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Evidence conclusively shows that the death penalty is recognized by would-be criminals
as a more severe punishment than life in prison. It therefore follows that the death penalty
indubitably deters murderers better than life in prison does.
Why does Leibniz, the great theistic philosopher, reject the divine command theory?
a. because it implies God is beyond our understanding
b. because it implies God is unworthy of worship
c. because it implies a utilitarian conception of morality
d. because it implies God plays no role in morality
Doctrine of Double Effect
Some argue that the death penalty could encourage violent crime instead of deterring it,
that violent criminals who know they are likely to get the death penalty may commit murder
to avoid being captured. This argument is put forth by utilitarian abolitionists.
For many retentionists, the only necessary justification for the type and degree of punishment
is what the criminal deserves.
Which of these best describes the purpose of the books discussion of ethics and religion? a. to convince religious believers of the value of doing ethics b. to convince the reader that religious moral codes and theories are unacceptable c. to convince the reader to question everything about morality d. to convince religious believers that ethics is a replacement for religious beliefs
The dominance of moral norms suggests that if a speed limit on a highway conflicts with a
persons moral duty to rush a dying man to the hospital, then
a. the moral duty would be as weighty as the legal duty.
b. neither the legal duty nor the moral duty would apply.
c. the moral duty would take precedence over the legal duty.
d. the moral duty would sanction any method whatsoever of getting the dying man to the hospital.
At about twenty-three or twenty-four weeks, the state referred to as ________, the fetus may be
able to live outside the uterus.
Most retentionists believe that, in a large majority of cases, wrongdoers should not be
punished at all.
Which of these illustrates the need for moral reasoning when applying religious moral codes?
a. My religious moral code includes a general rule not to kill, but sometimes killing might be the only way to defend myself.
b. My religious moral code includes a general rule not to lie, but some people lie frequently.
c. My religious moral code has many rules that are not relevant to me.
d. My religious moral code is difficult to follow because it is very strict and demanding.
________ is the term used to refer to the beginning of fetal development when a sperm cell
enters an ovum and the two merge into a single cell called a zygote.
A man plans to kill his wife, waits for the right opportunity, and does the deed. He would
therefore be guilty of first-degree murder.
When religious adherents claim that murder is wrong because God says that it is, they are implicitly espousing the a. legal theory of divine justice. c. religious demand theory. b. greatest happiness principle. d. divine command theory.
Which of the following is a consequence of the principle of universalizability?
a. If harming someone is wrong in a particular situation, then harming someone would be wrong for anyone in a relevantly similar situation.
b. If harming someone is wrong in a particular situation, then harming someone would be wrong in all situations.
c. The moral rules implied by your behavior apply to everyone, even in dissimilar situations.
d. A persons morality is dictated by his or her culture-wide morality.
The conservative can argue that Mary Anne Warrens view of personhood leads to an absurdity:
if a fetus is not a person, then neither is a newborn. Thus, killing a newborn would be permissible.
The issue of forgiving a criminal (for example, commuting a death sentence to life in prison)
forces us to confront a contradiction between mercy (giving someone a break) and
a. justice (giving someone what he deserves).
b. utility (giving someone what will make him happy).
c. love (giving someone unconditional acceptance).
d. fallibility (the tendency to err).
Which statement would the author most likely agree with, based on what he states in this chapter?
a. If your moral beliefs depend on your religious views, it is important to be able to convince others of your religious views before presenting your moral beliefs.
b. Because we live with people who have different religious views, we need standards for moral reasoning that do not depend on any particular religious views.
c. Religious believers tend not to think about morality as much as nonbelievers do.
d. Religious believers tend to have more detailed moral beliefs than nonbelievers do.
Mary Anne Warren suggests that being genetically human is the same thing as being a person
in the moral sense.
