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Which following type of presentation aid is most effective for showing trends over time? a. a pie chart b. a line graph c. a diagram d. all of these choices e. none of these choices
If using a picture of a nuclear reactor to describe how its specific components work, a speaker is using a presentation aid primarily to __________.
a. increase audience retention throughout the speech
b. increase the speakers credibility
c. simplify a complex explanation
d. make a simple explanation more complex
e. none of these choices
If a person isnt well known, they wont be a suitable topic for an informative speech.
a. True
b. False
An analogy helps audiences understand a difficult concept by giving a specific description and example of the concept.
a. True
b. False
When giving an informative speech about an object, a speaker should always bring in the object.
a. True
b. False
When giving an informative speech about how to implement a process, separating the speech into steps is a suitable strategy. a. True b. False
One of the dangers of using an object as a visual aid in a speech is that __________.
a. you may use the object as a crutch and speak to it instead of the audience
b. it may tie up your hands if you dont have somewhere to put it down
c. an audience will be interested in an object
d. you may use the object as a crutch and speak to it instead of the audience and it may tie up your hands if you dont have somewhere to put it down are both dangers of using an object in a speech
e. none of these choices
One benefit of using posters or flipcharts to display images or text is that they are not subject to equipment failure like digital presentation aids. a. True b. False
Supplementary media should be a part of every speech.
a. True
b. False
Because they supplement you speech, visual presentation aids should be complicated.
a. True
b. False
Cropping or resizing a picture to emphasize a certain subject changes the original image so it is considered unethical. a. True b. False
Which following type of presentation aid is most effective at showing individual parts in a whole?
a. a bar chart
b. a line graph
c. a pie chart
d. a map
e. none of these choices
When using digital media, which of the following statements are true?
a. modern digital media is reliable enough to not require a backup plan
b. web-based presentation programs are more reliable, so you dont need a backup plan if your presentation aids are stored online
c. you should always be prepared to deliver a speech without digital media in case of technology failures
d. modern digital media is reliable enough to not require a backup plan and web-based presentation programs are more reliable, so you dont need a backup plan if your presentation aids are stored online are both true
e. none of these choices
If a speaker adds a clip of music to the beginning of a speech about the music clips composer, he or she is using a presentation aid primarily to __________.
a. increase the speakers credibility
b. simplify a complex explanation
c. increase audience engagement and attention
d. distract the audience from criticism of the composer
e. none of these choices
If a speaker demonstrates that he or she can perform yoga at the beginning of a speech about yoga, he or she is issuing that presentation aid primarily to __________.
a. distract the audience from criticizing the topic
b. increase the speakers credibility
c. simplify a complex explanation
d. make a simple explanation more complex
e. none of these choices
Which of the following uses of text is acceptable in a visual presentation aid?
a. labeling data points
b. giving a descriptive title to the presentation aid
c. including a part of your speech to read from as you explain the visual aid
d. labeling data points and giving a descriptive title to the presentation aid are acceptable uses of text
e. none of these choices
A presentation aid should not __________.
a. draw attention away from the speaker
b. simplify a complex explanation
c. be adjusted to specific audiences or locations
d. help deal with a challenge in giving a speech
e. none of these choices
When rehearsing for a speech with presentation aids __________.
a. focus on getting your speech perfect and the presentation aids will take care of themselves
b. during practice, work on transitions between speaking content and using presentation aids
c. rehearsal with presentation aids allows a speaker to check the aids for accuracy and effectiveness
d. during practice, work on transitions between speaking content and using presentation aids and rehearsal with presentation aids allows a speaker to check the aids for accuracy and effectiveness are both true
e. none of these choices
Which of the following should not be done with slide-based presentation software? a. use complex transition animations b. have a clear, consistent structure on slides c. use simple and clear text d. use functional and clear fonts and text sizes e. none of these choices
Which of the following is true about eye contact and presentation aids?
a. visual aids can tempt speakers to avoid making eye contact with the audience
b. eye contact is not important when explaining presentation aids
c. done properly, presentation aids are more interesting than what the speaker is saying
d. all of these choices
e. none of these choices
One of the dangers of using an object in a demonstration speech is that you will speak to the object instead of the audience. a. True b. False
Presentation aids allow a speaker to present their speech with less rehearsal time. a. True b. False
Eye contact with the audience is just as important to maintain in speeches with presentation aids as it is in speeches without presentation aids.
