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If the following connective were used between the two main points of a persuasive speech, the speech would most likely be organized in __________ order.
Weve seen the costs to our economy of dependence on foreign oil; now lets look at some solutions.
a. causal
b. analytical
c. problem-solution
d. consecutive
e. topical
If the following connective were used between the two main points of a persuasive speech, the speech would most likely be organized in __________ order.
Now that we have seen how the U.S. is facing a shortage of qualified teachers, lets turn to steps that should be taken to remedy the situation.
a. causal
b. analytical
c. problem-solution
d. consecutive
e. topical
Here are the main points for an informative speech about the major kinds of fireworks:
I. Skyrockets explode high in the air, producing the most dramatic effects of all fireworks.
II. Roman candles shoot out separate groups of sparks and colored flames with a series of booming noises.
III. Pinwheels throw off sparks and flames as they whirl on the end of a stick.
IV. Lances are thin, colorful fireworks used in ground displays.
These points are organized in __________ order.
a. spatial
b. descriptive
c. chronological
d. illustrative
e. topical
Here are the main points for an informative speech about the accomplishments of Leonardo da Vinci.
I. As a painter, da Vinci produced the Mona Lisa and other masterpieces.
II. As an inventor, da Vinci drew plans for a parachute and a flying machine.
III. As an astronomer, da Vinci concluded that Earth revolves around the sun.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. topical
b. objective
c. descriptive
d. career
e. spatial
Here are the main points for a persuasive speech on low adult literacy.
I. Low adult literacy has reached crisis proportions in the United States.
II. Solving the problem requires action by government and individual citizens alike.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. spatial
b. topical
c. problem-solution
d. comparative-advantage
e. causal
Which organizational method is used in a speech with the following main points?
I. Many citizens are victimized every year by incompetent lawyers.
II. A bill requiring lawyers to stand for recertification every 10 years will do much to help solve the problem.
a. legal
b. topical
c. chronological
d. problem-solution
e. analytical
I. In the past 10 years, serious soccer injuries have risen dramatically among players of all ages and skill levels.
II. The best way to control this problem is through changes in rules and training.
Jenines main points were arranged in __________ order.
a. problem-solution
b. chronological
c. problem-cause-solution
d. topical
e. motivated sequence
According to your textbook, what organizational method is used in a speech with the following main points?
I. The outermost section of the Egyptian burial tomb was the entrance passage.
II. The next section of the Egyptian burial tomb was the antechamber.
III. The third section of the Egyptian burial tomb was the treasury.
IV. The innermost section of the Egyptian burial tomb was the burial chamber.
a. spatial
b. descriptive
c. chronological
d. progressive
e. logical
A speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience how outbreaks of bird flu move from region to region would most likely be organized in __________ order.
a. natural
b. analytical
c. progressive
d. scientific
e. spatial
Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience about the major geographical regions of the Philippines?
a. historical
b. spatial
c. developmental
d. descriptive
e. visual
If the following internal summary were used in an informative speech, the speech would most likely be organized in __________ order.
On our tour of campus thus far, we have moved from the student union on the east side of campus and around the perimeter. Weve taken in the engineering campus on the north, the design college on the west side, and the school of education on the south.
a. causal
b. formal
c. analytical
d. spatial
e. topical
Which organizational pattern would probably be the most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the central idea The three parts of an insects body are the head, the thorax, and the abdomen?
a. scientific
b. causal
c. spatial
d. analytical
e. natural
Which organizational method is used in a speech with the following main points?
I. Caused by the bite of infected mosquitoes, West Nile virus has spread throughout the United States.
II. The effects of West Nile virus include flu-like symptoms, convulsions, swelling of the brain, and, in some cases, death.
a. topical
b. causal
c. scientific
d. analytical
e. spatial
Because of his familys medical history, Malik decided to give his informative speech on sickle-cell anemia. When he finished work on the speech, it had the following main points.
I. Sickle-cell anemia is a hereditary blood disease caused by abnormal blood cells.
II. The effects of sickle-cell anemia include liver damage, blindness, paralysis, and early death.
Maliks main points were arranged in __________ order.
a. topical
b. medical
c. analytical
d. formal
e. causal
Here are the main points for a speech on the Mayan civilization of Central America.
I. The Mayan civilization flourished for more than a thousand years until 900 CE, when it mysteriously began to disintegrate.