The idea that the punishment should match the crime in kindthat justice demands an eye for an eye, a life for a lifeis called ________. a. abolitionism c. proportional retributivism b. paternalistic retributivism d. lex talionis
Which of the following correctly applies the principle of impartiality?
a. A mass murderer deserves the same treatment as a heart surgeon.
b. You cannot fairly punish one member of a group unless you punish all of them.
c. All moral judgments must be made on a case-by-case basis, setting aside all personal biases.
d. Everyone deserves the same treatment, unless there is a morally relevant reason to
favor someone.
Applied ethics is the
a. application of normative ethics to metaethics.
b. application of societys rules to ones own life.
c. study of the principles and rules that everyone accepts.
d. application of moral norms to specific moral issues or cases.
Judith Jarvis Thomson argues that abortion may sometimes be permissible whether or not the fetus is a person.
An act-utilitarian would say that an abortion is morally wrong whenever the fetus is a person.
Delma Banks Jr. was charged with murder; his lawyer failed to vigorously cross-examine an
informant testifying against Banks or to investigate the case. Consequently, Banks may not
have received a fair trial because of poor representation. If so, a retentionist would argue that
the injustice in the conduct of the trial would
a. show that capital punishment was also unjust.
b. be irrelevant to the justice or injustice of capital punishment.
c. be relevant to the injustice of capital punishment.
d. be strong evidence against the death penalty.
Which field concerns questions such as Was this abortion permissible? or Was this instance of mercy killing immoral? a. applied ethics c. normative ethics b. metaethics d. descriptive ethics
Some conservatives have argued that the fetus becomes a human being at conception because it receives the human genetic code at that point.
Suppose a friend of yours says that shes glad a murderer was recently sentenced to the gas
chamber, because murderers deserve to die. Her comment implies that she accepts the
________ theory of punishment.
a. utilitarian c. retributive
b. deterrence d. preventive
The preeminence of reason refers to the
a. times when our emotions overwhelm our reason.
b. gap between our feelings and our reason.
c. overriding importance of critical reasoning in ethics.
d. guidance that conscience gives to our reason.
Premise 1: The unborn is an innocent person from conception.
Premise 2: It is wrong to kill an innocent person.
Premise 3: Abortion is the killing of an innocent person.
Conclusion: Therefore, abortion is wrong.
This argument is valid.
Consider this assertion, common in debates on capital punishment: the unjust administration of
a punishment does not entail the injustice of the punishment itself. This view is most likely
espoused by
a. abolitionists. c. retentionists.
b. utilitarians. d. natural law theorists.
A utilitarian who wants to argue against the death penalty might be expected to say that
a. capital punishment has a civilizing effect on society.
b. more net happiness is created in society by executing criminals than by sentencing them to life in prison without parole.
c. life in prison without parole is not a better deterrent than capital punishment.
d. more net happiness is created in society by sentencing murderers to life in prison without parole than by executing them.
What does normative ethics study?
a. theories that explain why people behave as they do
b. normative standards in different disciplines
c. the meaning and logical structure of moral beliefs
d. principles, rules, or theories that guide our actions and judgments
Robert is a Kantian theorist and also believes that fetuses are persons from conception. Suppose Robert is trying to determine whether abortions are morally permissible in situations where the womans life is in danger as a result of continuing the pregnancy. Which of the following should be the focus of Roberts deliberations? a. whether aborting the pregnancy will have the best consequences overall b. whether aborting the pregnancy will be an instance of violating a persons right to life c. whether aborting the pregnancy would be legally allowed d. whether aborting the pregnancy would be a justifiable instance of overriding a persons right to life
Suppose a utilitarian abolitionist argues that the death penalty is too costly to implement in a democratic society. A plausible nonconsequentialist reply is that
a. the death penalty is indeed too costly and should be abolished.
b. if the death penalty is a just punishment, then the costs involved dont matter.
c. justice doesnt matter; only cost does.
d. more net happiness is created by getting rid of the death penalty.
Which of these questions belongs to metaethics?
a. What moral beliefs do cultures embody?
b. What does it mean for an action to be right?
c. What theories of ethics do individuals endorse?
d. What is the meaning of life from a moral perspective?
