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Sylvia was part of a small group attempting to deal with a wave of thefts in the campus dorms. Because the group was a problem-solving group, it would be unlikely to present its results in a. a convocation b. a panel discussion c. a seminar d. an open forum e. a symposium
A(n) _______________ leader of a small group is appointed or elected when the group is formed.
A group member to whom other members defer because of her or his rank or expertise is known as a(n) _______________ leader.
A(n) _______________ leader is someone who takes on a leadership role through her or his ability, force of personality, or simply by talking the most during group meetings.
The _______________ leadership needs of a problem-solving small group include actions necessary to help the group complete its work. Such actions include analyzing the issues facing the group, keeping the group on track, and formulating criteria for the most effective solution.
The _______________ leadership needs of a problem-solving small group include such matters as how well members get along with one another and whether members feel good about their roles in the group.
When one member of a small group has a personal goal that conflicts with the goals of the group as a whole, he or she is said to have a(n) _______________ agenda.
The first step in the reflective-thinking method for discussion in problem-solving groups is to _______________ .
According to your textbook, an oral report of a small groups recommendations should contain
a. an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
b. the criteria used for evaluating solutions.
c. brief biographies of the groups members.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
If Max is designated to present the findings and recommendations of his small groups deliberations to a large group of stockholders, he will most likely need to
a. prepare an oral report.
b. create a panel discussion.
c. give an impromptu presentation.
d. plan a town hall meeting.
e. moderate a symposium.
According to your textbook, a(n) __________ is a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic.
a. oral report
b. roundtable
c. panel discussion
d. symposium
e. open forum
In a symposium, the participants
a. speak briefly, informally, and impromptu.
b. talk to one another loudly enough for the audience to hear.
c. deliver prepared speeches on different aspects of the topic.
d. frequently interrupt one another to make a point.
e. begin by responding to questions from the audience.
According to your textbook, a public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic is called a(n)
a. panel discussion.
b. oral report.
c. town hall meeting.
d. open forum.
e. symposium.
Having reached consensus on a policy for increasing child safety in the homes of gun owners, Stefanos small group decided to have each member deliver a prepared speech on a different aspect of the groups work. According to your textbook, what method of presenting its recommendations did Stefanos group use?
a. an open forum
b. a convocation
c. a panel discussion
d. an oral report
e. a symposium
A(n) __________ is essentially a conversation in front of an audience.
a. panel discussion
b. oral report
c. convocation
d. symposium
e. open forum
A(n) __________ is composed of participants who talk to one another loudly enough for the audience to hear.
a. convocation
b. oral report
c. symposium
d. panel discussion
e. open forum
Carmen had been appointed to a small task force assigned to suggest ways of dealing with the recent increase in sexual assaults on campus. Using the reflective-thinking method, the task force defined the problem and analyzed the problem. According to your textbook, what is the next step they should follow in the reflective-thinking method?
a. Retrace the decision-making process.
b. Consider the practicality of various solutions.
c. Establish criteria for solving the problem.
d. Generate potential solutions.
e. Assign members to research the problem.
Asking all the members of a problem-solving small group to brainstorm lists of solutions and combining them into a master list that is discussed by the entire group is a good way to
a. ensure that each suggested solution will be politically acceptable.
b. produce more and higher quality lists than asking for oral suggestions.
c. encourage equal participation so that no one dominates the process or holds back.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
The ideal in small-group discussion is to reach a __________ decision.
a. compromise
b. consistent
c. communicable
d. consensus
e. communal
As your textbook explains, a decision that is acceptable to all members of a small group is called a __________ decision.
a. prudent
b. consensus
c. deliberative
d. compromise
e. judicious
Amys group for her speech class was following the reflective-thinking method for problem-solving small groups. When it came time to choose the best solution, the group decided early on to take a vote, with the majority winning out, rather than drag out the discussion until the group could reach a decision that pleased everyone. According to your textbook, was this the best way for Amys group to proceed?
a. Yes. Voting is the recommended procedure for reaching a decision in small groups.
b. No. A small group should try every method to reach consensus before resorting to a vote.
c. Yes. Continuing to discuss solutions usually leads to interpersonal conflicts in the group.
d. No. Rather than voting, a group should brainstorm about rephrasing the question for discussion.
e. Yes. Voting is the most effective way to reach a decision and maintain group harmony.
Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a responsibility of every member in a small group?
a. Develop hidden agendas.
b. Reach solutions swiftly.
c. Call for a vote on major decisions.