a. True
b. False
An important factor in deciding whether or not to use digital media is if the room is properly equipped to present your digital media.
a. True
b. False
Including objects as presentation aids should only be used in a demonstration speech.
a. True
b. False
Supplementary media helps the audience directly experience something you are speaking about.
a. True
b. False
Spatial mapping software uses an idea map to visualize a presentation. a. True b. False
Because presentation aids are supplemental to your speech its not necessary to cite their source.
a. True
b. False
PowerPoint is an effective tool when you need to share a lot of text in the presentation aid you use.
a. True
b. False
When using a graph to visually represent data, the graph should be data-rich.
a. True
b. False
During a demonstration speech when youre describing the steps in a process that uses the object youre displaying, you should also indicate or demonstrate, if possible, how the object is part of that process.
a. True
b. False
When preparing to deliver your speech, its helpful to remember that a well-constructed presentation aid does not require interpretation or explanation.
a. True
b. False
A presentation aid should not be used if it is a barrier to audience interaction.
a. True
b. False
Supplementary media cant be used to boost a speakers credibility. a. True b. False
If you personally took a picture and someone you know is featured prominently in it, you dont need their permission to use the picture in a presentation. a. True b. False
One purpose of a handout can be to provide the audience an outline for taking notes.
a. True
b. False
During a demonstration speech since youre displaying an object that everyone in your audience can see, you dont have to also tell your audience about that object. a. True b. False
When trying to manage anxiety, which of the following should you remember about the audience? a. The audience wants to hear a good speech. b. The audience cant tell you are as nervous as you feel. c. The audience probably isnt listening anyway. d. The audience wants to hear a good speech and the audience cant tell you are as nervous as you feel. e. none of these choices
When considering gestures for a speech, the most important thing to remember is __________.
a. every gesture should be carefully planned out
b. put your hands in your pockets when not gesturing
c. consider what you do naturally and just be yourself
d. all of these choices
e. none of these choices
If a question seems like it is going to lead you astray from the topic, the most appropriate response is to __________.
a. ignore the question and move on
b. request to continue the conversation after the question and answer session is over
c. answer the question and go down the tangent if it was asked in sincerity
d. all of the these responses are acceptable
e. none of these responses are acceptable
If a person attempts to persuade a mechanic to repair their car sooner, they are using a type of __________. a. prepared communication b. public speaking c. unethical behavior d. common sense e. none of these choices
Which of the following concepts separates public speaking from everyday communication?
a. the method of delivery
b. the time of day
c. the location
d. the identity of the speaker
e. none of these choices
When you make a mistake in a practice speech, you should __________. a. use it as an opportunity to practice recovering from mistakes b. start over and focus on not making that mistake again c. use it to practice verbal corrections such as, That was bad, lets try again d. all of these choices are acceptable e. none of these choices
From an audiences perspective, nervousness and anxiety can often seem like __________. a. enthusiasm b. pride c. boredom d. anger e. personality
Emphasizing certain words using volume and speed to help shape meaning is called __________.
a. inflection
b. extemporaneous
c. contrast
d. gesturing
e. style
When considering eye contact, which of the following statements is most true?
a. actual eye contact isnt required, just dont stare at your notes
b. you should never sweep the room, only jump from one direct eye contact to the other
c. just do whatever is comfortable for you, eye contact is optional
d. move between making real eye contact and looking around, and make eye contact a habit
e. none of these choices
Visualizing yourself as a nervous but successful speaker is one tool that can __________. a. help you choose the right type of delivery b. make you seem arrogant to your audience c. help you overcome speech anxiety d. help you choose appropriate gestures e. make you distracted from speech preparation
Which of the following materials would be most appropriate to assist in delivering an extemporaneous speech?
a. a word for word copy of the speech you want to deliver
b. an outline which lists topics and main points, with important details written out fully
c. a list of the facts you want to include in the speech
d. all of these choices, because extemporaneous speeches include everything
e. none of these choices, because extemporaneous speeches cant be prepared for
If a person asks a question you dont know the answer to, which of the following responses is most appropriate? a. Answer the question as best as possible. b. Ask if anyone in the audience knows the proper answer. c. Tell them you dont know. d. all of these responses are acceptable e. none of these responses are acceptable
Which of the following situations is best for practicing speeches? a. alone and in front of a mirror b. in front of strangers c. alone without a mirror d. in front of a trusted audience e. none of these choices
If an audience member makes a mini-speech of their own during a question and answer session, what is the most appropriate response?
