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Visual Arts
If you wanted to compare the amount of fossil fuels, solar power, and wind energy used in the United States and Germany, which type of visual aid would be most effective?
a. a pie graph
b. a line graph
c. a bar graph
d. a drawing
e. a chart
A(n) __________ is a visual aid that summarizes a large block of information, usually in list form.
a. diagram
b. chart
c. pictogram
d. illustration
e. graph
If you wanted to summarize the steps of a process in a speech, the best kind of visual aid to use would probably be a
a. model.
b. chart.
c. diagram.
d. photograph.
e. graph.
According to your textbook, charts are especially useful as visual aids when a speaker needs to
a. summarize the steps in a process.
b. illustrate changes in statistics over time.
c. include more categories than can be presented in a pie or bar graph.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
If you wanted to compare the military spending of the United States to that of eight other nations, what type of visual aid should you probably use?
a. a map
b. a chart
c. a line graph
d. a pie graph
e. a diagram
If you wanted to summarize the eight steps in a criminal trial, the best type of visual aid to use would probably be a
a. line graph
b. photograph
c. chart
d. model
e. drawing
Colin wanted to use a visual aid to summarize the steps involved in the process of mummification. The best kind of visual aid for him to use would probably be a
a. drawing
b. chart
c. line graph
d. photograph
e. model
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to summarize the major types of agricultural crops grown in the United States?
a. a chart
b. a model
c. a photograph
d. a drawing
e. a map
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to show the proportion of deaths last year that resulted from accidents, illnesses, natural causes, and homicides?
a. a line graph
b. a chart
c. a photograph
d. a pie graph
e. a diagram
Which of the following would probably be the best visual aid to demonstrate the distribution of grades for a class?
a. a pie graph
b. a quota graph
c. a longitudinal graph
d. a partition graph
e. a line graph
While working on his speech, Elliot decided to use a visual showing the proportions of the U.S. federal budget spent in four major areasdefense, entitlement programs, nonentitlement programs, and miscellaneous spending. What type of visual aid should he use?
a. a pictogram
b. a line graph
c. an illustration
d. a photograph
e. a pie graph
Enrique was asked by the president of his company to prepare a visual aid showing the proportion of employees who get to work by driving, carpooling, public transportation, or some other method. The best kind of visual aid for him to use would be
a. a photograph.
b. a pictogram.
c. an illustration.
d. a pie graph.
e. a drawing.
A __________ graph is best suited for showing comparisons between two or more items.
a. picture
b. parallel
c. distributive
d. ratio
e. bar
If you wanted to demonstrate the comparative spending of the United States and Canada on four different kinds of social services, which type of visual aid would be most effective?
a. a bar graph
b. a drawing
c. a line graph
d. a chart
e. a pie graph
If you were discussing statistical trends in a speech, what kind of visual aid would probably work best to clarify the trends for listeners?
a. a chart
b. a map
c. a diagram
d. a graph
e. a model
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to illustrate the rising cost of a college degree?
a. a line graph
b. a chart
c. a diagram
d. a bar graph
e. a pie graph
Which of the following would probably be the best kind of visual aid to show changes in the homicide rate in Washington, D.C., over the past 20 years?
a. a diagram
b. a line graph
c. a chart
d. a bar graph
e. a pie graph
If you wanted to show the changes over the last 10 years in the number of people who get their news from newspapers and the number of people who get their news from the Internet, the best kind of visual aid would probably be a
a. pie graph.
b. diagram.
c. chart.
d. line graph.
e. wave graph.
If you wanted to show the increase in the cost of commercials during the Super Bowl over the past 40 years, the best kind of visual aid would probably be a
a. diagram.
b. wave graph.
c. line graph.
d. pie graph.
e. chart.
A __________ graph is best suited to illustrating the relationship among parts of a whole.
a. parallel
b. ratio
c. bar
d. pie
e. line
T F When explaining a visual aid, it is important to resist the temptation to look primarily at the aid rather than at the audience.
T F When you plan to use presentation technology in your speech, you should always store a copy of your slides in the cloud or bring a copy on a flash drive.
T F Because technology has become so advanced, it is seldom necessary to bring a backup of your PowerPoint slides on the day of your speech.
Multiple-Choice Questions (Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.)
Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of using visual aids in a public speech?
a. Using visual aids enhances the clarity of the speakers message.
b. Using visual aids reduces the need for eye contact with the audience.
c. Using visual aids can help combat the speakers stage fright.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
According to your textbook, which of the following is an advantage of using visual aids in a speech?
a. Using visual aids can increase the clarity of a speakers message.
b. Using visual aids can increase the audiences retention of a speakers message.
c. Using visual aids can increase the persuasiveness of a speakers message.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Visual aids can be very useful to a speaker because they
a. often take the place of statistics.
b. enhance the clarity of a speakers ideas.
c. can be passed among members of the audience.
d. do not require a great deal of explanation.
e. all of the above.
