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Hierarchical societies place a significant emphasis on status and rank.
The importance of national borders has diminished in an era characterized by international joint ventures, mergers, licensing agreements, foreign capital investment, and offshore production.
The scientific/biomedical approach to health:
a. focuses on subjective diagnosis
b. is an evidence-based approach
c. assumes poor health is an immaterial problem
d. physical phenomenon can be treated using non-material things
e. C and D
The dominant form of health care treatment in the U.S. is:
a. scientific/biomedical
b. holistic
c. supernatural/mgico/religious tradition
d. B and C
e. none
What are some of the reasons a hospital or other medical facility might employ interpreters?
a. legal reasons
b. quality of care reasons
c. financial reasons
d. A and C
e. A, B, and C
Which of the following guidelines regarding medical interpreters were recommended by the authors?
a. use interpreters trained in the health care field
b. use cross-gendered interpreters whenever possible
c. a health professional should be with the patient and interpreter at all times
d. remember that patients usually understand less than they express
e. B and C
In order for health care provides to understand and appreciate other belief systems, ____.
a. they need to study other health care belief systems
b. they need to understand their own belief systems
c. differentiate between complementary and contradictory belief structures
d. A and B
e. A and C
All of the following reflect cross-cultural questions recommended for medical interviews except ____.
a. what do you call the illness?
b. what do you think caused the illness?
c. can you cause the illness in others?
d. what kind of treatment do you think is necessary?
e. what do you fear most about the illness?
Cultural diversity affects individual beliefs about death and dying, which can cause problems between providers and families about ____.
a. when to tell a patient he or she is dying
b. whether to tell a patient he or she is dying
c. how to tell a patient she or he is dying
d. A and C
e. A, B, and C
Social interaction is neither arbitrary nor disorderly, but is patterned by interaction rituals that specify normative ways of speaking and behaving in specific social contexts.
An individual's belief in her or his ability to organize and execute courses of action required to successfully accomplish a specific task in a particular context is known as:
a. self-efficacy
b. self-esteem
c. self-confidence
d. self-effacing
e. self-control
Immediate teachers are perceived as having all of the following characteristics except ____.
a. approachable
b. friendly
c. cold
d. responsive
e. relaxed
Which of the following would not help teachers communicate empathically?
a. attend to student's nonverbal and verbal behaviors
b. emphasize a competitive climate
c. accurately reflect and clarify feelings
d. be genuine and congruent
e. none
Ineffective communication strategies in multicultural classrooms include:
a. provide lots of opportunities to discuss global issues relevant to students
b. be sensitive to cultural customs that may differ from the mainstream
c. remind students that the classroom is a safe place for learning
d. encourage conversations that perpetuate us and them discussions
e. none
The ability to understand and work effectively with patients whose beliefs, values, and histories differ from one's own:
a. is essential for contemporary health care providers
b. is less relevant to scientific/biomedical tradition
c. is inextricable from the supernatural/mgico/religious tradition
d. reflects the holistic tradition
e. B and D
Followers of this tradition believe that sorcery, magic, and evil spirits can negatively affect them in their daily lives.
a. holistic
b. scientific/biomedical
c. namaste
d. supernatural/mgico/religious tradition
e. superstitionism
Identify the tradition not accurately linked with a cure:
a. supernatural/mgico/religious = hanyaks
b. traditional holistic = folk medicine
c. biomedical/scientific = acupuncture
d. A and B
e. A and C
Holistic approaches to the cause of illness assume:
a. there are natural laws that govern everything
b. to be healthy, a person's body must be in harmony
c. people should adapt and adjust to their environment
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
The mental processes people employ to think about and become aware of their universe are referred to as:
a. ways of knowing
b. epistemology
c. deep structures
d. universal cognitions
e. axiology
Holistic ways of seeing include all of the following except:
a. physical seeing with eyes
b. seeing the past
c. seeing with the mind
d. seeing the unseen or spirits
e. seeing through a medium or traditional healer
Field-independent learners tend to ____.
a. prefer to work together in a cooperative manner
b. to be task oriented
c. perceive objects as separate and unique
d. A and C
e. B and C
Learners who prefer a structured, predictable environment ____.
a. demonstrate intolerance for ambiguity
b. display a left hemispherical bias
c. are atypical in the U.S.
