located at a minimum of two different locations. Which of the following tools are also used to facilitate the teaching learning process?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Audio
2. Video
3. Teleconferencing
4. Television
5. Computer
Web-based instruction (WBI) has become an important facet of the educational experience. Which of the following are considered advantages of WBI?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. Comprehensive instructional design
2. Minimal communication
3. Lack of control
4. Lack of intellectual stimulation
5. Ability to work in an asynchronous environment