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As a parcel of air is swept upward, with no heat input or output, its temperature
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains the same.
A temperature inversion occurs when the upper layers of air are
A) warmer than the lower regions of air.
B) cooler than the lower regions of air.
C) at the same temperature as lower regions of air.
Chinook winds tend to
A) warm an environment.
B) cool an environment.
C) cool deserts at night.
D) warm deserts at sunrise.
In the formation of a cloud, moist air rises and
A) expands.
B) cools.
C) condenses.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
The origin of most internal energy in Earth's interior is
A) the Sun.
B) radioactivity.
C) volcanoes.
D) none of the above
Earth's atmosphere gets most of its heat from the
A) Sun.
B) Earth's core.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
A soda-pop can containing only steam is placed top downward in a pan of water. Whap! The can is dramatically crushed by atmospheric pressure. The reduced pressure inside the can is due to
A) contact with the relatively cooler water.
B) sudden slowing of the air and steam molecules inside.
C) condensation of steam inside.
D) reduced internal energy.
E) rapid conduction of heat to the relatively cool water.
Adiabatic processes occur in Earth's
A) atmosphere.
B) oceans.
C) mantle.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
During an adiabatic compression of an ideal gas
A) the internal energy of the gas remains constant.
B) the temperature of the gas does not change.
C) no heat enters or leaves the gas.
D) no work is done on the gas.
E) none of the above
When an ideal gas is subjected to an adiabatic process
A) no work is done on the gas.
B) the temperature of the gas does not change.
C) the internal energy of the gas does not change.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
When the air of a fully-inflated party balloon quickly escapes, its temperature
A) drops.
B) rises.
C) remains unchanged.
D) none of the above
Your hand is warmed when you blow on it with your mouth open, but when your lips are puckered so that air expands as you blow, your hand is
A) warmer still.
B) cooler.
C) neither warmer nor cooler.
An adiabatic process is characterized by the absence of
A) entropy.
B) pressure change.
C) heat exchange.
D) temperature change.
E) none of the above
The amount of energy ultimately converted to heat by an incandescent light bulb is about
A) 10%.
B) 40%.
C) 80%.
D) 100%.
The amount of energy converted to light by an incandescent light bulb is about
A) 10% and the amount converted to heat about 90%
B) 90% and the amount converted to heat about 10%.
C) either of these depending on the brand.
The contained air in a closed, sealed can placed on a hot stove will undergo an increase in
A) internal energy.
B) temperature.
C) pressure.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
When a system does work without adding heat, the temperature of the system
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains unchanged.
D) none of the above
When mechanical work is done on a system, an increase normally occurs in its
A) internal energy.
B) temperature.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
A volume of air that is compressed with no heat entering or leaving becomes
A) cooler.
B) remain unchanged.
C) warmer.
D) none of the above
When you compress air with a tire pump, the air temperature in the tire
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains unaffected.
D) none of the above
When you vigorously shake a can of chicken broth, you
A) are doing work on the broth.
B) increase the temperature of the broth.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When you rapidly stir raw eggs with an eggbeater, the temperature of the eggs
A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remain unchanged.
D) none of the above
The change in internal energy of adding 100 joules to a system that does 60 joules of work is
A) 0 J.
B) 40 J.
C) 60 J.
D) 100 J.
E) none of the above
The first law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the conservation of
A) momentum.
B) energy.
C) electric charge.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
If a piece of iron and a cup of water at the same temperature are heated so the internal energy of each doubles
A) the water will have the higher temperature.
B) the iron will have the higher temperature.
C) both will have the same temperature.
D) need more information
The air pressure in a container of air at 27oC will double when heated to
A) 54 degrees C.
B) 300 degrees C.
C) 327 degrees C.
D) 600 degrees C.
E) none of the above
If a cup of tea at room temperature, 24oC is heated until it has twice the internal energy, unlike a piece of metal, its temperature will be
A) 48oC.
B) 100oC.
C) 321oC.
D) 594oC.
E) none of the above
If a 10oC piece of iron is heated until it has twice as much internal energy, its temperature will beA) 20oC.B) 273oC.C) 293oC.D) 566oC.E) none of the above
If a 5oC piece of iron is heated until it has twice as much internal energy, its temperature will be
A) 10oC.
B) 273oC.
C) 278oC.
D) 283oC.
E) 556oC.
An equal amount of 0oC air that is twice as hot has a temperature of
A) 0oC.
B) 64oC.
C) 100oC.
D) 273oC.
E) none of the above
When Philadelphia's temperature is 40F and Miami's temperature is 80F,
A) Miami is twice as hot as Philadelphia.
B) Miami is warmer than Philadelphia.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
A definite method for losing weight is
A) exercise.
B) reduce Calorie intake.
C) maintain a low body temperature.
D) none of the above
Internal energy in thermodynamics is the same as
A) temperature.
B) thermal energy.
C) heat.
D) all of the above
Water freezes at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of
A) 0 degrees Celsius.
B) 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
C) about 273 kelvin.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Which of these units of temperature is larger?
A) a Celsius degree
B) a Kelvin
C) both are the same size
D) none of the above
The lowest temperature possible in nature is
A) 0 degrees C.
B) -273 degrees C.
C) 4 K.
D) none of the above
Rapid evaporation of hot water can lead to
A) superheated steam.
B) the formation of ice.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
The minimum amount of steam at 100oC needed to melt 1 gram of 0oC ice is
A) 0.125 gram.
B) 0.148 gram.
C) 6.75 grams.
D) 8 grams.
E) none of the above
The mass of ice that can be melted by 1 gram of 100oC steam is (Hint: Don't forget about hot water remaining from condensed steam.)
A) 0.125 gram.
B) 0.148 gram.
C) 6.75 grams.