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
Linguistic issues in multicultural education discussed in the text include all of the following except ____.
a. the extent of cultural and linguistic diversity in American schools
b. the relationship between culturally and linguistically diverse students and self-esteem
c. discrepancies in educational preparedness
d. English as a second language
e. none
Culturally and linguistically diverse students face difficulties including ____.
a. cognitive aspects of learning with linguistic difficulties of learning in English
b. insufficient academic preparation
c. at higher grade levels, English proficiency is ever more essential
d. different countries emphasize different content and curricular sequences
e. A, B, C, and D
Chinese business culture is associated with all of the following except:
a. a collectivist, high-context culture that diffuses decision-making responsibilities
b. Chinese make decisions based on relationships
c. rarely defer personal interests to those of the group
d. discourage independent expression
e. power relationships are the ultimate determinant of Chinese social interaction
Loyalty to a company/employer in India is ____.
a. more important than loyalty to family
b. less important than loyalty to family
c. absolute
d. not typically expected
e. A and C
According to the text, Indian executives all of the following as 'key responsibilities' except ____.
a. chief input for business strategy
b. manager of relationships
c. keeper of organizational culture
d. guide, teacher, or role model for employees
e. a representative of owners and investors
When negotiating with Brazilians, representatives of American businesses should:
a. emphasis the universal rather than the specific
b. emphasize task over relationship
c. emphasize group over individual
d. A and C
e. none
Which of the following is not true about U.S.-Chinese business negotiations?
a. Chinese tend to feel 'rushed' by Western negotiators
b. Chinese more likely to want a detailed contract than Western negotiators
c. Chinese prefer a "soft no" to a direct negative
d. A and C
e. A, B, and C
When negotiating with Indians, what recommendation(s) did the text make for representatives of American businesses?
a. identify the leader of the Indian negotiating team and develop a strong rapport
b. build momentum by achieving smaller agreements on the way to larger ones
c. avoid underlying issues that may cause problems
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
The general intercultural negotiation skills recommended include all of the following except ____.
a. avoid and resist ambiguity
b. be prepared
c. develop sensitivity to the use of time
d. listen carefully
e. locate areas of agreement
The teaching of history is common in all cultures, but ____.
a. each culture tends to emphasize its own past
b. each culture tends to glorify their own accomplishments
c. each culture tends to minimize the accomplishments of other cultures
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
In the U.S., multicultural education includes all of the following concepts except ____.
a. teaching and learning
b. based on democratic principles
c. affirms cultural homogeneity
d. interdependent society
e. B, C, and D
The challenge(s) of multicultural education include which of the following?
a. inequality
b. diverse cultural backgrounds
c. rapidly changing society
d. A, B, and C
e. none
Domestically, all of the following statements about businesses in the U.S. are false except ____.
a. increases in minority co-cultures have impacted both workplace and marketplace
b. minority owned businesses grew by about 45% between 2002-2007
c. more than 2.3 million businesses in the U.S. owned by Hispanics
d. most business transactions involve a culturally homogeneous population
In the business sector, culture determines:
a. protocol
b. management and leadership
c. decision-making
d. negotiation and conflict management
e. A, B, C, and D
All of the following are basic protocols people dealing with international business should follow except ____.
a. remember hosts' names and how they are pronounced
b. be aware of local uses of time and punctuality
c. practice behaviors that demonstrate your rank and authority
d. create an appropriate impression by wearing suitable attire
e. enjoy social events while observing local customs related to food and drink
Identify the false statement.
a. extended handshakes are rare during first meetings in Brazil
b. Chinese usually greet the most senior person first and use formal titles
c. the traditional greeting in India is the namaste
d. Western women should not offer to shake hands with Indian men
e. Brazil, China, and India represent major forces in the global economy
Which of the following statements are true regarding Brazilian business culture?
a. corporate structure mimics family structure
b. reflects a collective culture
c. best qualified employees have experience and technical expertise
d. A and B
e. B and C
Explain what is meant by monochronic time, or M-time. Name at least two cultures that have this orientation and provide two examples that demonstrate the relationship.