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
According to your textbook, which of the following is a responsibility of every member in a small group?
a. Avoid disagreement at all costs.
b. Call for a vote on major issues.
c. Keep the discussion on track.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
As explained in your textbook, which of the following is a responsibility of every member in a small group?
a. Fulfill individual assignments.
b. Keep the discussion on track.
c. Encourage full participation by group members.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
According to your textbook, the most common decision-making process used by problem-solving small groups is called the
a. issue-resolution approach.
b. introspective solution system.
c. reflective-thinking method.
d. deliberative sequence.
e. dialogue-debate process.
According to your textbook, when formulating a question for discussion, a problem-solving small group should phrase the question
a. to allow for a wide variety of answers.
b. to balance the workload among group members.
c. as a question of policy.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
According to your textbook, when formulating a question for discussion, a problem-solving small group should phrase the question
a. so the whole group can answer it.
b. so the group can reach a majority decision.
c. so as to allow for a wide variety of answers.
d. so as to avoid interpersonal conflict in the group.
e. all of the above.
In a sense, defining the problem for a problem-solving small-group discussion is like choosing the __________ for a speech.
a. specific purpose
b. rhetorical question
c. central idea
d. general purpose
e. main points
Which of the following is the first step in the reflective-thinking method for small-group discussion?
a. Define the problem.
b. Set the agenda.
c. Establish criteria for solutions.
d. Analyze the problem.
e. Elect a leader.
Once a problem-solving small group has defined the problem, what is the next step they should follow in the reflective-thinking method for small-group discussion?
a. Establish criteria for solutions.
b. Brainstorm solutions to the problem.
c. Set an agenda for solving the problem.
d. Reach a consensus decision.
e. Analyze the problem.
Once a problem-solving small group has defined the problem and analyzed the problem, what is the next step they should follow in the reflective-thinking method for small-group discussion?
a. Generate potential solutions.
b. Assign members to research the problem.
c. Consider the practicality of various solutions.
d. Establish criteria for solving the problem.
e. Retrace the decision-making process.
Yungs problem-solving small group has been asked to find solutions to the vandalism that occurred during the annual campus Halloween party. Using the reflective-thinking method, the group has defined the problem and analyzed the problem. What is the next step they should follow in the reflective-thinking method?
a. Generate potential solutions.
b. Establish criteria for solving the problem.
c. Consider the practicality of various solutions.
d. Assign members to research the problem.
e. Retrace the decision-making process.
According to your textbook, which of the following is a task need of a problem-solving small group?
a. helping group members get along with one another
b. formulating criteria for judging the best solution
c. helping members feel good about their roles in the group
d. deciding when and where the group will meet
e. taking notes during meetings of the group
According to your textbook, which of the following is a task need of a problem-solving small group?
a. taking notes during meetings of the group
b. helping members feel good about their roles in the group
c. deciding when and where the group will meet
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
According to your textbook, which of the following is a task need of a problem-solving small group?
a. helping group members get along with one another
b. keeping the group from going off on a tangent
c. taking notes during meetings of the group
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
At a meeting of the city zoning commission, Denyce noticed that Cheryl and Rafael had been silent on the proposal to rezone unused commercial property for low-income housing. Denyce asked each of them what they thought of the idea. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Denyces action fulfill?
a. a task need
b. a maintenance need
c. a procedural need
d. an informational need
e. an educational need
Carmen is a member of a student taskforce that was asked to recommend solutions to the universitys budget problem. When she noticed that no one had mentioned the possibility of a tuition increase, Carmen said, I know that nobody here wants to raise tuition. But since a tuition increase is possible solution to the budget problem, I think we have an obligation to consider it. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Carmens action fulfill?
a. a solution need
b. a task need
c. a procedural need
d. an agenda need
e. a maintenance need
As your textbook explains, all problem-solving small groups face three kinds of leadership needs: procedural needs, task needs, and
a. agenda needs.
b. consensus needs.
c. maintenance needs.
d. judgment needs.
e. decision needs.
As your textbook explains, by helping group members deal with interpersonal conflict, a leader helps the group fulfill __________ needs.
a. task
b. personal
c. maintenance
d. procedural
e. comfort
The maintenance needs of a problem-solving small group center on
a. interpersonal relations in the group.
b. the research requirements of the group.
c. determining the agenda of the group.
d. finding a meeting place for the group.
e. distributing the workload among members.
