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A(n) _______________ occurs when a speaker fills the silence between words with sounds such as um, er, and uh.
Changes in a speakers pitch, rate, and volume are referred to as _______________ .
Sloppy _______________ is the failure to form particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly.
_______________ is the ability to say a word as indicated in a dictionary, while _______________ is the ability to form individual speech sounds distinctly.
_______________ refers to the speed at which a person speaks.
Communication based on a persons voice and body movements, rather than on the use of words, is called _______________ communication.
How we use eye contact, body movement, gestures, and other physical motions to communicate is the subject of an area of study known as _______________ .
Because they send such revealing nonverbal messages, we think of the ____________ as the windows of the soul.
Ways of speaking based on regional or ethnic speech patterns are known as _______________ .
Explain the following statement: Good delivery does not call attention to itself.
List the four methods of delivery discussed in your textbook.
A speech delivered with little or no immediate preparation is called a(n) _______________ speech.
According to your textbook, what four steps should you take in your remarks if you are called upon to make an impromptu response to a previous speaker?
A speech that is fully prepared in advance but delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a(n) _______________ speech.
The relative highness or lowness of speech sounds is called _______________ .
As recommended in your textbook, when approaching the front of the room and beginning your speech, you should
a. start immediately so your audience does not become impatient.
b. create a bond with the audience by acknowledging your nervousness.
c. establish eye contact with the audience before you start to speak.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
According to your textbook, when you reach the end of your speech, you should
a. ask the audience whether they liked your speech.
b. hurry back to your seat so the next speaker can begin.
c. tell your listeners how glad you are to have survived the speech.
d. maintain eye contact for a few moments to let your last line sink in.
e. distribute copies of your speech to everyone in the audience.
As your textbook explains, when preparing for a question-and-answer session, you should
a. anticipate possible questions.
b. write out your answers in full.
c. practice the delivery of your answers.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
When conducting a question-and-answer session, you should
a. allow each questioner to ask as many follow-up questions as he or she wishes.
b. try to bluff your way through when faced with a question you cant answer.
c. direct your answers primarily to the audience as a whole.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
Which of the following are mentioned by your textbook as guidelines for managing a question-and-answer session?
a. Direct answers to the entire audience.
b. Be honest and straightforward.
c. Stay on track.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
The Dean of Students is introducing a new campus policy on alcohol use. After the presentation, he will respond to questions from students, local residents, and reporters. To prepare for this question-and-answer session, the Dean should
a. ask his staff to anticipate potential questions.
b. write out answers to potential questions.
c. practice the delivery of his answers.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
When conducting a question-and-answer session, you should a. respond to hostile questions in a hostile manner. b. view the session as one more opportunity to communicate your ideas. c. allow each questioner to ask as many follow-up questions as he or she wishes. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.
What does your textbook say about eye contact for public speakers who address audiences in the United States?
a. To appear credible and trustworthy, a speaker should gaze intently at one section of the audience.
b. In classroom speeches, it is most important to maintain steady eye contact with the instructor.
c. Speakers should look at the audience about 80 to 90 percent of the time they are talking.
d. Speakers who establish strong eye contact with the audience lose credibility as a result.
e. Even with a large audience, engaging the eyes of each person is preferable to scanning the audience in general.
During a speech apologizing for racial remarks made by a member of the police department, the Chief of Police avoided making eye contact with the audience. According to research on the role of nonverbal communication in public speaking, the audience was likely to perceive the police chief as
a. inexperienced.
b. credible.
c. insincere.
d. trustworthy.
e. inconsistent.
During her speech on malpractice insurance, the head of the local branch of the American Medical Association consistently avoided making eye contact with her audience. According to research on the role of nonverbal communication in public speaking, the audience was likely to perceive her as
a. insincere.
b. trustworthy.
c. inexperienced.
d. credible.
e. inconsistent.
What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery?
a. Concentrate on gaining control of the ideas instead of learning the speech word for word.
b. Practice your speech in front of a mirror to check for eye contact and distracting mannerisms.
c. Put delivery cues on your speaking outline to remind you where to pause, slow down, and the like.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery?
a. Record the speech to check how it sounds.
b. Prepare a speaking outline at the end of your rehearsal process.
c. Try to limit yourself to a single practice session.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
What advice does your textbook give for practicing speech delivery?
a. Give your speech to friends and family members.
b. Practice delivering your speech with your visual aids.
c. Concentrate on learning your speech word for word.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
What does your textbook recommend as the first step of practicing delivery?
a. Record your speech and listen to it so you can refine your delivery.
b. Prepare your speaking outline so it is brief and easy to read at a glance.
c. Go through your preparation outline aloud to see if what is written works orally.
d. Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror to check your body language.
e. Do a dress rehearsal in the room where you will present the speech.
What does your textbook recommend regarding the last step of practicing delivery for a speech?
a. Listen to a tape of the speech and make last-minute changes in it.
b. Practice the speech in front of a mirror to check your body language.
c. Prepare your speaking outline so it is brief and easy to read at a glance.
d. Rehearse under conditions as close as possible to the actual speech situation.
e. Time yourself as you practice the speech out loud and as you use visual aids.