a. Thank them and move to another question.
b. Interpret their statement as a question and respond.
c. Ask them to restate their words as a question.
d. All of these choices are acceptable.
e. none of these choices
In which of the following situations would a manuscript speech be most appropriate?
a. a political figure giving a nationally televised speech
b. a business meeting with your coworkers
c. giving a speech at an anniversary party
d. a lawyer addressing the jury during closing arguments in a criminal trial
e. none of these choices
In which of the following situations would an impromptu speech be most appropriate?
a. a business presentation of a new product
b. a speech from an important political figure concerning the state of the nation
c. a persuasive classroom speech on a complex issue
d. a toast at a celebration dinner
e. none of these choices
Which of the following actions is most appropriate for a transition in your speech?
a. looking down to your notes
b. pausing in your speech to move slightly
c. giving a grand gesture with your hands
d. all of these choices
e. none of these choices
When delivering a speech, you might give one word vocal focus because __________.
a. varying speed and volume creates a musical quality to your sentences
b. stressing a certain word as key to the meaning of that sentence or phrase
c. its fun to contrast two different words in a sentence
d. its an effective way to grab audience attention
e. none of these choices
Public speaking skills are learned throughout a persons life.
a. True
b. False
Over-enunciation of words is an important part of vocal delivery, because it makes you seem sophisticated.
a. True
b. False
If you make a mistake during a practice speech, you should stop and start over.
a. True
b. False
Extemporaneous speaking, the most common form of formal speaking for students, includes using a mixture of notes and memory.
a. True
b. False
When practicing your speech, its best to do so in front of a mirror.
a. True
b. False
When youre answering audience questions, you should do so as quickly as possible.
a. True
b. False
When youre delivering a public speech nervousness can be a good thing, because it means that you care about what the audience thinks.
a. True
b. False
All questions should be treated as a threatening challenge, even if they seem to be friendly.
a. True
b. False
According to your textbook, as long as the label public speaking is not attached to the event or occasion, most people feel quite comfortable talking in public. a. True b. False
When giving a speech, your voice should be as strong as you can make it, even if it is overpowering. a. True b. False
Which of the following is the most important skill to practice during a practice speech?
a. pronunciation using a mirror
b. hand gestures
c. jokes
d. proper breathing
e. none of these choices
When speakers become nervous and their voices become monotone theyve lost their natural ________.
a. inflection
b. focus
c. contrast
d. volume
e. none of the above
You should practice your speech all the way through one time before actually delivering it.
a. True
b. False
Impromptu speeches do not require support for claims because they cant be planned ahead of time.
a. True
b. False
Running through your speech in your mind is not considered a form of practice.
a. True
b. False
If you speak very slowly or with many long pauses, your audience is better able to follow all of your thoughts. a. True b. False
A metaphor such as Blood is life is a trope because __________.
a. metaphors create non-literal definitions or word meanings
b. metaphors use an interesting word order
c. metaphors can draw attention to certain key points the speaker wants to make
d. all of these choices
e. none of these choices
Respectful language is important to a successful speech because __________. a. public speaking is designed with an audienceand a publicin mind so you have to speak in a way that includes as many people as possible b. it is illegal to use disrespectful, off-colored language in a public speaking setting c. disrespectful, off-colored language doesnt express strong emotion d. all of these choices e. none of these choices
Choosing between, Its hot outside, and I am tired, or Its boiling out there, Im exhausted! is a choice of __________. a. style b. content c. figures d. respectful language e. none of these choices
The speakers chosen style of language should __________.
a. be able to sway any audience
b. be adapted to the occasion and the audience
c. be able to fit with any topic
d. be consistent no matter what the topic
e. all of the above
When using presentation aids, its acceptable to turn towards the aid and face away from the audience.
a. True
b. False
Pacing back and forth can be helpful during the most impassioned parts of a speech. a. True b. False
The best way to deal with anxiety is not to anticipate any anxiety at all. a. True b. False
When you stand unevenly on your feet during a speech, you are more apt to wiggle, tap your feet, or engage in other nervous habits. a. True b. False
While speaking from memory is rarely used, it is the most effective technique to sound spontaneous. a. True b. False