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Which of the following is a vector quantity?
A) area
B) volume
C) mass
D) none of the above
A force is a vector quantity because it has both
A) magnitude and direction.
B) mass and velocity.
C) action and reaction counterparts.
D) speed and direction.
When you quickly jerk a cart forward that has a ball resting in the middle, the
A) front of the cart hits the ball.
B) back of the cart hits the ball.
C) neither, for the ball rides along in the middle as the cart moves forward.
D) All of the above depending on how quickly the cart is pulled.
Two students engaged in a tug-of-war each pull a rope in opposite directions with a force of 400 N. The net force on the rope is
A) zero and rope tension is 400 N.
B) zero and rope tension is 800 N.
C) 400 N and rope tension is 800 N.
D) 400 N and rope tension is also 400 N.
Nellie pulls with a force of 50 N on a horizontal rope tied to a tree at rest. The net force on the rope is
A) 50 N and rope tension is 0 N.
B) 50 N and rope tension is also 50 N.
C) zero and rope tension is 50 N.
D) zero and rope tension is also zero.
Tension is actually a force that tends to
A) stretch something.
B) compress something.
C) break something.
D) balance something.
Due to inertia, perhaps a railroad train in motion should continue moving indefinitely when its engine is turned off. This is not observed because railroad trains
A) aren't massive enough.
B) are too heavy.
C) ride on straight tracks.
D) encounter opposing forces.
While you are standing in the aisle of a bus, the driver suddenly makes a left turn. You lurch to the right due to
A) an unbalanced force.
B) your tendency to keep moving forward.
C) an equilibrium challenge.
A moving van with a stone lightly glued to the midpoint of its ceiling smoothly moves at constant velocity. When the glue gives way, the stone falls and hits the floor
A) ahead of the midpoint of the ceiling.
B) exactly below the midpoint of the ceiling.
C) behind the midpoint of the ceiling.
D) none of the above
When a rocket ship gaining speed in outer space runs out of fuel, it
A) gains speed for a short time, then slows down to a constant velocity.
B) gains speed for a short time, slows down, and eventually stops.
C) no longer gains speed.
If your automobile runs out of fuel while driving, the engine stops. You don't come to an abrupt stop due to
A) inertia.
B) gravity.
C) resistance.
D) the principle of continuation.
A package falls off a truck that is moving at 30 m/s. Neglecting air resistance, the horizontal speed of the package just before it hits the ground is
A) zero.
B) less than 30 m/s but more than zero.
C) about 30 m/s.
D) more than 30 m/s.
A roller-coaster ride with 6 passengers takes 3 minutes. Neglecting friction, a similar ride with 12 passengers aboard would take
A) 1.5 minutes.
B) 3 minutes.
C) 6 minutes.
D) 18 minutes.
A sheet of paper can be quickly jerked beneath a container of milk without toppling, which best demonstrates
A) net force.
B) the difference between force and mass.
C) inertia.
When you flick a card from beneath a coin that hardly moves, you're illustrating
A) inertia.
B) equilibrium.
C) support force.
D) friction.
Which concept is being illustrated when a tablecloth is quickly yanked beneath dishes resting on a table?
A) equilibrium
B) friction
C) support force
D) inertia
Whirl a rock at the end of a string and it follows a circular path. If the string breaks, the tendency of the rock is to
A) follow a circular path.
B) slow down.
C) follow a straight-line path.
D) stop.
If gravity between the Sun and Earth suddenly vanished, Earth would continue moving in
A) a curved path.
B) an outward spiral path.
C) an inward spiral path.
D) a straight-line path.
When no forces act on moving objects their paths are normally
A) straight lines.
B) circles.
C) ellipses.
D) all of the above
The amount of force needed to sustain motion of a rock in outer space is
A) a force equal to its weight.
B) a force less than its weight if friction is absent.
C) none of these
A hockey puck is set in motion across a frozen pond. If ice friction and air resistance are neglected, the force required to keep the puck sliding at constant velocity is
A) equal to its weight.
B) equal to its weight divided by its mass.
C) equal to its mass times its weight.
D) none of the above
A hockey puck sliding across the ice finally comes to rest because
A) it seeks its proper and natural state.
B) of friction.
C) that's just the way it is.
Galileo taught us that if you roll a ball along a level surface it will
A) soon slow down due to its natural place.
B) keep rolling if friction is absent.
C) roll as long as its inertia nudges it along.
D) soon roll in the opposite direction.
If no external forces act on a moving object, it will
A) continue moving at the same speed.
B) move slower and slower until it finally stops.
C) come to an abrupt halt.
D) none of the above
Galileo's interpretation of motion differed from Aristotle's in that Galileo emphasized
A) the acceleration of free fall.
B) rates of time.
C) the role of distance in describing motion.