II. Scientists have advanced three major explanations to account for this disintegration.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. historical
b. causal
c. spatial
d. logical
e. topical
Here are the main points for a speech on the subject of hearing loss.
I. Hearing loss can be caused by genetic and environmental factors.
II. Hearing loss can lead to significant changes in a persons daily life.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. logical
b. scientific
c. analytical
d. topical
e. causal
A speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience about the causes of domestic violence and its effects on society would most likely be arranged in __________ order.
a. legal
b. causal
c. informative
d. problem-solution
e. chronological
Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience of the causes and effects of the erosion of Americas seacoasts?
a. spatial
b. environmental
c. chronological
d. analytical
e. causal
Here are the main points for a speech about the four lobes of the cerebral cortex.
I. The frontal lobe is located in the front of the brain.
II. The parietal lobe is located in the middle of the brain.
III. The temporal lobe is located on the bottom of the brain.
IV. The occipital lobe is located in the back of the brain.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. causal
b. spatial
c. chronological
d. topical
e. contextual
Here are the main points for a speech about the impact of climate change.
I. Climate change has had a major impact in North America.
II. Climate change has had a major impact in South America.
III. Climate change has had a major impact in Europe.
IV. Climate change has had a major impact in Asia.
V. Climate change has had a major impact in Africa.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. directional
b. spatial
c. chronological
d. causal
e. problem-solution
What are the three major types of supporting materials used in public speeches? Evaluate the use of all three types in the following speech excerpt. Be sure to deal with all the supporting materials in the excerpt, and be specific in your evaluation.
Wetlands include swamps, marshes, lakes, any area that is full of water. In addition to providing habitat for thousands of different animals, wetlands are a major barrier to the damage caused by the flooding of lakes and rivers. According to William Niering, Because they hold water like sponges, wetlands prolong and moderate runoff after heavy precipitation or snow melt. Without wetlands, floods would ravage the American landscape.
Wetlands also help protect the quality of Americas water supply. Mark Christianson, a lobbyist for environmental issues, stated in the Nebraska Law Review that Filtration of pollution is one of the most valuable functions of wetlands. Wetlands can recycle amazing amounts of polluted water.
Yet despite their many benefits, Americas wetlands are being destroyed by business interests and urban sprawl. Imagine a canteen full of water. This canteen could provide almost a weeks worth of refreshment in a hot desert. But what if there was a small hole in the canteen? Then the water might last just five days, or four, or maybe just two. This is what is happening to Americas wetlands. More than 11 million acres of American wetlandsan expanse twice the size of New Jerseyhave been drained in the past three decades. Ten times that amount has been lost since the Pilgrims arrived. Environmentalists report that today we are losing wetlands at an average rate of 458,246 acres each year. The hole in the canteen is dripping.
Here are the main points for an informative speech about the civil rights movement.
I. In 1954, the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education helped spark the modern civil rights movement.
II. In 1963, nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama, dramatically increased support for the civil rights movement.
III. In 1965, the Voting Rights Act was passed, marking the major legislative achievement of the civil rights movement.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. spatial
b. historical
c. descriptive
d. chronological
e. topical
Which organizational pattern would be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience about the major steps in setting up a home aquarium?
a. chronological
b. causal
c. problem-solution
d. informative
e. Monroes motivated sequence
Which organizational pattern would probably be most effective for arranging the main points of a speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience of the steps involved in starting an online business?
a. spatial
b. technical
c. causal
d. comparative-advantages
e. chronological
A speech with the specific purpose To inform my audience of the steps involved in the process of making ice cream would most likely be arranged in __________ order.
a. formal
b. causal
c. chronological
d. progressive
e. spatial
If the following connective were used between the last two main points in an informative speech, the speech would most likely be organized in __________ order.
So far we have seen that the earliest roller coasters were developed in Russia and by the mid-1920s were very popular throughout the United States. Today, U.S. amusement parks attract millions of visitors because of their adventurous roller coasters. Lets take a look now at what the future holds for roller coasters.
a. spatial
b. chronological
c. analytical
d. formal
e. topical
Here are the main points for an informative speech about the anatomy of the human ear.
I. The outer ear includes the ear flap and the ear canal.
II. The middle ear includes the eardrum and three tiny, interconnected bones.
III. The inner ear includes the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the auditory nerve.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. spatial
b. descending
c. chronological
d. ascending
e. topical
Which method of organization is used in the following main points?