D) 8 grams.
E) none of the above
Which involves a larger number of calories?
A) the condensation of 1 gram of steam at 100oC to water at 100oC
B) the cooling of 1 gram of water at 100 degrees Celsius to 1 gram of ice at absolute zero
C) both the same
D) none of these
The calories needed to change 10 grams of ice at 0oC to steam at 100oC is
A) 6200.
B) 6400.
C) 7200.
D) 8000.
E) none of the above
Stored potatoes, beets, and rutabagas in an unheated well-insulated room can be protected from freezing by having in the room
A) blocks of foam plastic.
B) large tubs of water.
C) an ample supply of fire wood.
D) none of the above
Stored potatoes, beets, and rutabagas freeze at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius (rather than at exactly zero) because
A) they are good radiators of energy.
B) they are good absorbers of radiant energy.
C) the water in them contains dissolved salts and sugars.
D) they are relatively dense.
E) all of the above
Firefighters find that the temperature of burning material is best lowered when water is
A) used in small amounts.
B) pointed away from the flames.
C) sprayed as a fine mist.
D) salted.
A heat pump can
A) cool an environment.
B) warm an environment.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
Which will melt more ice when placed on its surface, a kilogram of wood or a kilogram of iron of the same high temperature?
A) 1 kg of wood.
B) 1 kg of iron.
C) both the same
D) neither of these
When water vapor changes phase to become water in a cloud, the surroundings become
A) cooler.
B) warmer.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
To turn 1 gram of boiling water to steam requires
A) almost as much energy as changing 1 gram of 0oC water to the boiling point.
B) as much as increasing 1 kilogram of 95oC water to the boiling point.
C) more energy than needed to turn 1 gram of absolute-zero ice to the boiling point.
D) none of the above
To turn 50 grams of boiling water to steam requires
A) 50 calories.
B) 500 calories
C) 540 calories.
D) more than 540 calories.
E) none of the above
To melt 50 grams of 0-degree-Celsius ice requires
A) 25 calories.
B) 50 calories.
C) 80 calories.
D) none of the above
To increase the temperature of 50 grams of water by 2 Celsius degrees requires
A) 0.04 calorie.
B) 2 calories.
C) 4.19 calories.
D) 25 calories.
E) 100 calories.
Ice is put in a cooler to cool the contents. To speed up the cooling process, the ice can be
A) wrapped in newspaper.
B) drained of water periodically.
C) kept away from the food.
D) broken into smaller pieces.
E) none of the above
The cooling effect inside a refrigerator is produced by
A) an electric motor that converts electrical energy to internal energy.
B) compressing the refrigeration gas.
C) vaporizing the refrigeration liquid.
D) proper insulation.
E) exchanging warmer air with colder air.
A refrigerator
A) produces cold.
B) causes internal energy to disappear.
C) transfers internal energy from inside to outside.
D) transfers heat into cold.
E) none of the above
In a heat pump, warming is accomplished when
A) condensation occurs in its coils.
B) vaporization occurs in its coils.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
In a heat pump, cooling is accomplished when
A) condensation occurs in its coils.
B) vaporization occurs in its coils.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When condensation occurs inside your bedroom window, the air outside is appreciably
A) colder.
B) warmer.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When water vapor condenses on the inside of a window, the room becomes slightly
A) warmer.
B) cooler.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
Melting snow tends to
A) warm the surrounding air.
B) cool the surrounding air.
C) neither of these
When ice crystals form in clouds, the surrounding air
A) warms.
B) cools.
C) neither of these
When steam condenses, the surrounding air is
A) cooled.
B) warmed.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
During snow fall, the surrounding air is
A) cooled.
B) warmed.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When water freezes, the surrounding air is
A) cooled.
B) warmed.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
The most responsible factor for whether a substance takes the phase of solid, liquid, gas, or plasma is its
A) composition.
B) atomic shell configuration.
C) temperature.
D) none of the above
As a block of ice at 0oC melts, the block absorbs energy
A) and decreases in temperature.
B) and increases in temperature.
C) without a temperature change.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
You can add heat without raising temperature to
A) ice.
B) boiling water.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When moth balls sublime to gas they
A) absorb energy.
B) release energy.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When vapor transforms to a plasma, energy must be
A) absorbed by the vapor.
B) released from the vapor.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When a vapor condenses, energy is
A) absorbed by the vapor.
B) released from the vapor.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When a gas is changed to a liquid, the gas
A) releases energy.
B) absorbs energy.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When liquids change to a solids, they
A) absorb energy.
B) release energy.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When a solid melts, energy is
A) absorbed by the solid.
B) released by the solid.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
When a solid is changed to a liquid, the solid
A) releases energy.
B) absorbs energy.
C) both of these
D) neither of these
To melt ice, add
A) temperature.
B) energy.
C) force.
D) time.
If bits of the coals do not stick to your feet while walking barefoot on red-hot coals, it would be best if your feet are
A) wet.
B) dry.
C) warm.
D) cold.
E) very hot.
When you walk barefoot on red-hot wooden coals it is best if
A) no pieces of metal are among the coals.
B) you walk slowly to demonstrate your courage.
C) you impress your friends by carrying away bits of wood between your toes.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
To illustrate regelation with ice it is important that a
A) wire is used.
B) string is used.
C) either of these
D) none of the above
Dean teaches that the phenomenon of regelation is due to the
A) freezing point of water.
B) melting point of ice.
C) open-structured nature of ice crystals.
D) high specific heat of water.
Foreign ions introduced to water
A) lower the freezing point of water.
B) raise the freezing point of water.
C) do not affect water's freezing point.
The temperature at which a liquid freezes is
A) affected by foreign ions.
B) the same temperature at which its solid form melts.
C) both of these
D) neither of these