D) none of the above
Galileo's use of inclined planes allowed him to effectively
A) slow down the ball's changes in speed.
B) reduce the time of the ball's changes in speed.
C) eliminate all changes in speed.
D) eliminate friction.
Inertia is defined as a
A) force.
B) property of matter.
C) change in motion.
D) none of the above
The first scientist to introduce the concept of inertia was
A) Aristotle.
B) Galileo.
C) Newton.
D) Copernicus.
The first scientist to be credited for postulating that Earth circled the Sun was
A) Aristotle.
B) Copernicus.
C) Galileo.
D) Newton.
Science later greatly advanced when Galileo favored
A) philosophical discussions over experiment.
B) experiment over philosophical discussions.
C) nonmathematical thinking.
D) none of the above
The earliest and most influential Greek philosopher was Aristotle, who among many contributions taught that
A) the four elements are earth, water, air, and fire.
B) all motion is either natural or violent.
C) violent motion requires a sustained push or pull.
D) all of the above
Which of the following involves passion, talent, and intelligence?
A) art
B) literature
C) music
D) science
E) all of the above
The most basic of the sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology is
A) physics.
B) chemistry.
C) biology.
D) none of the above
Technology is a tool that can
A) be socially beneficial.
B) be socially harmful when abused.
C) lead to a better world.
D) all of the above
Science and technology are
A) responsible for all the good in the world.
B) responsible for all the bad in the world.
C) actually one and the same.
D) fundamentally different from each other.
A truly educated person is knowledgeable about
A) science.
B) the arts.
C) religion.
D) all of the above
Science, art, and religion normally need not contradict one another because
A) all three involve different domains.
B) choosing the right one means no need to heed the other two.
C) choosing religion and art means no need to heed science.
D) choosing science means no need to heed religion and art.
Pseudoscience is best characterized as being
A) new age.
B) an alternate view to be taken seriously.
C) fake.
D) all of the above
The statement, "There are regions beneath Earth's crust that will always be beyond the reach of scientific investigation" is
A) a fact.
B) speculation.
C) a hypothesis.
D) a scientific statement.
E) a theory.
For a scientific hypothesis to be valid, there must be a test for proving it
A) right.
B) wrong.
C) conclusively one way or the other.
Which of the following is a scientific statement?
A) candy Bon Bons contain no sugar
B) there are things we will never know about
C) matter is filled with undetectable particles
D) there are parts of the universe that will never be discovered by humans
E) none of the above
When a dishonest scientist reports false information, he or she
A) as in many other professions, will be excused by the scientific community.
B) gets no second chance in the scientific community.
C) is elevated in the scientific community.
A theory in the field of science is
A) an educated guess.
B) less than a fact.
C) a synthesis of a large body of well-tested knowledge.
D) unchangeable.
The synthesis of a large collection of information that contains well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the world is known as a scientific
A) fact.
B) hypothesis.
C) law or principle.
D) theory.
E) none of the above
Facts in the field of science
A) are absolute.
B) are changeable.
C) mean very little.
D) are more important than theories.
An educated scientific guess is a
A) hypothesis.
B) theory.
C) either of these
D) neither of these
The scientific method is most effective in
A) making hypotheses.
B) gaining, organizing, and applying new knowledge.
C) discovering new things.
D) making theories.
E) performing experiments.
The safest way to view an image of the Sun is to use
A) a telescope.
B) binoculars.
C) a pinhole.
D) colored sunglasses.
A simple method of measuring the distance between the Earth and the Moon is to place in your line of sight to the Moon a
A) magnifying glass.
B) coin.
C) telescope.
D) meterstick.
Spots of sunlight on the ground cast through openings between leaves in trees above are actually
A) images of the Sun.
B) part of a solar eclipse.
C) due to refraction of sunlight.
D) all of the above
When we see a half Moon in the sky, the lines between Earth, Moon, and Sun
A) are equal in length.
B) are parallel to one another.
C) form a right triangle.
D) all of the above
Eratosthenes' measurements of Earth's size involved
A) a deep well in Syene.
B) a pillar's shadow in Alexandria.
C) surveying the distance between Alexandria and Syene.
D) all of the above
Eratosthenes first learned about the position of the Sun in mid-summer by
A) consulting library information.
B) setting up a stick at Syene.
C) setting up a stick at Alexandria.
D) setting up sticks at both Syene and Alexandria.
E) none of the above
When the Sun shines on the Moon, the Moon casts a shadow
A) at all times.
B) that is tapered.
C) that sometimes falls on Earth.
D) all of the above
To a fair approximation, Early Greeks knew the
A) size of Earth.
B) size of the Moon.
C) Earth-Moon distance.
D) all of the above
Science is a body of knowledge that
A) describes order in nature.
B) is an ongoing human activity.
C) condenses knowledge into testable laws.