Which of the following is a maintenance need of a problem-solving small group?
a. easing interpersonal tensions among group members
b. using the Internet to research the issue under consideration
c. ordering lunch for the group during its scheduled break
d. outlining the major reason for adopting the groups policy
e. organizing a symposium to present the groups decision
Which of the following is a maintenance need of a problem-solving small group?
a. setting the agenda of each meeting
b. keeping the discussion on track
c. helping the group reach consensus on a final decision
d. presenting an oral report for the group
e. reducing interpersonal tension in the group
Jovita is part of a problem-solving group in her speech class. By the third meeting of the group, Jovita noticed that Dylan seemed unhappy with his role in the group. At the next meeting, Jovita made sure to respond thoughtfully to each of Dylans contributions. By the end of the meeting, it was clear that Dylan felt better about the way the group was working. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Jovitas action fulfill?
a. a task need
b. an interpersonal need
c. a maintenance need
d. an engagement need
e. a procedural need
Waylon could see Linas frustration build as Adam continually cut her off midsentence in their problem-solving group meeting. At the next meeting, Waylon made an effort to seek out Linas opinion and to return the discussion to her if Adam interrupted. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Waylons action fulfill?
a. a maintenance need
b. a procedural need
c. an administrative need
d. an interpersonal need
e. a dynamic need
Richard could see that Carla was becoming increasingly quiet as Jason found fault with nearly everything she suggested. At the next meeting, Richard made an effort to ask Carla what she thought and to point out the value of each of her ideas, which seemed to make Carla more likely to contribute. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Richards action fulfill?
a. a dynamic need
b. an interpersonal need
c. a maintenance need
d. a procedural need
e. an administrative need
According to your textbook, which of the following is a responsibility of every member in a problem-solving small group?
a. Seek to become the groups designated leader.
b. Reserve a room for the groups meetings.
c. Keep disagreement at the interpersonal level.
d. Work to keep the groups discussion on track.
e. Serve as the moderator in a panel discussion.
According to your textbook, which of the following is a responsibility of every member in a problem-solving small group?
a. Commit yourself to achieving the goals of the group.
b. Establish hidden agendas to help the group fulfill its objectives.
c. Encourage outgoing individuals to participate in group meetings.
d. Make sure the group takes a formal vote on its major decisions.
e. Keep disagreement in the group at the interpersonal level.
Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a responsibility of every member in a small group?
a. Reach solutions swiftly.
b. Develop hidden agendas.
c. Call for a vote on major issues.
d. Avoid disagreement at all costs.
e. Encourage full participation.
Which of the following is a procedural need of a problem-solving small group?
a. keeping the group from going off on a tangent
b. conducting research to help the group analyze the problem
c. maintaining good interpersonal relations among group members
d. reserving a room for the groups next meeting
e. helping the group reach consensus on its final decision
Which of the following is a procedural need of a problem-solving small group?
a. deciding when and where the group will meet
b. helping the group reach consensus on its final decision
c. maintaining good interpersonal relations among group members
d. conducting research to help the group analyze the problem
e. keeping the group focused on achieving its objectives
According to your textbook, each of the following is a procedural need of a small group except
a. analyzing the issue facing the group.
b. deciding where the group will meet next.
c. preparing and distributing handouts for the groups meeting.
d. summarizing the groups progress at the end of the meeting.
e. setting the agenda for the groups meeting.
As chair of the student advisory committee, Devan began the meeting by distributing the agenda and minutes from the last meeting. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Devans action fulfill?
a. a procedural need
b. an informational need
c. a maintenance need
d. an educational need
e. a task need
Sabina is part of a problem-solving small group in her speech class. As the first meeting of the group came to an end, Sabina volunteered her apartment as a place for the group to hold its next meeting. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Sabinas action fulfill?
a. a task need
b. a procedural need
c. an agenda need
d. a consensus need
e. a maintenance need
Fatimah was asked to take notes during meetings of her churchs fund-raising committee. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Fatimahs action fulfill?
a. a maintenance need
b. a recording need
c. a task need
d. a procedural need
e. an informational need
Avi checked with everyone on the student advisory group and determined that the best day and time to meet was the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Avis action fulfill?
a. an educational need
b. a procedural need
c. a task need
d. a maintenance need
e. a setup need
At a meeting of the student government council, Allen and Isabella got into a heated argument about a minor point that was irrelevant to the main subject facing the council. At that point, Jalen said, Im certain Allen and Isabella can pursue their discussion at another time, but right now we have to keep focused on our main subject. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Jalens action fulfill?
a. a task need
b. a personal need
c. a procedural need
d. a maintenance need
e. an agenda need
Before meeting with her reading group, Holly collected information about the history of a book that had been recommended to the group. During the groups next meeting, Holly shared her findings as the group discussed whether to add the book to its reading list. What kind of leadership need did Hollys action fulfill?
a. a personal need
b. a designated need
c. a maintenance need
d. a procedural need
e. a task need
Myenne is part of a problem-solving small group in her speech class. When the group was deciding how best to go about its work, Myenne suggested that group members work in pairs, with each pair tackling one of the main issues facing the group. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Myennes action fulfill?
