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All feminist ethicists reject the traditional role played by principles in moral reasoning.
Critics of paternalistic drug laws focus primarily on
a. the harms created by such laws.
b. the lack of enforceability of such laws.
c. how such laws violate individuals liberty.
d. how such laws mischaracterize the nature of the harms of drug use.
We are naturally impartial toward the interests of our friends and family, which, according to feminist philosophers, is a reason to adopt the ethical theories of Kant and Mill.
Within the context of drug legalization, some critics of legal moralism argue that, if legal
moralism were applied in different contexts, other practices, like cheating at golf, plagiarizing,
and lying to a spouse, would also have to be illegal. How is this intended as an objection to
legal moralism?
a. Its not clear why the immorality of drug use is sufficient for making it illegal, when the other also immoral practices are not against the law.
b. Its not clear that drug use is immoral, which is the sole reason why legal moralists think it should be against the law.
c. The consequences of keeping drug use illegal would likely result in more instances of these immoral practices.
d. Drug use isnt inherently immoral, but these other practices are.
The psychologist Carol Gilligan upended the belief that men and women think in radically different ways when making moral decisions when she argued that men and women think in exactly the same ways about morality.
A common pro-gun argument appeals not to consequences but to rights. The right to own a gun derives from the more fundamental right of a. self-defense. c. autonomy. b. free speech. d. freedom.
Virginia Held insists that moralities built on the image of the independent, autonomous, rational individual are clear and powerful ways of thinking about ethics.
Multivitamins are considered a drug, as defined by doctors, nurses, and medical researchers.
Unlike Kant, who maintained that reason is all that is necessary for making moral decisions, feminist ethicists insist that emotion should play a role, too.
Which of the following refers to the fact that in a globalized world "social space is no longer wholly mapped in terms of territorial places. . . and borders?"
a. respatialization
b. colonialism
c. internationalization
d. liberalization
Which of the following is NOT an international financial institution?
a. The International Monetary Fund.
b. The Federal Reserve System.
c. The World Bank.
d. The G20.
The G20 represents the financial interest of nations that account for about _____________ of world trade.
a. 30%
b. 50%
c. 60%
d. 80%
How might colonialism be related to today's problem of global poverty? Discuss Fanon's answer to this question. What is D'Souza's assessment of colonialism?
Discuss the ethical problem of global economic justice from both the process and the end state points of view. Assess the adequacy of both views: what, if anything, does each view suggest should be done to address global economic inequality. Do you agree with either view (why or why not)?
Explain Hardin's lifeboat ethics. How is it related to his view of famine relief? Discuss how his notion of the tragedy of the commons is related.
Which ethical theory is closest to Peter Singers when it comes to famine relief?
a. Utilitarian.
b. Kantian.
c. Nonconsequentalist.
d. Deontologism.
Which of the following Nobel Prize winners argues that persistent problems in developing nations have been the result of "textbook economic reasoning" and ideological support of strict capitalism by international financial institutions such as the World Bank?
a. Barack Obama.
b. Jimmy Carter.
c. Joseph Stiglitz.
d. Elie Wiesel.
According to free market capitalism, free markets lead to all of the following except
a. Reduction in nationalism.
b. Free minds.
c. Political liberty.
d. Democracy.
Which of the following is not mentioned as a result of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund?
a. Harmed rather than helped development of Third World countries.
b. Made poorer countries unable to compete.
c. Led to international terrorism.
d. Drove local banks out of business.
Self-interest rationales for helping develop poorer countries include all the following except
a. Creating markets for our products.
b. Creating opportunity for indigenous peoples.
c. Reduce terrorism.
d. Preserve the environment.
As of 2011, about how large was the worlds human population, and about how long will it take to add another billion?
a. 4.2 billion; expected to reach 5 billion by 2020.
b. 7 billion; expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
c. 1 billion; expected to reach 2 billion in a decade.
d. 10 billion; expected to reach 11 billion by 2050.