I. The outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, is about as thick as a sheet of paper.
II. The middle layer of the skin, the dermis, is 15 to 40 times thicker than the epidermis.
III. The innermost layer of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, is by far the thickest layer.
a. topical
b. visual
c. scientific
d. ascending
e. spatial
Here are the main points for a speech about the components of a medieval coat of armor.
I. The head was protected by a helmet.
II. The torso was protected by shoulder pieces, palates, a breastplate, a skirt of tasses, and a tuille.
III. The arms and hands were protected by brassards, elbow pieces, and gauntlets.
IV. The legs and feet were protected by cuisses, knee pieces, jambeaux, and sollerets.
These main points are arranged in __________ order.
a. topical
b. informative
c. chronological
d. structural
e. spatial
Adrianas informative speech about different kinds of coffee had the following main points.
I. Coffees grown in South America are known for their acidic taste.
II. Coffees grown in Africa are known for their earthy taste.
III. Coffees grown in Asia are known for their well-balanced taste.
What method of organization did Adriana use for her main points?
a. causal
b. economic
c. objective
d. analytical
e. spatial
Explain why each of the following would or would not be a reliable source of testimony about the effects of legalizing marijuana.
a. NORML, the National Organization for Reforming Marijuana Laws
b. the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health
c. the governor of the state of Colorado
Identify and explain the four major guidelines discussed in your textbook for using testimony effectively in a speech.
Each of the following statements violates at least one of the criteria for effective supporting materials. Explain the flaw (or flaws) in each statement.
a. According to a survey sponsored by Verizon Wireless, Americans believe that the quality of customer service provided by cell phone companies has never been better than it is now.
b. As Amy Poehler stated in a recent interview, the United States needs to change its foreign policy toward Russia and stop treating it like a Western nation.
c. Nearly 5,000 drivers aged 70 or older were killed in automobile accidents last year. Thats a 33 percent increase over the past 10 years. There are currently 24 million U.S. drivers over age 70, and within 20 years there will be more than 30 million. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration notes that the fatality rate for drivers 85 and older is nine times as high as the rate for drivers aged 25 to 69, while a 1990 study points out that 18 percent of fatalities to pedestrians were caused by drivers over the age of 70.
Each of the following statements violates at least one of the criteria presented in your textbook for the use of supporting materials. Identify the flaw (or flaws) in each statement.
a. Figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the median salary for physical therapists in the United States is $81,030. This shows that physical therapists earn an average of more than $80,000 a year.
b. A report by Mario Aldano titled Ending School Violence indicates that more than 17,000 high-school students are the victims of violence or robbery every single day.
c. According to statistics issued this year, California has the largest Hispanic population of any state in the Union at 14,013,719. Texas is second with 9,460,921, and Florida is third with 4,223,806.
Each of the following statements violates at least one of the criteria for effective supporting materials. Explain the flaw (or flaws) in each statement.
a. According to one expert, the top-earning jobs are still all in medicine. Anesthesiologists have an average salary of $235,070, followed by surgeons, who make $233,150 a year. Despite the similarity in salary, however, a magazine reports that surgeons have the more stressful job because the responsibility for saving the patients life always rests with them.
b. A random poll taken recently in Washington, D.C., showed that 78 percent of those interviewed opposed term limitations on U.S. senators and representatives. Clearly, then, the American people oppose such limitations.
c. In the words of one observer, As we move through the new millennium, the American public school system is just not working as it should. For example, in 2010, national test scores in English, math, and science were all lower than in 1999. As further evidence, test scores in the local school district declined by 10 percent during the 2010s.
Each of the following statements violates at least one of the criteria presented in your textbook for the use of supporting materials. Identify the flaw (or flaws) in each statement.
a. As Justin Timberlake stated in a recent interview, America must act now to protect its oceans from overfishing. If we dont take action right away, Timberlake said, many species of fish will be lost forever.
b. According to a study by General Motors, the quality and reliability of American-made cars has never been better.
c. Diabetes affects 382 million people around the world and kills 5.1 million every year, or one person every 6 seconds. According to the International Diabetes Foundation, there are an average of 10 million new cases each year. The number of cases has increased by 4.4 percent in just two years and now affects 5 percent of the global population. Although only 285 million people had the disease in 2009, the IDF expects the number to climb by 55 percent by 2035 and afflict 592 million people. Novo-Nordisk says that diabetes results in an annual 1 million amputations and 500,000 cases of kidney failure. The healthcare cost this year alone was $548 billion.