a. a decision need
b. a maintenance need
c. a procedural need
d. a task need
e. a consensus need
At a meeting of her breast-cancer survivors group, Susan presented information on the most recent breast-cancer screening recommendations for women. According to your textbook, what kind of leadership need did Susans action fulfill?
a. a procedural need
b. an informational need
c. a maintenance need
d. an educational need
e. a task need
According to your textbook, a small group that meets for only one session should almost always have a(n) __________ leader.
a. implied
b. designated
c. elected
d. emergent
e. dynamic
As explained in your textbook, the leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups include
a. participation needs.
b. task needs.
c. maintenance needs.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
As explained in your textbook, the leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups include
a. agenda needs.
b. participation needs.
c. task needs.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
As explained in your textbook, the leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups include
a. task needs.
b. maintenance needs.
c. procedural needs.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
According to your textbook, what are the three kinds of leadership needs faced by all problem-solving small groups?
a. agenda needs, task needs, and consensus needs
b. decision needs, maintenance needs, and personal needs
c. procedural needs, agenda needs, and participation needs
d. research needs, schedule needs, and judgment needs
e. task needs, procedural needs, and maintenance needs
The _______________ of an online speech consists of the onscreen elements seen by the audience.
visual environment
The five elements that make up the visual environment of an online speech are
The three tips given by your textbook for practicing a real-time online speech are
What are the two major kinds of online speeches discussed in your textbook? Explain similarities and differences in the ways the two kinds of speeches are prepared, practiced, and presented.
What is the visual environment of an online speech? Explain how each element of the visual environment can be controlled to communicate the professionalism appropriate in online speaking.
Identify and explain three of the major guidelines for online speaking discussed in your textbook.
Josh develops bike-share technology and loves working from home, where he can keep his own hours and wear whatever he wants. Today hell be making a presentation to traffic engineers in three cities about his proposal for making bikes more accessible.
Being an expert on his topic, Josh decided that he did not need any special preparation for his talk. Because he was speaking online, he didnt think he needed to wear anything other than his usual T-shirt. Before bed last night, he installed new software on his computer that he hoped would make it easier to incorporate his graphics. On the day of his speech, he set up his laptop in front of his window so there would be plenty of light behind him as he was speaking. Then he tilted the laptop screen up toward his face and made sure to look right into the screen so he would have good eye contact with his audience. Confident that he was ready to go, Josh began his presentation.
Write an essay in which you explain whether Josh did or did not follow the advice given in your textbook for presenting an effective online speech. Be specific.
Madison has to give a real-time speech of self-introduction as part of an online job interview. According to your textbook, which of the following should she remember to do?
a. Position her webcam so its tilted up at her.
b. Practice the speech just a couple of times to keep her delivery fresh.
c. Dress as formally as she would for an in-person interview.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
Anton will be giving a real-time online speech to prospective backers of his start-up company. According to your textbook, which of the following should he remember to do?
a. Position his webcam so it points directly at him or tilts slightly downward toward him.
b. Talk into the computer screen because thats where the camera is located.
c. Sit two or three feet from his webcam so the audience will see him from the chest up.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
Jessica Ryland is going to present a real-time online speech to the City Council explaining her designs for a downtown hotel and conference center. According to your textbook, which of the following should she remember to do?
a. Practice with the computer and presentation software shell use during the speech.
b. Sit with good posture so shell appear professional, relaxed, and confident.
c. Have a backup plan in case she encounters technical problems.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
Which of the following statements about real-time online speeches is (are) true?
a. The best distance to sit from the webcam is a foot away so your face will fill the audiences screen.
b. You should talk directly into the webcam as if you were making eye contact with an audience right in front of you.
c. Audiences are likely to be understanding if you havent mastered the online presentation software for your speech.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Which of the following does your textbook recommend for practicing a real-time online speech?
a. Practice your speech just a couple of times so youll keep your delivery fresh.
b. Get your computer ready by installing updates, closing programs, and canceling notifications.
c. Deliver your speech remotely to family or friends and ask for their suggestions.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
According to your textbook, which of the following would be an effective backup plan for a real-time online speech?
a. Distribute an outline of your speech via email.
b. Reschedule the speech once the technical problems are resolved.
c. Share a text of your speech through a document collaboration program such as Google Docs.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
A(n) _______________ online speech is delivered, recorded, and then uploaded to the Internet.
A(n) _______________ online speech is one that has been created specifically for an audience that will view it online as it is being delivered.
Identify four of the five guidelines given in your textbook for online public speaking.