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Which moral approach is reflected in the "rush to the bottom" argument against offshoring?
a. Kantianism
b. Natural law theory
c. Utilitarianism
d. Relativism
Which type of moral approach is best reflected in the argument for globalization that claims processes of globalization have increased people's understanding and sympathy for other people, while fostering tolerance, respect, and concern for human equality?
a. Kantianism
b. Utilitarianism
c. Egoism
d. Relativism
Which of the following is NOT among Jan Scholte's five different interpretations of globalization?
a. Westernization
b. Universalization
c. Internationalization
d. Colonialism
According to Peter Singer, helping people in famine stricken countries is a matter of charity not obligation or duty.
a. True
b. False
It is clear that globalization has contributed more to stability and peace than to dissention and conflict around the world.
a. True
b. False
Among the indicators of economic development of a country are standard of living, life expectancy, and literacy.
a. True
b. False
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank often make loans to developing countries contingent on those countries eliminating subsidies for their exports.
a. True
b. False
The terms 'offshoring' and 'outsourcing' refer to the same thing.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
Technological advancements are
a. Benefiting all nations.
b. Increasing the economic disparity between rich and poor nations.
c. Leaving the economic health of nations about the same.
d. Especially benefiting poor nations.
According to Franz Fanon, what is the cause of poverty in many of the worlds poorest countries?
a. Democracy.
b. Corruption.
c. Colonialism.
d. Communism.
Explain just war theory. Why is it considered an intermediate moral approach to war (between pacifism and realism)? In your explanation, be specific about the essential differences between just war theory and pacifism, and between just war theory and realism.
Explain the realist approach to war. What are the moral justifications for realism? Why are there no deontological justifications for realism given in your text?
Farm subsidies in the United States were originally intended to help farmers hurt by the Great Depression.
a. True
b. False
One of the ways to evaluate ethically the policies of the IMF and World Bank is whether they have done more good than harm or the opposite.
a. True
b. False
The gap between rich and poor nations has greatly narrowed over the last 3 decades.
a. True
b. False
The terms 'respatialization' and 'deterritorialization' refer to the same thing.
a. True
b. False
One significant difference between matters of charity and matters of justice is that the former is more flexible or optional than the latter.
a. True
b. False
Which of the following is not a rationale for pacifism?
a. Nonviolent means work better than violent means.
b. To kill people is wrong in itself.
c. Setting an example of nonviolent resolution encourages negotiation.
d. Pacifism encourages the enemy to lay down its defenses.
What kind of reasoning is found in the just cause principle?
a. Utilitarianism
b. Natural law
c. Relativism
d. Categorical imperative
What would be a nonconsequentialist justification for pacificism?
a. Killing is economically costly.
b. Killing leads to pain and suffering
c. Killing only leads to more killing.
d. Killing is wrong in and of itself.
Label the items below as one of these Requirements for a Just War: Just Cause (JC), Proportionality (P), Last Resort (LR), Right Intention (RI), Discrimination (D). Also tell whether the requirement is one for going to war (Jus ad Bellum: JAB), or conduct in war (Jus in Bello: JIB).
The good to be achieved by some action must not be outweighed by the costs to do so.
There must be some serious or weighty reason that justifies the initial presumption against war.
This requirement makes bombing of civilian populations unacceptable.
We should always remember that we are aiming toward achieving peace and do nothing that will make this less difficult to achieve.
We should not directly and intentionally target non-combatants, but only those who are a threat to us.
What is a war crime? When answering this question, be sure to describe the three different categories of war crime established through the Nuremberg trials. Be sure to address and explain the moral theories underpinning the idea of a war crime. Finally, what would the realist approach to war say about the idea of a war crime and the justifications for that idea?
What are the two principles to the jus in bello part of the just war theory?
a. The principle of enlightenment and the principle of retribution.
b. The principle of retaliation and the principle of compensatory justice.
c. The principle of proportionality and the principle of discrimination.
d. The principle of non-proliferation and the principle of non-engagement.
The first Geneva Convention was formulated in 1864 to
a. Establish rules for the conduct of war.
b. Establish standards for the treatment of prisoners.
c. Protect the sick and wounded.
d. Set a basis for prosecuting war crimes.
To agree that the reduction of privacy rights to gain greater security is an example of ________ reasoning.
a. Utilitarian
b. Kantian
c. Relativism
d. Natural law
Which of these characteristics is not part of the United States' State Department definition of terrorism?
a. Political motivation in violence perpetrated against noncombatants.
b. Conflicts motivated by local grievances rather than governmental decisions.
c. It can be committed by a nation state or noncombatants through excessive force.
d. It is committed by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.