Explain the differences among the mean, the median, and the mode as statistical measures.
Your textbook provides six tips for the effective use of statistics in a speech. Identify and explain four of these tips.
What is the difference between peer testimony and expert testimony? Are there cases where the lines begin to blur? What are the principal benefits of using each kind of testimony in a speech?
Explain why each of the following would or would not be a reliable source of statistics in a speech about the environmental impact of drilling for oil in U.S. national parks.
a. the president of Shell Oil
b. a spokesperson for the National Wildlife Federation
c. a professor of economics at Stanford University
The number that occurs the most in a group of numbers is the ______________ .
According to your textbook, what three questions should you ask when evaluating statistics?
If you quoted the head of the United States Centers for Disease Control on chronic fatigue syndrome, you would be using _______________ testimony.
If you quoted Nobel Prizewinning economist Robert Shiller on current financial trends, you would be using _______________ testimony.
If you quoted Charles McCreery, director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, on the new systems in place for early detection of tsunamis, you would be using _______________ testimony.
If you quoted your brother who plays football in high school about steroid use among high school athletes, you would be using _______________ testimony.
If you quoted your roommate in a speech about the stress of being a college student, you would be using _______________ testimony.
If you quoted Tina Fey about balancing work and home life, you would be using _______________ testimony.
When you give the gist of someone elses statement in your own words, rather than quoting that person verbatim, you are _______________ .
Why are examples such effective ways to support ideas in a speech?
Explain the differences among the three types of examples discussed in the textbook. How can each be used effectively to support a speakers ideas?
Explain the following statement: Strictly speaking, statistics dont lie. But they can be easily manipulated and distorted. In your answer, include three examples of how statistics can be unethically manipulated and distorted.
Which of the following would probably be the most reliable source of testimony in a speech about the impact of automobile exhaust on air pollution?
a. the president of General Motors
b. a sociology professor at Yale University
c. the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
d. a public relations officer at Ford Motors
e. the head of the Better Business Bureau
Which of the following would probably be the most reliable source of testimony in a speech about successful dieting strategies?
a. the CEO of Weight Watchers
b. a history professor from Princeton University
c. the head of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals dietary supplements division
d. a scientist studying weight-loss methods at the U.S. National Institutes of Health
e. an infomercial for the NutriSystem weight loss program
According to your textbook, when citing Internet documents during a speech, a speaker should usually identify the
a. full address of the Web site for the document.
b. author or sponsoring organization responsible for the document.
c. date on which the document was published, posted, or updated.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
According to your textbook, when citing sources during a speech, a speaker should usually identify the
a. book, magazine, newspaper, or Web document being cited.
b. author or sponsoring organization responsible for the document.
c. qualifications of the author with regard to the topic.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
According to your textbook, the exact information you should include in an oral citation during a speech depends on
a. your topic.
b. your audience.
c. the type of supporting material you are using.
d. all of the above.
e. a and b only.
According to your textbook, when quoting an Internet document during a speech, a speaker should usually identify the
a. full address of the Web site for the document.
b. author or sponsoring organization responsible for the document.
c. search engine used to find the document.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
According to your textbook, when quoting an Internet document during a speech, a speaker should identify the
a. search engine used to find the document.
b. author of the document if the authors name is known.
c. organization responsible for the document if the authors name is not known.
d. all of the above.
e. b and c only.
In his speech on depression, Jorge said: According to materials I located through a Google search, almost 20 million American adults have a depressive illness serious enough to interfere with their jobs and their family life. According to your textbook, did Jorge make any mistakes in citing his sources?
a. No. Jorge provided a clear statistic from the Internet.
b. Yes. Jorge should have given the exact statistic instead of rounding it off to 20 million.
c. Yes. Jorge should have identified the documents author or sponsoring organization.
d. Yes. Jorge should have stated the statistic without mentioning where he found it.
e. No. Jorge cited Google, which is a reputable Internet search engine.
According to your textbook, the three basic kinds of supporting materials are _______________ , _______________ , and _______________ .
According to your textbook, an imaginary story that makes a general point is called a(n) _______________ example.