When you get to the lectern at the start of a speech, you should
a. take time to arrange your notes how you want them.
b. create a bond with the audience by acknowledging your nervousness.
c. stand quietly and wait to make sure everyone is paying attention.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
In which of the following situations will the personal appearance of the speaker have an impact on the audience?
a. a politician presenting a campaign speech
b. a business executive giving a financial report
c. a professor giving a lecture
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Ivory will be giving a presentation for her company to a group of potential clients visiting from Germany, and she is deciding what to wear. According to your textbook, which of the following statements about the role of personal appearance in speechmaking should she keep in mind when making her decision?
a. A speakers personal appearance should be in keeping with the occasion of the speech.
b. Research has shown that bright-colored clothing has a more favorable impact on listeners.
c. In most cases, listeners attitudes are not influenced by the way a speaker is dressed.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Sandra is giving a presentation in her physics class and is worried about what she should do with her hands. Which of the following recommendations would she find in your textbook?
a. Gesture toward the audience with an open palm during the introduction.
b. Hold your hands tightly in front of you to prevent distracting gestures.
c. Focus on communicating, and your gestures will usually take care of themselves.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
According to your textbook, saying didja instead of did you is an error in
a. vocalization.
b. intonation.
c. emphasis.
d. accent.
e. articulation.
According to your textbook, saying pas-ghetti instead of spaghetti is an error in
a. articulation.
b. description.
c. intonation.
d. pronunciation.
e. inflection.
According to your textbook, saying Feb-u-ary instead of Feb-ru-ary is an error in
a. articulation.
b. pronunciation.
c. description.
d. intonation.
e. inflection.
According to your textbook, when people in one region of the country say warter, while people in another region of the country say water, the difference is a matter of
a. inflection.
b. verbalization.
c. dialect.
d. enunciation.
e. intonation.
According to your textbook, when people in one region of the country say worsh, while people in another region of the country say wash, the difference is a matter of
a. inflection.
b. verbalization.
c. enunciation.
d. intonation.
e. dialect.
According to your textbook, when people in one region of the country say greazy, while people in another region of the country say greasy, the difference is a matter of
a. enunciation.
b. dialect.
c. inflection.
d. verbalization.
e. intonation.
What does your textbook say about speech dialects?
a. Most languages have dialects.
b. Dialects are usually based on regional or ethnic speech patterns.
c. No dialect is inherently better or worse than another dialect.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Nonverbal communication includes a speakers
a. gestures.
b. eye contact.
c. rate of speech.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
Nonverbal communication is based on a speakers
a. language.
b. vocal delivery.
c. bodily actions.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
What does your textbook advise regarding the use of gestures in a speech?
a. Gestures should be suited to the audience and occasion.
b. Speakers should have a vast number of graceful gestures.
c. Gestures should appear natural and spontaneous.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
The study of bodily motion and gestures is part of a subject called
a. cybernetics.
b. kinetics.
c. cryogenics.
d. kinesics.
e. cryonics.
__________ is the study of body motions as a form of communication.
a. Kinesics
b. Gesturals
c. Physiography
d. Anatomics
e. Mimetics
According to your textbook, saying dunno instead of dont know is an error in
a. accent.
b. articulation.
c. vocalization.
d. intonation.
e. emphasis.
According to your textbook, inflection refers to the
a. dialect of a speaker.
b. speed at which a person speaks.
c. changes in the pitch of a speakers voice.
d. clarity of a speakers articulation.
e. loudness or softness of a speakers voice.
Changes in the pitch or tone of a speakers voice are called
a. phonemes.
b. polytones.
c. enunciations.
d. inflections.
e. accents.
If you hoped to convey to your audience the excitement of steering a kayak through river rapids, you should probably
a. speak at a faster rate.
b. use more vocalized pauses.
c. break eye contact with your audience.
d. gesture less frequently.
e. avoid using dialect.
According to your textbook, the best rate of speech depends on the
a. vocal attributes of the speaker.
b. mood the speaker is trying to create.
c. composition of the audience.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
Which of the following would probably call for a faster speaking rate than normal?
a. expressing sadness or contempt
b. describing the winning touchdown in last weeks game
c. summarizing information already familiar to an audience
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
Changes in a speakers rate, pitch, and volume are referred to as
a. vocal direction.
b. vocal credibility.
c. vocal pronunciation.
d. vocal contact.
e. vocal variety.
According to your textbook, pauses
a. can lend dramatic impact to a statement when they are well timed.
b. ought to be avoided when giving an informative speech.
c. should occur at the ends of thought units, not in the middle.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
According to your textbook, uh, er, um, and similar expressions in a public speech are referred to as
a. vocal fillers.
b. signposts.
c. intonations.
d. vocalized pauses.
e. inflections.
Malcolm said um or uh every time he got to a new PowerPoint slide in his informative speech. His instructor told Malcolm to reduce the number of __________ in his next speech.
a. fillers
b. vocal inflections
c. intonations
d. vocalized pauses
e. inflections
Forming particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly is called
a. verbalization.
b. articulation.
c. vocalized pausing.
d. pronunciation.
e. intonation.