Is abortion morally right? is primarily a legal question.
According to Mary Anne Warrens criteria for personhood, a self-motivated space alien that was conscious, able to reason and communicate, and was self-aware would be
a. a person. c. unclassifiable.
b. not a person. d. morally equivalent to an Earth primate.
Consider these two premises in a well-known argument: (1) everyone has a right to life
(a basic moral principle), even hardened criminals; (2) the death penalty is a violation of this
right. The conclusion to this argument is
a. executing criminals is wrong.
b. executing criminals is permissible.
c. executing criminals is costly.
d. executing criminals generates less happiness than life in prison.
A man does not plan to kill his wife and has no intention of doing so, but one night he becomes enraged at her for insulting him, and he stabs her to death. He would therefore be guilty of
a. second-degree murder. c. third-degree murder.
b. manslaughter. d. first-degree murder.
What is a major difference between descriptive ethics and normative ethics?
a. Normative ethics concerns moral beliefs, whereas descriptive ethics concerns moral behaviors.
b. Normative ethics implies that some peoples moral beliefs are incorrect, whereas descriptive ethics does not.
c. Descriptive ethics cannot be done properly before doing normative ethics.
d. Descriptive ethics is not a scientific topic of study, whereas normative ethics is.
Judith Jarvis Thomsons position is argued without
a. reference to the rights of women. c. admitting that the fetus has a right to life.
b. relying on thought experiments. d. relying on the issue of personhood.
A common utilitarian argument in favor of capital punishment is that the death penalty
a. prevents the criminal from striking again.
b. reduces the severity of crimes.
c. makes the general public feel safe.
d. is endorsed by all religions.
Morality refers to beliefs about a. praise and punishment. c. legal and moral standards. b. right and wrong, good and bad. d. typical behavior in ones society.
With the violinist scenario, Judith Jarvis Thomson tries to show that
a. the fetus is not a person.
b. in pregnancy, the body of the mother can always be exploited.
c. the mother has a right to defend herself against the unborns use of her body against
her will (a right to have an abortion).
d. the mother has no right to defend herself against the unborns use of her body
against her will.
Suppose there is strong scientific evidence showing that the execution of criminals deters
serious criminal behavior better than lesser punishments such as imprisonment. This data
would suggest that the deterrence argument is
a. weak. c. irrelevant.
b. strong. d. logically sound.
Believing that you can establish all your moral beliefs by consulting your feelings is an example of a. subjectivism. c. reliabilism. b. objectivism. d. critical scrutiny.
Suppose Katrina is a rule-utilitarian and believes that following the rule Girls under the age of
eighteen should not be permitted to to have abortions without notifying a parent or guardian
would maximize happiness. Which of the following would be the best reason for Katrinas
a. Some young women are abused by their parents.
b. A parents guidance tends to be helpful and needed, and some young women have regretted having abortions.
c. Even females under the age of eighteen have a right to medical privacy and confidentiality.
d. No girl under the age of eighteen has regretted having an abortion.
In arguments over abortion, both the conservative and the liberal agree that
a. abortion is the killing of an innocent person.
b. abortion before birth would not be the killing of an innocent person.
c. it is wrong to kill an innocent person.
d. the unborn is not a person until birth.
The deliberate and authorized causing of pain or harm to someone thought to have broken a
law is known as
a. vigilantism. c. legalism.
b. punishment. d. attributivism.
Which of the following is the overall point of the authors discussion of doing ethics?
a. Doing ethics is difficult, but not doing it is foolish.
b. Doing ethics requires many years of careful study.
c. Most people should rely on wiser authorities to do ethics for them.
d. Doing ethics is unavoidable for everyone.
The liberal argues that if the unborn is not a person until birth, and it is wrong to kill a person, then
a. infanticide is permissible.
b. abortion before birth would be impermissible.
c. abortion before birth would not be the killing of an innocent person.
d. abortion is permissible before and after birth.