The _______________ , popularly called the average, is determined by adding up all the items in a group and dividing by the number of items.
The _______________ is the middle figure in a group once the numbers are put in order from highest to lowest.
According to your textbook, when presenting testimony in a speech, you should usually paraphrase the testimony, rather than quote it verbatim, if
a. the quotation is more than two or three sentences long.
b. you need to alter the quotation so it will say what you need to prove your point.
c. the wording of the quotation is obscure or cumbersome.
d. all of the above.
e. a and c only.
How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook?
According to NFL commissioner Robert Goodell, league officials had no knowledge that concussions posed a danger to their players.
a. It doesnt present information from an unbiased source.
b. It doesnt indicate whether the information came from the Internet.
c. It doesnt identify the source of the information.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook?
According to the American Dairy Producers Association, Americans need to drink more milk to make sure they are getting enough calcium and vitamin D every day.
a. It doesnt identify the source of the information.
b. It doesnt present information from an unbiased source.
c. It doesnt indicate whether the information came from the Internet.
d. all of the above
e. a and b only
How does the following excerpt from a classroom speech violate the guidelines for supporting materials presented in your textbook?
According to a study earlier this year by the Meyers Survey Research Company funded by McDonalds, there is no clear correlation between obesity and the consumption of fast food.
a. It doesnt indicate whether the information came from the Internet.
b. It doesnt present information from an unbiased source.
c. It doesnt include statistics.
d. all of the above
e. b and c only
According to your textbook, if you quoted Nobel Prizewinning physicist Steven Chu about his experiences growing up in Missouri as a Chinese American, what kind of testimony would you be using?
a. subjective
b. professional
c. private
d. expert
e. peer
In her speech about child abuse, Kim included the following statement:
The effects of child abuse last long after the child has grown to adulthood. As one victim of child abuse stated in a local newspaper article just last week, I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I still wake up in fear in the middle of the night. Even worse, I find myself raging at my own children and treating them like my parents treated me.
According to your textbook, what kind of supporting material did Kim use?
a. peer testimony
b. extended testimony
c. authoritative testimony
d. expert testimony
e. valid testimony
In his speech about natural disasters, Paul included the following statement:
Floods are psychologically as well as physically devastating. As one local flood victim told me, It is a helpless feeling to see the water continue to riseto see it wash away your home, to see it wash away your life. I just feel like giving up.
According to your textbook, what kind of supporting material did Paul use?
a. emotional testimony
b. spectator testimony
c. everyday testimony
d. subjective testimony
e. peer testimony
According to your textbook, if you quoted your cousin about her experience digging for dinosaur bones last summer, you would be using __________ testimony.
a. peer
b. personal
c. paraphrased
d. ordinary
e. direct
According to your textbook, if you quoted Microsoft founder Bill Gates about his personal experience caring for his aging parents, what kind of testimony would you be using?
a. subjective
b. professional
c. peer
d. private
e. expert
According to your textbook, if you quoted Kim Joyce, a resident of Staten Island, on the psychological effects of Hurricane Sandy, you would be using __________ testimony.
a. personal
b. subjective
c. occasional
d. peer
e. private
To paraphrase is to
a. create a new way of describing an event.
b. violate ethical standards of public speaking.
c. use someone elses words so you dont have to credit them.
d. give the gist of someones statement in your own words.
e. use testimony for persuasive speeches.
To give the gist of someones statement in your own words is to
a. paraphrase.
b. hypothesize.
c. corroborate.
d. testify.
e. quote.
When Julia Wang quoted former U.S. Social Security Commissioner Dorcas Hardy in her speech on reforming the Social Security system, she was using what your textbook calls __________ testimony.
a. peer
b. legitimate
c. professional
d. accurate
e. expert
According to your textbook, if you quoted Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, about e-commerce, what kind of testimony would you be using?
a. educational
b. direct
c. expert
d. professional
e. scientific
According to your textbook, if you quoted Adrienne Cheatham, a recent finalist on Top Chef, on the best cooking techniques, what kind of testimony would you be using?
a. scientific
b. professional
c. educational
d. direct
e. expert
According to your textbook, if you quoted Joy Perkins Newman, a National Institutes of Health researcher, on the causes of adolescent depression, what kind of testimony would you be using?
a. peer
b. expert
c. professional
d. scientific
e. direct