According to your textbook, saying lemme instead of let me is an error in
a. emphasis.
b. vocalization.
c. accent.
d. articulation.
e. intonation.
According to your textbook, the skilled extemporaneous speaker
a. has a conversational tone.
b. prepares and practices the speech carefully.
c. uses brief notes while delivering the speech.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
Sofia has prepared her speech in great detail. She is practicing to deliver it from a brief set of notes, and every time she goes through the speech, she uses slightly different wording. What kind of delivery is Sofia planning to use?
a. informal
b. memorized
c. extemporaneous
d. impromptu
e. manuscript
Enzo is giving a speech in his art history course. He has carefully prepared his presentation and plans to deliver it from a brief set of note cards. What kind of delivery is Enzo using?
a. informal
b. memorized
c. extemporaneous
d. impromptu
e. formal
The relative highness or lowness of sounds produced by the human voice is called
a. rate.
b. pitch.
c. tone.
d. quality.
e. volume.
It is the __________ of your voice that reveals whether you are asking a question or making a statement, whether you are being sincere or sarcastic.
a. spontaneity
b. variety
c. resonance
d. inflection
e. rate
Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of extemporaneous delivery?
a. It requires only a minimal amount of gesturing by the speaker.
b. It reduces the likelihood of a speaker making vocalized pauses.
c. It improves a speakers ability to articulate difficult words correctly.
d. It requires little or no preparation before the speech is delivered.
e. It allows greater spontaneity than does speaking from a manuscript.
According to your textbook, a speech that sounds spontaneous to the audience no matter how many times it has been rehearsed has a strong __________ quality.
a. impromptu
b. memorized
c. conversational
d. kinesic
e. formal
Conversational quality in speech delivery means that the speech
a. sounds spontaneous even though it has been rehearsed.
b. is being presented from memory.
c. has been rehearsed only once.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of extemporaneous delivery?
a. It encourages a conversational quality in a speakers delivery.
b. It requires little or no preparation before the speech is given.
c. It allows greater spontaneity than does speaking from a manuscript.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
Which of the following does your textbook mention as an advantage of extemporaneous delivery?
a. It gives more precise control over language than impromptu speaking.
b. It is the only method of delivery that allows the use of visual aids.
c. It is adaptable to a wide range of situations.
d. all of the above
e. a and c only
The U.S. Secretary of State is giving a speech announcing the specific terms of an agreement with Russia on the use of chemical weapons. What kind of delivery is the Secretary of State most likely to use?
a. memorized
b. impromptu
c. personal
d. manuscript
e. colloquial
A political candidate is running for office and must give a speech that will lay out the details of her platform. The speech will be widely covered by newspapers and television. What kind of delivery is the candidate most likely to use?
a. manuscript
b. impromptu
c. monotonous
d. colloquial
e. memorized
When speaking from a manuscript, you should
a. practice aloud to make sure the speech sounds natural.
b. be certain the final manuscript is legible at a glance.
c. work on establishing eye contact with the audience.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
In which situation would a speaker be most likely to recite a speech from memory?
a. when making a toast at a wedding
b. when responding to questions during a class lecture
c. when reporting earnings to the yearly stockholders meeting
d. when presenting a lengthy proposal to the city council
e. when rallying a group to work for lower tuition
According to your textbook, the __________ speaker delivers a speech with little or no immediate preparation.
a. colloquial
b. extemporaneous
c. conversational
d. impromptu
e. declamatory
Which of the following does your textbook recommend when you need to speak impromptu?
a. Maintain eye contact with the audience.
b. Use signposts to help listeners keep track of your ideas.
c. Tell the audience how nervous you are.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
Which of the following does your textbook recommend when you need to speak impromptu?
a. Begin by telling a joke.
b. Support your position with statistics, examples, or testimony.
c. Summarize your position at the end of the speech.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
Diego needs to make an impromptu response to another speaker at a staff meeting. Your textbook recommends that he should do all of the following except
a. state the point he is answering.
b. state the point he wishes to make.
c. maintain eye contact with the audience.
d. tell the audience how nervous he is about impromptu speaking.
e. use signposts to help the audience keep track of his ideas.
The __________ speaker uses only brief notes or a speaking outline to jog the memory.
a. after-dinner
b. commemorative
c. informative
d. extemporaneous
e. persuasive
A speech that is fully prepared in advance but that is delivered from a brief set of notes or a speaking outline is called a(n) __________ speech.
a. extemporaneous
b. declamatory
c. impromptu
d. manuscript
e. vocalized
According to your textbook, an extemporaneous speech
a. will have slightly different wording each time it is delivered.
b. should usually include some humorous remarks.
c. is carefully prepared and practiced in advance.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
In which situation would a speaker be most likely to read from a manuscript?
a. a speech accepting an award at a company banquet
b. a speech in honor of a retiring employee
c. a speech on international policy at the United Nations
d. a speech on the activities of a church social committee
e. a speech of welcome to new members of the Rotary Club