What is meant by the term polychromic time, or P-time? Identify two cultures that share this orientation and provide examples that demonstrate the relationship.
What is the role of silence in communication? How is it used in different cultures?
Based on the recommendations offered in the text, what steps should you take to help improve your nonverbal communication skills?
The shared understanding of the meaning of communication and the behaviors appropriate for specific situations reflect what basic assumption?
a. communication is culturally determined
b. communication is rule governed
c. communication has a consequence
d. communication is unavoidable
e. communication is dynamic
Which of the following statements addressing communication rules is/are correct?
a. context helps specify communication rules
b. communication rules are culturally diverse
c. communication rules are universal in most contexts
d. A and B
e. A, B, and C
Informality in American culture:
a. can make international business more difficult
b. can be a source of confusion for people from more formal cultures:
c. makes international business more predictable
d. A and B
e. A and C
Cultures in which younger and subordinate members of an organization are not to use first names when referring to elder and higher ranked members ____.
a. have high formality
b. include countries like Germany and Japan
c. have high informality
d. A and B
e. A and C
Assertiveness is considered an asset in all of the following cultures except:
a. The Philippines
b. Israel
c. Germany
d. U.S.
e. none
Power distance relationships can be:
a. anarchical or hierarchical
b. egalitarian or totalitarian
c. egalitarian or hierarchical
d. anarchical or egalitarian
e. A and C
International business has been significantly impacted by ____.
a. the increasing importance of national borders
b. increased economic interdependence
c. increased role of economic dominance
d. decreasing number of companies with workers abroad
e. none
Compare and contrast the concepts of formal and informal time.
What is meant by a culture's orientation toward punctuality and pace? Define each concept and provide examples.
Discuss the relationship between culture and appearance. Include the concepts of beauty and skin color.
Provide at least three examples of attire associated with the Muslim faith. Discuss the meaning of these items within the culture as well as how they might be perceived by non-Muslim cultures.
How does the communicative value of body movement vary across cultures? Include examples of both posture, and gestures.
Differentiate between idiosyncratic, agreement, and beckoning gestures. Be sure to demonstrate cultural differences for each.
How does the frequency and intensity of gestures vary across cultures?
Identify at least three cultures which have different interpretations or rules of facial expression when compared to the United States. Be sure to identify both the culture and the nonverbal "rule."
Compare and contrast the concepts of eye contact, gaze, and staring. Include examples both within and outside the U.S.
List and describe the six different types of touch identified in the dominant U.S. culture.
Compare the cultural norms of touch in the U.S. to at least two other cultures. Be specific.
What is paralanguage? What are its primary components?
Describe an interaction in which vocal qualities, vocal characteristics, and vocal segregates are involved. Identify each instance and explain why they exemplify each concept.
Identify Hall's distance zones for defining personal space rules in the U.S. How might individuals from other cultures benefit from knowing them? How can it help with other cultures?
How do the rules of seating differ from culture to culture and what does seating communicate? Include at least two specific examples.
Are there cultural universals in nonverbal communication? Justify your answer.
African Americans tend to use less inflection and vocal range than most white Americans.
When we talk about the pitch, tone, rate, and tempo of speech, we are referring to vocal characterizers.
Umms, ers, likes, and you knows in a stream of speech are referred to as vocal segregates.
Laughing and crying are both considered vocal characteristics.
According to Hall's distance zones, 4 ft. to 12 ft. is considered to be social distance.
Because of the business standard, American offices and furniture are arranged in much the same way as they are in China, Japan, France, Germany, etc.
Scheduling a job interview for 2:00 pm is an example of formal use of time.
During negotiations, Americans have similar expectations with regard to small talk as their Japanese counterparts.
People of the Asian world tend to think of time as something fixed in nature.
P-time, or polychromic time, is an orientation common in Arab, African, and Latin American cultures.
A silent reaction to a business proposal would seem negative to American, French, and German executives, but not Arabic executives.
List and describe the functions of nonverbal communication. Provide an intercultural communication example for each.
Explain the role of nonverbal communication in the formation of identity.
What is the role of intentionality in nonverbal communication?