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Discuss how the process of globalization affects human biocultural variation today.
Compare the causes and effects of global warming during the Eocene with those occurring today. Consider specific species and their habitats.
Discuss which forces of evolution are currently affecting human evolution. Also, consider how these forces are influenced by human intervention and global warming.
What are the human biological consequences of global climate change and population increase?
Some technology has negatively influenced the world, including:
a. the technology associated with sustainability.
b. the burning of fossil fuels.
c. the use of solar energy.
d. the production of energy-saving appliances.
A publication in the year 2020 reports on the results of autopsies of elderly people in three cultures. Of individuals in the study, 90% showed signs of osteoporotic fractures and osteoporosis. The researchers suggest that in these cultures:
a. longevity of individuals is decreasing.
b. longevity of individuals is increasing.
c. fewer dairy products were consumed than by individuals in other cultures, leading to bone conditions.
d. interpersonal violence leading to the fractures was more common.
After conducting stable-isotope analysis of an ice core you record a high level of 18O at a particular layer. This suggests that:
a. the climate at this time was cold.
b. the climate at this time was warm.
c. the climate at this time was dry.
d. the climate at this time was humid.
Global warming is the result of anthropogenic interference, which is:
a. evolution in action.
b. nothing new.
c. nonhuman.
d. human.
The global warming that naturally occurred during the Eocene resulted in the rise of the primate order; the global warming that is taking place today will likely have negative impacts for humans, such as:
a. changes in crop production as a result of decreased precipitation.
b. extinction of certain species unrelated to habitat loss.
c. lower sea levels, resulting in the addition of coastal lands on multiple continents.
d. none of the above
A common basis for adaptation to changing circumstances in humans is:
a. biological.
b. genetic.
c. technological.
d. none of the above
Both genetic mutation and selection have recently been linked to the development of pale skin in:
a. ancient Asian populations.
b. ancient African populations.
c. relatively recent European farming populations.
d. ancient European populations.
After the 1960s, children in rural Oaxaca developed shorter, rounder heads and narrower faces. This is likely related to:
a. increased intelligence.
b. higher amounts of protein in the diet.
c. softer, more processed corn and other foods.
d. none of the above
The H2 haplotype on chromosome 17 occurs in about 21% of European women. Natural selection is strongly implicated because:
a. H2 women are infertile.
b. H2 women have 3.5% more children than do non-H2 women.
c. H2 women have 25% more children than do non-H2 women.
d. H2 women suffer from high rates of tuberculosis.
Population increase creates many new hosts for infectious diseases, and _________ translates to _________.
a. more organisms; more hosts
b. more viruses; more victims
c. more hosts; more organisms
d. more victims; more death
All adults experience age-related bone loss after about age:
a. 40.
b. 50.
c. 60.
d. 30.
The "silent tsunami" refers to:
a. increasing urbanization and human population growth.
b. increasing infectious disease.
c. both a. and b.
d. a global wave of poverty.
The incidence of diabetes has increased in adults by _________ in the last decade.
a. 20%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 90%
The melting of glaciers and the polar ice caps poses a devastating threat of potential flooding for low-lying areas. Scientists predict that a sea level rise of_________would inundate areas such as the delta regions of Africa and Asia, peninsular Florida, Bangladesh, and most major coastal cities.a. 10 metersb. 4-6 millimetersc. 4-6 metersd. none of the above
Abundant evidence indicates:
a. that humans are no longer evolving.
b. that humans continue to evolve.
c. that human evolution is not affected by changes in the environment .
d. none of the above
Luca Cavalli-Sforza hypothesizes that skin color change came late because:
a. people used rudimentary umbrellas.
b. earlier populations had ready access to vitamin D from the foods they ate.
c. the Sun was not as powerful as it is today.
d. people were still migrating from a cold cloudy environment to a sunny environment.
Physical anthropologist John Hawks and colleagues suggest that evolution is speeding up as population size continues to _________ and _________are introduced.
a. rise; parasites
b. mushroom; new mutations
c. decrease; ancestral traits
d. maintain its current stasis; no new genes
Researchers have discovered a genetic _________likely related to increased resistance to smallpox and plague in Europe about 5,000 years ago that reduces susceptibility to_________.
a. anomaly; smallpox
b. trait; sickle-cell
c. mutation; HIV infection
d. locus; HIV infection
Human populations living in areas of endemic malaria have a selective advantage if they carry:
a. the allele for sickle-cell anemia.
b. the H2 haplotype.
c. the D32 mutation.
d. smallpox.
Where industrialization is occurring_________ , while where there is no industrialization, _________.
a. infections and allergies are on the rise; infections and allergies are less developed
b. obesity is reduced; malnutrition does not exist
c. infections and allergies are less developed; infections and allergies are on the rise
d. infections don"t exist; allergies are more prevalent