The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that if a jury were to impose the death penalty without any legal guidance, the practice would constitute
a. a legal prerogative. c. a legal precedent.
b. deserved punishment. d. cruel and unusual punishment.
Most abortions are performed in the
a. first twelve weeks of gestation. c. first three weeks.
b. period just after viability. d. period just before viability.
Which field or topic would include tasks such as accurately describing the moral codes and ethical standards of colonial America? a. normative ethics c. descriptive ethics b. applied ethics d. instrumental ethics
________ is making the use (and possession) of drugs a punishable offense, through the
use of either fines or prison.
The risk of death for women who have an abortion at eight weeks or earlier is
a. 0.3 deaths per 100,000 abortions. c. one death per 1,000 abortions.
b. one death per 100,000 abortions. d. one death per 10,000 abortions.
Making the production and sale of drugs no longer a punishable crime is called ________.
In Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
a. all abortions at any stage of pregnancy are permissible.
b. in the first three months of pregnancy, a state may regulate (but not ban) abortion; after viability, a state may forbid abortions, even those necessary to preserve the health or life of the woman.
c. in the first three months of pregnancy, the womans right to an abortion is unrestricted; after this period, a state may regulate and even forbid abortions.
d. in the first three months of pregnancy, the womans right to an abortion is unrestricted; after this period, a state may regulate (but not ban) abortion; after viability, a state may regulate and even forbid abortions, except when abortion is necessary to preserve the health or life of the woman.
________ refers to laws and policies designed to restrict the possession, use, and availability
of firearms.
The view that the fetus becomes a person at quickening is problematic because
a. the phenomenon of quickening is an illusion.
b. quickening is largely a function of modern medical know-how.
c. quickening signals a quantum jump in the sentience of the fetus.
d. quickening signifies nothing that can be plausibly linked to personhood.
Opponents of paternalist policies tend to base their arguments on the supreme value of ________.
Chinese parents who argue that aborting female fetuses prevents economic harm to the family,
and should be allowed, would be using a(n) ________ argument.
a. Kantian c. ethical egoist
b. utilitarian d. legal
________ is the doctrine that the government is justified in curbing peoples freedom in order to force them to obey moral rules.
Not thinking too deeply or too systematically about ethical concerns a. isolates you from other people. c. ensures that no moral dilemmas arise. b. undermines your personal freedom. d. helps guide you to moral truth.
For many people, the most straightforward way to argue for or against guns is through some
form of Kantian theory: judging a gun policy by its balance of good and bad effects, everyone
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy by surgical or medical (with drugs) means is known
generally as
a. therapeutic abortion. c. abortion, or induced abortion.
b. trimester abortion. d. spontaneous abortion.
One reason to support a harm-reduction drug policy is that criminalization of drugs has disproportionately affected minorities.
An abortion specifically performed to protect the life or health of the mother is referred to as
a. induced abortion. c. maternal abortion.
b. spontaneous abortion. d. therapeutic abortion.
A general definition of the term ________ is a nonfood chemical substance that can affect the functions or makeup of the body.
Drug addiction is defined as an intense craving for the drug and compulsive, uncontrolled use
of the drug despite harm done to the user or other people.
The ethics of care might be thought of as an essential element of virtue ethics.
Allowing people to use drugs without being liable to criminal prosecution and punishment is
referred to as legalization.
________ is an approach to ethics focused on womens interests and experiences.
If marijuana were decriminalized, but not legalized, this would likely mean that driving under
the influence of marijuana would not be a crime.
Carol Gilligan called the approach to morality that emphasized rights and rules over caring
and relationships an ethic of ________.
The rate of gun ownership in the United States is among the highest rates in the world.
The role played in moral theories of the principle of ________, which says that from the moral point of view, all persons are considered equal and should be treated accordingly, is called into question by feminist ethicists.
Kantian ethics would likely condemn illicit drug use because it impairs autonomy.
A natural law theorist would necessarily support all recreational drug use.
Natural law theorists would determine that hard drug use should be discouraged, because it
weakens autonomy and obscures the moral law.