The idea that killing is wrong, but my killing is OK violates which of our ethical theories?
a. Relativism
b. Categorical imperative
c. Utilitarianism
d. Egoism
Most terrorists are
a. Well educated and middle class.
b. Poor and desperate.
c. Ignorant and easily manipulated.
d. Rich and bored.
What does the proportionality principle require?
a. It requires that, before employing biochemical weapons, we weigh the relative advantages of conventional weapons as a viable alternative.
b. It requires that, before engaging in war or the use of force, we consider the likely costs and benefits of doing so, as opposed to choosing alternative courses of action (or no action).
c. It requires that, before considering non-violence, we consider the likelihood of international repercussions.
d. It requires that, before we call a war just we commence a values-assessment and consult political and religious leaders.
To be a pacifist is the same thing as to be a conscientious objector.
a. True
b. False
According to the last resort requirement, we should try "everything" short of war first.
a. True
b. False
According to the principle of discrimination, it is wrong to ever do what risks deaths of civilians in war.
a. True
b. False
One long-standing element of both international law and just war theory is the inviolability of civilians or noncombatants.
a. True
b. False
A value neutral definition of terrorism is the use of force to destroy property or kill people who are not directly involved in the matters being protested.
a. True
b. False
That violence can never lead to peace is a deontological reason supporting pacifism.
a. True
b. False
All forms of pacifism hold that violence is always wrong.
a. True
b. False
Just War theory has an initial presumption against war that must be overcome by the fulfillment of certain requirements.
a. True
b. False
Indicate the answer choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
According to your text, what is the most immediate goal of terrorism?
a. To vent anger.
b. To create push a political or religious ideology.
c. To create fear.
d. To assert value.
War crimes are defined differently by various nations who each have their own doctrine of universal human rights.
a. True
b. False
St. Augustine was one of the first we know of to write in support of the justification of some wars.
a. True
b. False
One problem for achieving world peace, according to experts, is the reduction in the proliferation of weapons.
a. True
b. False
The principle of double effect used by the principle of discrimination holds that there is a difference between directly intending some end and foreseeing that one's actions might result in that end.
a. True
b. False
A common ethical objection to human reproductive cloning is
a. It is a production rather than a creation.
b. It violates the human's rights to an open future
c. All of these choices.
d. It is comparable to "playing God."
How has nearly all the food we eat been genetically modified in the broadest sense of the term?
a. It has been cross-bred for centuries.
b. It has been made drought-resistant.
c. It has been made sterile.
d. It has been infused with "edible vaccines."
The Human Genome Project was completed in:
a. 1995.
b. It is not yet finished.
c. 2000.
d. 2013.
Stem cells are
a. Monopotent.
b. Pluripotent.
c. Omnipotent.
d. Bipotent.
According to your text, of the 20,000 human genes, how many are unique to humans and not found in other animals?
a. 300
b. 18,000
c. 10,000
d. 1,000
The "playing God" argument against cloning
a. Is religious in nature.
b. Is the same as the "yuck factor" argument.
c. Is built on teachings in the Christian Bible.
d. Is not necessarily a religious argument.
Indicate one or more answer choices that best complete the statement or answer the question.
Which moral approach best represents the precautionary principle?
a. Natural law ethics
b. Utilitarianism
c. Kant's categorical imperative
d. Care ethics
The idea of the "wisdom of repugnance" is a form of
a. intuitionism.
b. willful ignorance.
c. divine command theory.
d. mysticism.
According to Kass, "yuck factor" arguments are grounded in
a. a wisdom of repugnance.
b. hyper-sensitivity.
c. care ethics.
d. a false naturalism.
The process of activating, replacing, or changing malfunctioning genes before a baby is born would be an example of
a. reproductive cloning.
b. genetic enhancement.
c. in vitro fertilization.
d. gene therapy.
Which moral approach is the "playing God" objection based upon?
a. Natural law ethics
b. Utilitarianism
c. Kant's categorical imperative
d. Care ethics
Explain the relationships between ethical issues related to cloning, and ethical issues related to abortion. In your discussion, be sure to explain the difference between therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning. Do the relevant ethical issues apply to both types of cloning?
The argument that human personhood begins at conception and, therefore, human embryos should not be used for scientific research is founded in
a. Categorical imperative.
b. Utilitarianism.
c. Natural law.
d. Virtue ethics.