Visual aids are often helpful to a speaker because they can
a. enhance the clarity of a speakers ideas.
b. make information more interesting to listeners.
c. help listeners retain a speakers ideas.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
If the object you want to use as a visual aid is not available, the next best option is ideally a
a. model.
b. chart.
c. slide.
d. photograph.
e. drawing.
__________ are especially valuable for showing an audience statistical trends and patterns.
a. Models
b. Diagrams
c. Charts
d. Blueprints
e. Graphs
A __________ graph is best suited for showing changes in statistics over time or space.
a. pie
b. line
c. distributive
d. parallel
e. ratio
T F One of the advantages of using visual aids in a speech is that their meaning is instantly clear to the audience.
T F Visual aids usually should be used only in informative speeches.
T F It is important to maintain strong eye contact with your audience when you are presenting a visual aid.
T F When you are giving an audience material to take home from a speech, you should usually distribute the material in the middle of your speech.
T F When you are going to give an audience material to take home from a speech, you should usually distribute the material after you finish speaking.
T F In most circumstances, you should keep your visual aids on display throughout your speech.
T F Visual aids should be displayed only while you are discussing them.
T F Once you have finished discussing a visual aid, you should leave it on display until you get to the next visual aid.
T F When you finish discussing a PowerPoint slide, you should leave it on the screen until you get to the next slide.
T F One advantage of using presentation technology such as PowerPoint is that you can leave your slides on screen even when you are not discussing them.
T F A good way to keep PowerPoint slides out of view when you are not using them is to add blank slides after each of them.
T F Your textbook recommends adding a blank slide at the end of your PowerPoint presentation so the audience will not be distracted by the previous slide.
T F A visual aid is only as useful as the explanation that goes with it.
T F Passing visual aids among the audience during a speech is helpful to a speaker because it allows listeners to inspect the aids at their own pace.
T F In most circumstances, a speaker should avoid passing visual aids among the audience.
T F When you are going to give an audience material to take home from a speech, you should usually distribute the material at the beginning of the speech.
T F As your textbook explains, you should usually use four different fonts on a PowerPoint slide to increase audience interest.
T F Almost any combination of colors works well on a visual aid.
T F According to your textbook, blue text on a green background is usually a good choice of colors for a visual aid.
T F Red and green is usually a poor color combination for a visual aid.
T F When making visual aids, you should use colors that can easily be distinguished from one another.
T F According to your textbook, when making a PowerPoint slide, you should try to use at least five colors so the slide will be visually appealing.
T F As your textbook explains, using the same color scheme for all of your PowerPoint slides is one way to make the slides look unified and professional.
T F Research shows that presenting extraneous images in a speech interferes with listener comprehension.
T F As your textbook explains, research shows that using PowerPoint images for every idea in a speech increases listener comprehension.
T F When using charts and graphs as visual aids, you should usually include a title above them so the audience can see what the aid is about.
T F Visual aids should usually be displayed from the left side of the lectern.
T F Visual aids should usually be displayed from the right side of the lectern.
T F According to your textbook, a general rule when using presentation technology such as PowerPoint is to include no more than a half-dozen lines of type on a single slide.
T F The more information you include on each of your PowerPoint slides, the more effective your speech will be.
T F According to your textbook, it is usually a good idea to use a different font for each PowerPoint slide in your speech.
T F According to your textbook, you should usually use the same fonts consistently for all your PowerPoint slides.
T F It is usually enough to practice your speech just once using your visual aids.
T F You should include in a visual aid only what you need to make your point.
T F When using presentation software, you need to limit the amount of information you put on each slide.
T F When you design a visual aid, you should keep in mind the size of the room in which you will be speaking.
T F Printing your visual aid in ALL CAPITAL letters is a good way to make sure it will be easy for the audience to read.
T F According to your textbook, you should usually include 10 to 15 lines of text on each PowerPoint slide.
Explain the importance to effective public speaking of each of the following aspects of physical delivery:
a. personal appearance
b. movement
c. gestures
d. eye contact
What should you do physically to make a favorable impression on listeners just before you begin a speech and just after you finish speaking?
Identify and explain the five steps provided in your textbook for practicing speech delivery.
Explain the steps you should take to prepare for a question-and-answer session.
Explain each of the following aspects of conducting a question-and-answer session:
a. Approach questions with a positive attitude.
b. Direct answers to the entire audience.
c. Stay on track.
T F One advantage of preparing your visual aids well in advance is that doing so allows you to use them while practicing your speech.
In a well-developed essay, compare and contrast the four basic methods of speech delivery.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of speaking extemporaneously compared with speaking from a manuscript?
Explain three steps you should take to deliver a speech effectively from a manuscript.
What does your textbook suggest you should do when you are called upon to present an impromptu speech?
Define five of the following eight aspects of vocal delivery and explain their importance to effective public speaking: a. volume b. pitch c. rate d. pauses e. vocal variety f. articulation g. pronunciation h. dialect
Mark Twain said, The right word might be effective, but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed _______________ .